10 resultados para range of motion (ROM)

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The aim of this thesis was to describe the development of motion analysis protocols for applications on upper and lower limb extremities, by using inertial sensors-based systems. Inertial sensors-based systems are relatively recent. Knowledge and development of methods and algorithms for the use of such systems for clinical purposes is therefore limited if compared with stereophotogrammetry. However, their advantages in terms of low cost, portability, small size, are a valid reason to follow this direction. When developing motion analysis protocols based on inertial sensors, attention must be given to several aspects, like the accuracy of inertial sensors-based systems and their reliability. The need to develop specific algorithms/methods and software for using these systems for specific applications, is as much important as the development of motion analysis protocols based on them. For this reason, the goal of the 3-years research project described in this thesis was achieved first of all trying to correctly design the protocols based on inertial sensors, in terms of exploring and developing which features were suitable for the specific application of the protocols. The use of optoelectronic systems was necessary because they provided a gold standard and accurate measurement, which was used as a reference for the validation of the protocols based on inertial sensors. The protocols described in this thesis can be particularly helpful for rehabilitation centers in which the high cost of instrumentation or the limited working areas do not allow the use of stereophotogrammetry. Moreover, many applications requiring upper and lower limb motion analysis to be performed outside the laboratories will benefit from these protocols, for example performing gait analysis along the corridors. Out of the buildings, the condition of steady-state walking or the behavior of the prosthetic devices when encountering slopes or obstacles during walking can also be assessed. The application of inertial sensors on lower limb amputees presents conditions which are challenging for magnetometer-based systems, due to ferromagnetic material commonly adopted for the construction of idraulic components or motors. INAIL Prostheses Centre stimulated and, together with Xsens Technologies B.V. supported the development of additional methods for improving the accuracy of MTx in measuring the 3D kinematics for lower limb prostheses, with the results provided in this thesis. In the author’s opinion, this thesis and the motion analysis protocols based on inertial sensors here described, are a demonstration of how a strict collaboration between the industry, the clinical centers, the research laboratories, can improve the knowledge, exchange know-how, with the common goal to develop new application-oriented systems.


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Gleno-humeral joint (GHJ) is the most mobile joint of the human body. This is related to theincongr uence between the large humeral head articulating with the much smaller glenoid (ratio 3:1). The GHJ laxity is the ability of the humeral head to be passively translated on the glenoid fossa and, when physiological, it guarantees the normal range of motion of the joint. Three-dimensional GHJ linear displacements have been measured, both in vivo and in vitro by means of different instrumental techniques. In vivo gleno-humeral displacements have been assessed by means of stereophotogrammetry, electromagnetic tracking sensors, and bio-imaging techniques. Both stereophotogrammetric systems and electromagnetic tracking devices, due to the deformation of the soft tissues surrounding the bones, are not capable to accurately assess small displacements, such as gleno-humeral joint translations. The bio-imaging techniques can ensure for an accurate joint kinematic (linear and angular displacement) description, but, due to the radiation exposure, most of these techniques, such as computer tomography or fluoroscopy, are invasive for patients. Among the bioimaging techniques, an alternative which could provide an acceptable level of accuracy and that is innocuous for patients is represented by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Unfortunately, only few studies have been conducted for three-dimensional analysis and very limited data is available in situations where preset loads are being applied. The general aim of this doctoral thesis is to develop a non-invasive methodology based on open-MRI for in-vivo evaluation of the gleno-humeral translation components in healthy subjects under the application of external loads.


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A flexure hinge is a flexible connector that can provide a limited rotational motion between two rigid parts by means of material deformation. These connectors can be used to substitute traditional kinematic pairs (like bearing couplings) in rigid-body mechanisms. When compared to their rigid-body counterpart, flexure hinges are characterized by reduced weight, absence of backlash and friction, part-count reduction, but restricted range of motion. There are several types of flexure hinges in the literature that have been studied and characterized for different applications. In our study, we have introduced new types of flexures with curved structures i.e. circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. These flexures have been utilized for both planar applications (e.g. articulated robotic fingers) and spatial applications (e.g. spherical compliant mechanisms). We have derived closed-form compliance equations for both circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. Each element of the spatial compliance matrix is analytically computed as a function of hinge dimensions and employed material. The theoretical model is then validated by comparing analytical data with the results obtained through Finite Element Analysis. A case study is also presented for each class of flexures, concerning the potential applications in the optimal design of planar and spatial compliant mechanisms. Each case study is followed by comparing the performance of these novel flexures with the performance of commonly used geometries in terms of principle compliance factors, parasitic motions and maximum stress demands. Furthermore, we have extended our study to the design and analysis of serial and parallel compliant mechanisms, where the proposed flexures have been employed to achieve spatial motions e.g. compliant spherical joints.


