13 resultados para partition in micellar phase

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Selective oxidation is one of the simplest functionalization methods and essentially all monomers used in manufacturing artificial fibers and plastics are obtained by catalytic oxidation processes. Formally, oxidation is considered as an increase in the oxidation number of the carbon atoms, then reactions such as dehydrogenation, ammoxidation, cyclization or chlorination are all oxidation reactions. In this field, most of processes for the synthesis of important chemicals used vanadium oxide-based catalysts. These catalytic systems are used either in the form of multicomponent mixed oxides and oxysalts, e.g., in the oxidation of n-butane (V/P/O) and of benzene (supported V/Mo/O) to maleic anhydride, or in the form of supported metal oxide, e.g., in the manufacture of phthalic anhydride by o-xylene oxidation, of sulphuric acid by oxidation of SO2, in the reduction of NOx with ammonia and in the ammoxidation of alkyl aromatics. In addition, supported vanadia catalysts have also been investigated for the oxidative dehydrogenation of alkanes to olefins , oxidation of pentane to maleic anhydride and the selective oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde or methyl formate [1]. During my PhD I focused my work on two gas phase selective oxidation reactions. The work was done at the Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials (University of Bologna) in collaboration with Polynt SpA. Polynt is a leader company in the development, production and marketing of catalysts for gas-phase oxidation. In particular, I studied the catalytic system for n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride (fluid bed technology) and for o-xylene oxidation to phthalic anhydride. Both reactions are catalyzed by systems based on vanadium, but catalysts are completely different. Part A is dedicated to the study of V/P/O catalyst for n-butane selective oxidation, while in the Part B the results of an investigation on TiO2-supported V2O5, catalyst for o-xylene oxidation are showed. In Part A, a general introduction about the importance of maleic anhydride, its uses, the industrial processes and the catalytic system are reported. The reaction is the only industrial direct oxidation of paraffins to a chemical intermediate. It is produced by n-butane oxidation either using fixed bed and fluid bed technology; in both cases the catalyst is the vanadyl pyrophosphate (VPP). Notwithstanding the good performances, the yield value didn’t exceed 60% and the system is continuously studied to improve activity and selectivity. The main open problem is the understanding of the real active phase working under reaction conditions. Several articles deal with the role of different crystalline and/or amorphous vanadium/phosphorous (VPO) compounds. In all cases, bulk VPP is assumed to constitute the core of the active phase, while two different hypotheses have been formulated concerning the catalytic surface. In one case the development of surface amorphous layers that play a direct role in the reaction is described, in the second case specific planes of crystalline VPP are assumed to contribute to the reaction pattern, and the redox process occurs reversibly between VPP and VOPO4. Both hypotheses are supported also by in-situ characterization techniques, but the experiments were performed with different catalysts and probably under slightly different working conditions. Due to complexity of the system, these differences could be the cause of the contradictions present in literature. Supposing that a key role could be played by P/V ratio, I prepared, characterized and tested two samples with different P/V ratio. Transformation occurring on catalytic surfaces under different conditions of temperature and gas-phase composition were studied by means of in-situ Raman spectroscopy, trying to investigate the changes that VPP undergoes during reaction. The goal is to understand which kind of compound constituting the catalyst surface is the most active and selective for butane oxidation reaction, and also which features the catalyst should possess to ensure the development of this surface (e.g. catalyst composition). On the basis of results from this study, it could be possible to project a new catalyst more active and selective with respect to the present ones. In fact, the second topic investigated is the possibility to reproduce the surface active layer of VPP onto a support. In general, supportation is a way to improve mechanical features of the catalysts and to overcome problems such as possible development of local hot spot temperatures, which could cause a decrease of selectivity at high conversion, and high costs of catalyst. In literature it is possible to find different works dealing with the development of supported catalysts, but in general intrinsic characteristics of VPP are worsened due to the chemical interaction between active phase and support. Moreover all these works deal with the supportation of VPP; on the contrary, my work is an attempt to build-up a V/P/O active layer on the surface of a zirconia support by thermal treatment of a precursor obtained by impregnation of a V5+ salt and of H3PO4. In-situ Raman analysis during the thermal treatment, as well as reactivity tests are used to investigate the parameters that may influence the generation of the active phase. Part B is devoted to the study of o-xylene oxidation of phthalic anhydride; industrially, the reaction is carried out in gas-phase using as catalysts a supported system formed by V2O5 on TiO2. The V/Ti/O system is quite complex; different vanadium species could be present on the titania surface, as a function of the vanadium content and of the titania surface area: (i) V species which is chemically bound to the support via oxo bridges (isolated V in octahedral or tetrahedral coordination, depending on the hydration degree), (ii) a polymeric species spread over titania, and (iii) bulk vanadium oxide, either amorphous or crystalline. The different species could have different catalytic properties therefore changing the relative amount of V species can be a way to optimize the catalytic performances of the system. For this reason, samples containing increasing amount of vanadium were prepared and tested in the oxidation of o-xylene, with the aim of find a correlations between V/Ti/O catalytic activity and the amount of the different vanadium species. The second part deals with the role of a gas-phase promoter. Catalytic surface can change under working conditions; the high temperatures and a different gas-phase composition could have an effect also on the formation of different V species. Furthermore, in the industrial practice, the vanadium oxide-based catalysts need the addition of gas-phase promoters in the feed stream, that although do not have a direct role in the reaction stoichiometry, when present leads to considerable improvement of catalytic performance. Starting point of my investigation is the possibility that steam, a component always present in oxidation reactions environment, could cause changes in the nature of catalytic surface under reaction conditions. For this reason, the dynamic phenomena occurring at the surface of a 7wt% V2O5 on TiO2 catalyst in the presence of steam is investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy. Moreover a correlation between the amount of the different vanadium species and catalytic performances have been searched. Finally, the role of dopants has been studied. The industrial V/Ti/O system contains several dopants; the nature and the relative amount of promoters may vary depending on catalyst supplier and on the technology employed for the process, either a single-bed or a multi-layer catalytic fixed-bed. Promoters have a quite remarkable effect on both activity and selectivity to phthalic anhydride. Their role is crucial, and the proper control of the relative amount of each component is fundamental for the process performance. Furthermore, it can not be excluded that the same promoter may play different role depending on reaction conditions (T, composition of gas phase..). The reaction network of phthalic anhydride formation is very complex and includes several parallel and consecutive reactions; for this reason a proper understanding of the role of each dopant cannot be separated from the analysis of the reaction scheme. One of the most important promoters at industrial level, which is always present in the catalytic formulations is Cs. It is known that Cs plays an important role on selectivity to phthalic anhydride, but the reasons of this phenomenon are not really clear. Therefore the effect of Cs on the reaction scheme has been investigated at two different temperature with the aim of evidencing in which step of the reaction network this promoter plays its role.


