8 resultados para modulus of continuity

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The main reasons for the attention focused on ceramics as possible structural materials are their wear resistance and the ability to operate with limited oxidation and ablation at temperatures above 2000°C. Hence, this work is devoted to the study of two classes of materials which can satisfy these requirements: silicon carbide -based ceramics (SiC) for wear applications and borides and carbides of transition metals for ultra-high temperatures applications (UHTCs). SiC-based materials: Silicon carbide is a hard ceramic, which finds applications in many industrial sectors, from heat production, to automotive engineering and metals processing. In view of new fields of uses, SiC-based ceramics were produced with addition of 10-30 vol% of MoSi2, in order to obtain electro conductive ceramics. MoSi2, indeed, is an intermetallic compound which possesses high temperature oxidation resistance, high electrical conductivity (21·10-6 Ω·cm), relatively low density (6.31 g/cm3), high melting point (2030°C) and high stiffness (440 GPa). The SiC-based ceramics were hot pressed at 1900°C with addition of Al2O3-Y2O3 or Y2O3-AlN as sintering additives. The microstructure of the composites and of the reference materials, SiC and MoSi2, were studied by means of conventional analytical techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The composites showed a homogeneous microstructure, with good dispersion of the secondary phases and low residual porosity. The following thermo-mechanical properties of the SiC-based materials were measured: Vickers hardness (HV), Young’s modulus (E), fracture toughness (KIc) and room to high temperature flexural strength (σ). The mechanical properties of the composites were compared to those of two monolithic SiC and MoSi2 materials and resulted in a higher stiffness, fracture toughness and slightly higher flexural resistance. Tribological tests were also performed in two configurations disco-on-pin and slideron cylinder, aiming at studying the wear behaviour of SiC-MoSi2 composites with Al2O3 as counterfacing materials. The tests pointed out that the addition of MoSi2 was detrimental owing to a lower hardness in comparison with the pure SiC matrix. On the contrary, electrical measurements revealed that the addition of 30 vol% of MoSi2, rendered the composite electroconductive, lowering the electrical resistance of three orders of magnitude. Ultra High Temperature Ceramics: Carbides, borides and nitrides of transition metals (Ti, Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb, Mo) possess very high melting points and interesting engineering properties, such as high hardness (20-25 GPa), high stiffness (400-500 GPa), flexural strengths which remain unaltered from room temperature to 1500°C and excellent corrosion resistance in aggressive environment. All these properties place the UHTCs as potential candidates for the development of manoeuvrable hypersonic flight vehicles with sharp leading edges. To this scope Zr- and Hf- carbide and boride materials were produced with addition of 5-20 vol% of MoSi2. This secondary phase enabled the achievement of full dense composites at temperature lower than 2000°C and without the application of pressure. Besides the conventional microstructure analyses XRD and SEM-EDS, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was employed to explore the microstructure on a small length scale to disclose the effective densification mechanisms. A thorough literature analysis revealed that neither detailed TEM work nor reports on densification mechanisms are available for this class of materials, which however are essential to optimize the sintering aids utilized and the processing parameters applied. Microstructural analyses, along with thermodynamics and crystallographic considerations, led to disclose of the effective role of MoSi2 during sintering of Zrand Hf- carbides and borides. Among the investigated mechanical properties (HV, E, KIc, σ from room temperature to 1500°C), the high temperature flexural strength was improved due to the protective and sealing effect of a silica-based glassy phase, especially for the borides. Nanoindentation tests were also performed on HfC-MoSi2 composites in order to extract hardness and elastic modulus of the single phases. Finally, arc jet tests on HfC- and HfB2-based composites confirmed the excellent oxidation behaviour of these materials under temperature exceeding 2000°C; no cracking or spallation occurred and the modified layer was only 80-90 μm thick.


