18 resultados para qualitative and quantitative methods

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The construction and use of multimedia corpora has been advocated for a while in the literature as one of the expected future application fields of Corpus Linguistics. This research project represents a pioneering experience aimed at applying a data-driven methodology to the study of the field of AVT, similarly to what has been done in the last few decades in the macro-field of Translation Studies. This research was based on the experience of Forlixt 1, the Forlì Corpus of Screen Translation, developed at the University of Bologna’s Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Culture. As a matter of fact, in order to quantify strategies of linguistic transfer of an AV product, we need to take into consideration not only the linguistic aspect of such a product but all the meaning-making resources deployed in the filmic text. Provided that one major benefit of Forlixt 1 is the combination of audiovisual and textual data, this corpus allows the user to access primary data for scientific investigation, and thus no longer rely on pre-processed material such as traditional annotated transcriptions. Based on this rationale, the first chapter of the thesis sets out to illustrate the state of the art of research in the disciplinary fields involved. The primary objective was to underline the main repercussions on multimedia texts resulting from the interaction of a double support, audio and video, and, accordingly, on procedures, means, and methods adopted in their translation. By drawing on previous research in semiotics and film studies, the relevant codes at work in visual and acoustic channels were outlined. Subsequently, we concentrated on the analysis of the verbal component and on the peculiar characteristics of filmic orality as opposed to spontaneous dialogic production. In the second part, an overview of the main AVT modalities was presented (dubbing, voice-over, interlinguistic and intra-linguistic subtitling, audio-description, etc.) in order to define the different technologies, processes and professional qualifications that this umbrella term presently includes. The second chapter focuses diachronically on various theories’ contribution to the application of Corpus Linguistics’ methods and tools to the field of Translation Studies (i.e. Descriptive Translation Studies, Polysystem Theory). In particular, we discussed how the use of corpora can favourably help reduce the gap existing between qualitative and quantitative approaches. Subsequently, we reviewed the tools traditionally employed by Corpus Linguistics in regard to the construction of traditional “written language” corpora, to assess whether and how they can be adapted to meet the needs of multimedia corpora. In particular, we reviewed existing speech and spoken corpora, as well as multimedia corpora specifically designed to investigate Translation. The third chapter reviews Forlixt 1's main developing steps, from a technical (IT design principles, data query functions) and methodological point of view, by laying down extensive scientific foundations for the annotation methods adopted, which presently encompass categories of pragmatic, sociolinguistic, linguacultural and semiotic nature. Finally, we described the main query tools (free search, guided search, advanced search and combined search) and the main intended uses of the database in a pedagogical perspective. The fourth chapter lists specific compilation criteria retained, as well as statistics of the two sub-corpora, by presenting data broken down by language pair (French-Italian and German-Italian) and genre (cinema’s comedies, television’s soapoperas and crime series). Next, we concentrated on the discussion of the results obtained from the analysis of summary tables reporting the frequency of categories applied to the French-Italian sub-corpus. The detailed observation of the distribution of categories identified in the original and dubbed corpus allowed us to empirically confirm some of the theories put forward in the literature and notably concerning the nature of the filmic text, the dubbing process and Italian dubbed language’s features. This was possible by looking into some of the most problematic aspects, like the rendering of socio-linguistic variation. The corpus equally allowed us to consider so far neglected aspects, such as pragmatic, prosodic, kinetic, facial, and semiotic elements, and their combination. At the end of this first exploration, some specific observations concerning possible macrotranslation trends were made for each type of sub-genre considered (cinematic and TV genre). On the grounds of this first quantitative investigation, the fifth chapter intended to further examine data, by applying ad hoc models of analysis. Given the virtually infinite number of combinations of categories adopted, and of the latter with searchable textual units, three possible qualitative and quantitative methods were designed, each of which was to concentrate on a particular translation dimension of the filmic text. The first one was the cultural dimension, which specifically focused on the rendering of selected cultural references and on the investigation of recurrent translation choices and strategies justified on the basis of the occurrence of specific clusters of categories. The second analysis was conducted on the linguistic dimension by exploring the occurrence of phrasal verbs in the Italian dubbed corpus and by ascertaining the influence on the adoption of related translation strategies of possible semiotic traits, such as gestures and facial expressions. Finally, the main aim of the third study was to verify whether, under which circumstances, and through which modality, graphic and iconic elements were translated into Italian from an original corpus of both German and French films. After having reviewed the main translation techniques at work, an exhaustive account of possible causes for their non-translation was equally provided. By way of conclusion, the discussion of results obtained from the distribution of annotation categories on the French-Italian corpus, as well as the application of specific models of analysis allowed us to underline possible advantages and drawbacks related to the adoption of a corpus-based approach to AVT studies. Even though possible updating and improvement were proposed in order to help solve some of the problems identified, it is argued that the added value of Forlixt 1 lies ultimately in having created a valuable instrument, allowing to carry out empirically-sound contrastive studies that may be usefully replicated on different language pairs and several types of multimedia texts. Furthermore, multimedia corpora can also play a crucial role in L2 and translation teaching, two disciplines in which their use still lacks systematic investigation.