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In martial arts there are several ways to perform the turning kick . Following the martial arts or different learning models many types of kicks take shape. Mawashi geri is the karate turning kick. At the moment there are two models of mawashi geri, one comes from the traditional karate (OLD), and the other newer (NEW), who agrees to the change of the rules of W.K.F. (World Karate Federation) happened in 2000 (Macan J. et all 2006) . In this study we are focus on the differences about two models the mawashi geri jodan of karate. The purpose of this study is to analyse cinematic and kinetic parameters of mawashi geri jodan. Timing of the striking and supporting leg actions were also evaluated A Vicon system 460 IR with 6 cameras at sample frequency of 200 Hz was used. 37 reflective markers have been set on the skin of the subjects following the “PlugInGait-total body model”. The participants performed five repetitions of mawashi geri jodan at maximum rapidity with their dominant leg against a ball suspended in front of them placed at ear height. Fourteen skilled subjects (mean level black belt 1,7 dan; age 20,9±4,8 yrs; height 171,4±7,3 cm; weight 60,9±10,2 Kg) practicing karate have been split in two group through the hierarchical cluster analysis following their technical characteristics. By means of the Mann Whitney-U test (Spss-package) the differences between the two groups were verified in preparatory and execution phase. Kicking knee at start, kicking hip and knee at take-off were different between the two groups (p < 0,05). Striking hip flexion during the spin of the supporting foot was different between the two groups (p < 0,05). Peak angular velocity of hip flexion were different between the two groups (p < 0,05). Groups showed differences also in timing of the supporting spin movement. While Old group spin the supporting foot at 30% of the trial, instead New start spinning at 44% of the trial. Old group showed a greater supporting foot spin than New (Old 110° Vs New 82°). Abduction values didn’t show any differences between the two groups. At the hit has been evaluated a 120° of double hips abduction, for the entire sample. Striking knee extension happened for everybody after the kicking hip flexion and confirm the proximal-distal action of the striking leg (Sorensen H. 1996). In contrast with Pearson J.N. 1997 and Landeo R 2007, peak velocity of the striking foot is not useful to describe kick performance because affected by the stature. Two groups are different either in preparatory phase or in execution phase. The body is set in difference manner already before the take-off of the kicking foot. The groups differ for the timing of the supporting foot action Trainer should pay attention to starting posture and on abduction capacities of the athletes.