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The Székesfehérvár Ruin Garden is a unique assemblage of monuments belonging to the cultural heritage of Hungary due to its important role in the Middle Ages as the coronation and burial church of the Kings of the Hungarian Christian Kingdom. It has been nominated for “National Monument” and as a consequence, its protection in the present and future is required. Moreover, it was reconstructed and expanded several times throughout Hungarian history. By a quick overview of the current state of the monument, the presence of several lithotypes can be found among the remained building and decorative stones. Therefore, the research related to the materials is crucial not only for the conservation of that specific monument but also for other historic structures in Central Europe. The current research is divided in three main parts: i) description of lithologies and their provenance, ii) physical properties testing of historic material and iii) durability tests of analogous stones obtained from active quarries. The survey of the National Monument of Székesfehérvár, focuses on the historical importance and the architecture of the monument, the different construction periods, the identification of the different building stones and their distribution in the remaining parts of the monument and it also included provenance analyses. The second one was the in situ and laboratory testing of physical properties of historic material. As a final phase samples were taken from local quarries with similar physical and mineralogical characteristics to the ones used in the monument. The three studied lithologies are: fine oolitic limestone, a coarse oolitic limestone and a red compact limestone. These stones were used for rock mechanical and durability tests under laboratory conditions. The following techniques were used: a) in-situ: Schmidt Hammer Values, moisture content measurements, DRMS, mapping (construction ages, lithotypes, weathering forms) b) laboratory: petrographic analysis, XRD, determination of real density by means of helium pycnometer and bulk density by means of mercury pycnometer, pore size distribution by mercury intrusion porosimetry and by nitrogen adsorption, water absorption, determination of open porosity, DRMS, frost resistance, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, uniaxial compressive strength test and dynamic modulus of elasticity. The results show that initial uniaxial compressive strength is not necessarily a clear indicator of the stone durability. Bedding and other lithological heterogeneities can influence the strength and durability of individual specimens. In addition, long-term behaviour is influenced by exposure conditions, fabric and, especially, the pore size distribution of each sample. Therefore, a statistic evaluation of the results is highly recommended and they should be evaluated in combination with other investigations on internal structure and micro-scale heterogeneities of the material, such as petrographic observation, ultrasound pulse velocity and porosimetry. Laboratory tests used to estimate the durability of natural stone may give a good guidance to its short-term performance but they should not be taken as an ultimate indication of the long-term behaviour of the stone. The interdisciplinary study of the results confirms that stones in the monument show deterioration in terms of mineralogy, fabric and physical properties in comparison with quarried stones. Moreover stone-testing proves compatibility between quarried and historical stones. Good correlation is observed between the non-destructive-techniques and laboratory tests results which allow us to minimize sampling and assessing the condition of the materials. Concluding, this research can contribute to the diagnostic knowledge for further studies that are needed in order to evaluate the effect of recent and future protective measures.


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La ricerca si pone come obbiettivo principale quello di individuare gli strumenti in grado di controllare la qualità di una progettazione specifica che risponde alle forti richieste della domanda turistica di un territorio. Parte dalle più semplici teorie che inquadrano una costante condizione dell’uomo, “il VIAGGIARE”. La ricerca si pone come primo interrogativo quello definire una “dimensione” in cui le persone viaggiano, dove il concetto fisico di spazio dedicato alla vita si è spostato come e quanto si sposta la gente. Esiste una sorta di macroluogo (destinazione) che comprende tutti gli spazi dove la gente arriva e da cui spesso riparte. Pensare all'architettura dell’ospitalità significa indagare e comprendere come la casa non è più il solo luogo dove la gente abita. La ricerca affonda le proprie tesi sull’importanza dei “luoghi” appartenenti ad un territorio e come essi debbano riappropriarsi, attraverso un percorso progettuale, della loro più stretta vocazione attrattiva. Così come si sviluppa un’architettura dello stare, si manifesta un’architettura dello spostarsi e tali architetture si confondono e si integrano ad un territorio che per sua natura è esso stesso attrattivo. L’origine terminologica di nomadismo è passaggio necessario per la comprensione di una nuova dimensione architettonica