3 resultados para semiconducting II-V materials

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The association between celiac disease (CD) and dental enamel defects (DED) is well known. AIM: This study was designed to investigate the prevalence of DED in CD children and to specifically find a possible correlation between DED and gluten exposure period, CD clinical forms, HLA class II haplotype. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was designed as a matched case-control study: 374 children were enrolled (187 celiac and 187 non celiac). Data about age at CD diagnosis, CD clinical form and HLA haplotype were recorded. RESULTS: DED were detected in 87 celiac subject while no dental lesions were found in the remaining 100 patients; in 187 healthy controls enamel lesion were significantly less frequent (5.3 % versus 46.5% ; p<0.005).We found a correlation between DED and gluten exposure period, since among CD patients the mean age at CD diagnosis was significantly (p= 0.0004) higher in the group with DED (3.41± 1.27) than without DED (1.26± 0.7). DED resulted more frequent in atypical and silent forms than in the typical one. The presence of HLA DR 52-53 and DQ7 antigens significantly increased the risk of DED (p=0.0017). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirmed a possible correlation between CD clinical form, age at CD diagnosis, HLA antigens and DED. The origin of DED in CD children is due to multifactorial events and further studies are needed to investigate other determinants.


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The study of electrochemiluminescence (ECL) involves photophysical and electrochemical aspects. Excited states are populated by an electrical stimulus. The most important applications are in the diagnostic field where a number of different biologically-relevant molecules (e.g. proteins and nucleic acids) can be recognized and quantified with a sensitivity and specificity previously not reachable. As a matter of fact the electrochemistry, differently to the classic techniques as fluorescence and chemiluminescence, allows to control the excited state generation spatially and temporally. The two research visits into A. J. Bard electrochemistry laboratories were priceless. Dr. Bard has been one of ECL pioneers, the first to introduce the technique and the one who discovered in 1972 the surprising emission of Ru(bpy)3 2+. I consider necessary to thank by now my supervisors Massimo and Francesco for their help and for giving me the great opportunity to know this unique science man that made me feel enthusiastic. I will never be grateful enough… Considering that the experimental techniques of ECL did not changed significantly in these last years the most convenient research direction has been the developing of materials with new or improved properties. In Chapter I the basics concepts and mechanisms of ECL are introduced so that the successive experiments can be easily understood. In the final paragraph the scopes of the thesis are briefly described. In Chapter II by starting from ECL experimental apparatus of Dr. Bard’s laboratories the design, assembly and preliminary tests of the new Bologna instrument are carefully described. The instrument assembly required to work hard but resulted in the introduction of the new technique in our labs by allowing the continuation of the ECL studies began in Texas. In Chapter III are described the results of electrochemical and ECL studies performed on new synthesized Ru(II) complexes containing tetrazolate based ligands. ECL emission has been investigated in solution and in solid thin films. The effect of the chemical protonation of the tetrazolate ring on ECL emission has been also investigated evidencing the possibility of a catalytic effect (generation of molecular hydrogen) of one of the complexes in organic media. Finally, after a series of preliminary studies on ECL emission in acqueous buffers, the direct interaction with calf thymus DNA of some complexes has been tested by ECL and photoluminescence (PL) titration. In Chapter IV different Ir(III) complexes have been characterized electrochemically and photophysically (ECL and PL). Some complexes were already well-known in literature for their high quantum efficiency whereas the remaining were new synthesized compounds containing tetrazolate based ligands analogous to those investigated in Chapt. III. During the tests on a halogenated complex was unexpectedly evidenced the possibility to follow the kinetics of an electro-induced chemical reaction by using ECL signal. In the last chapter (V) the possibility to use mono-use silicon chips electrodes as ECL analitycal devices is under investigation. The chapter begins by describing the chip structure and materials then a signal reproducibility study and geometry optimization is carried on by using two different complexes. In the following paragraphs is reported in detail the synthesis of an ECL label based on Ru(bpy)3 2+ and the chip functionalization by using a lipoic acid SAM and the same label. After some preliminary characterizations (mass spectroscopy TOF) has been demonstrated that by mean of a simple and fast ECL measurement it’s possible to confirm the presence of the coupling product SAM-label into the chip with a very high sensitivity. No signal was detected from the same system by using photoluminescence.


