8 resultados para multidrug resistance associated protein 1

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Magnesium is an essential element for many biological processes crucial for cell life and proliferation. Growing evidences point out a role for this cation in the apoptotic process and in developing multi drug resistance (MDR) phenotype. The first part of this study aimed to highlight the involvement of the mitochondrial magnesium channel MRS2 in modulating drug-induced apoptosis. We generated an appropriate transgenic cellular system to regulate expression of MRS2 protein. The cells were then exposed to two different apoptotic agents commonly used in chemotherapy. The obtained results showed that cells overexpressing MRS2 channel are less responsiveness to pharmacological insults, looking more resistant to the induced apoptosis. Moreover, in normal condition, MRS2 overexpression induces higher magnesium uptake into isolated mitochondria respect to control cells correlating with an increment of total intracellular magnesium concentration. In the second part of this research we investigated whether magnesium intracellular content and compartmentalization could be used as a signature to discriminate MDR tumour cells from their sensitive counterparts. As MDR model we choose colon carcinoma cell line sensitive and resistant to doxorubicin. We exploited a standard-less approach providing a complete characterization of whole single-cells by combining X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy , Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy. This method allows the quantification of the intracellular spatial distribution and total concentration of magnesium in whole dehydrated cells. The measurements, carried out in 27 single cells, revealed a different magnesium pattern for both concentration and distribution of the element in the two cellular strains. These results were then confirmed by quantifying the total amount of intracellular magnesium in a large populations of cells by using DCHQ5 probe and traditional fluorimetric technique.


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L’insorgenza di fenomeni coinvolti nello sviluppo della farmacoresistenza costituisce al momento la principale causa di mancata risposta al trattamento chemioterapico nell’osteosarcoma. Questo è in parte dovuto ad una sovraespressione di diversi trasportatori ABC nelle cellule tumorali che causano un aumento dell’efflusso extracellulare del chemioterapico e pertanto una ridotta risposta al trattamento farmacologico. L'oncogene C-MYC è coinvolto nella resistenza al metothrexate, alla doxorubicina e al cisplatino ed è un fattore prognostico avverso, se sovraespresso al momento della diagnosi, in pazienti affetti da osteosarcoma. C-MYC è in grado di regolare l'espressione di diversi trasportatori ABC, probabilmente coinvolti nella resistenza ai farmaci nell’osteosarcoma, e questo potrebbe spiegare l’impatto prognostico avverso dell’oncogene in questo tumore. L’espressione genica di C-MYC e di 16 trasportatori ABC, regolati da C-MYC e / o responsabili dell'efflusso di diversi chemioterapici, è stata valutata su due diverse casistiche cliniche e su un pannello di linee cellulari di osteosarcoma umano mediante real-time PCR. L'espressione della proteina è stata valutata per i 9 trasportatori ABC risultati più rilevanti.Infine l'efficacia in vitro di un inibitore, specifico per ABCB1 e ABCC1, è stata valutata su linee cellulari di osteosarcoma. ABCB1 e ABCC1 sono i trasportatori più espressi nelle linee cellulari di osteosarcoma. ABCB1 è sovraespresso al momento della diagnosi in circa il 40-45% dei pazienti affetti da osteosarcoma e si conferma essere un fattore prognostico avverso se sovraespresso al momento della diagnosi. Pertanto ABCB1 diventa il bersaglio di elezione per lo sviluppo di strategie terapeutiche alternative, nel trattamento dell’osteosarcoma, atte al superamento della farmacoresistenza. L’inibizione dell'attività di tale trasportatore causa un aumento della sensibilità al trattamento chemioterapico nelle linee cellulari di osteosarcoma farmacoresistenti, indicando questo approccio come una possibile strategia per superare il problema della mancata risposta al trattamento farmacologico nei pazienti con osteosarcoma che sovraesprimono ABCB1.


