6 resultados para polysomnography

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) is the periodic reduction or cessation of airflow during sleep. The syndrome is associated whit loud snoring, disrupted sleep and observed apnoeas. Surgery aims to alleviate symptoms of daytime sleepiness, improve quality of life and reduce the signs of sleep apnoea recordered by polysomnography. Surgical intervention for snoring and OSAHS includes several procedures, each designed to increase the patency of the upper airway. Procedures addressing nasal obstruction include septoplasty, turbinectomy, and radiofrequency ablation (RF) of the turbinates. Surgical procedures to reduce soft palate redundancy include uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with or without tonsillectomy, uvulopalatal flap, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, and RF of the soft palate. More significant, however, particularly in cases of severe OSA, is hypopharyngeal or retrolingual obstruction related to an enlarged tongue, or more commonly due to maxillomandibular deficiency. Surgeries in these cases are aimed at reducing the bulk of the tongue base or providing more space for the tongue in the oropharynx so as to limit posterior collapse during sleep. These procedures include tongue-base suspension, genioglossal advancement, hyoid suspension, lingualplasty, and maxillomandibular advancement. We reviewed 269 patients undergoing to osas surgery at the ENT Department of Forlì Hospital in the last decade. Surgery was considered a success if the postoperative apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) was less than 20/h. According to the results, we have developed surgical decisional algorithms with the aims to optimize the success of these procedures by identifying proper candidates for surgery and the most appropriate surgical techniques. Although not without risks and not as predictable as positive airway pressure therapy, surgery remains an important treatment option for patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), particularly for those who have failed or cannot tolerate positive airway pressure therapy. Successful surgery depends on proper patient selection, proper procedure selection, and experience of the surgeon. The intended purpose of medical algorithms is to improve and standardize decisions made in the delivery of medical care, assist in standardizing selection and application of treatment regimens, to reduce potential introduction of errors. Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (nCPAP) is the recommended therapy for patients with moderate to severe OSAS. Unfortunately this treatment is not accepted by some patient, appears to be poorly tolerated in a not neglible number of subjects, and the compliance may be critical, especially in the long term if correctly evaluated with interview as well with CPAP smart cards analysis. Among the alternative options in Literature, surgery is a long time honoured solution. However until now no clear scientific evidence exists that surgery can be considered a really effective option in OSAHS management. We have design a randomized prospective study comparing MMA and a ventilatory device (Autotitrating Positive Airways Pressure – APAP) in order to understand the real effectiveness of surgery in the management of moderate to severe OSAS. Fifty consecutive previously full informed patients suffering from severe OSAHS were enrolled and randomised into a conservative (APAP) or surgical (MMA) arm. Demographic, biometric, PSG and ESS profiles of the two group were statistically not significantly different. One year after surgery or continuous APAP treatment both groups showed a remarkable improvement of mean AHI and ESS; the degree of improvement was not statistically different. Provided the relatively small sample of studied subjects and the relatively short time of follow up, MMA proved to be in our adult and severe OSAHS patients group a valuable alternative therapeutical tool with a success rate not inferior to APAP.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: Cyclic Alternating Pattern (CAP) is a fluctuation of the arousal level during NREM sleep and consists of the alternation between two phases: phase A (divided into three subtypes A1, A2, and A3) and phase B. A1 is thought to be generated by the frontal cortex and is characterized by the presence of K complexes or delta bursts; additionally, CAP A1 seems to have a role in the involvement of sleep slow wave activity in cognitive processing. Our hypothesis was that an overall CAP rate would have a negative influence on cognitive performance due to excessive fluctuation of the arousal level during NREM sleep. However, we also predicted that CAP A1 would be positively correlated with cognitive functions, especially those related to frontal lobe functioning. For this reason, the objective of our study was to correlate objective sleep parameters with cognitive behavioral measures in normal healthy adults. METHODS: 8 subjects (4 males; 4 females; mean age 27.75 years, range 2334) were recruited for this study. Two nocturnal polysomnography (night 2 and 3 = N2 and N3) were carried out after a night of adaptation. A series of neuropsychological tests were performed by the subjects in the morning and afternoon of the second day (D2am; D2pm) and in the morning of the third day (D3am). Raw scores from the neuropsychological tests were used as dependent variables in the statistical analysis of the results. RESULTS: We computed a series of partial correlations between sleep microstructure parameters (CAP, A1, A2 and A3 rate) and a number of indices of cognitive functioning. CAP rate was positively correlated with visuospatial working memory (Corsi block test), Trial Making Test Part A (planning and motor sequencing) and the retention of words from the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (HVLT). Conversely, CAP was negatively correlated with visuospatial fluency (Ruff Figure Fluency Test). CAP A1 were correlated with many of the tests of neuropsychological functioning, such as verbal fluency (as measured by the COWAT), working memory (as measured by the Digit Span – Backward test), and both delay recall and retention of the words from the HVLT. The same parameters were found to be negatively correlated with CAP A2 subtypes. CAP 3 were negatively correlated with the Trial Making Test Parts A and B. DISCUSSION: To our knowledge this is the first study indicating a role of CAP A1 and A2 on behavioral cognitive performance of healthy adults. The results suggest that high rate of CAP A1 might be related to an improvement whereas high rate of CAP A2 to a decline of cognitive functions. Further studies need to be done to better determine the role of the overall CAP rate and CAP A3 on cognitive behavioral performances.


