9 resultados para pacs: inspection and quality control

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The Gaia space mission is a major project for the European astronomical community. As challenging as it is, the processing and analysis of the huge data-flow incoming from Gaia is the subject of thorough study and preparatory work by the DPAC (Data Processing and Analysis Consortium), in charge of all aspects of the Gaia data reduction. This PhD Thesis was carried out in the framework of the DPAC, within the team based in Bologna. The task of the Bologna team is to define the calibration model and to build a grid of spectro-photometric standard stars (SPSS) suitable for the absolute flux calibration of the Gaia G-band photometry and the BP/RP spectrophotometry. Such a flux calibration can be performed by repeatedly observing each SPSS during the life-time of the Gaia mission and by comparing the observed Gaia spectra to the spectra obtained by our ground-based observations. Due to both the different observing sites involved and the huge amount of frames expected (≃100000), it is essential to maintain the maximum homogeneity in data quality, acquisition and treatment, and a particular care has to be used to test the capabilities of each telescope/instrument combination (through the “instrument familiarization plan”), to devise methods to keep under control, and eventually to correct for, the typical instrumental effects that can affect the high precision required for the Gaia SPSS grid (a few % with respect to Vega). I contributed to the ground-based survey of Gaia SPSS in many respects: with the observations, the instrument familiarization plan, the data reduction and analysis activities (both photometry and spectroscopy), and to the maintenance of the data archives. However, the field I was personally responsible for was photometry and in particular relative photometry for the production of short-term light curves. In this context I defined and tested a semi-automated pipeline which allows for the pre-reduction of imaging SPSS data and the production of aperture photometry catalogues ready to be used for further analysis. A series of semi-automated quality control criteria are included in the pipeline at various levels, from pre-reduction, to aperture photometry, to light curves production and analysis.


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Virgin olive oil(VOO) is a product characterized by high economic and nutritional values, because of its superior sensory characteristics and minor compounds (phenols and tocopherols) contents. Since the original quality of VOO may change during its storage, this study aimed to investigate the influence of different storage and shipment conditions on the quality of VOO, by studying different solutions such as filtration, dark storage and shipment inside insulated containers to protect it. Different analytical techniques were used to follow-up the quality changes during virgin olive oil storage and simulated shipments, in terms of basic quality parameters, sensory analysis and evaluation of minor components (phenolic compounds, diglycerides, volatile compounds). Four main research streams were presented in this PhD thesis: The results obtained from the first experimental section revealed that the application of filtration and/or clarification can decrease the unavoidable quality loss of the oil samples during storage, in comparison with unfiltered oil samples. The second section indicated that the virgin olive oil freshness, evaluated by diglycerides content, was mainly affected by the storage time and temperature. The third section revealed that fluctuation in temperature during storage may adversely affect the virgin olive oil quality, in terms of hydrolytic rancidity and oxidation quality. The fourth section showed that virgin olive oil shipped inside insulated containers showed lower hydrolytic and oxidation degradation than those without insulation cover. Overall, this PhD thesis highlighted that application of adequate treatment, such as filtration or clarification, in addition to a good protection against other external variables, such as temperature and light, will improve the stability of virgin olive oil during storage.


