3 resultados para orthodoxy

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Participation appeared in development discourses for the first time in the 1970s, as a generic call for the involvement of the poor in development initiatives. Over the last three decades, the initial perspectives on participation intended as a project method for poverty reduction have evolved into a coherent and articulated theoretical elaboration, in which participation figures among the paraphernalia of good governance promotion: participation has acquired the status of “new orthodoxy”. Nevertheless, the experience of the implementation of participatory approaches in development projects seemed to be in the majority of cases rather disappointing, since the transformative potential of ‘participation in development’ depends on a series of factors in which every project can actually differ from others: the ultimate aim of the approach promoted, its forms and contents and, last but not least, the socio-political context in which the participatory initiative is embedded. In Egypt, the signature of a project agreement between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Federal Republic of Germany, in 1998, inaugurated a Participatory Urban Management Programme (PUMP) to be implemented in Greater Cairo by the German Technical Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, GTZ) and the Ministry of Planning (now Ministry of Local Development) and the Governorates of Giza and Cairo as the main counterparts. Now, ten years after the beginning of the PUMP/PDP and close to its end (December 2010), it is possible to draw some conclusions about the scope, the significance and the effects of the participatory approach adopted by GTZ and appropriated by the Egyptian counterparts in dealing with the issue of informal areas and, more generally, of urban development. Our analysis follows three sets of questions: the first set regards the way ‘participation’ has been interpreted and concretised by PUMP and PDP. The second is about the emancipating potential of the ‘participatory approach’ and its ability to ‘empower’ the ‘marginalised’. The third focuses on one hand on the efficacy of GTZ strategy to lead to an improvement of the delivery service in informal areas (especially in terms of planning and policies), and on the other hand on the potential of GTZ development intervention to trigger an incremental process of ‘democratisation’ from below.


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Our thesis entitled The Invention of Orthodoxy. Religion and Modernity in Romanian nationalist discourse from the XIXth to the XXth century is intended to be a history of the idea of “Romanianess” which brings together, in a structural as well as in a conceptual dimension, three major themes: Romanian Orthodoxy, Modernity and the Political. Having as premise for the study of the Romanian case the simultaneous genesis of the religious and political communities, from the Middle Ages to Modernity, the purpose of our inquiry is to formulate a theologico-political definition of ‘’Romanian Orthodoxy’’. Thus, within a main theoretical framework that values the contributions of Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault and Reinhart Koselleck, our analysis of selected texts that go from the 1860’s to the 1940’s tries to answer the question regarding the relationship between Romanian Orthodoxy and Modernity, as well as its reflection upon the political identity and organisation of the Romanian society. Considering the political context of the events that underline our conceptual focus, we consider that the proper answer to our investigation lies within the logic of multiplicity; namely, we refer to a plural Romania which is divided, at the beginning of the XXth century, between Traditionalism and Modernity, between a massive rural, agrarian society and an urban minority elite, striving to single out, in an phenomenological approach, the “Romanian way”. Secondly, we refer to a plural Modernity, which is at the same time social, cultural, religious and political. Thirdly, the logic of multiplicity applies as well in the interpretation of the fractures present within the religious nationalist discourse; namely, the rejection of Orthodoxy during the XIXth century, as it was considered an impediment in Romania’s path to adopting western modernity and later on, starting with the 1930, the restoration of the “Orthodox ethos” as a source of cultural and political values of the Romanian nation.


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La tesi di Marco Perez intitolata “Luis Arana e i veterani di Euzkeldun Batzokija: la corrente ortodossa del nazionalismo basco”, può essere considerata come la biografia politica di uno dei personaggi più importanti del nazionalismo basco. Il lavoro di ricerca si centra fondamentalmente sull'ispiratore del nazionalismo euskaldun (e cofondatore del Partido Nacionalista Vasco) e della corrente che ne accompagnò e sostenne l'azione politica. Euzkeldun Batzokija fu il nome dato al primo circolo del PNV, fondato da Luis e Sabino Arana nel 1894. Successivamente, gli statuti del circolo e i suoi membri veterani furono presi come modello del nazionalismo primordiale (che si pretendeva definire sull'esempio dell'Ordine gesuita). Sul piano organizzativo la tesi si divide in sette capitoli che ricostruiscono il percorso politico di Luis Arana, dai primi documenti del 1879 fino alle ultime lettere inviate negli anni quaranta. Si tratta di un lungo periodo, che comprende momenti diversi della storia spagnola (dalle guerre carliste alla Guerra Civile spagnola) e del movimento aranista. In questo senso, sulla base di una generale e comparata riflessione sul nazionalismo, si analizza il movimento basco nei suoi rapporti con la modernità. Una realazione costruita attraverso concetti “diacronicamente” legati a un passato mitico e leggendario e comunque subalterna ai rapporti di forza tra le correnti del PNV. La corrente ortodossa fece sempre riferimento al nazionalismo “originario” (definito dai fratelli Arana nei primi anni del movimento) che fu un'espressione regionale del nazionalcattolicesimo spagnolo. Fu proprio Luis Arana a ricordare la finalità religiosa ed etnica del nazionalismo basco, respingendo qualsiasi aggiornamento teorico e organizzativo del PNV, intesi come una grave violazione dell'ortodossia aranista.