6 resultados para particulate emissions

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In un quadro internazionale di forte interesse verso uno sviluppo sostenibile e sfide energetiche per il futuro, il DIEM, in collaborazione con altri istituti di ricerca ed imprese private, sta progettando l’integrazione di componentistica avanzata su di una caldaia alimentata a biomasse. Lo scopo finale è quello di realizzare una caldaia a biomasse che produca energia in maniera più efficiente e con un impatto ambientale ridotto. L’applicazione è indirizzata inizialmente verso caldaie di piccola-media taglia (fino a 350 kW termici) vista la larga diffusione di questa tipologia di impianto. La componentistica in oggetto è: - filtro sperimentale ad alta efficienza per la rimozione del particolato; - celle a effetto Seebeck per la produzione di energia elettrica direttamente da energia termica senza parti meccaniche in movimento; - pompa Ogden per la produzione di energia meccanica direttamente da energia termica; La finalità dell’attività di ricerca è la progettazione dell’integrazione dei suddetti dispositivi con una caldaia a biomassa da 290 kW termici per la realizzazione di un prototipo di caldaia stand-alone ad impatto ambientale ridotto: in particolare, la caldaia è in grado, una volta raggiunte le condizioni di regime, di autoalimentare le proprie utenze elettriche, garantendo il funzionamento in sicurezza in caso di black-out o consentendo l’installazione della caldaia medesima in zone remote e prive di allaccio alla rete elettrica. Inoltre, la caldaia può fornire, tramite l'utilizzo di una pompa a vapore o pompa Ogden, energia meccanica per il pompaggio di fluidi: tale opportunità si ritiene particolarmente interessante per l'integrazione della caldaia nel caso di installazione in ambito agricolo. Infine, l'abbinamento di un filtro ad alta efficienza e basso costo consente l'abbattimento delle emissioni inquinanti, favorendo una maggiore diffusione della tecnologia senza ulteriori impatti sull'ambiente.


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The removal of aromatic hydrocarbons from diesel has received considerable attention after environmental regulations that require petroleum refiners to raise cetane number and to limit aromatics in diesel fuel in order to improve combustion efficiency and reduce particulate and NOx emissions. An alternative is blending with Fischer–Tropsch (FT) gas-to-liquid diesel fuel; however, this option may not be economically viable solution in case of extensive blend. Another alternative is to incorporate in the diesel pool a greater fraction of the so-called light cycle oil (LCO). Due to its high aromatics content and its low cetane number (typically between 20 and 30), the incorporation of LCO may have a negative impact on the quality of diesel. Current technologies for LCO improvement are based on hydrogenation to adjust both sulphur and cetane number but while an important fraction of the aromatics present in LCO can be saturated in a deep hydrogenation process, the cetane number may still be lower than the target values specified in diesel legislations, so further upgrading is needed. An interesting technology for improving the cetane number of diesels and maintaining meanwhile high diesel yields is achieved by combining a complete hydrogenation process with a selective ring opening (SRO) reaction of the naphthenic rings. The SRO can be defined as naphthene ring-opening to form compounds with high cetane number, but without any carbon losses. Controlling the interconversion of six- and five- membered rings via an acid-catalyzed ring-contraction step is also of great importance, since selective conversion of six-membered to five-membered naphthene rings greatly influences ring-opening rates and selectivity. High intrinsic activity may be enhanced by deposition of noble metals on acidic, high surface area supports, because it is possible to arrange close proximity of the metal and acid sites. Moreover, in large-pore supports, the diffusion resistance of liquid reactants into the pores is minimized. In addition to metal centres, the acid sites of support also plays role in aromatics hydrogenation. However, the functions of different kinds of acid sites (Brønsted vs. Lewis acidity), and their optimal concentrations and strengths, remain unclear. In the present study we investigated the upgrading of an aromatic-rich feedstock over different type of metal supported on mesoporous silica-alumina. The selective hydrogenolysis and ring opening of tetrahydronaphthalene (THN or tetralin) was carried out as representative of LCO fractions after deep hydrogenation process. In this regards the aim of this study is to evaluate both the effect of metals and that of the supports characterized by different acid distribution and strength, on conversion and selectivity. For this purpose a series of catalysts were prepared by impregnation. The catalysts were characterized and conversion tests of THN were performed in a lab-scale plant operating in the pressure range from 7.0-5.0 MPa and in the temperature range from 300 to 360°C.


