3 resultados para medical conditions

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Relationships between oral health status in children with disability and their mothers’ depressive symptoms Aim. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationships between oral health status in children with chronic medical conditions and their mothers’ depressive symptoms. Methods. Fifty-one children (25 male and 26 female, ranging from 2 to 18 years) affected by chronic systemic diseases followed at the Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital in Bologna, ,and, were referred with their mothers at the Dental Department of Bologna. Children were subclassified in 3 groups according to the ASA classification and orally examined for hygiene status, gingival condition and dental caries. The indexes used were O’Leary plaque Index (PI), bleeding on probing index (BOP), dmft/DMFT. Mothers were interviewed on knowledge about oral diseases prevention for their children and daily management (hygiene habits, sugared aliments consumption). Statistical analysis was performed through the use of linear regression. Results. The relationships between ASA and IP as well as between ASA and BOP are statistically significant (α = 0,01). Seventy percent of patients and their relatives in ASA groups 3 and 4 never received information on oral health and prevention of oral diseases by paediatricians and/or dentists. The 53% of mothers present depressive symptoms. The relationships between degree of depressive symptoms and dmft/DMFt as well as between degree of depressive symptoms and sugared aliments daily consumption are statistically significant (α = 0,05). Conclusion. Our results give support to the hypothesis of an association between degree of systemic disease and oral hygiene status. The psychological mothers condition seams to play a role on the oral conditions of their sons. Our analysis shows the needs for an interdisciplinar approach in order to promote the oral health of children with disability.


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La possibilità di indurre stati ipotermici ed ipometabolici come il torpore o l’ibernazione in animali non ibernanti può avere dei risvolti utili nella pratica medica, in quanto permetterebbe di trarre vantaggio dagli effetti benefici dell’ipotermia senza gli effetti compensatori negativi causati dalla risposta omeostatica dell’organismo. Con questo lavoro vogliamo proporre un nuovo approccio, che coinvolge il blocco farmacologico dell’attività dei neuroni nel bulbo rostroventromediale (RVMM), un nucleo troncoencefalico che si è rivelato essere uno snodo chiave nella regolazione della termogenesi attraverso il controllo dell’attività del tessuto adiposo bruno, della vasomozione cutanea e del cuore. Nel nostro esperimento, sei iniezioni consecutive del agonista GABAA muscimolo nel RVMM, inducono uno stato reversibile di profonda ipotermia (21°C al Nadir) in ratti esposti ad una temperatura ambientale di 15°C. Lo stato ipotermico/ipomentabolico prodotto dall’inibizione dei neuroni del RVMM mostra forti similitudini col torpore naturale, anche per quanto concerne le modificazioni elettroencefalografiche osservate durante e dopo la procedura. Come negli ibernati naturali, nei ratti cui viene inibito il controllo della termogenesi si osserva uno spostamento verso le regioni lente delle spettro di tutte le frequenze dello spettro EEG durante l’ipotermia, ed un forte incremento dello spettro EEG dopo il ritorno alla normotermia, in particolare della banda Delta (0,5-4Hz) durante il sonno NREM. Per concludere, questi risultati dimostrano che l’inibizione farmacologica selettiva di un nucleo troncoencefalico chiave nel controllo della termogenesi è sufficiente per indurre uno stato di psuedo-torpore nel ratto, una specie che non presenta stati di torpore spontaneo. Un approccio di questo tipo può aprire nuove prospettive per l’utilizzo in ambito medico dell’ipotermia.


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Life is full of uncertainties. Legal rules should have a clear intention, motivation and purpose in order to diminish daily uncertainties. However, practice shows that their consequences are complex and hard to predict. For instance, tort law has the general objectives of deterring future negligent behavior and compensating the victims of someone else's negligence. Achieving these goals are particularly difficult in medical malpractice cases. To start with, when patients search for medical care they are typically sick in the first place. In case harm materializes during the treatment, it might be very hard to assess if it was due to substandard medical care or to the patient's poor health conditions. Moreover, the practice of medicine has a positive externality on the society, meaning that the design of legal rules is crucial: for instance, it should not result in physicians avoiding practicing their activity just because they are afraid of being sued even when they acted according to the standard level of care. The empirical literature on medical malpractice has been developing substantially in the past two decades, with the American case being the most studied one. Evidence from civil law tradition countries is more difficult to find. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the empirical literature on medical malpractice, using two civil law countries as a case-study: Spain and Italy. The goal of this thesis is to investigate, in the first place, some of the consequences of having two separate sub-systems (administrative and civil) coexisting within the same legal system, which is common in civil law tradition countries with a public national health system (such as Spain, France and Portugal). When this holds, different procedures might apply depending on the type of hospital where the injury took place (essentially whether it is a public hospital or a private hospital). Therefore, a patient injured in a public hospital should file a claim in administrative courts while a patient suffering an identical medical accident should file a claim in civil courts. A natural question that the reader might pose is why should both administrative and civil courts decide medical malpractice cases? Moreover, can this specialization of courts influence how judges decide medical malpractice cases? In the past few years, there was a general concern with patient safety, which is currently on the agenda of several national governments. Some initiatives have been taken at the international level, with the aim of preventing harm to patients during treatment and care. A negligently injured patient might present a claim against the health care provider with the aim of being compensated for the economic loss and for pain and suffering. In several European countries, health care is mainly provided by a public national health system, which means that if a patient harmed in a public hospital succeeds in a claim against the hospital, public expenditures increase because the State takes part in the litigation process. This poses a problem in a context of increasing national health expenditures and public debt. In Italy, with the aim of increasing patient safety, some regions implemented a monitoring system on medical malpractice claims. However, if properly implemented, this reform shall also allow for a reduction in medical malpractice insurance costs. This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 provides a review of the empirical literature on medical malpractice, where studies on outcomes and merit of claims, costs and defensive medicine are presented. Chapter 2 presents an empirical analysis of medical malpractice claims arriving to the Spanish Supreme Court. The focus is on reversal rates for civil and administrative decisions. Administrative decisions appealed by the plaintiff have the highest reversal rates. The results show a bias in lower administrative courts, which tend to focus on the State side. We provide a detailed explanation for these results, which can rely on the organization of administrative judges career. Chapter 3 assesses predictors of compensation in medical malpractice cases appealed to the Spanish Supreme Court and investigates the amount of damages attributed to patients. The results show horizontal equity between administrative and civil decisions (controlling for observable case characteristics) and vertical inequity (patients suffering more severe injuries tend to receive higher payouts). In order to execute these analyses, a database of medical malpractice decisions appealed to the Administrative and Civil Chambers of the Spanish Supreme Court from 2006 until 2009 (designated by the Spanish Supreme Court Medical Malpractice Dataset (SSCMMD)) has been created. A description of how the SSCMMD was built and of the Spanish legal system is presented as well. Chapter 4 includes an empirical investigation of the effect of a monitoring system for medical malpractice claims on insurance premiums. In Italy, some regions adopted this policy in different years, while others did not. The study uses data on insurance premiums from Italian public hospitals for the years 2001-2008. This is a significant difference as most of the studies use the insurance company as unit of analysis. Although insurance premiums have risen from 2001 to 2008, the increase was lower for regions adopting a monitoring system for medical claims. Possible implications of this system are also provided. Finally, Chapter 5 discusses the main findings, describes possible future research and concludes.