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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a chain-oriented tool to evaluate the environment performance of products focussing on the entire life cycle of these products: from the extraction of resources, via manufacturing and use, to the final processing of the disposed products. Through all these stages consumption of resources and pollutant releases to air, water, soil are identified and quantified in Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) analysis. Subsequently to the LCI phase follows the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) phase; that has the purpose to convert resource consumptions and pollutant releases in environmental impacts. The LCIA aims to model and to evaluate environmental issues, called impact categories. Several reports emphasises the importance of LCA in the field of ENMs. The ENMs offer enormous potential for the development of new products and application. There are however unanswered questions about the impacts of ENMs on human health and the environment. In the last decade the increasing production, use and consumption of nanoproducts, with a consequent release into the environment, has accentuated the obligation to ensure that potential risks are adequately understood to protect both human health and environment. Due to its holistic and comprehensive assessment, LCA is an essential tool evaluate, understand and manage the environmental and health effects of nanotechnology. The evaluation of health and environmental impacts of nanotechnologies, throughout the whole of their life-cycle by using LCA methodology. This is due to the lack of knowledge in relation to risk assessment. In fact, to date, the knowledge on human and environmental exposure to nanomaterials, such ENPs is limited. This bottleneck is reflected into LCA where characterisation models and consequently characterisation factors for ENPs are missed. The PhD project aims to assess limitations and challenges of the freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity potential evaluation in LCIA phase for ENPs and in particular nanoparticles as n-TiO2.


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In Leukemias, recent developments have demonstrated that the Hedgehog pathway plays a key-role in the peculiar ability of self renewal of leukemia stem cells. The aim of this research activity was to investigate, through a first in man, Phase I, open label, clinical trial, the role and the impact, mainly in terms of safety profile, adverse events and pharmacokinetics, of a Sonic Hedgehog inhibitor compound on a population of heavely pretreated patients affected by AML, CML, MF, or MDS, resistant or refractory to standard chemotherapy. Thirty-five patients have been enrolled. The drug was administered orally, in 28 days cycles, without rest periods. The compound showed a good safety profile. The half life was of 17-35 hours, justifying the daily administration. Significant signs of activity, in terms of reduction of bone marrow blast cell amount were seen in most of the patients enrolled. Interestingly, correlative biological studies demonstrated that, comparing the gene expression profyiling signature of separated CD34+ cells before and after one cycle of treatment, the most variably expressed genes were involved in the Hh pathway. Moreover, we observed that many genes involved in MDR (multidrug resistance)were significantly down regulated after treatment. These data might lead to future clinical trials based on combinatory approaches, including, for instance, Hh inhibitors and conventional chemotherapy.


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Analysis of the peak-to-peak output current ripple amplitude for multiphase and multilevel inverters is presented in this PhD thesis. The current ripple is calculated on the basis of the alternating voltage component, and peak-to-peak value is defined by the current slopes and application times of the voltage levels in a switching period. Detailed analytical expressions of peak-to-peak current ripple distribution over a fundamental period are given as function of the modulation index. For all the cases, reference is made to centered and symmetrical switching patterns, generated either by carrier-based or space vector PWM. Starting from the definition and the analysis of the output current ripple in three-phase two-level inverters, the theoretical developments have been extended to the case of multiphase inverters, with emphasis on the five- and seven-phase inverters. The instantaneous current ripple is introduced for a generic balanced multiphase loads consisting of series RL impedance and ac back emf (RLE). Simplified and effective expressions to account for the maximum of the output current ripple have been defined. The peak-to-peak current ripple diagrams are presented and discussed. The analysis of the output current ripple has been extended also to multilevel inverters, specifically three-phase three-level inverters. Also in this case, the current ripple analysis is carried out for a balanced three-phase system consisting of series RL impedance and ac back emf (RLE), representing both motor loads and grid-connected applications. The peak-to-peak current ripple diagrams are presented and discussed. In addition, simulation and experimental results are carried out to prove the validity of the analytical developments in all the cases. The cases with different phase numbers and with different number of levels are compared among them, and some useful conclusions have been pointed out. Furthermore, some application examples are given.