legata a concetti quali mobilità e abitare. Si indaga pertanto all’interno della letteratura “diasporica”, in cui compaiono le prime configurazioni legate alla provvisorietà e alle costruzioni “erranti”. In sintesi, dopo aver posizionato e classificato il fenomeno turistico come nuova forma dell’abitare, senza il quale non si potrebbe svolgere una completa programmazione territoriale in quanto fenomeno oramai imprescindibile, la ricerca procede con l’individuazione di un ambito inteso come strumento di indagine sulle relazioni tra le diverse categorie e “tipologie” turistiche. La Riviera Romagnola è sicuramente molto famosa per la sua ospitalità e per le imponenti infrastrutture turistiche ma a livello industriale non è meno famosa per il porto di Ravenna che costituisce un punto di riferimento logistico per lo scambio di merci e materie prime via mare, oltre che essere, in tutta la sua estensione, caso di eccellenza. La provincia di Ravenna mette insieme tutti i fattori che servono a soddisfare le Total Leisure Experience, cioè esperienze di totale appagamento durante la vacanza. Quello che emerge dalle considerazioni svolte sul territorio ravennate è che il turista moderno non va più in cerca di una vacanza monotematica, in cui stare solo in spiaggia o occuparsi esclusivamente di monumenti e cultura. La richiesta è quella di un piacere procurato da una molteplicità di elementi. Pensiamo ad un distretto turistico dove l’offerta, oltre alla spiaggia o gli itinerari culturali, è anche occasione per fare sport o fitness, per rilassarsi in luoghi sereni, per gustare o acquistare cibi tipici e, allo stesso tempo, godere degli stessi servizi che una persona può avere a disposizione nella propria casa. Il percorso, finalizzato a definire un metodo di progettazione dell’ospitalità, parte dalla acquisizione delle esperienze nazionali ed internazionali avvenute negli ultimi dieci anni. La suddetta fase di ricerca “tipologica” si è conclusa in una valutazione critica che mette in evidenza punti di forza e punti di debolezza delle esperienze prese in esame. La conclusione di questa esplorazione ha prodotto una prima stesura degli “obbiettivi concettuali” legati alla elaborazione di un modello architettonico. Il progetto di ricerca in oggetto converge sul percorso tracciato dai Fiumi Uniti in Ravenna. Tale scelta consente di prendere in considerazione un parametro che mostri fattori di continuità tra costa e città, tra turismo balneare e turismo culturale, considerato quindi come potenziale strumento di connessione tra realtà spesso omologhe o complementari, in vista di una implementazione turistica che il progetto di ricerca ha come primo tra i suoi obiettivi. Il tema dell’architettura dell’ospitalità, che in questo caso si concretizza nell’idea di sperimentare l’ALBERGO DIFFUSO, è quello che permette di evidenziare al meglio la forma specifica della cultura locale, salvandone la vocazione universale. La proposta progettuale si articola in uno studio consequenziale ed organico in grado di promuovere una riflessione originale sul tema del modulo “abitativo” nei luoghi di prossimità delle emergenze territoriali di specifico interesse, attorno alle quali la crescente affluenza di un’utenza fortemente differenziata evidenzia la necessità di nodi singolari che si prestino a soddisfare una molteplicità di usi in contesti di grande pregio.


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«In altri termini mi sfuggiva e ancora oggi mi sfugge gran parte del significato dell’evoluzione del tempo; come se il tempo fosse una materia che osservo dall’esterno. Questa mancanza di evoluzione è fonte di alcune mie sventure ma anche mi appartiene con gioia.» Aldo Rossi, Autobiografia scientifica. The temporal dimension underpinning the draft of Autobiografia scientifica by Aldo Rossi may be referred to what Lucien Lévy-Bruhl, the well-known French anthropologist, defines as “primitive mentality” and “prelogical” conscience : the book of life has lost its page numbers, even punctuation. For Lévy-Bruhl, but certainly for Rossi, life or its summing up becomes a continuous account of ellipses, gaps, repetitions that may be read from left to right or viceversa, from head to foot or viceversa without distinction. Rossi’s autobiographical writing seems to accept and support the confusion with which memories have been collected, recording them after the order memory gives them in the mental distillation or simply according to the chronological order in which they have happened. For Rossi, the confusion reflects the melting of memory elements into a composite image which is the result of a fusion. He is aware that the same sap pervades all memories he is going to put in order: each of them has got a common denominator. Differences have diminished, almost faded; the quick glance is prevalent over the distinction of each episode. Rossi’s writing is beyond the categories dependent on time: past and present, before and now. For Rossi, the only repetition – the repetition the text will make possible for an indefinite number of times – gives peculiarity to the event. As Gilles Deleuze knows, “things” may only last as “singleness”: more frequent the repetition is, more singular is the memory phenomenon that recurs, because only what is singular magnifies itself and happens