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In many communities, supplying water for the people is a huge task and the fact that this essential service can be carried out by the private sector respecting the right to water, is a debated issue. This dissertation investigates the mechanisms through which a 'perceived rights violation' - which represents a specific form of perceived injustice which derives from the violation of absolute moral principles – can promote collective action. Indeed, literature on morality and collective action suggests that even if many people apparently sustain high moral principles (like human rights), only a minority decides to act in order to defend them. Taking advantage of the political situation in Italy, and the recent mobilization for "public water" we hypothesized that, because of its "sacred value", the perceived violation of the right to water facilitates identification with the social movement and activism. Through five studies adopting qualitative and quantitative methods, we confirmed our hypotheses demonstrating that the perceived violation of the right to water can sustain activism and it can influence vote intentions at the referendum for 'public water'. This path to collective action coexists with other 'classical' predictors of collective action, like instrumental factors (personal advantages, efficacy beliefs) and anger. The perceived rights violation can derive both from personal values (i.e. universalism) and external factors (i.e. a mobilization campaign). Furthermore, we demonstrated that it is possible to enhance the perceived violation of the right to water and anger through a specifically designed communication campaign. The final chapter summarizes the main findings and discusses the results, suggesting some innovative line of research for collective action literature.


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Great strides have been made in the last few years in the pharmacological treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, with the introduction into the therapy of several new and more efficient agents, which have improved the quality of life of many patients. Despite these advances, a large percentage of patients is still considered “non-responder” to the therapy, not drawing any benefits from it. Moreover, these patients have a peculiar therapeutic profile, due to the very frequent application of polypharmacy, attempting to obtain satisfactory remission of the multiple aspects of psychiatric syndromes. Therapy is heavily individualised and switching from one therapeutic agent to another is quite frequent. One of the main problems of this situation is the possibility of unwanted or unexpected pharmacological interactions, which can occur both during polypharmacy and during switching. Simultaneous administration of psychiatric drugs can easily lead to interactions if one of the administered compounds influences the metabolism of the others. Impaired CYP450 function due to inhibition of the enzyme is frequent. Other metabolic pathways, such as glucuronidation, can also be influenced. The Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) of psychotropic drugs is an important tool for treatment personalisation and optimisation. It deals with the determination of parent drugs and metabolites plasma levels, in order to monitor them over time and to compare these findings with clinical data. This allows establishing chemical-clinical correlations (such as those between administered dose and therapeutic and side effects), which are essential to obtain the maximum therapeutic efficacy, while minimising side and toxic effects. It is evident the importance of developing sensitive and selective analytical methods for the determination of the administered drugs and their main metabolites, in order to obtain reliable data that can correctly support clinical decisions. During the three years of Ph.D. program, some analytical methods based on HPLC have been developed, validated and successfully applied to the TDM of psychiatric patients undergoing treatment with drugs belonging to following classes: antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytic-hypnotics. The biological matrices which have been processed were: blood, plasma, serum, saliva, urine, hair and rat brain. Among antipsychotics, both atypical and classical agents have been considered, such as haloperidol, chlorpromazine, clotiapine, loxapine, risperidone (and 9-hydroxyrisperidone), clozapine (as well as N-desmethylclozapine and clozapine N-oxide) and quetiapine. While the need for an accurate TDM of schizophrenic patients is being increasingly recognized by psychiatrists, only in the last few years the same attention is being paid to the TDM of depressed patients. This is leading to the acknowledgment that depression pharmacotherapy can greatly benefit from the accurate application of TDM. For this reason, the research activity has also been focused on first and second-generation antidepressant agents, like triciclic antidepressants, trazodone and m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-cpp), paroxetine and its three main metabolites, venlafaxine and its active metabolite, and the most recent antidepressant introduced into the market, duloxetine. Among anxiolytics-hypnotics, benzodiazepines are very often involved in the pharmacotherapy of depression for the relief of anxious components; for this reason, it is useful to monitor these drugs, especially in cases of polypharmacy. The results obtained during these three years of Ph.D. program are reliable and the developed HPLC methods are suitable for the qualitative and quantitative determination of CNS drugs in biological fluids for TDM purposes.