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The purpose of the first part of the research activity was to develop an aerobic cometabolic process in packed bed reactors (PBR) to treat real groundwater contaminated by trichloroethylene (TCE) and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TeCA). In an initial screening conducted in batch bioreactors, different groundwater samples from 5 wells of the contaminated site were fed with 5 growth substrates. The work led to the selection of butane as the best growth substrate, and to the development and characterization from the site’s indigenous biomass of a suspended-cell consortium capable to degrade TCE with a 90 % mineralization of the organic chlorine. A kinetic study conducted in batch and continuous flow PBRs and led to the identification of the best carrier. A kinetic study of butane and TCE biodegradation indicated that the attached-cell consortium is characterized by a lower TCE specific degredation rates and by a lower level of mutual butane-TCE inhibition. A 31 L bioreactor was designed and set up for upscaling the experiment. The second part of the research focused on the biodegradation of 4 polymers, with and with-out chemical pre-treatments: linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), polyethylene (PP), polystyrene (PS) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Initially, the 4 polymers were subjected to different chemical pre-treatments: ozonation and UV/ozonation, in gaseous and aqueous phase. It was found that, for LLDPE and PP, the coupling UV and ozone in gas phase is the most effective way to oxidize the polymers and to generate carbonyl groups on the polymer surface. In further tests, the effect of chemical pretreatment on polyner biodegrability was studied. Gas-phase ozonated and virgin polymers were incubated aerobically with: (a) a pure strain, (b) a mixed culture of bacteria; and (c) a fungal culture, together with saccharose as a co-substrate.


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The study of polymorphism has an important role in several fields of materials science, because structural differences lead to different physico-chemical properties of the system. This PhD work was dedicated to the investigation of polymorphism in Indigo, Thioindigo and Quinacridone, as case studies among the organic pigments employed as semiconductors, and in Paracetamol, Phenytoin and Nabumetone, chosen among some commonly used API. The aim of the research was to improve the understanding on the structures of bulk crystals and thin films, adopting Raman spectroscopy as the method of choice, while resorting to other experimental techniques to complement the gathered information. Different crystalline polymorphs, in fact, may be conveniently distinguished by their Raman spectra in the region of the lattice phonons (10-150 cm-1), the frequencies of which, probing the inter-molecular interactions, are very sensitive to even slight modifications in the molecular packing. In particular, we have used Confocal Raman Microscopy, which is a powerful, yet simple, technique for the investigation of crystal polymorphism in organic and inorganic materials, being capable of monitoring physical modifications, chemical transformations and phase inhomogeneities in crystal domains at the micrometre scale. In this way, we have investigated bulk crystals and thin film samples obtained with a variety of crystal growth and deposition techniques. Pure polymorphs and samples with phase mixing were found and fully characterized. Raman spectroscopy was complemented mainly by XRD measurements for bulk crystals and by AFM, GIXD and TEM for thin films. Structures and phonons of the investigated polymorphs were computed by DFT methods, and the comparison between theoretical and experimental results was used to assess the relative stability of the polymorphs and to assist the spectroscopic investigation. The Raman measurements were thus found to be able to clarify ambiguities in the phase assignments which otherwise the other methods were unable to solve.


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Topoisomerase I (Top1) poisons are among the most clinically-effective drugs used for colon, ovary and lung cancers. Unpublished data from our lab have recently revealed that the structurally-unrelated Top1 poisons, Camptothecin (CPT) and Indimitecan (LMP776), induce the formation of micronuclei (MNi) in human cancer cells. In addition, MNi trigger an innate immune gene response by stimulating the cGAS/STING pathway. As the mechanisms of MNi formation are not fully determined, our aim is here to establish how MNi form after Top1 poisoning. Using immunofluorescence assays and EdU labelling of nascent DNAs, our results show that, after 24 hours of recovery, a short treatment with sub-cytotoxic doses of Top1 poisons induces the formation of MNi that do not contain newly synthetized (EdU+) DNA. We also saw that Top1 poisons delay replication machinery reducing EdU incorporation and produce significant levels of the damage markers γH2AX and p53BP1 in S-phase cells but not in G1 and G2/M cells. The results also show that MNi formation is dependent on R-loops, as RNaseH1 overexpression markedly reduces Top1 induced MNi. Genome-wide mapping of R-loops by DRIP-seq technique revealed that R-loop levels are both decreased and increased by CPT. In particular, increased R-loops are mainly found at active genes and always overlapped with Top1cc sites. We also found that increased R-loops overlap with lamina-associated chromatin domains while decreased R-loops correlate with replication origin sites. Overall, our data are consistent with the formation of MNi due to R-loop increase and under-replication at specific regions caused by Top1 poisons. These results will eventually help in developing new strategies for effective personalized interventions by using Top1-targeted compounds as immuno-modulators in cancer patients.


