10 resultados para quantitative phase analysis

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Procedures for quantitative walking analysis include the assessment of body segment movements within defined gait cycles. Recently, methods to track human body motion using inertial measurement units have been suggested. It is not known if these techniques can be readily transferred to clinical measurement situations. This work investigates the aspects necessary for one inertial measurement unit mounted on the lower back to track orientation, and determine spatio-temporal features of gait outside the confines of a conventional gait laboratory. Apparent limitations of different inertial sensors can be overcome by fusing data using methods such as a Kalman filter. The benefits of optimizing such a filter for the type of motion are unknown. 3D accelerations and 3D angular velocities were collected for 18 healthy subjects while treadmill walking. Optimization of Kalman filter parameters improved pitch and roll angle estimates when compared to angles derived using stereophotogrammetry. A Weighted Fourier Linear Combiner method for estimating 3D orientation angles by constructing an analytical representation of angular velocities and allowing drift free integration is also presented. When tested this method provided accurate estimates of 3D orientation when compared to stereophotogrammetry. Methods to determine spatio-temporal features from lower trunk accelerations generally require knowledge of sensor alignment. A method was developed to estimate the instants of initial and final ground contact from accelerations measured by a waist mounted inertial device without rigorous alignment. A continuous wavelet transform method was used to filter and differentiate the signal and derive estimates of initial and final contact times. The technique was tested with data recorded for both healthy and pathologic (hemiplegia and Parkinson’s disease) subjects and validated using an instrumented mat. The results show that a single inertial measurement unit can assist whole body gait assessment however further investigation is required to understand altered gait timing in some pathological subjects.


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in the everyday clinical practice. Having this in mind, the choice of a simple setup would not be enough because, even if the setup is quick and simple, the instrumental assessment would still be in addition to the daily routine. The will to overcome this limit has led to the idea of instrumenting already existing and widely used functional tests. In this way the sensor based assessment becomes an integral part of the clinical assessment. Reliable and validated signal processing methods have been successfully implemented in Personal Health Systems based on smartphone technology. At the end of this research project there is evidence that such solution can really and easily used in clinical practice in both supervised and unsupervised settings. Smartphone based solution, together or in place of dedicated wearable sensing units, can truly become a pervasive and low-cost means for providing suitable testing solutions for quantitative movement analysis with a clear clinical value, ultimately providing enhanced balance and mobility support to an aging population.


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The research reported in this manuscript concerns the structural characterization of graphene membranes and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The experimental investigation was performed using a wide range of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques, from conventional imaging and diffraction, to advanced interferometric methods, like electron holography and Geometric Phase Analysis (GPA), using a low-voltage optical set-up, to reduce radiation damage in the samples. Electron holography was used to successfully measure the mean electrostatic potential of an isolated SWCNT and that of a mono-atomically thin graphene crystal. The high accuracy achieved in the phase determination, made it possible to measure, for the first time, the valence-charge redistribution induced by the lattice curvature in an individual SWCNT. A novel methodology for the 3D reconstruction of the waviness of a 2D crystal membrane has been developed. Unlike other available TEM reconstruction techniques, like tomography, this new one requires processing of just a single HREM micrograph. The modulations of the inter-planar distances in the HREM image are measured using Geometric Phase Analysis, and used to recover the waviness of the crystal. The method was applied to the case of a folded FGC, and a height variation of 0.8 nm of the surface was successfully determined with nanometric lateral resolution. The adhesion of SWCNTs to the surface of graphene was studied, mixing shortened SWCNTs of different chiralities and FGC membranes. The spontaneous atomic match of the two lattices was directly imaged using HREM, and we found that graphene membranes act as tangential nano-sieves, preferentially grafting achiral tubes to their surface.