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Brown rot caused by Monilinia laxa and Monilinia fructigena is considered one of the most important diseases affecting Prunus species. Although some losses can result from the rotten fruits in the orchard, most of the damage is caused to fruits during the post-harvest phase. Several studies reported that brown rot incidence during fruit development highly varies; it was found that at a period corresponding to the the pit hardening stage, fruit susceptibility drastically decreases, to be quickly restored afterwards. However the molecular basis of this phenomenon is still not well understood. Furthermore, no difference in the rot incidence was found between wound and un-wound fruits, suggesting that resistance associated more to a specifc biochemical response of the fruit, rather than to a higher mechanical resistance. So far, the interaction Monilinia-peach was analyzed through chemical approaches. In this study, a bio-molecular approach was undertaken in order to reveal alteration in gene expression associated to the variation of susceptibility. In this thesis three different methods for gene expression analysis were used to analyze the alterations in gene expression occurring in peach fruits during the pit hardening stage, in a period encompassing the temporary change in Monilinia susceptibility: real time PCR, microarray and cDNA AFLP techniques. In 2005, peach fruits (cv.K2) were weekly harvested during a 19-week long-period, starting from the fourth week after full bloom, until full maturity. At each sampling time, three replicates of 5 fruits each were dipped in the M.laxa conidial suspension or in distilled water, as negative control. The fruits were maintained at room temperature for 3 hours; afterwards, they were peeled with a scalpel; the peel was immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and transferred to -80 °C until use. The degree of susceptibility of peach fruit to the pathogen was determined on 3 replicates of 20 fruits each, as percentage of infected fruits, after one week at 20 °C. Real time PCR analysis was performed to study the variation in expression of those genes encoding for the enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway (phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), chalcone synthase (CHS), cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H), leucoanthocyanidine reductase (LAR), hydroxycinnamoyl CoA quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HQT) and of the jasmonate pathway, such as lipoxygenase (LOX), both involved in the production of important defense compounds. Alteration in gene expression was monitored on fruit samples of a period encompassing the pit hardening stage and the corresponding temporary resistance to M.laxa infections, weekly, from the 6thto the 12th week after full bloom (AFB) inoculated with M. laxa or mock-inoculated. The data suggest a critical change in the expression level of the phenylpropanoid pathway from the 7th to the 8th week AFB; such change could be directly physiologically associated to the peach growth and it could indirectly determine the decrease of susceptibility of peach fruit to Monilinia rot during the subsequent weeks. To investigate on the transcriptome variation underneath the temporary loss of susceptibility of peach fruits to Monilinia rot, the microarray and the cDNA AFLP techniques were used. The samples harvested on the 8th week AFB (named S, for susceptible ones) and on the 12th week AFB (named R, for resistant ones) were compared, both inoculated or mock-inoculated. The microarray experiments were carried out at the University of Padua (Dept. of Environmental Agronomy and Crop Science), using the μPEACH1.0 microarray together with the suited protocols. The analysis showed that 30 genes (corresponding to the 0.6% of the total sequences (4806) contained in the μPeach1.0 microarray) were found up-regulated and 31 ( 0.6%) down regulated in RH vs. SH fruits. On the other hand, 20 genes (0.4%) were shown to be up-regulated and 13 (0.3%) down-regulated in the RI vs. SI fruit. No genes were found differentially expressed in the mock-inoculated resistant fruits (RH) vs. the inoculated resistant ones (RI). Among the up-regulated genes an ATP sulfurylase, an heat shock protein 70, the major allergen Pru P1, an harpin inducing protein and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase were found, conversely among the down-regulated ones, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, an histidine- containing phosphotransfer protein and the ferritin were found. The microarray experimental results and the data indirectly derived, were tested by Real Time PCR analysis. cDNA AFLP analysis was also performed on the same samples. 339 transcript derived fragments considered significant for Monilinia resistance, were selected, sequenced and classified. Genes potentially involved in cell rescue and defence were well represented (8%); several genes (12.1%) involved in the protein folding, post-transductional modification and genes (9.2%) involved in cellular transport were also found. A further 10.3% of genes were classified as involved in the metabolism of aminoacid, carbohydrate and fatty acid. On the other hand, genes involved in the protein synthesis (5.7%) and in signal transduction and communication (5.7%) were found. Among the most interesting genes found differentially expressed between susceptible and resistant fruits, genes encoding for pathogenesis related (PR) proteins were found. To investigate on the association of Monilinia resistance and PR biological function, the major allergen Pru P1 (GenBank accession AM493970) and its isoform (here named Pru P2), were expressed in heterologous system and in vitro assayed for their anti-microbial activity. The ribonuclease activity of the recombinant Pru P1 and Pru P2 proteins was assayed against peach total RNA. As the other PR10 proteins, they showed a ribonucleolytic activity, that could be important to contrast pathogen penetration. Moreover Pru P1 and Pru P2 recombinant proteins were checked for direct antimicrobial activity. No inhibitory effect of Pru P1 or Pru P2 was detected against the selected fungi.