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The internet and digital technologies revolutionized the economy. Regulating the digital market has become a priority for the European Union. While promoting innovation and development, EU institutions must assure that the digital market maintains a competitive structure. Among the numerous elements characterizing the digital sector, users’ data are particularly important. Digital services are centered around personal data, the accumulation of which contributed to the centralization of market power in the hands of a few large providers. As a result, data-driven mergers and data-related abuses gained a central role for the purposes of EU antitrust enforcement. In light of these considerations, this work aims at assessing whether EU competition law is well-suited to address data-driven mergers and data-related abuses of dominance. These conducts are of crucial importance to the maintenance of competition in the digital sector, insofar as the accumulation of users’ data constitutes a fundamental competitive advantage. To begin with, part 1 addresses the specific features of the digital market and their impact on the definition of the relevant market and the assessment of dominance by antitrust authorities. Secondly, part 2 analyzes the EU’s case law on data-driven mergers to verify if merger control is well-suited to address these concentrations. Thirdly, part 3 discusses abuses of dominance in the phase of data collection and the legal frameworks applicable to these conducts. Fourthly, part 4 focuses on access to “essential” datasets and the indirect effects of anticompetitive conducts on rivals’ ability to access users’ information. Finally, Part 5 discusses differential pricing practices implemented online and based on personal data. As it will be assessed, the combination of an efficient competition law enforcement and the auspicial adoption of a specific regulation seems to be the best solution to face the challenges raised by “data-related dominance”.


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Multi-phase electrical drives are potential candidates for the employment in innovative electric vehicle powertrains, in response to the request for high efficiency and reliability of this type of application. In addition to the multi-phase technology, in the last decades also, multilevel technology has been developed. These two technologies are somewhat complementary since both allow increasing the power rating of the system without increasing the current and voltage ratings of the single power switches of the inverter. In this thesis, some different topics concerning the inverter, the motor and the fault diagnosis of an electric vehicle powertrain are addressed. In particular, the attention is focused on multi-phase and multilevel technologies and their potential advantages with respect to traditional technologies. First of all, the mathematical models of two multi-phase machines, a five-phase induction machine and an asymmetrical six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines are developed using the Vector Space Decomposition approach. Then, a new modulation technique for multi-phase multilevel T-type inverters, which solves the voltage balancing problem of the DC-link capacitors, ensuring flexible management of the capacitor voltages, is developed. The technique is based on the proper selection of the zero-sequence component of the modulating signals. Subsequently, a diagnostic technique for detecting the state of health of the rotor magnets in a six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine is established. The technique is based on analysing the electromotive force induced in the stator windings by the rotor magnets. Furthermore, an innovative algorithm able to extend the linear modulation region for five-phase inverters, taking advantage of the multiple degrees of freedom available in multi-phase systems is presented. Finally, the mathematical model of an eighteen-phase squirrel cage induction motor is defined. This activity aims to develop a motor drive able to change the number of poles of the machine during the machine operation.


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Understanding the complex dynamics of beam-halo formation and evolution in circular particle accelerators is crucial for the design of current and future rings, particularly those utilizing superconducting magnets such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), its luminosity upgrade HL-LHC, and the proposed Future Circular Hadron Collider (FCC-hh). A recent diffusive framework, which describes the evolution of the beam distribution by means of a Fokker-Planck equation, with diffusion coefficient derived from the Nekhoroshev theorem, has been proposed to describe the long-term behaviour of beam dynamics and particle losses. In this thesis, we discuss the theoretical foundations of this framework, and propose the implementation of an original measurement protocol based on collimator scans in view of measuring the Nekhoroshev-like diffusive coefficient by means of beam loss data. The available LHC collimator scan data, unfortunately collected without the proposed measurement protocol, have been successfully analysed using the proposed framework. This approach is also applied to datasets from detailed measurements of the impact on the beam losses of so-called long-range beam-beam compensators also at the LHC. Furthermore, dynamic indicators have been studied as a tool for exploring the phase-space properties of realistic accelerator lattices in single-particle tracking simulations. By first examining the classification performance of known and new indicators in detecting the chaotic character of initial conditions for a modulated Hénon map and then applying this knowledge to study the properties of realistic accelerator lattices, we tried to identify a connection between the presence of chaotic regions in the phase space and Nekhoroshev-like diffusive behaviour, providing new tools to the accelerator physics community.