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The development of safe, high energy and power electrochemical energy-conversion systems can be a response to the worldwide demand for a clean and low-fuel-consuming transport. This thesis work, starting from a basic studies on the ionic liquid (IL) electrolytes and carbon electrodes and concluding with tests on large-size IL-based supercapacitor prototypes demonstrated that the IL-based asymmetric configuration (AEDLCs) is a powerful strategy to develop safe, high-energy supercapacitors that might compete with lithium-ion batteries in power assist-hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). The increase of specific energy in EDLCs was achieved following three routes: i) the use of hydrophobic ionic liquids (ILs) as electrolytes; ii) the design and preparation of carbon electrode materials of tailored morphology and surface chemistry to feature high capacitance response in IL and iii) the asymmetric double-layer carbon supercapacitor configuration (AEDLC) which consists of assembling the supercapacitor with different carbon loadings at the two electrodes in order to exploit the wide electrochemical stability window (ESW) of IL and to reach high maximum cell voltage (Vmax). Among the various ILs investigated the N-methoxyethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (PYR1(2O1)TFSI) was selected because of its hydrophobicity and high thermal stability up to 350 °C together with good conductivity and wide ESW, exploitable in a wide temperature range, below 0°C. For such exceptional properties PYR1(2O1)TFSI was used for the whole study to develop large size IL-based carbon supercapacitor prototype. This work also highlights that the use of ILs determines different chemical-physical properties at the interface electrode/electrolyte with respect to that formed by conventional electrolytes. Indeed, the absence of solvent in ILs makes the properties of the interface not mediated by the solvent and, thus, the dielectric constant and double-layer thickness strictly depend on the chemistry of the IL ions. The study of carbon electrode materials evidences several factors that have to be taken into account for designing performing carbon electrodes in IL. The heat-treatment in inert atmosphere of the activated carbon AC which gave ACT carbon featuring ca. 100 F/g in IL demonstrated the importance of surface chemistry in the capacitive response of the carbons in hydrophobic ILs. The tailored mesoporosity of the xerogel carbons is a key parameter to achieve high capacitance response. The CO2-treated xerogel carbon X3a featured a high specific capacitance of 120 F/g in PYR14TFSI, however, exhibiting high pore volume, an excess of IL is required to fill the pores with respect to that necessary for the charge-discharge process. Further advances were achieved with electrodes based on the disordered template carbon DTC7 with pore size distribution centred at 2.7 nm which featured a notably high specific capacitance of 140 F/g in PYR14TFSI and a moderate pore volume, V>1.5 nm of 0.70 cm3/g. This thesis work demonstrated that by means of the asymmetric configuration (AEDLC) it was possible to reach high cell voltage up to 3.9 V. Indeed, IL-based AEDLCs with the X3a or ACT carbon electrodes exhibited specific energy and power of ca. 30 Wh/kg and 10 kW/kg, respectively. The DTC7 carbon electrodes, featuring a capacitance response higher of 20%-40% than those of X3a and ACT, respectively, enabled the development of a PYR14TFSI-based AEDLC with specific energy and power of 47 Wh/kg and 13 kW/kg at 60°C with Vmax of 3.9 V. Given the availability of the ACT carbon (obtained from a commercial material), the PYR1(2O1)TFSI-based AEDLCs assembled with ACT carbon electrodes were selected within the EU ILHYPOS project for the development of large-size prototypes. This study demonstrated that PYR1(2O1)TFSI-based AEDLC can operate between -30°C and +60°C and its cycling stability was proved at 60°C up to 27,000 cycles with high Vmax up to 3.8 V. Such AEDLC was further investigated following USABC and DOE FreedomCAR reference protocols for HEV to evaluate its dynamic pulse-power and energy features. It was demonstrated that with Vmax of 3.7 V at T> 30 °C the challenging energy and power targets stated by DOE for power-assist HEVs, and at T> 0 °C the standards for the 12V-TSS and 42V-FSS and TPA 2s-pulse applications are satisfied, if the ratio wmodule/wSC = 2 is accomplished, which, however, is a very demanding condition. Finally, suggestions for further advances in IL-based AEDLC performance were found. Particularly, given that the main contribution to the ESR is the electrode charging resistance, which in turn is affected by the ionic resistance in the pores that is also modulated by pore length, the pore geometry is a key parameter in carbon design not only because it defines the carbon surface but also because it can differentially “amplify” the effect of IL conductivity on the electrode charging-discharging process and, thus, supercapacitor time constant.