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The PhD project was focused on the study of the poultry welfare conditions and improvements. The project work was divided into 3 main research activities. A) Field evaluation of chicken meat rearing conditions kept in intensive farms. Considering the lack of published reports concerning the overall Italian rearing conditions of broiler chickens, a survey was carried out to assess the welfare conditions of broiler reared in the most important poultry companies in Italy to verify if they are in accordance with the advices given in the European proposal COM (2005) 221 final. Chicken farm conditions, carcass lesions and meat quality were investigated. 1. The densities currently used in Italy are in accordance with the European proposal COM 221 final (2005) which suggests to keep broilers at a density lower than 30-32 kg live weight/m2 and to not exceed 38-40 kg live weight/m2. 2. The mortality rates in summer and winter agree with the mortality score calculated following the formula reported in the EU Proposal COM 221 final (2005). 3. The incidence of damaged carcasses was very low and did not seem related to the stocking density. 4. The FPD scores were generally above the maximum limit advised by the EU proposal COM 221 final (2005), although the stocking densities were lower than 30-32 kg live weight per m2. 5. It can be stated that the control of the environmental conditions, particularly litter quality, appears a key issue to control the onset of foot dermatitis. B) Manipulation of several farm parameters, such litter material and depth, stocking density and light regimen to improve the chicken welfare conditions, in winter season. 1. Even though 2 different stocking densities were established in this study, the performances achieved from the chickens were almost identical among groups. 2. The FCR was significantly better in Standard conditions contrarily to birds reared in Welfare conditions with lower stocking density, more litter material and with a light program of 16 hours light and 8 hours dark. 3. In our trial, in Standard groups we observed a higher content of moisture, nitrogen and ammonia released from the litter. Therefore it can be assumed that the environmental characteristics have been positively changed by the improvements of the rearing conditions adopted for Welfare groups. 4. In Welfare groups the exhausted litters of the pens were dryer and broilers showed a lower occurrence of FPD. 5. The prevalence of hock burn lesions, like FPD, is high with poor litter quality conditions. 6. The combined effect of a lower stocking density, a greater amount of litter material and a photoperiod similar to the natural one, have positively influenced the chickens welfare status, as a matter of fact the occurrence of FPD in Welfare groups was the lowest keeping the score under the European threshold of the proposal COM 221 final(2005). C) The purpose of the third research was to study the effect of high or low stocking density of broiler chickens, different types of litter and the adoption of short or long lighting regimen on broiler welfare through the evaluation of their productivity and incidence of foot pad dermatitis during the hot season. 1. The feed efficiency was better for the Low Density than for High Density broilers. 2. The appearance of FPD was not influenced by stocking density. 3. The foot examination revealed that the lesions occurred more in birds maintained on chopped wheat straw than on wood shaving. 4. In conclusion, the adoptions of a short light regimen similar to that occurring in nature during summer reduces the feed intake without modify the growth rate thus improving the feed efficiency. Foot pad lesion were not affected neither by stocking densities nor by light regimens whereas wood shavings exerted a favourable effect in preserving foot pad in good condition. D) A study was carried out to investigate more widely the possible role of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplemented in the diet of a laying hen commercial strain (Lohmann brown) in comparison of diets supplemented with D3 or with D3 + 25- hydroxycholecalciferol. Egg traits during a productive cycle as well as the bone characteristics of the layers have been as well evaluated to determine if there the vitamin D3 may enhance the welfare status of the birds. 1. The weight of the egg and of its components is often greater in hens fed a diet enriched with 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. 2. Since eggs of treated groups are heavier and a larger amount of shell is needed, a direct effect on shell strength is observed. 3. At 30 and at 50 wk of age hens fed 25 hydroxycholecalciferol exhibited greater values of bone breaking force. 4. Radiographic density values obtained in the trial are always higher in hens fed with 25-hydroxycholecalciferol of both treatments: supplemented for the whole laying cycle (25D3) or from 40 weeks of age onward (D3+25D3).


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Power electronic converters are extensively adopted for the solution of timely issues, such as power quality improvement in industrial plants, energy management in hybrid electrical systems, and control of electrical generators for renewables. Beside nonlinearity, this systems are typically characterized by hard constraints on the control inputs, and sometimes the state variables. In this respect, control laws able to handle input saturation are crucial to formally characterize the systems stability and performance properties. From a practical viewpoint, a proper saturation management allows to extend the systems transient and steady-state operating ranges, improving their reliability and availability. The main topic of this thesis concern saturated control methodologies, based on modern approaches, applied to power electronics and electromechanical systems. The pursued objective is to provide formal results under any saturation scenario, overcoming the drawbacks of the classic solution commonly applied to cope with saturation of power converters, and enhancing performance. For this purpose two main approaches are exploited and extended to deal with power electronic applications: modern anti-windup strategies, providing formal results and systematic design rules for the anti-windup compensator, devoted to handle control saturation, and “one step” saturated feedback design techniques, relying on a suitable characterization of the saturation nonlinearity and less conservative extensions of standard absolute stability theory results. The first part of the thesis is devoted to present and develop a novel general anti-windup scheme, which is then specifically applied to a class of power converters adopted for power quality enhancement in industrial plants. In the second part a polytopic differential inclusion representation of saturation nonlinearity is presented and extended to deal with a class of multiple input power converters, used to manage hybrid electrical energy sources. The third part regards adaptive observers design for robust estimation of the parameters required for high performance control of power systems.