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The increasing aversion to technological risks of the society requires the development of inherently safer and environmentally friendlier processes, besides assuring the economic competitiveness of the industrial activities. The different forms of impact (e.g. environmental, economic and societal) are frequently characterized by conflicting reduction strategies and must be holistically taken into account in order to identify the optimal solutions in process design. Though the literature reports an extensive discussion of strategies and specific principles, quantitative assessment tools are required to identify the marginal improvements in alternative design options, to allow the trade-off among contradictory aspects and to prevent the “risk shift”. In the present work a set of integrated quantitative tools for design assessment (i.e. design support system) was developed. The tools were specifically dedicated to the implementation of sustainability and inherent safety in process and plant design activities, with respect to chemical and industrial processes in which substances dangerous for humans and environment are used or stored. The tools were mainly devoted to the application in the stages of “conceptual” and “basic design”, when the project is still open to changes (due to the large number of degrees of freedom) which may comprise of strategies to improve sustainability and inherent safety. The set of developed tools includes different phases of the design activities, all through the lifecycle of a project (inventories, process flow diagrams, preliminary plant lay-out plans). The development of such tools gives a substantial contribution to fill the present gap in the availability of sound supports for implementing safety and sustainability in early phases of process design. The proposed decision support system was based on the development of a set of leading key performance indicators (KPIs), which ensure the assessment of economic, societal and environmental impacts of a process (i.e. sustainability profile). The KPIs were based on impact models (also complex), but are easy and swift in the practical application. Their full evaluation is possible also starting from the limited data available during early process design. Innovative reference criteria were developed to compare and aggregate the KPIs on the basis of the actual sitespecific impact burden and the sustainability policy. Particular attention was devoted to the development of reliable criteria and tools for the assessment of inherent safety in different stages of the project lifecycle. The assessment follows an innovative approach in the analysis of inherent safety, based on both the calculation of the expected consequences of potential accidents and the evaluation of the hazards related to equipment. The methodology overrides several problems present in the previous methods proposed for quantitative inherent safety assessment (use of arbitrary indexes, subjective judgement, build-in assumptions, etc.). A specific procedure was defined for the assessment of the hazards related to the formations of undesired substances in chemical systems undergoing “out of control” conditions. In the assessment of layout plans, “ad hoc” tools were developed to account for the hazard of domino escalations and the safety economics. The effectiveness and value of the tools were demonstrated by the application to a large number of case studies concerning different kinds of design activities (choice of materials, design of the process, of the plant, of the layout) and different types of processes/plants (chemical industry, storage facilities, waste disposal). An experimental survey (analysis of the thermal stability of isomers of nitrobenzaldehyde) provided the input data necessary to demonstrate the method for inherent safety assessment of materials.