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Physiologically during puberty and adolescence, when juvenile acne usually appears, the response to a glucose load is increased if compared to the one observed in adult and at pre-pubertal age, while insulin sensitivity is reduced. Insulin is a hormone that acts at different levels along the axis which controls the sex hormones. It increases the release of LH and FSH by pituitary gland, stimulates the synthesis of androgens in the gonads and stimulates the synthesis of androgenic precursors in adrenal glands. Finally, it acts in the liver by inhibiting the synthesis of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). Insulin is also able to act directly on the production of sebum and amplify the effects of Iinsulin Growth Factor-1 in the skin, inhibiting the synthesis of its binding protein (IGF Binding Protein-1). In female subjects with acne and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) insulin resistance is a well known pathogenetic factor, while the relationship between acne and insulin resistance has been poorly investigated in males so far. The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between insulin resistance and acne in young males who do not respond to common therapies. Clinical and biochemical parameters of glucose, lipid metabolism, androgens and IGF-1 were evaluated. Insulin resistance was estimated by Homeostasis Model assessment (HOMA-IR) and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test was also performed. We found that subjects with acne had higher Sistolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure, Waist/Hip Ratio, Waist Circumference, 120' OGTT serum insulin and serum IGF-1 and lower HDL-cholesterol than subjects of comparable age and gender without acne. The results thus obtained confirmed what other authors have recently reported about a metabolic imbalance in young males with acne. Furthermore, these results support the hypothesis that insulin resistance might play an important role in the pathogenesis of treatment-resistant acne in males.


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The expression of phospholipase C-β1 (PLC-β1) and cyclin D3 is highly induced during skeletal myoblast differentiation. We have previously shown that PLC-β1 activates cyclin D3 promoter during the differentiation of myoblasts to myotubes, indicating that PLC-β1 is a crucial regulator of mouse cyclin D3 gene. Here we report that PLC-β1 catalytic activity plays a role in the increase of cyclin D3 levels and in the induction of differentiation of C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. PLC-β1 mutational analysis revealed the importance of His331 and His378 for the catalytic activity. We show that following insulin administration, cyclin D3 mRNA levels are lower in cells overexpressing the PLC-β1 catalytically inactive form, as compared to wild type cells. We describe a novel signaling pathway elicited by PLC-β1 that modulates Activator Protein-1 (AP-1) activity. Indeed, gel mobility shift assays indicate that there is a c-jun binding site located in cyclin D3 promoter region specifically regulated by PLC-β1 and that c-jun binding activity is significantly increased by insulin stimulation and PLC-β1 overexpression. Moreover, mutation of c-jun/AP-1 binding site decreases the basal cyclin D3 promoter activity and eliminates its induction by insulin and PLC-β1 overexpression. Interestingly, we observed that the ectopic expression of the Inositol Polyphosphate Multikinase (IPMK) in C2C12 myoblasts enhances cyclin D3 gene expression and that the mutation of c-jun site in cyclin D3 promoter determines an impairment of IPMK-dependent promoter induction. These results indicate that PLC-β1 activates a c-jun/AP-1 target gene, i.e. cyclin D3, during myogenic differentiation through IPMK signaling.


