7 resultados para postgastrectomy Syndromes
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Aim of this study is to describe the possible diagnostic value of sleep disturbances in the differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by parkinsonism at onset. 42 consecutive patients with parkinsonian features and disease duration up to 3 years were included in the BO-ProPark study. Each patient was evaluated twice, at baseline (T0) and 16 months later (T1). Patients were diagnosed as Parkinson disease (PD, 27 patients), PD plus (PD with cognitive impairment/dementia or dysautonomia, 4 patients) and parkinsonian syndrome (PS, 11 patients). All patients underwent a full night video-polysomnography scored by a neurologist blinded to the clinical diagnosis. Sleep efficiency and total sleep time were reduced in all patients; wake after sleep onset was higher in patients with atypical parkinsonisms than in PD patients. No significant differences between groups of patients were detected in other sleep parameters. The mean percentage of epochs with enhanced tonic muscle EMG activity during REM sleep was higher in PD plus and PS than in PD. No difference in phasic muscle EMG activity during REM sleep was seen between the two groups. REM behaviour disorder was more frequent in PD plus and PS than in PD patients. Our data suggest that REM sleep motor control is more frequently impaired at disease onset in patients with PS and PD plus compared to PD patients. The presence of RBD or an enhanced tonic muscle EMG activity in a patient with recent onset parkinsonian features should suggest a diagnosis of atypical parkinsonism, rather than PD. More data are needed to establish the diagnostic value of these features in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonisms. The evaluation of sleep disorders may be a useful tool in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonism at onset.
Background: Survival of patients with Acute Aortic Syndrome (AAS) may relate to the speed of diagnosis. Diagnostic delay is exacerbated by non classical presentations such as myocardial ischemia or acute heart failure (AHF). However little is known about clinical implications and pathophysiological mechanisms of Troponin T elevation and AHF in AAS. Methods and Results: Data were collected from a prospective metropolitan AAS registry (398 patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2013). Troponin T values (either standard or high sensitivity assay, HS) were available in 248 patients (60%) of the registry population; the overall frequency of troponin positivity was 28% (ranging from 16% to 54%, using standard or HS assay respectively, p = 0.001). Troponin positivity was associated with a twofold increased risk of long in-hospital diagnostic time (OR 1.92, 95% CI 1.05-3.52, p = 0.03), but not with in-hospital mortality. The combination of positive troponin and ACS-like ECG abnormalities resulted in a significantly increased risk of inappropriate therapy due to a misdiagnosis of ACS (OR 2.48, 95% CI 1.12-5.54, p = 0.02). Patients with AHF were identified by the presence of dyspnea as presentation symptom or radiological signs of pulmonary congestion or cardiogenic shock. The overall frequency of AHF was 28 % (32% type A vs. 20% type B AAS, p = 0.01). AHF was due to a variety of pathophysiological mechanisms including cardiac tamponade (26%), aortic regurgitation (25%), myocardial ischemia (17%), hypertensive crisis (10%). AHF was associated with increased surgical delay and with increased risk of in-hospital death (adjusted OR 1.97 95% CI1.13-3.37,p=0.01). Conclusions: Troponin positivity (particularly HS) was a frequent finding in AAS. Abnormal troponin values were strongly associated with ACS-like ECG findings, in-hospital diagnostic delay, and inappropriate therapy. AHF was associated with increased surgical delay and was an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality.