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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a branch of spectroscopy that is based on the fact that many atomic nuclei may be oriented by a strong magnetic field and will absorb radiofrequency radiation at characteristic frequencies. The parameters that can be measured on the resulting spectral lines (line positions, intensities, line widths, multiplicities and transients in time-dependent experi-ments) can be interpreted in terms of molecular structure, conformation, molecular motion and other rate processes. In this way, high resolution (HR) NMR allows performing qualitative and quantitative analysis of samples in solution, in order to determine the structure of molecules in solution and not only. In the past, high-field NMR spectroscopy has mainly concerned with the elucidation of chemical structure in solution, but today is emerging as a powerful exploratory tool for probing biochemical and physical processes. It represents a versatile tool for the analysis of foods. In literature many NMR studies have been reported on different type of food such as wine, olive oil, coffee, fruit juices, milk, meat, egg, starch granules, flour, etc using different NMR techniques. Traditionally, univariate analytical methods have been used to ex-plore spectroscopic data. This method is useful to measure or to se-lect a single descriptive variable from the whole spectrum and , at the end, only this variable is analyzed. This univariate methods ap-proach, applied to HR-NMR data, lead to different problems due especially to the complexity of an NMR spectrum. In fact, the lat-ter is composed of different signals belonging to different mole-cules, but it is also true that the same molecules can be represented by different signals, generally strongly correlated. The univariate methods, in this case, takes in account only one or a few variables, causing a loss of information. Thus, when dealing with complex samples like foodstuff, univariate analysis of spectra data results not enough powerful. Spectra need to be considered in their wholeness and, for analysing them, it must be taken in consideration the whole data matrix: chemometric methods are designed to treat such multivariate data. Multivariate data analysis is used for a number of distinct, differ-ent purposes and the aims can be divided into three main groups: • data description (explorative data structure modelling of any ge-neric n-dimensional data matrix, PCA for example); • regression and prediction (PLS); • classification and prediction of class belongings for new samples (LDA and PLS-DA and ECVA). The aim of this PhD thesis was to verify the possibility of identify-ing and classifying plants or foodstuffs, in different classes, based on the concerted variation in metabolite levels, detected by NMR spectra and using the multivariate data analysis as a tool to inter-pret NMR information. It is important to underline that the results obtained are useful to point out the metabolic consequences of a specific modification on foodstuffs, avoiding the use of a targeted analysis for the different metabolites. The data analysis is performed by applying chemomet-ric multivariate techniques to the NMR dataset of spectra acquired. The research work presented in this thesis is the result of a three years PhD study. This thesis reports the main results obtained from these two main activities: A1) Evaluation of a data pre-processing system in order to mini-mize unwanted sources of variations, due to different instrumental set up, manual spectra processing and to sample preparations arte-facts; A2) Application of multivariate chemiometric models in data analy-sis.


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Purpose. Despite work-related stress is one of the most studied topic in organizational psychology, many aspects as for example the use of different measures (e.g. subjective and objective, qualitative and quantitative) are still under debate. According to this, in order to enhance knowledge concerning which factors and processes contribute to create healthy workplaces, this thesis is composed by four different studies aiming to understand: a) the role of relevant antecedents (e.g. leadership, job demands, work-family conflict, social support etc.) and outcomes (e.g. workplace phobia, absenteeism etc.) of work-related stress; and b) how to manage psychosocial risk factors in the workplace. The studies. The first study focused on how disagreement between supervisors and their employees on leadership style (transformational and transactional) could affect workers well-being and work team variables. The second and third study used both subjective and objective data in order to increase the quality of the reliability of the results gained. Particularly, the second study focused on job demand and its relationship with objective sickness leave. Findings showed that despite there is no direct relationship between these two variables, job demand affects work-family conflict, which in turn affect exhaustion, which leads to absenteeism. The third study analysed the role of a new concept never studied before in organizational settings (workplace phobia), as a health outcome in the JD-R model, demonstrating also its relationship with absenteeism. The last study highlighted the added value of using the mixed methods research approach in order to detect and analyse context-specific job demands which could affects workers’ health. Conclusion. The findings of this thesis answered both to open questions in the scientific literature and to the social request of managing psychosocial risk factors in the workplace in order to enhance workers well-being.