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Wearable inertial and magnetic measurements units (IMMU) are an important tool for underwater motion analysis because they are swimmer-centric, they require only simple measurement set-up and they provide the performance results very quickly. In order to estimate 3D joint kinematics during motion, protocols were developed to transpose the IMMU orientation estimation to a biomechanical model. The aim of the thesis was to validate a protocol originally propositioned to estimate the joint angles of the upper limbs during one-degree-of-freedom movements in dry settings and herein modified to perform 3D kinematics analysis of shoulders, elbows and wrists during swimming. Eight high-level swimmers were assessed in the laboratory by means of an IMMU while simulating the front crawl and breaststroke movements. A stereo-photogrammetric system (SPS) was used as reference. The joint angles (in degrees) of the shoulders (flexion-extension, abduction-adduction and internal-external rotation), the elbows (flexion-extension and pronation-supination), and the wrists (flexion-extension and radial-ulnar deviation) were estimated with the two systems and compared by means of root mean square errors (RMSE), relative RMSE, Pearson’s product-moment coefficient correlation (R) and coefficient of multiple correlation (CMC). Subsequently, the athletes were assessed during pool swimming trials through the IMMU. Considering both swim styles and all joint degrees of freedom modeled, the comparison between the IMMU and the SPS showed median values of RMSE lower than 8°, representing 10% of overall joint range of motion, high median values of CMC (0.97) and R (0.96). These findings suggest that the protocol accurately estimated the 3D orientation of the shoulders, elbows and wrists joint during swimming with accuracy adequate for the purposes of research. In conclusion, the proposed method to evaluate the 3D joint kinematics through IMMU was revealed to be a useful tool for both sport and clinical contexts.


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Total ankle arthroplasty (TAA) is still not as satisfactory as total hip and total knee arthroplasty. For the TAA to be considered a valuable alternative to ankle arthrodesis, an effective range of ankle mobility must be recovered. The disappointing clinical results of the current generation of TAA are mostly related to poor understanding of the structures guiding ankle joint mobility. A new design (BOX Ankle) has been developed, uniquely able to restore physiologic ankle mobility and a natural relationship between the implanted components and the retained ligaments. For the first time the shapes of the tibial and talar components in the sagittal plane were designed to be compatible with the demonstrated ligament isometric rotation. This resulted in an unique motion at the replaced ankle where natural sliding as well as rolling motion occurs while at the same time full conformity is maintained between the three components throughout the flexion arc. According to prior research, the design features a spherical convex tibial component, a talar component with radius of curvature in the sagittal plane longer than that of the natural talus, and a fully conforming meniscal component. After computer-based modelling and preliminary observations in several trial implantation in specimens, 126 patients were implanted in the period July 2003 – December 2008. 75 patients with at least 6 months follow-up are here reported. Mean age was 62,6 years (range 22 – 80), mean follow-up 20,2 months. The AOFAS clinical score systems were used to assess patient outcome. Radiographs at maximal dorsiflexion and maximal plantar flexion confirmed the meniscalbearing component moves anteriorly during dorsiflexion and posteriorly during plantarflexion. Frontal and lateral radiographs in the patients, show good alignment of the components, and no signs of radiolucency or loosening. The mean AOFAS score was observed to go from 41 pre-op to 74,6 at 6 month follow-up, with further improvement at the following follow-up. These early results reveal satisfactory clinical scores, with good recovery of range of motion and reduction of pain. Radiographic assessment reveals good osteointegration. All these preliminary results confirm biomechanical studies and the validity of this novel ligamentcompatible prosthesis design. Surely it will be important to re-evaluate these patients later.


