5 resultados para properties and characterization

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In the last decades the development of bone substitutes characterized by a superior biomimetism has become of particular interest, owing to the increasing economic and societal impact of the bone diseases. In the present work of research the development of bone substitutes characterized by improved biomimetism, has been faced in a chemical, structural and morphological perspective. From a chemical point of view, it has been developed the synthesis of hydroxyapatite powders, exhibiting multiple ionic substitutions in both cationic and anionic sites, so to simulate the chemical composition of the natural bone. Particular emphasis has been given to the effect of silicon on the chemical-physical and solubility properties of the obtained hydroxyapatites. From a structural point of view, it has been developed the synthesis of ceramic composite materials, based on hydroxyapatite and calcium silicates, employed both as a reinforcing phase, to raise the mechanical strength of the composite compared to hydroxyapatite, and as a bioactive phase, able to increase the bioactivity properties of the whole ceramic. Finally the unique morphological features of the bone were mimicked by taking inspiration by Nature, so that native wood structures were treated in chemical and thermal way to obtain hydroxyapatite porous materials characterized by the same morphology as the native wood. The results obtained in the present work were positive in all the three different areas of investigation, so to cover the three different aspects of biomimetism, chemical, structural and morphological. Anyway, only at the convergence of the three different fields it is possible to find out the best solutions to develop the ideal bone-like scaffold. Thus, the future activity should be devoted to solve the problems at the borderline between the different research lines, which hamper this convergence and in consequence, the achievement of a bone scaffold able to mimic the various aspects exhibited by the bone tissue


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The aim of this Ph.D. project has been the design and characterization of new and more efficient luminescent tools, in particular sensors and labels, for analytical chemistry, medical diagnostics and imaging. Actually both the increasing temporal and spatial resolutions that are demanded by those branches, coupled to a sensitivity that is required to reach the single molecule resolution, can be provided by the wide range of techniques based on luminescence spectroscopy. As far as the development of new chemical sensors is concerned, as chemists we were interested in the preparation of new, efficient, sensing materials. In this context, we kept developing new molecular chemosensors, by exploiting the supramolecular approach, for different classes of analytes. In particular we studied a family of luminescent tetrapodal-hosts based on aminopyridinium units with pyrenyl groups for the detection of anions. These systems exhibited noticeable changes in the photophysical properties, depending on the nature of the anion; in particular, addition of chloride resulted in a conformational change, giving an initial increase in excimeric emission. A good selectivity for dicarboxylic acid was also found. In the search for higher sensitivities, we moved our attention also to systems able to perform amplification effects. In this context we described the metal ion binding properties of three photoactive poly-(arylene ethynylene) co-polymers with different complexing units and we highlighted, for one of them, a ten-fold amplification of the response in case of addition of Zn2+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions. In addition, we were able to demonstrate the formation of complexes with Yb3+ an Er3+ and an efficient sensitization of their typical metal centered NIR emission upon excitation of the polymer structure, this feature being of particular interest for their possible applications in optical imaging and in optical amplification for telecommunication purposes. An amplification effect was also observed during this research in silica nanoparticles derivatized with a suitable zinc probe. In this case we were able to prove, for the first time, that nanoparticles can work as “off-on” chemosensors with signal amplification. Fluorescent silica nanoparticles can be thus seen as innovative multicomponent systems in which the organization of photophysically active units gives rise to fruitful collective effects. These precious effects can be exploited for biological imaging, medical diagnostic and therapeutics, as evidenced also by some results reported in this thesis. In particular, the observed amplification effect has been obtained thanks to a suitable organization of molecular probe units onto the surface of the nanoparticles. In the effort of reaching a deeper inside in the mechanisms which lead to the final amplification effects, we also attempted to find a correlation between the synthetic route and the final organization of the active molecules in the silica network, and thus with those mutual interactions between one another which result in the emerging, collective behavior, responsible for the desired signal amplification. In this context, we firstly investigated the process of formation of silica nanoparticles doped with pyrene derivative and we showed that the dyes are not uniformly dispersed inside the silica matrix; thus, core-shell structures can be formed spontaneously in a one step synthesis. Moreover, as far as the design of new labels is concerned, we reported a new synthetic approach to obtain a class of robust, biocompatible silica core-shell nanoparticles able to show a long-term stability. Taking advantage of this new approach we also showed the synthesis and photophysical properties of core-shell NIR absorbing and emitting materials that proved to be very valuable for in-vivo imaging. In general, the dye doped silica nanoparticles prepared in the framework of this project can conjugate unique properties, such as a very high brightness, due to the possibility to include many fluorophores per nanoparticle, high stability, because of the shielding effect of the silica matrix, and, to date, no toxicity, with a simple and low-cost preparation. All these features make these nanostructures suitable to reach the low detection limits that are nowadays required for effective clinical and environmental applications, fulfilling in this way the initial expectations of this research project.