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This PhD thesis describes set up of technological models for obtaining high health value foods and ingredients that preserve the final product characteristics as well as enrich with nutritional components. In particular, the main object of my research has been Virgin Olive Oil (VOO) and its important antioxidant compounds which differentiate it from all other vegetables oils. It is well known how the qualitative and quantitative presence of phenolic molecules extracted from olives during oil production is fundamental for its oxidative and nutritional quality. For this purpose, agronomic and technological conditions of its production have been investigated. It has also been examined how this fraction can be better preserved during storage. Moreover, its relation with VOO sensorial characteristics and its interaction with a protein in emulsion foods have also been studied. Finally, an experimental work was carried out to determine the antioxidative and heat resistance properties of a new antioxidant (EVS-OL) when used for high temperature frying such as is typically employed for the preparation of french fries. Results of the scientific research have been submitted for a publication and some data has already been published in national and international scientific journals.


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The thesis of this paper is based on the assumption that the socio-economic system in which we are living is characterised by three great trends: growing attention to the promotion of human capital; extremely rapid technological progress, based above all on the information and communication technologies (ICT); the establishment of new production and organizational set-ups. These transformation processes pose a concrete challenge to the training sector, which is called to satisfy the demand for new skills that need to be developed and disseminated. Hence the growing interest that the various training sub-systems devote to the issues of lifelong learning and distance learning. In such a context, the so-called e-learning acquires a central role. The first chapter proposes a reference theoretical framework for the transformations that are shaping post-industrial society. It analyzes some key issues such as: how work is changing, the evolution of organizational set-ups and the introduction of learning organization, the advent of the knowledge society and of knowledge companies, the innovation of training processes, and the key role of ICT in the new training and learning systems. The second chapter focuses on the topic of e-learning as an effective training model in response to the need for constant learning that is emerging in the knowledge society. This chapter starts with a reflection on the importance of lifelong learning and introduces the key arguments of this thesis, i.e. distance learning (DL) and the didactic methodology called e-learning. It goes on with an analysis of the various theoretic and technical aspects of e-learning. In particular, it delves into the theme of e-learning as an integrated and constant training environment, characterized by customized programmes and collaborative learning, didactic assistance and constant monitoring of the results. Thus, all the aspects of e-learning are taken into exam: the actors and the new professionals, the virtual communities as learning subjects, the organization of contents in learning objects, the conformity to international standards, the integrated platforms and so on. The third chapter, which concludes the theoretic-interpretative part, starts with a short presentation of the state-of-the-art e-learning international market that aims to understand its peculiarities and its current trends. Finally, we focus on some important regulation aspects related to the strong impulse given by the European Commission first, and by the Italian governments secondly, to the development and diffusion of e-learning. The second part of the thesis (chapters 4, 5 and 6) focus on field research, which aims to define the Italian scenario for e-learning. In particular, we have examined some key topics such as: the challenges of training and the instruments to face such challenges; the new didactic methods and technologies for lifelong learning; the level of diffusion of e-learning in Italy; the relation between classroom training and online training; the main factors of success as well as the most critical aspects of the introduction of e-learning in the various learning environments. As far as the methodological aspects are concerned, we have favoured a qualitative and quantitative analysis. A background analysis has been done to collect the statistical data available on this topic, as well as the research previously carried out in this area. The main source of data is constituted by the results of the Observatory on e-learning of Aitech-Assinform, which covers the 2000s and four areas of implementation (firms, public administration, universities, school): the thesis has reviewed the results of the last three available surveys, offering a comparative interpretation of them. We have then carried out an in-depth empirical examination of two case studies, which have been selected by virtue of the excellence they have achieved and can therefore be considered advanced and emblematic experiences (a large firm and a Graduate School).