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Today’s pet food industry is growing rapidly, with pet owners demanding high-quality diets for their pets. The primary role of diet is to provide enough nutrients to meet metabolic requirements, while giving the consumer a feeling of well-being. Diet nutrient composition and digestibility are of crucial importance for health and well being of animals. A recent strategy to improve the quality of food is the use of “nutraceuticals” or “Functional foods”. At the moment, probiotics and prebiotics are among the most studied and frequently used functional food compounds in pet foods. The present thesis reported results from three different studies. The first study aimed to develop a simple laboratory method to predict pet foods digestibility. The developed method was based on the two-step multi-enzymatic incubation assay described by Vervaeke et al. (1989), with some modification in order to better represent the digestive physiology of dogs. A trial was then conducted to compare in vivo digestibility of pet-foods and in vitro digestibility using the newly developed method. Correlation coefficients showed a close correlation between digestibility data of total dry matter and crude protein obtained with in vivo and in vitro methods (0.9976 and 0.9957, respectively). Ether extract presented a lower correlation coefficient, although close to 1 (0.9098). Based on the present results, the new method could be considered as an alternative system of evaluation of dog foods digestibility, reducing the need for using experimental animals in digestibility trials. The second parte of the study aimed to isolate from dog faeces a Lactobacillus strain capable of exert a probiotic effect on dog intestinal microflora. A L. animalis strain was isolated from the faeces of 17 adult healthy dogs..The isolated strain was first studied in vitro when it was added to a canine faecal inoculum (at a final concentration of 6 Log CFU/mL) that was incubated in anaerobic serum bottles and syringes which simulated the large intestine of dogs. Samples of fermentation fluid were collected at 0, 4, 8, and 24 hours for analysis (ammonia, SCFA, pH, lactobacilli, enterococci, coliforms, clostridia). Consequently, the L. animalis strain was fed to nine dogs having lactobacilli counts lower than 4.5 Log CFU per g of faeces. The study indicated that the L animalis strain was able to survive gastrointestinal passage and transitorily colonize the dog intestine. Both in vitro and in vivo results showed that the L. animalis strain positively influenced composition and metabolism of the intestinal microflora of dogs. The third trail investigated in vitro the effects of several non-digestible oligosaccharides (NDO) on dog intestinal microflora composition and metabolism. Substrates were fermented using a canine faecal inoculum that was incubated in anaerobic serum bottles and syringes. Substrates were added at the final concentration of 1g/L (inulin, FOS, pectin, lactitol, gluconic acid) or 4g/L (chicory). Samples of fermentation fluid were collected at 0, 6, and 24 hours for analysis (ammonia, SCFA, pH, lactobacilli, enterococci, coliforms). Gas production was measured throughout the 24 h of the study. Among the tested NDO lactitol showed the best prebiotic properties. In fact, it reduced coliforms and increased lactobacilli counts, enhanced microbial fermentation and promoted the production of SCFA while decreasing BCFA. All the substrates that were investigated showed one or more positive effects on dog faecal microflora metabolism or composition. Further studies (in particular in vivo studies with dogs) will be needed to confirm the prebiotic properties of lactitol and evaluate its optimal level of inclusion in the diet.


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Agri-food supply chains extend beyond national boundaries, partially facilitated by a policy environment that encourages more liberal international trade. Rising concentration within the downstream sector has driven a shift towards “buyer-driven” global value chains (GVCs) extending internationally with global sourcing and the emergence of multinational key economic players that compete with increase emphasis on product quality attributes. Agri-food systems are thus increasingly governed by a range of inter-related public and private standards, both of which are becoming a priori mandatory, especially in supply chains for high-value and quality-differentiated agri-food products and tend to strongly affect upstream agricultural practices, firms’ internal organization and strategic behaviour and to shape the food chain organization. Notably, increasing attention has been given to the impact of SPS measures on agri-food trade and notably on developing countries’ export performance. Food and agricultural trade is the vital link in the mutual dependency of the global trade system and developing countries. Hence, developing countries derive a substantial portion of their income from food and agricultural trade. In Morocco, fruit and vegetable (especially fresh) are the primary agricultural export. Because of the labor intensity, this sector (especially citrus and tomato) is particularly important in terms of income and employment generation, especially for the female laborers hired in the farms and packing houses. Hence, the emergence of agricultural and agrifood product safety issues and the subsequent tightening of market requirements have challenged mutual gains due to the lack of technical and financial capacities of most developing countries.


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Nanotechnologies are rapidly expanding because of the opportunities that the new materials offer in many areas such as the manufacturing industry, food production, processing and preservation, and in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Size distribution of the nanoparticles determines their properties and is a fundamental parameter that needs to be monitored from the small-scale synthesis up to the bulk production and quality control of nanotech products on the market. A consequence of the increasing number of applications of nanomaterial is that the EU regulatory authorities are introducing the obligation for companies that make use of nanomaterials to acquire analytical platforms for the assessment of the size parameters of the nanomaterials. In this work, Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AF4) and Hollow Fiber F4 (HF5), hyphenated with Multiangle Light Scattering (MALS) are presented as tools for a deep functional characterization of nanoparticles. In particular, it is demonstrated the applicability of AF4-MALS for the characterization of liposomes in a wide series of mediums. Afterwards the technique is used to explore the functional features of a liposomal drug vector in terms of its biological and physical interaction with blood serum components: a comprehensive approach to understand the behavior of lipid vesicles in terms of drug release and fusion/interaction with other biological species is described, together with weaknesses and strength of the method. Afterwards the size characterization, size stability, and conjugation of azidothymidine drug molecules with a new generation of metastable drug vectors, the Metal Organic Frameworks, is discussed. Lastly, it is shown the applicability of HF5-ICP-MS for the rapid screening of samples of relevant nanorisk: rather than a deep and comprehensive characterization it this time shown a quick and smart methodology that within few steps provides qualitative information on the content of metallic nanoparticles in tattoo ink samples.