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The main reasons for the attention focused on ceramics as possible structural materials are their wear resistance and the ability to operate with limited oxidation and ablation at temperatures above 2000°C. Hence, this work is devoted to the study of two classes of materials which can satisfy these requirements: silicon carbide -based ceramics (SiC) for wear applications and borides and carbides of transition metals for ultra-high temperatures applications (UHTCs). SiC-based materials: Silicon carbide is a hard ceramic, which finds applications in many industrial sectors, from heat production, to automotive engineering and metals processing. In view of new fields of uses, SiC-based ceramics were produced with addition of 10-30 vol% of MoSi2, in order to obtain electro conductive ceramics. MoSi2, indeed, is an intermetallic compound which possesses high temperature oxidation resistance, high electrical conductivity (21·10-6 Ω·cm), relatively low density (6.31 g/cm3), high melting point (2030°C) and high stiffness (440 GPa). The SiC-based ceramics were hot pressed at 1900°C with addition of Al2O3-Y2O3 or Y2O3-AlN as sintering additives. The microstructure of the composites and of the reference materials, SiC and MoSi2, were studied by means of conventional analytical techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The composites showed a homogeneous microstructure, with good dispersion of the secondary phases and low residual porosity. The following thermo-mechanical properties of the SiC-based materials were measured: Vickers hardness (HV), Young’s modulus (E), fracture toughness (KIc) and room to high temperature flexural strength (σ). The mechanical properties of the composites were compared to those of two monolithic SiC and MoSi2 materials and resulted in a higher stiffness, fracture toughness and slightly higher flexural resistance. Tribological tests were also performed in two configurations disco-on-pin and slideron cylinder, aiming at studying the wear behaviour of SiC-MoSi2 composites with Al2O3 as counterfacing materials. The tests pointed out that the addition of MoSi2 was detrimental owing to a lower hardness in comparison with the pure SiC matrix. On the contrary, electrical measurements revealed that the addition of 30 vol% of MoSi2, rendered the composite electroconductive, lowering the electrical resistance of three orders of magnitude. Ultra High Temperature Ceramics: Carbides, borides and nitrides of transition metals (Ti, Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb, Mo) possess very high melting points and interesting engineering properties, such as high hardness (20-25 GPa), high stiffness (400-500 GPa), flexural strengths which remain unaltered from room temperature to 1500°C and excellent corrosion resistance in aggressive environment. All these properties place the UHTCs as potential candidates for the development of manoeuvrable hypersonic flight vehicles with sharp leading edges. To this scope Zr- and Hf- carbide and boride materials were produced with addition of 5-20 vol% of MoSi2. This secondary phase enabled the achievement of full dense composites at temperature lower than 2000°C and without the application of pressure. Besides the conventional microstructure analyses XRD and SEM-EDS, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was employed to explore the microstructure on a small length scale to disclose the effective densification mechanisms. A thorough literature analysis revealed that neither detailed TEM work nor reports on densification mechanisms are available for this class of materials, which however are essential to optimize the sintering aids utilized and the processing parameters applied. Microstructural analyses, along with thermodynamics and crystallographic considerations, led to disclose of the effective role of MoSi2 during sintering of Zrand Hf- carbides and borides. Among the investigated mechanical properties (HV, E, KIc, σ from room temperature to 1500°C), the high temperature flexural strength was improved due to the protective and sealing effect of a silica-based glassy phase, especially for the borides. Nanoindentation tests were also performed on HfC-MoSi2 composites in order to extract hardness and elastic modulus of the single phases. Finally, arc jet tests on HfC- and HfB2-based composites confirmed the excellent oxidation behaviour of these materials under temperature exceeding 2000°C; no cracking or spallation occurred and the modified layer was only 80-90 μm thick.