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Objective: To study circadian rhythms (sleep-wake, body core temperature and melatonin circadian rhythms) in patients in vegetative state (VS) in basal condition and after nocturnal blue light exposure. Methods: Eight patients in VS underwent two experimental sessions of 48 consecutive hours polysomnography with body core temperature (BCT) measurement separated by a 1-week interval. For a week between the two experimental sessions, patients underwent nocturnal blue light exposure (470 nm; 58 μW/cm2 for 4 hours from 11.30 p.m. to 3.30 a.m.). Brain MRI, Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale (LCF) and Disability Rating Scale (DRS) were assessed just before polysomnography. Results: In all patients LCF and DRS confirmed vegetative state. All patients showed a sleep-wake cycle. All patients showed spindle or spindle-like activities. REM sleep was detected in only 7 patients. Patients displayed a greater fragmentation of nocturnal sleep due to frequent awakenings. Mean nocturnal sleep efficiency was significantly reduced (40±22 vs. 74±17) in VS patients respect to controls. A significantly increasing of phase 1 and a significantly reduction of phase 2 and phase 3 were observed too. A modification of diurnal sleep total time and of diurnal duration of REM sleep were found after 1-week nocturnal blue light exposure. All patients displayed a normal BCT 24-h rhythm in basal condition and after nocturnal blue light exposure. A reduction of mean nocturnal melatonin levels in basal condition were observed in VS patients. Melatonin suppression after blue light exposure was observed in only 2 patients in VS. Conclusions: We found disorganized sleep-wake cycle and a normal BCT rhythm in our patients in VS. A reduction of mean nocturnal melatonin levels in basal condition were observed too.


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Objective: To document the existence of a relationship between apnea of prematurity (AOP) and gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in preterm infants. Setting: One Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Patients: Twenty-six preterm infants (gestational age<32 weeks) with recurrent apneas. Intervention: Simultaneous and synchronized recording of polysomnography and pH-impedance monitoring (pH-MII). Polysomnography detects and characterizes apneas, by recording of breathing movement, nasal airflow, electrocardiogram, pulse oximeter saturation. pH-MII is the state-of-theart methodology for GER detection in preterm newborns. Main outcome measures: Relationship between AOP and GER, which were considered temporally related if both started within 30 seconds of each other. Results: One-hundred-fifty-four apneas out of 1136 were temporally related to GER. The frequency of apnea during the one-minute time around the onset of GER was significantly higher than the one detected in the GER-free period (p=0.03). Furthermore, the frequency of apnea in the 30 seconds after GER (GER-triggered apneas) was greater than that detected in the 30 seconds before (p=0.01). A great inter-individual variability was documented in the proportion of GERtriggered apneas. A strong correlation between total number of apneas and the difference between apneas detected 30 seconds after and before GER was found (p=0.034). Conclusions: Our data show that a variable rate of apneas can be triggered by GER in very preterm infant. Further studies are needed to recognise clinical features which identify those patients who are more susceptible to GER-triggered apneas.