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Pharmaceuticals are useful tools to prevent and treat human and animal diseases. Following administration, a significant fraction of pharmaceuticals is excreted unaltered into faeces and urine and may enter the aquatic ecosystem and agricultural soil through irrigation with recycled water, constituting a significant source of emerging contaminants into the environment. Understanding major factors influencing their environmental fate is consequently needed to value the risk, reduce contamination, and set up bioremediation technologies. The antiviral drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir carboxylate, OC) has received recent attention due to the potential use as a first line defence against H5N1 and H1N1 influenza viruses. Research has shown that OC is not removed during conventional wastewater treatments, thus having the potential to enter surface water bodies. A series of laboratory experiments investigated the fate and the removal of OC in surface water systems in Italy and Japan and in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. A preliminary laboratory study investigated the persistence of the active antiviral drug in water samples from an irrigation canal in northern Italy (Canale Emiliano Romagnolo). After an initial rapid decrease, OC concentration slowly decreased during the remaining incubation period. Approximately 65% of the initial OC amount remained in water at the end of the 36-day incubation period. A negligible amount of OC was lost both from sterilized water and from sterilized water/sediment samples, suggesting a significant role of microbial degradation. Stimulating microbial processes by the addition of sediments resulted in reduced OC persistence. Presence of OC (1.5 μg mL-1) did not significantly affect the metabolic potential of the water microbial population, that was estimated by glyphosate and metolachlor mineralization. In contrast, OC caused an initial transient decrease in the size of the indigenous microbial population of water samples. A second laboratory study focused on basic processes governing the environmental fate of OC in surface water from two contrasting aquatic ecosystems of northern Italy, the River Po and the Venice Lagoon. Results of this study confirmed the potential of OC to persist in surface water. However, the addition of 5% of sediments resulted in rapid OC degradation. The estimated half-life of OC in water/sediment of the River Po was 15 days. After three weeks of incubation at 20 °C, more than 8% of 14C-OC evolved as 14CO2 from water/sediment samples of the River Po and Venice Lagoon. OC was moderately retained onto coarse sediments from the two sites. In water/sediment samples of the River Po and Venice Lagoon treated with 14C-OC, more than 30% of the 14C-residues remained water-extractable after three weeks of incubation. The low affinity of OC to sediments suggests that the presence of sediments would not reduce its bioavailability to microbial degradation. Another series of laboratory experiments investigated the fate and the removal of OC in two surface water ecosystems of Japan and in the municipal wastewater treatment plant of the city of Bologna, in Northern Italy. The persistence of OC in surface water ranged from non-detectable degradation to a half-life of 53 days. After 40 days, less than 3% of radiolabeled OC evolved as 14CO2. The presence of sediments (5%) led to a significant increase of OC degradation and of mineralization rates. A more intense mineralization was observed in samples of the wastewater treatment plant when applying a long incubation period (40 days). More precisely, 76% and 37% of the initial radioactivity applied as 14C-OC was recovered as 14CO2 from samples of the biological tank and effluent water, respectively. Two bacterial strains growing on OC as sole carbon source were isolated and used for its removal from synthetic medium and environmental samples, including surface water and wastewater. Inoculation of water and wastewater samples with the two OC-degrading strains showed that mineralization of OC was significantly higher in both inoculated water and wastewater, than in uninoculated controls. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and quantitative PCR analysis showed that OC would not affect the microbial population of surface water and wastewater. The capacity of the ligninolytic fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium to degrade a wide variety of environmentally persistent xenobiotics has been largely reported in literature. In a series of laboratory experiments, the efficiency of a formulation using P. chrysosporium was evaluated for the removal of selected pharmaceuticals from wastewater samples. Addition of the fungus to samples of the wastewater treatment plant of Bologna significantly increased (P < 0.05) the removal of OC and three antibiotics, erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole, and ciprofloxacin. Similar effects were also observed in effluent water. OC was the most persistent of the four pharmaceuticals. After 30 days of incubation, approximately two times more OC was removed in bioremediated samples than in controls. The highest removal efficiency of the formulation was observed with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. The studies included environmental aspects of soil contamination with two emerging veterinary contaminants, such as doramectin and oxibendazole, wich are common parasitic treatments in cattle farms.