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Organic electronics has grown enormously during the last decades driven by the encouraging results and the potentiality of these materials for allowing innovative applications, such as flexible-large-area displays, low-cost printable circuits, plastic solar cells and lab-on-a-chip devices. Moreover, their possible field of applications reaches from medicine, biotechnology, process control and environmental monitoring to defense and security requirements. However, a large number of questions regarding the mechanism of device operation remain unanswered. Along the most significant is the charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors, which is not yet well understood. Other example is the correlation between the morphology and the electrical response. Even if it is recognized that growth mode plays a crucial role into the performance of devices, it has not been exhaustively investigated. The main goal of this thesis was the finding of a correlation between growth modes, electrical properties and morphology in organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). In order to study the thickness dependence of electrical performance in organic ultra-thin-film transistors, we have designed and developed a home-built experimental setup for performing real-time electrical monitoring and post-growth in situ electrical characterization techniques. We have grown pentacene TFTs under high vacuum conditions, varying systematically the deposition rate at a fixed room temperature. The drain source current IDS and the gate source current IGS were monitored in real-time; while a complete post-growth in situ electrical characterization was carried out. At the end, an ex situ morphological investigation was performed by using the atomic force microscope (AFM). In this work, we present the correlation for pentacene TFTs between growth conditions, Debye length and morphology (through the correlation length parameter). We have demonstrated that there is a layered charge carriers distribution, which is strongly dependent of the growth mode (i.e. rate deposition for a fixed temperature), leading to a variation of the conduction channel from 2 to 7 monolayers (MLs). We conciliate earlier reported results that were apparently contradictory. Our results made evident the necessity of reconsidering the concept of Debye length in a layered low-dimensional device. Additionally, we introduce by the first time a breakthrough technique. This technique makes evident the percolation of the first MLs on pentacene TFTs by monitoring the IGS in real-time, correlating morphological phenomena with the device electrical response. The present thesis is organized in the following five chapters. Chapter 1 makes an introduction to the organic electronics, illustrating the operation principle of TFTs. Chapter 2 presents the organic growth from theoretical and experimental points of view. The second part of this chapter presents the electrical characterization of OTFTs and the typical performance of pentacene devices is shown. In addition, we introduce a correcting technique for the reconstruction of measurements hampered by leakage current. In chapter 3, we describe in details the design and operation of our innovative home-built experimental setup for performing real-time and in situ electrical measurements. Some preliminary results and the breakthrough technique for correlating morphological and electrical changes are presented. Chapter 4 meets the most important results obtained in real-time and in situ conditions, which correlate growth conditions, electrical properties and morphology of pentacene TFTs. In chapter 5 we describe applicative experiments where the electrical performance of pentacene TFTs has been investigated in ambient conditions, in contact to water or aqueous solutions and, finally, in the detection of DNA concentration as label-free sensor, within the biosensing framework.


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Nanotechnologies are rapidly expanding because of the opportunities that the new materials offer in many areas such as the manufacturing industry, food production, processing and preservation, and in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Size distribution of the nanoparticles determines their properties and is a fundamental parameter that needs to be monitored from the small-scale synthesis up to the bulk production and quality control of nanotech products on the market. A consequence of the increasing number of applications of nanomaterial is that the EU regulatory authorities are introducing the obligation for companies that make use of nanomaterials to acquire analytical platforms for the assessment of the size parameters of the nanomaterials. In this work, Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AF4) and Hollow Fiber F4 (HF5), hyphenated with Multiangle Light Scattering (MALS) are presented as tools for a deep functional characterization of nanoparticles. In particular, it is demonstrated the applicability of AF4-MALS for the characterization of liposomes in a wide series of mediums. Afterwards the technique is used to explore the functional features of a liposomal drug vector in terms of its biological and physical interaction with blood serum components: a comprehensive approach to understand the behavior of lipid vesicles in terms of drug release and fusion/interaction with other biological species is described, together with weaknesses and strength of the method. Afterwards the size characterization, size stability, and conjugation of azidothymidine drug molecules with a new generation of metastable drug vectors, the Metal Organic Frameworks, is discussed. Lastly, it is shown the applicability of HF5-ICP-MS for the rapid screening of samples of relevant nanorisk: rather than a deep and comprehensive characterization it this time shown a quick and smart methodology that within few steps provides qualitative information on the content of metallic nanoparticles in tattoo ink samples.