endlessly forever. Rossi understands that “to raise the first time to nth forever”, repetition becomes glorification . It may be an autobiography that, celebrating the originality, enhances the memory event in the repetition; in fact it greatly differs from the biographical reproduction, in which each repetition is but a weaker echo, a duller copy, provided with a smaller an smaller power in comparison with the original. Paradoxically, for Deleuze the repetition asserts the originality and singularity of what is repeated. Rossi seems to share the thought expressed by Kierkegaard in the essay Repetition: «The hope is a graceful maiden slipping through your fingers; the memory of an elderly woman, indeed pretty, but never satisfactory if necessary; the repetition is a loved friend you are never tired of, as it is only the new to make you bored. The old never bores you and its presence makes you happy [...] life is but a repetition [...] here is the beauty of life» . Rossi knows well that repetition hints at the lasting stability of cosmic time. Kierkegaard goes on: «The world exists, and it exists as a repetition» . Rossi devotes himself, on purpose and in all conscience, to collect, to inventory and «to review life», his own life, according to a recovery not from the past but of the past: a search work, the «recherche du temps perdu», as Proust entitled his masterpiece on memory. If you want the past time to be not wasted, you must give it presence. «Memoria e specifico come caratteristiche per riconoscere se stesso e ciò che è estraneo mi sembravano le più chiare condizioni e spiegazioni della realtà. Non esiste uno specifico senza memoria, e una memoria che non provenga da un momento specifico; e solo questa unione permette la conoscenza della propria individualità e del contrario (self e non-self)» . Rossi wants to understand himself, his own character; it is really his own character that requires to be understood, to increase its own introspective ability and intelligence. «Può sembrare strano che Planck e Dante associno la loro ricerca scientifica e autobiografica con la morte; una morte che è in qualche modo continuazione di energia. In realtà, in ogni artista o tecnico, il principio della continuazione dell’energia si mescola con la ricerca della felicità e della morte» . The eschatological incipit of Rossi’s autobiography refers to Freud’s thought in the exact circularity of Dante’s framework and in as much exact circularity of the statement of the principle of the conservation of energy: in fact it was Freud to connect repetition to death. For Freud, the desire of repetition is an instinct rooted in biology. The primary aim of such an instinct would be to restore a previous condition, so that the repeated history represents a part of the past (even if concealed) and, relieving the removal, reduces anguish and tension. So, Freud ask himself, what is the most remote state to which the instinct, through the repetition, wants to go back? It is a pre-vital condition, inorganic of the pure entropy, a not-to-be condition in which doesn’t exist any tension; in other words, Death. Rossi, with the theme of death, introduces the theme of circularity which further on refers to the sense of continuity in transformation or, in the opposite way, the transformation in continuity. «[...] la descrizione e il rilievo delle forme antiche permettevano una continuità altrimenti irripetibile, permettevano anche una trasformazione, una volta che la vita fosse fermata in forme precise» . Rossi’s attitude seems to hint at the reflection on time and – in a broad sense – at the thought on life and things expressed by T.S. Eliot in Four Quartets: «Time present and time past / Are both perhaps present in time future, / And time future is contained in time past. / I all time is eternally present / All time is unredeemable. / What might have been is an abstraction / Remaining perpetual possibility / Only in a word of speculation. / What might have been and what has been / Point to one end, which is always present. [...]» . Aldo Rossi’s autobiographical story coincides with the description of “things” and the description of himself through the things in the exact parallel with craft or art. He seems to get all things made by man to coincide with the personal or artistic story, with the consequent immediate necessity of formulating a new interpretation: the flow of things has never met a total stop; all that exists nowadays is but a repetition or a variant of something existing some time ago and so on, without any interruption until the early dawnings of human life. Nevertheless, Rossi must operate specific subdivisions inside the continuous connection in time – of his time – even if limited by a present beginning and end of his own existence. This artist, as an “historian” of himself and his own life – as an auto-biographer – enjoys the privilege to be able to decide if and how to operate the cutting in a certain point rather than in another one, without being compelled to justify his choice. In this sense, his story is a matter very ductile and flexible: a good story-teller can choose any moment to start a certain sequence of events. Yet, Rossi is aware that, beyond the mere narration, there is the problem to identify in history - his own personal story – those flakings where a clean cut enables the separation of events of different nature. In order to do it, he has to make not only an inventory of his own “things”, but also to appeal to authority of the Divina Commedia started by Dante when he was 30. «A trent’anni si deve compiere o iniziare qualcosa di definitivo e fare i conti con la propria formazione» . For Rossi, the poet performs his authority not only in the text, but also in his will of setting out on a mystical journey and handing it down through an exact descriptive will. Rossi turns not only to the authority of poetry, but also evokes the authority of science with Max Plank and his Scientific Autobiography, published, in Italian translation, by Einaudi, 1956. Concerning Planck, Rossi resumes an element seemingly secondary in hit account where the German physicist «[...] risale alle scoperte della fisica moderna ritrovando l’impressione che gli fece l’enunciazione del principio di conservazione dell’energia; [...]» . It is again the act of describing that links Rossi to Planck, it is the description of a circularity, the one of conservation of energy, which endorses Rossi’s autobiographical speech looking for both happiness and death. Rossi seems to agree perfectly to the thought of Planck at the opening of his own autobiography: «The decision to devote myself to science was a direct consequence of a discovery which was never ceased to arouse my enthusiasm since my early youth: the laws of human thought coincide with the ones governing the sequences of the impressions we receive from the world surrounding us, so that the mere logic can enable us to penetrate into the latter one’s mechanism. It is essential that the outer world is something independent of man, something absolute. The search of the laws dealing with this absolute seems to me the highest scientific aim in life» . For Rossi the survey of his own life represents a way to change the events into experiences, to concentrate the emotion and group them in meaningful plots: «It seems, as one becomes older. / That the past has another pattern, and ceases to be a mere sequence [...]» Eliot wrote in Four Quartet, which are a meditation on time, old age and memory . And he goes on: «We had the experience but missed the meaning, / And approach to the meaning restores the experience / In a different form, beyond any meaning [...]» . Rossi restores in his autobiography – but not only in it – the most ancient sense of memory, aware that for at least 15 centuries the Latin word memoria was used to show the activity of bringing back images to mind: the psychology of memory, which starts with Aristotele (De Anima), used to consider such a faculty totally essential to mind. Keith Basso writes: «The thought materializes in the form of “images”» . Rossi knows well – as Aristotele said – that if you do not have a collection of mental images to remember – imagination – there is no thought at all. According to this psychological tradition, what today we conventionally call “memory” is but a way of imagining created by time. Rossi, entering consciously this stream of thought, passing through the Renaissance ars memoriae to reach us gives a great importance to the word and assumes it as a real place, much more than a recollection, even more than a production and an emotional elaboration of images.


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Negotiating boundaries: from state of affairs to matter of transit. The research deals with the everyday management of spatial uncertainty, starting with the wider historical question of terrains vagues (a French term for wastelands, dismantled areas and peripheral city voids, or interstitial spaces) and focusing later on a particular case study. The choice intended to privilege a small place (a mouth of a lagoon which crosses a beach), with ordinary features, instead of the esthetical “vague terrains”, often witnessed through artistic media or architectural reflections. This place offered the chance to explore a particular dimension of indeterminacy, mostly related with a certain kind of phenomenal instability of its limits, the hybrid character of its cultural status (neither natural, nor artificial) and its crossover position as a transitional space, between different tendencies and activities. The first theoretical part of the research develops a semiotic of vagueness, by taking under exam the structuralist idea of relation, in order to approach an interpretive notion of continuity and indeterminacy. This exploration highlights the key feature of actantial network distribution, which provides a bridge with the second methodological parts, dedicated to a “tuning” of the tools for the analysis. This section establishes a dialogue with current social sciences (like Actor-Network Theory, Situated action and Distributed Cognition), in order to define some observational methods for the documentation of social practices, which could be comprised in a semiotic ethnography framework. The last part, finally, focuses on the mediation and negotiation by which human actors are interacting with the varying conditions of the chosen environment, looking at people’s movements through space, their embodied dealings with the boundaries and the use of spatial artefacts as framing infrastructure of the site.