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Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is characterized by the presence of the BCR::ABL1 fusion gene, leading to a constitutively active tyrosine kinase that drives the disease. Genomic instability is a hallmark of CML, contributing to disease progression and treatment resistance. A study identified SETD2, a histone methyltransferase, as frequently dysfunctional in advanced-phase CML, resulting in reduced trimethylation of Histone H3 at lysine 36 (H3K36Me3). This loss is associated with poor prognosis and increased genetic instability. Investigations revealed that SETD2 dysfunction is caused by post-translational modifications mediated by Aurora kinase A and MDM2, leading to proteasome-mediated degradation. Aurora kinase A phosphorylates SETD2, while MDM2 ubiquitinates it, targeting it for degradation. Inhibition of MDM2 and Aurora kinase A restored SETD2 expression and activity, suggesting potential therapeutic targets. Loss of SETD2 and H3K36Me3 impairs DNA repair mechanisms, favoring error-prone repair pathways over faithful ones, exacerbating genetic instability. Reintroduction of SETD2 into deficient cells restored DNA repair pathways, preserving genomic integrity. Analysis of CD34+ progenitor cells from CML patients showed reduced SETD2 levels compared to healthy individuals, correlating with decreased clonogenic capacity. Notably, SETD2 loss is not detectable at diagnosis but emerges during disease progression, indicating its role as an early indicator of CML advancement. Therapeutically, inhibitors targeting Aurora kinase A, MDM2, and the proteasome showed efficacy in cells expressing SETD2, particularly in those with low SETD2 levels. Proteasome inhibitors induced apoptosis and DNA damage in SETD2-deficient cells, highlighting their potential for CML treatment. In conclusion, SETD2 acts as a tumor suppressor in CML, with its dysfunction contributing to genetic instability and disease progression. Targeting the mechanisms of SETD2 loss presents promising therapeutic avenues for controlling CML proliferation and restoring genomic integrity.


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My PhD research focused on the development of environmentally sustainable methods for peptide synthesis. The traditional and toxic solvents and bases used in solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) were replaced with eco-friendly alternatives to reduce the environmental impact. In particular, N-octylpyrrolidone was found to be an effective green solvent in combination with dimethyl carbonate, resulting in a 63-66% reduction in process mass intensity (PMI). In addition, a green base, DEAPA, was identified for Fmoc removal, which showed comparable results to piperidine, while being less regulated and toxic, and able to better control aspartimide-related side reactions. The study extended beyond SPPS to explore liquid-phase peptide synthesis (LPPS) and solution-phase peptide synthesis (SolPPS) using propylphosphonic anhydride (T3P®) as a coupling reagent. The developed green SolPPS using Cbz amino acids achieved exceptional efficiency, minimal racemisation and a PMI of 30 to introduce a single amino acid in the iterative process. This PMI value is the lowest ever reported for an oligopeptide synthesis protocol. This technique was extended to N-Boc amino acids in DCM, requiring aqueous workups and achieving 95% purity of Leu-Enkephalin. Finally, T3P® was found to be suitable for LPPS. An anchor, mimicking a resin, was used to allow precipitation or solubilisation of the growing anchored-peptide, depending on the polarity of the solvent used. Anisole and DCM resulted in a pentapeptide purity of over 95%. While at Oxford University, I synthesized a cleavable fragment that is sensitive to cathepsin B (CatB) and incorporated it into a cyclic antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) targeting the metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1). ASO demonstrated good stability in a simulated in vivo environment using human serum and high affinity with complementary RNA. The Cyclic-ASO was opened by CatB in optimal conditions. Experiments highlight therapeutic potential and a novel method for controlling cyclic oligonucleotide activity, potentially enhancing cellular uptake.