3 resultados para particle size distribution

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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As land is developed, the impervious surfaces that are created increase the amount of runoff during rainfall events, disrupting the natural hydrologic cycle, with an increment in volume of runoff and in pollutant loadings. Pollutants deposited or derived from an activity on the land surface will likely end up in stormwater runoff in some concentration, such as nutrients, sediment, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, gasoline additives, pathogens, deicers, herbicides and pesticides. Several of these pollutants are particulate-bound, so it appears clear that sediment removal can provide significant water-quality improvements and it appears to be important the knowledge of the ability of stromwater treatment devices to retain particulate matter. For this reason three different units which remove sediments have been tested through laboratory. In particular a roadside gully pot has been tested under steady hydraulic conditions, varying the characteristics of the influent solids (diameter, particle size distribution and specific gravity). The efficiency in terms of particles retained has been evaluated as a function of influent flow rate and particles characteristics; results have been compared to efficiency evaluated applying an overflow rate model. Furthermore the role of particles settling velocity in efficiency determination has been investigated. After the experimental runs on the gully pot, a standard full-scale model of an hydrodynamic separator (HS) has been tested under unsteady influent flow rate condition, and constant solid concentration at the input. The results presented in this study illustrate that particle separation efficiency of the unit is predominately influenced by operating flow rate, which strongly affects the particles and hydraulic residence time of the system. The efficiency data have been compared to results obtained from a modified overflow rate model; moreover the residence time distribution has been experimentally determined through tracer analyses for several steady flow rates. Finally three testing experiments have been performed for two different configurations of a full-scale model of a clarifier (linear and crenulated) under unsteady influent flow rate condition, and constant solid concentration at the input. The results illustrate that particle separation efficiency of the unit is predominately influenced by the configuration of the unit itself. Turbidity measures have been used to compare turbidity with the suspended sediments concentration, in order to find a correlation between these two values, which can allow to have a measure of the sediments concentration simply installing a turbidity probe.


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La cippatura è un processo produttivo fondamentale nella trasformazione della materia prima forestale in biomassa combustibile che coinvolgerà un numero sempre più crescente di operatori. Scopo dello studio è stato quantificare la produttività e il consumo di combustibile in 16 cantieri di cippatura e determinare i livelli di esposizione alla polvere di legno degli addetti alla cippatura, in funzione di condizioni operative differenti. Sono state identificate due tipologie di cantiere: uno industriale, con cippatrici di grossa taglia (300-400kW) dotate di cabina, e uno semi-industriale con cippatrici di piccola-media taglia (100-150kW) prive di cabina. In tutti i cantieri sono stati misurati i tempi di lavoro, i consumi di combustibile, l’esposizione alla polvere di legno e sono stati raccolti dei campioni di cippato per l’analisi qualitativa. Il cantiere industriale ha raggiunto una produttività media oraria di 25 Mg tal quali, ed è risultato 5 volte più produttivo di quello semi-industriale, che ha raggiunto una produttività media oraria di 5 Mg. Ipotizzando un utilizzo massimo annuo di 1500 ore, il cantiere semi-industriale raggiunge una produzione annua di 7.410 Mg, mentre quello industriale di 37.605 Mg. Il consumo specifico di gasolio (L per Mg di cippato) è risultato molto minore per il cantiere industriale, che consuma in media quasi la metà di quello semi-industriale. Riguardo all’esposizione degli operatori alla polvere di legno, tutti i campioni hanno riportato valori di esposizione inferiori a 5 mg/m3 (limite di legge previsto dal D.Lgs. 81/08). Nei cantieri semi-industriali il valore medio di esposizione è risultato di 1,35 mg/m3, con un valore massimo di 3,66 mg/m3. Nei cantieri industriali si è riscontrato che la cabina riduce drasticamente l’esposizione alle polveri di legno. I valori medi misurati all’esterno della cabina sono stati di 0,90 mg/m3 mentre quelli all’interno della cabina sono risultati pari a 0,20 mg/m3.


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The macroscopic properties of oily food dispersions, such as rheology, mechanical strength, sensory attributes (e.g. mouth feel, texture and even flavour release) and as well as engineering properties are strongly determined by their microstructure, that is considered a key parameter in the understanding of the foods behaviour . In particular the rheological properties of these matrices are largely influenced by their processing techniques, particle size distribution and composition of ingredients. During chocolate manufacturing, mixtures of sugar, cocoa and fat are heated, cooled, pressurized and refined. These steps not only affect particle size reduction, but also break agglomerates and distribute lipid and lecithin-coated particles through the continuous phase, this considerably modify the microstructure of final chocolate. The interactions between the suspended particles and the continuous phase provide information about the existing network and consequently can be associated to the properties and characteristics of the final dispersions. Moreover since the macroscopic properties of food materials, are strongly determined by their microstructure, the evaluation and study of the microstructural characteristics, can be very important for a through understanding of the food matrices characteristics and to get detailed information on their complexity. The aim of this study was investigate the influence of formulation and each process step on the microstructural properties of: chocolate type model systems, dark milk and white chocolate types, and cocoa creams. At the same time the relationships between microstructural changes and the resulting physico-chemical properties of: chocolate type dispersions model systems dark milk and white chocolate were investigated.