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This PhD thesis addresses the topic of large-scale interactions between climate and marine biogeochemistry. To this end, centennial simulations are performed under present and projected future climate conditions with a coupled ocean-atmosphere model containing a complex marine biogeochemistry model. The role of marine biogeochemistry in the climate system is first investigated. Phytoplankton solar radiation absorption in the upper ocean enhances sea surface temperatures and upper ocean stratification. The associated increase in ocean latent heat losses raises atmospheric temperatures and water vapor. Atmospheric circulation is modified at tropical and extratropical latitudes with impacts on precipitation, incoming solar radiation, and ocean circulation which cause upper-ocean heat content to decrease at tropical latitudes and to increase at middle latitudes. Marine biogeochemistry is tightly related to physical climate variability, which may vary in response to internal natural dynamics or to external forcing such as anthropogenic carbon emissions. Wind changes associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the dominant mode of climate variability in the North Atlantic, affect ocean properties by means of momentum, heat, and freshwater fluxes. Changes in upper ocean temperature and mixing impact the spatial structure and seasonality of North Atlantic phytoplankton through light and nutrient limitations. These changes affect the capability of the North Atlantic Ocean of absorbing atmospheric CO2 and of fixing it inside sinking particulate organic matter. Low-frequency NAO phases determine a delayed response of ocean circulation, temperature and salinity, which in turn affects stratification and marine biogeochemistry. In 20th and 21st century simulations natural wind fluctuations in the North Pacific, related to the two dominant modes of atmospheric variability, affect the spatial structure and the magnitude of the phytoplankton spring bloom through changes in upper-ocean temperature and mixing. The impacts of human-induced emissions in the 21st century are generally larger than natural climate fluctuations, with the phytoplankton spring bloom starting one month earlier than in the 20th century and with ~50% lower magnitude. This PhD thesis advances the knowledge of bio-physical interactions within the global climate, highlighting the intrinsic coupling between physical climate and biosphere, and providing a framework on which future studies of Earth System change can be built on.


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Gli impianti di incenerimento di rifiuti solidi suscitano preoccupazione nella popolazione per i possibili effetti avversi associati all’esposizione. Gli effetti delle polveri sottili (PM2.5), generate dai processi di combustione, sulla salute umana includono l’insorgenza di patologie a carico del sistema respiratorio e cardiovascolare e l’aumento della mortalità per malattie polmonari e probabilmente cancro al polmone. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di valutare il profilo tossicologico e cancerogeno del particolato atmosferico in prossimità dell’inceneritore di Bologna rispetto alle aree adiacenti mediante l’utilizzo di test alternativi alle metodologie in vivo, come il test di trasformazione cellulare e approcci di tossicogenomica (soprattutto trascrittomica) oltre alla valutazione della variazione del rischio cancerogeno indotto dall’esposizione di PM2.5 in diversi siti (massima ricaduta, controllo, fondo urbano e fondo rurale) e in differenti periodi di campionamento (estate 2008 e inverno 2009). Gli estratti di PM2.5 relativi alla stagione invernale sono risultati più tossici rispetto ai campioni estivi, che inducono tossicità soprattutto alle alte dosi. Per i campioni invernali il numero medio di colonie di cellule BALB/c 3T3 A31-1-1 risulta ridotto in modo significativo anche per le dosi più basse saggiate indipendentemente dal sito di provenienza. Tutti i campioni analizzati sono risultati negativi nel test di trasformazione cellulare in vitro. L’analisi dell’espressione genica delle cellule BALB/c 3T3 A31-1-1, in seguito all’esposizione agli estratti di PM2.5, ha mostrato un effetto stagionale evidente. Relativamente ai campioni invernali è stato evidenziato un maggior effetto tossico da parte del sito di controllo rispetto alla massima ricaduta, poiché nel sito di controllo risultano attivati marcatori di morte cellulare per apoptosi. La valutazione del rischio cancerogeno in tutti i siti valutati non mostra situazioni preoccupanti legate alla predizione di eccessi di rischio di tumori imputabili all’attività dell’inceneritore in quanto le stime di rischio non eccedono mai il valore limite riportato in letteratura.


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Population growth in urban areas is a world-wide phenomenon. According to a recent United Nations report, over half of the world now lives in cities. Numerous health and environmental issues arise from this unprecedented urbanization. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of urban green spaces and the role they play in improving both the aesthetics and the quality of life of its residents. In particular, urban green spaces provide ecosystem services such as: urban air quality improvement by removing pollutants that can cause serious health problems, carbon storage, carbon sequestration and climate regulation through shading and evapotranspiration. Furthermore, epidemiological studies with controlled age, sex, marital and socio-economic status, have provided evidence of a positive relationship between green space and the life expectancy of senior citizens. However, there is little information on the role of public green spaces in mid-sized cities in northern Italy. To address this need, a study was conducted to assess the ecosystem services of urban green spaces in the city of Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. In particular, we quantified the cooling effect of urban trees and the hourly amount of pollution removed by the urban forest. The information was gathered using field data collected through local hourly air pollution readings, tree inventory and simulation models. During the study we quantified pollution removal for ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter (<10 microns). We estimated the above ground carbon stored and annually sequestered by the urban forest. Results have been compared to transportation CO2 emissions to determine the CO2 offset potential of urban streetscapes. Furthermore, we assessed commonly used methods for estimating carbon stored and sequestered by urban trees in the city of Bolzano. We also quantified ecosystem disservices such as hourly urban forest volatile organic compound emissions.