Chromosomal and genetic syndromes are frequently associated with dental and cranio-facial alterations. The aim of our study is to identify and describe the dental and craniofacial alterations typical of six genetic and chromosomal syndromes examined. Materials and Methods- A dental visit was performed to 195 patients referred from Sant’Orsola Hospital of Bologna, University of Bologna, to Service of Special Need Dentistry, Dental Clinic, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Science, University of Bologna. The patients recruited were 137 females and 58 males, in an age range of 3-49 years (mean age of 13.8±7.4). The total sample consisted of subjects affected with Down Syndrome (n=133), Familiar Hypophosphatemic Ricket (n=10), Muscular Dystrophies (n=12), Noonan Syndrome (n=13), Turner Syndrome (n=17), Williams Syndrome(n=10). A questionnaire regarding detailed medical and dental history, oral health and dietary habits, was filled by parents/caregivers, or patients themselves when possible. The intra-oral and extra-oral examination valued the presence of facial asymmetries, oral habits, dental and skeletal malocclusions, dental formula, dental anomalies, Plaque Index (Silness&LÖe Index), caries prevalence (dmft/DMFT index), gingivitis and periodontal disease, and mucosal lesions. Radiographic examinations (Intraoral radiographies, Orthopanoramic, Skull teleradiography) were executed according to patient’s age and treatment planning. A review of literature about each syndrome and its dental and cranio-facial characteristics and about caries, hygiene status and malocclusion prevalence on syndromic and non-syndromic population was performed. Results - The data of all the patients were collected in the “Data Collection Tables” created for each syndrome. General anamnesis information, oral hygiene habits and dmft/DMFT, PI, malocclusion prevalence were calculated and compared to syndromic and non-syndromic population results found in literature. Discussions and conclusions - Guidelines of Special Care dentistry were indicated for each syndrome, in relation to each syndrome features and individual patient characteristics.
Background: cognitive impairment is one of the non motor features widely descripted in parkinsonian syndrome, it has been related to the motor characteristics of the parkinsonian syndrome, associated with neuropsychiatric dysfunction and the characteristic sleep and autonomic features. It has been shown to be highly prevalent at all disease stages and to contribute significantly to disability. Objectives: aim of this study is to evaluate longitudinally the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of patients with a parkinsonian syndrome at onset; to describe the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of each parkinsonian syndrome; to define in PD patients at onset the presence of MCI or Parkinson disease dementia; to correlate the cognitive and behavioral characteristics with the features of the parkinsonian syndrome and with the associated sleep and autonomic features. Results: we recruited 55 patients, 22 did not present cognitive impairment both at T0 and at T1. 18 patients presented a progression of cognitive impairment. Progressive cognitively impaired patients were older and presented the worst motor phenotype. Progression of cognitive impairment was not associated to sleep and autonomic features. Conclusion: the evaluation of cognitive impairment could not be useful as a predictor of a correct diagnosis but each non motor domain will help to clarify and characterize the motor syndrome. The diagnosis of parkinsonian disorders lies in building a clinical profile in conjunction with other clinical characteristics such as mode of presentation, disease progression, response to medications, sleep and autonomic features.
Nuclear inositide signalling pathways, and particularly those regulated by PI-PLCβ1, are associated with cell proliferation and differentiation. Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a heterogeneous spectrum of chronic myeloid hemopathies with associated symptomatic cytopenias and substantial potential for evolution to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). MDS patients are currently treated with two main approaches, epigenetic (Azacitidine) and immunomodulatory (Lenalidomide: above all in cell clones bearing a deletion of the long arm of the chromosome 5 [del(5q)]). As Azacitidine and Lenalidomide alone can show adverse effects or patients can be refractory, an experimental current approach is the combination of the two drugs. Clinically, this combination therapy is promising, while its molecular effect has to be clarified. Stemming from these data, in this study the effect of an Azacitidine-Lenalidomide combination therapy was studied, in both MDS patients and hematopoietic cell lines. The specific aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of Azacitidine and Lenalidomide MDS therapy on: cell cycle regulation, hematopoietic differentiation, gene mutation and miR expression. Lenalidomide alone, via PI-PLCβ1/PKC pathway, was able to induce a selective G0/G1 arrest of the cell cycle in del(5q) cells, slowing down their rate proliferation and favouring erythropoiesis activation. In addition, although the mutation profile at baseline was not entirely capable of predicting the clinical effect of Azacitidine and Lenalidomide therapy, the presence of specific point mutations affecting three inositide genes (PI3KCD, AKT3, PLCG2) was correlated to and anticipated a negative clinical outcome. Moreover, the differential miR expression was detectable even from the 4th cycle of therapy in responder patients, as compared to non-responders. In MDS, this is the first evidence that the molecular mutation profiling of inositide genes or a specific mini-cluster of differentially expressed miRs, targeting inositide signaling molecules, can be associated with the clinical response, thus possibly predicting the effect of the therapy.