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Apple consumption is highly recomended for a healthy diet and is the most important fruit produced in temperate climate regions. Unfortunately, it is also one of the fruit that most ofthen provoks allergy in atopic patients and the only treatment available up to date for these apple allergic patients is the avoidance. Apple allergy is due to the presence of four major classes of allergens: Mal d 1 (PR-10/Bet v 1-like proteins), Mal d 2 (Thaumatine-like proteins), Mal d 3 (Lipid transfer protein) and Mal d 4 (profilin). In this work new advances in the characterization of apple allergen gene families have been reached using a multidisciplinary approach. First of all, a genomic approach was used for the characterization of the allergen gene families of Mal d 1 (task of Chapter 1), Mal d 2 and Mal d 4 (task of Chapter 5). In particular, in Chapter 1 the study of two large contiguos blocks of DNA sequences containing the Mal d 1 gene cluster on LG16 allowed to acquire many new findings on number and orientation of genes in the cluster, their physical distances, their regulatory sequences and the presence of other genes or pseudogenes in this genomic region. Three new members were discovered co-localizing with the other Mal d 1 genes of LG16 suggesting that the complexity of the genetic base of allergenicity will increase with new advances. Many retrotranspon elements were also retrieved in this cluster. Due to the developement of molecular markers on the two sequences, the anchoring of the physical and the genetic map of the region has been successfully achieved. Moreover, in Chapter 5 the existence of other loci for the Thaumatine-like protein family in apple (Mal d 2.03 on LG4 and Mal d 2.02 on LG17) respect the one reported up to now was demonstred for the first time. Also one new locus for profilins (Mal d 4.04) was mapped on LG2, close to the Mal d 4.02 locus, suggesting a cluster organization for this gene family, as is well reported for Mal d 1 family. Secondly, a methodological approach was used to set up an highly specific tool to discriminate and quantify the expression of each Mal d 1 allergen gene (task of Chapter 2). In aprticular, a set of 20 Mal d 1 gene specific primer pairs for the quantitative Real time PCR technique was validated and optimized. As a first application, this tool was used on leaves and fruit tissues of the cultivar Florina in order to identify the Mal d 1 allergen genes that are expressed in different tissues. The differential expression retrieved in this study revealed a tissue-specificity for some Mal d 1 genes: 10/20 Mal d 1 genes were expressed in fruits and, indeed, probably more involved in the allergic reactions; while 17/20 Mal d 1 genes were expressed in leaves challenged with the fungus Venturia inaequalis and therefore probably interesting in the study of the plant defense mechanism. In Chapter 3 the specific expression levels of the 10 Mal d 1 isoallergen genes, found to be expressed in fruits, were studied for the first time in skin and flesh of apples of different genotypes. A complex gene expression profile was obtained due to the high gene-, tissue- and genotype-variability. Despite this, Mal d 1.06A and Mal d 1.07 expression patterns resulted particularly associated with the degree of allergenicity of the different cultivars. They were not the most expressed Mal d 1 genes in apple but here it was hypotized a relevant importance in the determination of allergenicity for both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Mal d 1 gene expression levels. In Chapter 4 a clear modulation for all the 17 PR-10 genes tested in young leaves of Florina after challenging with the fungus V. inaequalis have been reported but with a peculiar expression profile for each gene. Interestingly, all the Mal d 1 genes resulted up-regulated except Mal d 1.10 that was down-regulated after the challenging with the fungus. The differences in direction, timing and magnitude of induction seem to confirm the hypothesis of a subfunctionalization inside the gene family despite an high sequencce and structure similarity. Moreover, a modulation of PR-10 genes was showed both in compatible (Gala-V. inaequalis) and incompatible (Florina-V. inaequalis) interactions contribute to validate the hypothesis of an indirect role for at least some of these proteins in the induced defense responses. Finally, a certain modulation of PR-10 transcripts retrieved also in leaves treated with water confirm their abilty to respond also to abiotic stress. To conclude, the genomic approach used here allowed to create a comprehensive inventory of all the genes of allergen families, especially in the case of extended gene families like Mal d 1. This knowledge can be considered a basal prerequisite for many further studies. On the other hand, the specific transcriptional approach make it possible to evaluate the Mal d 1 genes behavior on different samples and conditions and therefore, to speculate on their involvement on apple allergenicity process. Considering the double nature of Mal d 1 proteins, as apple allergens and as PR-10 proteins, the gene expression analysis upon the attack of the fungus created the base for unravel the Mal d 1 biological functions. In particular, the knowledge acquired in this work about the PR-10 genes putatively more involved in the specific Malus-V. inaequalis interaction will be helpful, in the future, to drive the apple breeding for hypo-allergenicity genotype without compromise the mechanism of response of the plants to stress conditions. For the future, the survey of the differences in allergenicity among cultivars has to be be thorough including other genotypes and allergic patients in the tests. After this, the allelic diversity analysis with the high and low allergenic cultivars on all the allergen genes, in particular on the ones with transcription levels correlated to allergencity, will provide the genetic background of the low ones. This step from genes to alleles will allow the develop of molecular markers for them that might be used to effectively addressed the apple breeding for hypo-allergenicity. Another important step forward for the study of apple allergens will be the use of a specific proteomic approach since apple allergy is a multifactor-determined disease and only an interdisciplinary and integrated approach can be effective for its prevention and treatment.