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The progresses of electron devices integration have proceeded for more than 40 years following the well–known Moore’s law, which states that the transistors density on chip doubles every 24 months. This trend has been possible due to the downsizing of the MOSFET dimensions (scaling); however, new issues and new challenges are arising, and the conventional ”bulk” architecture is becoming inadequate in order to face them. In order to overcome the limitations related to conventional structures, the researchers community is preparing different solutions, that need to be assessed. Possible solutions currently under scrutiny are represented by: • devices incorporating materials with properties different from those of silicon, for the channel and the source/drain regions; • new architectures as Silicon–On–Insulator (SOI) transistors: the body thickness of Ultra-Thin-Body SOI devices is a new design parameter, and it permits to keep under control Short–Channel–Effects without adopting high doping level in the channel. Among the solutions proposed in order to overcome the difficulties related to scaling, we can highlight heterojunctions at the channel edge, obtained by adopting for the source/drain regions materials with band–gap different from that of the channel material. This solution allows to increase the injection velocity of the particles travelling from the source into the channel, and therefore increase the performance of the transistor in terms of provided drain current. The first part of this thesis work addresses the use of heterojunctions in SOI transistors: chapter 3 outlines the basics of the heterojunctions theory and the adoption of such approach in older technologies as the heterojunction–bipolar–transistors; moreover the modifications introduced in the Monte Carlo code in order to simulate conduction band discontinuities are described, and the simulations performed on unidimensional simplified structures in order to validate them as well. Chapter 4 presents the results obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations performed on double–gate SOI transistors featuring conduction band offsets between the source and drain regions and the channel. In particular, attention has been focused on the drain current and to internal quantities as inversion charge, potential energy and carrier velocities. Both graded and abrupt discontinuities have been considered. The scaling of devices dimensions and the adoption of innovative architectures have consequences on the power dissipation as well. In SOI technologies the channel is thermally insulated from the underlying substrate by a SiO2 buried–oxide layer; this SiO2 layer features a thermal conductivity that is two orders of magnitude lower than the silicon one, and it impedes the dissipation of the heat generated in the active region. Moreover, the thermal conductivity of thin semiconductor films is much lower than that of silicon bulk, due to phonon confinement and boundary scattering. All these aspects cause severe self–heating effects, that detrimentally impact the carrier mobility and therefore the saturation drive current for high–performance transistors; as a consequence, thermal device design is becoming a fundamental part of integrated circuit engineering. The second part of this thesis discusses the problem of self–heating in SOI transistors. Chapter 5 describes the causes of heat generation and dissipation in SOI devices, and it provides a brief overview on the methods that have been proposed in order to model these phenomena. In order to understand how this problem impacts the performance of different SOI architectures, three–dimensional electro–thermal simulations have been applied to the analysis of SHE in planar single and double–gate SOI transistors as well as FinFET, featuring the same isothermal electrical characteristics. In chapter 6 the same simulation approach is extensively employed to study the impact of SHE on the performance of a FinFET representative of the high–performance transistor of the 45 nm technology node. Its effects on the ON–current, the maximum temperatures reached inside the device and the thermal resistance associated to the device itself, as well as the dependence of SHE on the main geometrical parameters have been analyzed. Furthermore, the consequences on self–heating of technological solutions such as raised S/D extensions regions or reduction of fin height are explored as well. Finally, conclusions are drawn in chapter 7.


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Bioinformatic analysis of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) genomes aiming at the identification of new vaccine antigens, revealed the presence of a gene coding for a putative surface-associated protein, named GAS40, inducing protective antibodies in an animal model of sepsis. The aim of our study was to unravel the involvement of GAS40 in cell division processes and to identify the putative interactor. Firstly, bioinformatic analysis showed that gas40 shares homology with ezrA, a gene coding for a negative regulator of Z-ring formation during cell division process. Both scanning and transmission electron microscopy indicated morphological differences between wild-type and the GAS40 knock-out mutant strain, with the latter showing an impaired capacity to divide resulting in the formation of very long chains. Moreover, when the localization of the antigen on the bacterial surface was analyzed, we found that in bacteria grown at exponential phase GAS40 specifically localized at septum, indicating a possible role in cell division. Furthermore, by ELISA and co-sedimentation assays, we found that GAS40 is able to interact with FtsZ, a protein involved in Z-ring formation during cell division process. These data together with the co-localization of GAS40/FtsZ at bacterial septum demonstrated by by confocal microscopy, strongly support the hypothesis for a key role of GAS40 in bacterial cell division.


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In Leukemias, recent developments have demonstrated that the Hedgehog pathway plays a key-role in the peculiar ability of self renewal of leukemia stem cells. The aim of this research activity was to investigate, through a first in man, Phase I, open label, clinical trial, the role and the impact, mainly in terms of safety profile, adverse events and pharmacokinetics, of a Sonic Hedgehog inhibitor compound on a population of heavely pretreated patients affected by AML, CML, MF, or MDS, resistant or refractory to standard chemotherapy. Thirty-five patients have been enrolled. The drug was administered orally, in 28 days cycles, without rest periods. The compound showed a good safety profile. The half life was of 17-35 hours, justifying the daily administration. Significant signs of activity, in terms of reduction of bone marrow blast cell amount were seen in most of the patients enrolled. Interestingly, correlative biological studies demonstrated that, comparing the gene expression profyiling signature of separated CD34+ cells before and after one cycle of treatment, the most variably expressed genes were involved in the Hh pathway. Moreover, we observed that many genes involved in MDR (multidrug resistance)were significantly down regulated after treatment. These data might lead to future clinical trials based on combinatory approaches, including, for instance, Hh inhibitors and conventional chemotherapy.