Primary angioplasty has been shown to be more effective than fibrinolysis in terms of mortality and adverse outcomes. More recent data, however, suggests that timely reperfusion with fibrinolysis is comparable to primary angioplasty. The current study gathered data from the International Survey of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Transitional Countries registry. Among 7406 ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients presenting within 12 hours from symptom onset, 6315 underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention and 1091 were treated with fibrinolysis. The primary outcome was 30-day mortality, while the secondary outcome was a composite of 30-day incidence of death, severe left ventricular dysfunction, stroke or reinfarction. Patients who underwent primary angioplasty tended to have a greater cardiovascular risk profile and were slightly older. On the other hand, patients treated with fibrinolysis received less anti-platelet medications yet were more often prescribed beta blockers in the acute phase. Among those who received fibrinolysis, 43% underwent coronary angiography while 32.3% were treated with a subsequent angioplasty. Total ischemic time was lower in patients undergoing fibrinolysis (185 minutes) than in those treated with primary angioplasty (258 minutes). Rates of primary and secondary combined endpoints were higher in patients receiving fibrinolysis compared to those receiving primary angioplasty (7.8% vs. 4.1%; p<0.0001; OR 1.97, 95% CI, 1.38-2.81; and 14.8% vs. 10.1%, p<0.0001; OR 1.43, 95% CI, 1.12-1.81). When considering only patients receiving reperfusion within 3 hours, regardless of reperfusion strategy, differences in mortality (6.3% vs. 4%, p=0.094, for fibrinolysis or primary angioplasty, respectively; OR 0.87, 95% CI, 0.35-2.16) and in the combined secondary endpoint were no longer observed (12.9% vs 10.8%, p=0.33; OR 0.98, 95% CI, 0.58-1.64), and female sex was no longer a significant predictor of adverse outcomes. When performed 3 hours from symptom onset, fibrinolysis is safe and feasible, in terms of mortality and adverse outcomes, compared to primary angioplasty.
Background: The natural history of Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 is largely unclear, longitudinal studies are lacking. Objectives: to collect clinical and laboratory data, to evaluate sleep disorders, somatic and autonomic skin fibres, neuropsychological and neuroradiological aspects in DM1 patients. Methods: 72 DM1 patients underwent a standardized clinical and neuroradiological evaluation performed by a multidisciplinary team during 3 years of follow-up. Results: longer disease duration was associated with higher incidence of conduction disorders and lower ejection fraction; higher CVF values were predictors for a reduced risk of cardiopathy. Lower functional pulmonary values were associated with class of expansion and were negatively associated with disease duration; arterial blood gas parameters were not associated with expansion size, disease duration nor with respiratory function test. Excessive daytime sleepiness was not associated with class of expansion nor with any of the clinical parameters examined. We detected apnoea in a large percentage of patients, without differences between the 3 genetic classes; higher CVF values were predictors for a reduced risk of apnoea. Skin biopsies demonstrated the presence of a subclinical small fibre neuropathy with involvement of the somatic fibres. The pupillometry study showed lower pupil size at baseline and a lower constriction response to light. The most affected neuropsychological domains were executive functions, visuoconstructional, attention and visuospatial tasks, with a worse performance of E1 patients in the visuoperceptual ability and social cognition tasks. MRI study demonstrated a decrease in the volumes of frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital cortices, accumbens, putamen nuclei and a more severe volume reduction of the isthmus cingulate, transverse temporal, superior parietal and temporal gyri in E2 patients. Discussion: only some clinical parameters could predict the risk of cardiopathy, pulmonary syndrome and sleep disorders, while other clinical aspects proved to be unpredictable, confirming the importance of periodic clinical follow-up of these patients.