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The research work was aimed at studying, with a deterministic approach, the relationships between the rock’s texture and its mechanical properties determined at the laboratory scale. The experimentation was performed on a monomineralic crystalline rock, varying in texture, i.e. grains shape. Multi-scale analysis has been adopted to determine the elasto-mechanical properties of the crystals composing the rock and its strength and deformability at the macro-scale. This let us to understand how the structural variability of the investigated rock affects its macromechanical behaviour. Investigations have been performed on three different scales: nano-scale (order of nm), micro-scale (tens of m) and macro-scale (cm). Innovative techniques for rock mechanics, i.e. Depth Sensing Indentation (DSI), have been applied, in order to determine the elasto-mechanical properties of the calcite grains. These techniques have also allowed to study the influence of grain boundaries on the mechanical response of calcite grains by varying the indents’ sizes and to quantify the effect of the applied load on the hardness and elastic modulus of the grain (indentation size effect, ISE). The secondary effects of static indentation Berkovich, Vickers and Knoop were analyzed by SEM, and some considerations on the rock’s brittle behaviour and the effect of microcracks can be made.


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Il presente lavoro si propone principalmente di fornire un’analisi delle declinazioni assunte dal principio di continuità nel diritto amministrativo, tentando di metterne in luce al contempo le basi fondanti che caratterizzano ogni principio generale e le sfumature più attuali emerse dall’elaborazione della dottrina e della giurisprudenza più recenti. Partendo dal fondamentale presupposto secondo cui la maggior parte degli interpreti si è interessata al principio di continuità in campo amministrativo con prevalente riferimento all’ambito organizzativo-strutturale, si è tentato di estendere l’analisi sino a riconoscervi una manifestazione di principi chiave della funzione amministrativa complessivamente intesa quali efficienza, buon andamento, realizzazione di buoni risultati. La rilevanza centrale della continuità discende dalla sua infinita declinabilità, ma in questo lavoro si insiste particolarmente sul fatto che di essa possono darsi due fondamentali interpretazioni, tra loro fortemente connesse, che si influenzano reciprocamente: a quella che la intende come segno di stabilità perenne, capace di assicurare certezza sul modus operandi delle pubbliche amministrazioni e tutela degli affidamenti da esse ingenerati, si affianca una seconda visione che ne privilegia invece l’aspetto dinamico, interpretandola come il criterio che impone alla P.A. di assecondare la realtà che muta, evolvendo contestualmente ad essa, al fine di assicurare la permanenza del risultato utile per la collettività, in ossequio alla sua missione di cura. In questa prospettiva, il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare, nella sua prima parte, i risultati già raggiunti dall’elaborazione esegetica in materia di continuità amministrativa, con particolare riferimento alle sue manifestazioni nel campo dell’organizzazione e dell’attività amministrative, nonché ad alcune sue espressioni concrete nel settore degli appalti e dei servizi pubblici. La seconda parte è invece dedicata a fornire alcuni spunti ed ipotesi per nuove interpretazioni del principio in chiave sistematica, in relazione a concetti generali quali il tempo, lo spazio e il complessivo disegno progettuale della funzione amministrativa.


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In un contesto dominato da invecchiamento della popolazione, prevalenza della cronicità e presenza crescente di pazienti multiproblematici e non autosufficienti è indispensabile spostare il baricentro delle cure dall'acuzie alla cronicità, e quindi assicurare la continuità e la coerenza fra i diversi setting di cura, sia sanitari che socio-sanitari (ospedale, servizi sanitari territoriali, domicilio, strutture residenziali di Long term care). Dall'analisi della letteratura emerge che il maggiore ostacolo a realizzare questa continuità è rappresentato dalla presenza, caratteristica del sistema di welfare italiano, di molteplici attori e strutture con competenze, obiettivi e funzioni diverse e separate, e la raccomandazione di lavorare per l'integrazione contemporaneamente su più livelli: - normativo-istituzionale - programmatorio - professionale e gestionale Il sistema della "governance" realizzato in Emilia-Romagna per l'integrazione socio-sanitaria è stato valutato alla luce di queste raccomandazioni, seguendo il modello della Realist evaluation per i Social complex interventions: enucleando le "teorie" alla base dell'intervento ed analizzando i diversi step della sua implementazione. Alla luce di questa valutazione, il modello della "governance" è risultato coerente con le indicazioni delle linee guida, ed effettivamente capace di produrre risultati al fine della continuità e della coerenza fra cure sanitarie e assistenza sociale e sanitaria complessa. Resta da realizzare una valutazione complessiva dell'impatto su efficacia, costi e soddisfazione dei pazienti.