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This work presents hybrid Constraint Programming (CP) and metaheuristic methods for the solution of Large Scale Optimization Problems; it aims at integrating concepts and mechanisms from the metaheuristic methods to a CP-based tree search environment in order to exploit the advantages of both approaches. The modeling and solution of large scale combinatorial optimization problem is a topic which has arisen the interest of many researcherers in the Operations Research field; combinatorial optimization problems are widely spread in everyday life and the need of solving difficult problems is more and more urgent. Metaheuristic techniques have been developed in the last decades to effectively handle the approximate solution of combinatorial optimization problems; we will examine metaheuristics in detail, focusing on the common aspects of different techniques. Each metaheuristic approach possesses its own peculiarities in designing and guiding the solution process; our work aims at recognizing components which can be extracted from metaheuristic methods and re-used in different contexts. In particular we focus on the possibility of porting metaheuristic elements to constraint programming based environments, as constraint programming is able to deal with feasibility issues of optimization problems in a very effective manner. Moreover, CP offers a general paradigm which allows to easily model any type of problem and solve it with a problem-independent framework, differently from local search and metaheuristic methods which are highly problem specific. In this work we describe the implementation of the Local Branching framework, originally developed for Mixed Integer Programming, in a CP-based environment. Constraint programming specific features are used to ease the search process, still mantaining an absolute generality of the approach. We also propose a search strategy called Sliced Neighborhood Search, SNS, that iteratively explores slices of large neighborhoods of an incumbent solution by performing CP-based tree search and encloses concepts from metaheuristic techniques. SNS can be used as a stand alone search strategy, but it can alternatively be embedded in existing strategies as intensification and diversification mechanism. In particular we show its integration within the CP-based local branching. We provide an extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed approaches on instances of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem and of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. The proposed approaches achieve good results on practical size problem, thus demonstrating the benefit of integrating metaheuristic concepts in CP-based frameworks.


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This research has focused on the study of the behavior and of the collapse of masonry arch bridges. The latest decades have seen an increasing interest in this structural type, that is still present and in use, despite the passage of time and the variation of the transport means. Several strategies have been developed during the time to simulate the response of this type of structures, although even today there is no generally accepted standard one for assessment of masonry arch bridges. The aim of this thesis is to compare the principal analytical and numerical methods existing in literature on case studies, trying to highlight values and weaknesses. The methods taken in exam are mainly three: i) the Thrust Line Analysis Method; ii) the Mechanism Method; iii) the Finite Element Methods. The Thrust Line Analysis Method and the Mechanism Method are analytical methods and derived from two of the fundamental theorems of the Plastic Analysis, while the Finite Element Method is a numerical method, that uses different strategies of discretization to analyze the structure. Every method is applied to the case study through computer-based representations, that allow a friendly-use application of the principles explained. A particular closed-form approach based on an elasto-plastic material model and developed by some Belgian researchers is also studied. To compare the three methods, two different case study have been analyzed: i) a generic masonry arch bridge with a single span; ii) a real masonry arch bridge, the Clemente Bridge, built on Savio River in Cesena. In the analyses performed, all the models are two-dimensional in order to have results comparable between the different methods taken in exam. The different methods have been compared with each other in terms of collapse load and of hinge positions.