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Fino dagli albori della metodica scientifica, l’osservazione e la vista hanno giocato un ruolo fondamentale. La patologia è una scienza visiva, dove le forme, i colori, le interfacce e le architetture di organi, tessuti, cellule e componenti cellulari guidano l’occhio del patologo e ne indirizzano la scelta diagnostico-classificativa. L’osservazione del preparato istologico in microscopia ottica si attua mediante l’esame e la caratterizzazione di anomalie ad ingrandimenti progressivamente crescenti, a diverse scale spaziali, che partono dalla valutazione dell’assetto architettonico sovracellulare, per poi spostarsi ad investigare e descrivere le cellule e le peculiarità citomorfologiche delle stesse. A differenza di altri esami di laboratorio che sono pienamente quantificabili, l’analisi istologica è intrinsecamente soggettiva, e quindi incline ad un alto grado di variabilità nei risultati prodotti da differenti patologi. L’analisi d’immagine, l’estrazione da un’immagine digitale di contenuti utili, rappresenta una metodica oggettiva, valida e robusta ormai largamente impiegata a completamento del lavoro del patologo. Si sottolinea come l’analisi d’immagine possa essere vista come fase descrittiva quantitativa di preparati macroscopici e microscopici che poi viene seguita da una interpretazione. Nuovamente si sottolinea come questi descrittori siano oggettivi, ripetibili e riproducibili, e non soggetti a bassa concordanza inter operatore. La presente tesi si snoda attraverso un percorso concettuale orientato ad applicazioni di analisi d’immagine e patologia quantitativa che parte dalle applicazioni più elementari (densità, misure lineari), per arrivare a nozioni più avanzate, quali lo studio di complessità delle forme mediante l’analisi frattale e la quantificazione del pattern spaziale di strutture sovracellulari.


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A main objective of the human movement analysis is the quantitative description of joint kinematics and kinetics. This information may have great possibility to address clinical problems both in orthopaedics and motor rehabilitation. Previous studies have shown that the assessment of kinematics and kinetics from stereophotogrammetric data necessitates a setup phase, special equipment and expertise to operate. Besides, this procedure may cause feeling of uneasiness on the subjects and may hinder with their walking. The general aim of this thesis is the implementation and evaluation of new 2D markerless techniques, in order to contribute to the development of an alternative technique to the traditional stereophotogrammetric techniques. At first, the focus of the study has been the estimation of the ankle-foot complex kinematics during stance phase of the gait. Two particular cases were considered: subjects barefoot and subjects wearing ankle socks. The use of socks was investigated in view of the development of the hybrid method proposed in this work. Different algorithms were analyzed, evaluated and implemented in order to have a 2D markerless solution to estimate the kinematics for both cases. The validation of the proposed technique was done with a traditional stereophotogrammetric system. The implementation of the technique leads towards an easy to configure (and more comfortable for the subject) alternative to the traditional stereophotogrammetric system. Then, the abovementioned technique has been improved so that the measurement of knee flexion/extension could be done with a 2D markerless technique. The main changes on the implementation were on occlusion handling and background segmentation. With the additional constraints, the proposed technique was applied to the estimation of knee flexion/extension and compared with a traditional stereophotogrammetric system. Results showed that the knee flexion/extension estimation from traditional stereophotogrammetric system and the proposed markerless system were highly comparable, making the latter a potential alternative for clinical use. A contribution has also been given in the estimation of lower limb kinematics of the children with cerebral palsy (CP). For this purpose, a hybrid technique, which uses high-cut underwear and ankle socks as “segmental markers” in combination with a markerless methodology, was proposed. The proposed hybrid technique is different than the abovementioned markerless technique in terms of the algorithm chosen. Results showed that the proposed hybrid technique can become a simple and low-cost alternative to the traditional stereophotogrammetric systems.