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Introduction: Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) is a distinct syndrome of partial epilepsy whose clinical features comprise a spectrum of paroxysmal motor manifestations of variable duration and complexity, arising from sleep. Cardiovascular changes during NFLE seizures have previously been observed, however the extent of these modifications and their relationship with seizure onset has not been analyzed in detail. Objective: Aim of present study is to evaluate NFLE seizure related changes in heart rate (HR) and in sympathetic/parasympathetic balance through wavelet analysis of HR variability (HRV). Methods: We evaluated the whole night digitally recorded video-polysomnography (VPSG) of 9 patients diagnosed with NFLE with no history of cardiac disorders and normal cardiac examinations. Events with features of NFLE seizures were selected independently by three examiners and included in the study only if a consensus was reached. Heart rate was evaluated by measuring the interval between two consecutive R-waves of QRS complexes (RRi). RRi series were digitally calculated for a period of 20 minutes, including the seizures and resampled at 10 Hz using cubic spline interpolation. A multiresolution analysis was performed (Daubechies-16 form), and the squared level specific amplitude coefficients were summed across appropriate decomposition levels in order to compute total band powers in bands of interest (LF: 0.039062 - 0.156248, HF: 0.156248 - 0.624992). A general linear model was then applied to estimate changes in RRi, LF and HF powers during three different period (Basal) (30 sec, at least 30 sec before seizure onset, during which no movements occurred and autonomic conditions resulted stationary); pre-seizure period (preSP) (10 sec preceding seizure onset) and seizure period (SP) corresponding to the clinical manifestations. For one of the patients (patient 9) three seizures associated with ictal asystole were recorded, hence he was treated separately. Results: Group analysis performed on 8 patients (41 seizures) showed that RRi remained unchanged during the preSP, while a significant tachycardia was observed in the SP. A significant increase in the LF component was instead observed during both the preSP and the SP (p<0.001) while HF component decreased only in the SP (p<0.001). For patient 9 during the preSP and in the first part of SP a significant tachycardia was observed associated with an increased sympathetic activity (increased LF absolute values and LF%). In the second part of the SP a progressive decrease in HR that gradually exceeded basal values occurred before IA. Bradycardia was associated with an increase in parasympathetic activity (increased HF absolute values and HF%) contrasted by a further increase in LF until the occurrence of IA. Conclusions: These data suggest that changes in autonomic balance toward a sympathetic prevalence always preceded clinical seizure onset in NFLE, even when HR changes were not yet evident, confirming that wavelet analysis is a sensitive technique to detect sudden variations of autonomic balance occurring during transient phenomena. Finally we demonstrated that epileptic asystole is associated with a parasympathetic hypertonus counteracted by a marked sympathetic activation.


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Aim of this study is to describe the possible diagnostic value of sleep disturbances in the differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by parkinsonism at onset. 42 consecutive patients with parkinsonian features and disease duration up to 3 years were included in the BO-ProPark study. Each patient was evaluated twice, at baseline (T0) and 16 months later (T1). Patients were diagnosed as Parkinson disease (PD, 27 patients), PD plus (PD with cognitive impairment/dementia or dysautonomia, 4 patients) and parkinsonian syndrome (PS, 11 patients). All patients underwent a full night video-polysomnography scored by a neurologist blinded to the clinical diagnosis. Sleep efficiency and total sleep time were reduced in all patients; wake after sleep onset was higher in patients with atypical parkinsonisms than in PD patients. No significant differences between groups of patients were detected in other sleep parameters. The mean percentage of epochs with enhanced tonic muscle EMG activity during REM sleep was higher in PD plus and PS than in PD. No difference in phasic muscle EMG activity during REM sleep was seen between the two groups. REM behaviour disorder was more frequent in PD plus and PS than in PD patients. Our data suggest that REM sleep motor control is more frequently impaired at disease onset in patients with PS and PD plus compared to PD patients. The presence of RBD or an enhanced tonic muscle EMG activity in a patient with recent onset parkinsonian features should suggest a diagnosis of atypical parkinsonism, rather than PD. More data are needed to establish the diagnostic value of these features in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonisms. The evaluation of sleep disorders may be a useful tool in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonism at onset.