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Obiettivo: capire la relazione che intercorre tra le coliche del cavallo e le parassitosi intestinali, quindi capire l’effettiva rilevanza clinica delle infezioni parassitarie. Tipo di studio: studio clinico-chirurgico e parassitologico. Metodi: in questo studio sono stati presi in esame 92 cavalli afferiti presso il servizio SARGA del Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie durante gli anni 2009-2011. 27 di questi soggetti sono stati sottoposti a laparotomia esplorativa per colica, 22 avevano una colica che si è risolta con terapia medica, sono stati 43 i cavalli afferiti presso il servizio per patologie diverse dall’addome acuto. I cavalli da cui è stato possibile prelevare un’adeguato quantitativo di feci (# 86) sono stati sottoposti ad esami coprologici, qualitativi e quantitativi. I dati ottenuti sono stati sottoposti ad analisi statistica descrittiva, al test del Chi quadrato e al test di Kuskall-Wallis rispettivamente per le prevalenze e i dati quantitativi, oltre ad una regressione logistica per evidenziare i fattori di rischio. Dai cavalli sottoposti a celiotomia è stato prelevato il contenuto intestinale per la raccolta dei parassiti adulti. Risultati: la prevalenza e l’abbondanza degli strongili è risultata significativamente minore nei cavalli sottoposti a chirurgia addominale rispetto al totale della popolazione presa in esame. Differenze significative di prevalenza sono state evidenziate anche tra i cavalli in colica medica e chirurgica. L’unico fattore di rischio evidenziato dall’analisi di regressione logistica è rappresentato dall’età per le sole coliche trattate chirurgicamente. Né strongili né ascaridi sembrano aumentare il rischio di colica. La probabilità di decesso aumenta significativamente in caso di colica chirurgica ma non è influenzata in alcun modo dalle infezioni parassitarie.


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The introduction of dwarfed rootstocks in apple crop has led to a new concept of intensive planting systems with the aim of producing early high yield and with returns of the initial high investment. Although yield is an important aspect to the grower, the consumer has become demanding regards fruit quality and is generally attracted by appearance. To fulfil the consumer’s expectations the grower may need to choose a proper training system along with an ideal pruning technique, which ensure a good light distribution in different parts of the canopy and a marketable fruit quality in terms of size and skin colour. Although these aspects are important, these fruits might not reach the proper ripening stage within the canopy because they are often heterogeneous. To describe the variability present in a tree, a software (PlantToon®), was used to recreate the tree architecture in 3D in the two training systems. The ripening stage of each of the fruits was determined using a non-destructive device (DA-Meter), thus allowing to estimate the fruit ripening variability. This study deals with some of the main parameters that can influence fruit quality and ripening stage within the canopy and orchard management techniques that can ameliorate a ripening fruit homogeneity. Significant differences in fruit quality were found within the canopies due to their position, flowering time and bud wood age. Bi-axis appeared to be suitable for high density planting, even though the fruit quality traits resulted often similar to those obtained with a Slender Spindle, suggesting similar fruit light availability within the canopies. Crop load confirmed to be an important factor that influenced fruit quality as much as the interesting innovative pruning method “Click”, in intensive planting systems.


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This research primarily represents a contribution to the lobbying regulation research arena. It introduces an index which for the first time attempts to measure the direct compliance costs of lobbying regulation. The Cost Indicator Index (CII) offers a brand new platform for qualitative and quantitative assessment of adopted lobbying laws and proposals of those laws, both in the comparative and the sui generis dimension. The CII is not just the only new tool introduced in the last decade, but it is the only tool available for comparative assessments of the costs of lobbying regulations. Beside the qualitative contribution, the research introduces an additional theoretical framework for complementary qualitative analysis of the lobbying laws. The Ninefold theory allows a more structured assessment and classification of lobbying regulations, both by indication of benefits and costs. Lastly, this research introduces the Cost-Benefit Labels (CBL). These labels might improve an ex-ante lobbying regulation impact assessment procedure, primarily in the sui generis perspective. In its final part, the research focuses on four South East European countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia), and for the first time brings them into the discussion and calculates their CPI and CII scores. The special focus of the application was on Serbia, whose proposal on the Law on Lobbying has been extensively analysed in qualitative and quantitative terms, taking into consideration specific political and economic circumstances of the country. Although the obtained results are of an indicative nature, the CII will probably find its place within the academic and policymaking arena, and will hopefully contribute to a better understanding of lobbying regulations worldwide.