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Il trattamento dell’osteoartrosi (OA) del cane è una sfida nella pratica clinica veterinaria. Molti trattamenti sono stati proposti, tuttavia la risposta clinica agli stessi non è sempre soddisfacente. Molti farmaci sono utilizzati per il trattamento dell’OA, tra cui farmaci anti-infiammatori non steroidei, corticosteroidi, ed inibitori della produzione dell’ossido nitrico. Lo stanozololo è un derivato sintetico del testosterone; oltre alle sue proprietà anaboliche/androgeniche , a basse dosi lo stanozololo ha un affinità per i recettori glucocorticoidi. Per questa attività antinfiammatoria e rigenerativa sui tessuti articolari danneggiati viene utilizzato nella degenerative joint desease del cavallo. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato di valutare l’efficacia clinica dello stanozololo intra-articolare a 15, 30, 45 e 60 giorni dal trattamento di gomiti con OA di cane. E’ stato eseguito uno studio cieco, multicentrico e randomizzato. Previo consenso informato, sono stati arruolati 48 cani, suddivisi in 3 gruppi e trattati con stanozololo, mavacoxib e con entrambi i farmaci. Sono state valutate zoppia, tollerabilità del trattamento, range of motion, e punteggio radiografico. Inoltre sono state stabilite e annoverate quantità e qualità del liquido sinoviale. Ai dati ottenuti sono stati applicati i test di Kruskal-Wallis, Chi-quadro e Fischer, i quali hanno dimostrato l’efficacia della terapia nei singoli gruppi e tra i diversi gruppi di studio. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato la riduzione di almeno un grado di zoppia e la riduzione della progressione dell’OA nei casi trattati con stanozololo. Si può quindi affermare che tale molecola per via intra-articolare può essere una valida alternativa per il trattamento dell’OA di gomito nel cane.


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The determination of skeletal loading conditions in vivo and their relationship to the health of bone tissues, remain an open question. Computational modeling of the musculoskeletal system is the only practicable method providing a valuable approach to muscle and joint loading analyses, although crucial shortcomings limit the translation process of computational methods into the orthopedic and neurological practice. A growing attention focused on subject-specific modeling, particularly when pathological musculoskeletal conditions need to be studied. Nevertheless, subject-specific data cannot be always collected in the research and clinical practice, and there is a lack of efficient methods and frameworks for building models and incorporating them in simulations of motion. The overall aim of the present PhD thesis was to introduce improvements to the state-of-the-art musculoskeletal modeling for the prediction of physiological muscle and joint loads during motion. A threefold goal was articulated as follows: (i) develop state-of-the art subject-specific models and analyze skeletal load predictions; (ii) analyze the sensitivity of model predictions to relevant musculotendon model parameters and kinematic uncertainties; (iii) design an efficient software framework simplifying the effort-intensive phases of subject-specific modeling pre-processing. The first goal underlined the relevance of subject-specific musculoskeletal modeling to determine physiological skeletal loads during gait, corroborating the choice of full subject-specific modeling for the analyses of pathological conditions. The second goal characterized the sensitivity of skeletal load predictions to major musculotendon parameters and kinematic uncertainties, and robust probabilistic methods were applied for methodological and clinical purposes. The last goal created an efficient software framework for subject-specific modeling and simulation, which is practical, user friendly and effort effective. Future research development aims at the implementation of more accurate models describing lower-limb joint mechanics and musculotendon paths, and the assessment of an overall scenario of the crucial model parameters affecting the skeletal load predictions through probabilistic modeling.