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The quest for universal memory is driving the rapid development of memories with superior all-round capabilities in non-volatility, high speed, high endurance and low power. The memory subsystem accounts for a significant cost and power budget of a computer system. Current DRAM-based main memory systems are starting to hit the power and cost limit. To resolve this issue the industry is improving existing technologies such as Flash and exploring new ones. Among those new technologies is the Phase Change Memory (PCM), which overcomes some of the shortcomings of the Flash such as durability and scalability. This alternative non-volatile memory technology, which uses resistance contrast in phase-change materials, offers more density relative to DRAM, and can help to increase main memory capacity of future systems while remaining within the cost and power constraints. Chalcogenide materials can suitably be exploited for manufacturing phase-change memory devices. Charge transport in amorphous chalcogenide-GST used for memory devices is modeled using two contributions: hopping of trapped electrons and motion of band electrons in extended states. Crystalline GST exhibits an almost Ohmic I(V) curve. In contrast amorphous GST shows a high resistance at low biases while, above a threshold voltage, a transition takes place from a highly resistive to a conductive state, characterized by a negative differential-resistance behavior. A clear and complete understanding of the threshold behavior of the amorphous phase is fundamental for exploiting such materials in the fabrication of innovative nonvolatile memories. The type of feedback that produces the snapback phenomenon is described as a filamentation in energy that is controlled by electron–electron interactions between trapped electrons and band electrons. The model thus derived is implemented within a state-of-the-art simulator. An analytical version of the model is also derived and is useful for discussing the snapback behavior and the scaling properties of the device.


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This thesis is divided in three chapters. In the first chapter we analyse the results of the world forecasting experiment run by the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP). We take the opportunity of this experiment to contribute to the definition of a more robust and reliable statistical procedure to evaluate earthquake forecasting models. We first present the models and the target earthquakes to be forecast. Then we explain the consistency and comparison tests that are used in CSEP experiments to evaluate the performance of the models. Introducing a methodology to create ensemble forecasting models, we show that models, when properly combined, are almost always better performing that any single model. In the second chapter we discuss in depth one of the basic features of PSHA: the declustering of the seismicity rates. We first introduce the Cornell-McGuire method for PSHA and we present the different motivations that stand behind the need of declustering seismic catalogs. Using a theorem of the modern probability (Le Cam's theorem) we show that the declustering is not necessary to obtain a Poissonian behaviour of the exceedances that is usually considered fundamental to transform exceedance rates in exceedance probabilities in the PSHA framework. We present a method to correct PSHA for declustering, building a more realistic PSHA. In the last chapter we explore the methods that are commonly used to take into account the epistemic uncertainty in PSHA. The most widely used method is the logic tree that stands at the basis of the most advanced seismic hazard maps. We illustrate the probabilistic structure of the logic tree, and then we show that this structure is not adequate to describe the epistemic uncertainty. We then propose a new probabilistic framework based on the ensemble modelling that properly accounts for epistemic uncertainties in PSHA.


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The physico-chemical characterization, structure-pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies of new semi synthetic analogues of natural bile acids (BAs) drug candidates have been performed. Recent studies discovered a role of BAs as agonists of FXR and TGR5 receptor, thus opening new therapeutic target for the treatment of liver diseases or metabolic disorders. Up to twenty new semisynthetic analogues have been synthesized and studied in order to find promising novel drugs candidates. In order to define the BAs structure-activity relationship, their main physico-chemical properties (solubility, detergency, lipophilicity and affinity with serum albumin) have been measured with validated analytical methodologies. Their metabolism and biodistribution has been studied in “bile fistula rat”, model where each BA is acutely administered through duodenal and femoral infusion and bile collected at different time interval allowing to define the relationship between structure and intestinal absorption and hepatic uptake ,metabolism and systemic spill-over. One of the studied analogues, 6α-ethyl-3α7α-dihydroxy-5β-cholanic acid, analogue of CDCA (INT 747, Obeticholic Acid (OCA)), recently under approval for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases, requires additional studies to ensure its safety and lack of toxicity when administered to patients with a strong liver impairment. For this purpose, CCl4 inhalation to rat causing hepatic decompensation (cirrhosis) animal model has been developed and used to define the difference of OCA biodistribution in respect to control animals trying to define whether peripheral tissues might be also exposed as a result of toxic plasma levels of OCA, evaluating also the endogenous BAs biodistribution. An accurate and sensitive HPLC-ES-MS/MS method is developed to identify and quantify all BAs in biological matrices (bile, plasma, urine, liver, kidney, intestinal content and tissue) for which a sample pretreatment have been optimized.