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La rottura del Legamento Crociato Craniale (LCCr) rappresenta una delle patologie ortopediche di maggiore riscontro clinico nella specie canina. In seguito a rottura del LCCr si presenta un continuo slittamento craniale della tibia il quale esita in un processo osteoartrosico. La risoluzione chirurgica rappresenta la migliore soluzione terapeutica. Le tecniche chirurgiche extra-articolari con sfruttamento dei punti isometrici del ginocchio si presentano come delle procedure molto diffuse e utilizzate. Questa tesi propone di validare l’uso di un nuovo sistema di navigazione computerizzato-assistito per la valutazione cinematica durante la ricostruzione del LCCr nel cane, ma soprattutto di studiare e confrontare il comportamento e l’efficacia dopo ricostruzione TightRope (TR) in due diverse coppie di punti isometrici. Abbiamo effettuato due analisi in parallelo. La prima eseguendo interventi chirurgici con tecnica TR su 18 casi clinici e sfruttando il punto isometrico del femore (F2) e due diversi punti isometrici della tibia (T2 o T3). L’analisi prevedeva dei controlli postoperatori a 1, 3 e 6 mesi. Ad ogni controllo veniva effettuata una visita ortopedica, esami radiografici, un questionario di valutazione clinico e di soddisfazione del proprietario. Mentre nella ricerca Ex-Vivo abbiamo eseguito dei test su 14 preparati anatomici con l’utilizzo di un sistema di navigazione computerizzato per la rilevazione dei dati. L’analisi prevedeva la valutazione dell’articolazione in diversi stadi: LCCr intatto; LCCr rotto; dopo ricostruzione con TR in F2-T2 e tensionato a 22N, 44N e 99N; dopo ricostruzione con TR in F2-T3 e tensionato a 22N, 44N e 99N. Ad ogni stadio si eseguivano cinque test di valutazione, tra cui: Test del Cassetto, Test di compressione tibiale (TCT), Rotazione Interna/Esterna, Flesso/Estensione e Varo/Valgo. Lo scopo di tale studio è quello di confrontare tra loro i punti isometrici del ginocchio e di analizzare l’efficacia della tecnica TR nelle due differenti condizioni di isometria (F2-T2 e F2-T3).


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Aim of this research is the development and validation of a comprehensive multibody motorcycle model featuring rigid-ring tires, taking into account both slope and roughness of road surfaces. A novel parametrization for the general kinematics of the motorcycle is proposed, using a mixed reference-point and relative-coordinates approach. The resulting description, developed in terms of dependent coordinates, makes it possible to efficiently include rigid-ring kinematics as well as road elevation and slope. The equations of motion for the multibody system are derived symbolically and the constraint equations arising from the dependent-coordinate formulation are handled using a projection technique. Therefore the resulting system of equations can be integrated in time domain using a standard ODE algorithm. The model is validated with respect to maneuvers experimentally measured on the race track, showing consistent results and excellent computational efficiency. More in detail, it is also capable of reproducing the chatter vibration of racing motorcycles. The chatter phenomenon, appearing during high speed cornering maneuvers, consists of a self-excited vertical oscillation of both the front and rear unsprung masses in the range of frequency between 17 and 22 Hz. A critical maneuver is numerically simulated, and a self-excited vibration appears, consistent with the experimentally measured chatter vibration. Finally, the driving mechanism for the self-excitation is highlighted and a physical interpretation is proposed.


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The evaluation of the knee joint behavior is fundamental in many applications, such as joint modeling, prosthesis and orthosis design. In-vitro tests are important in order to analyse knee behavior when simulating various loading conditions and studying physiology of the joint. A new test rig for in-vitro evaluation of the knee joint behavior is presented in this paper. It represents the evolution of a previously proposed rig, designed to overcome its principal limitations and to improve its performances. The design procedure and the adopted solution in order to satisfy the specifications are presented here. Thanks to its 6-6 Gough-Stewart parallel manipulator loading system, the rig replicates general loading conditions, like daily actions or clinical tests, on the specimen in a wide range of flexion angles. The restraining actions of knee muscles can be simulated when active actions are simulated. The joint motion in response to the applied loads, guided by passive articular structures and muscles, is permitted by the characteristics of the loading system which is force controlled. The new test rig guarantees visibility so that motion can be measured by an optoelectronic system. Furthermore, the control system of the new test rig allows the estimation of the contribution of the principal leg muscles in guaranteeing the equilibrium of the joint by the system for muscle simulation. Accuracy in positioning is guaranteed by the designed tibia and femur fixation systems,which allow unmounting and remounting the specimen in the same pose. The test rig presented in this paper permits the analysis of the behavior of the knee joint and comparative analysis on the same specimen before and after surgery, in a way to assess the goodness of prostheses or surgical treatments.