10 resultados para marine spatial planning

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The thesis analyses the hydrodynamic induced by an array of Wave energy Converters (WECs), under an experimental and numerical point of view. WECs can be considered an innovative solution able to contribute to the green energy supply and –at the same time– to protect the rear coastal area under marine spatial planning considerations. This research activity essentially rises due to this combined concept. The WEC under exam is a floating device belonging to the Wave Activated Bodies (WAB) class. Experimental data were performed at Aalborg University in different scales and layouts, and the performance of the models was analysed under a variety of irregular wave attacks. The numerical simulations performed with the codes MIKE 21 BW and ANSYS-AQWA. Experimental results were also used to calibrate the numerical parameters and/or to directly been compared to numerical results, in order to extend the experimental database. Results of the research activity are summarized in terms of device performance and guidelines for a future wave farm installation. The device length should be “tuned” based on the local climate conditions. The wave transmission behind the devices is pretty high, suggesting that the tested layout should be considered as a module of a wave farm installation. Indications on the minimum inter-distance among the devices are provided. Furthermore, a CALM mooring system leads to lower wave transmission and also larger power production than a spread mooring. The two numerical codes have different potentialities. The hydrodynamics around single and multiple devices is obtained with MIKE 21 BW, while wave loads and motions for a single moored device are derived from ANSYS-AQWA. Combining the experimental and numerical it is suggested –for both coastal protection and energy production– to adopt a staggered layout, which will maximise the devices density and minimize the marine space required for the installation.


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La ricerca svolta ha individuato fra i suoi elementi promotori l’orientamento determinato da parte della comunità europea di dare vita e sostegno ad ambiti territoriali intermedi sub nazionali di tipo regionale all’interno dei quali i sistemi di città potessero raggiungere le massime prestazioni tecnologiche per cogliere gli effetti positivi delle innovazioni. L’orientamento europeo si è confrontato con una realtà storica e geografica molto variata in quanto accanto a stati membri, nei quali le gerarchie fra città sono storicamente radicate e funzionalmente differenziate secondo un ordine che vede la città capitale dominante su città subalterne nelle quali la cultura di dominio del territorio non è né continua né gerarchizzata sussistono invece territori nazionali compositi con una città capitale di riconosciuto potere ma con città di minor dimensione che da secoli esprimono una radicata incisività nella organizzazione del territorio di appartenenza. Alla prima tipologia di stati appartengono ad esempio i Paesi del Nord Europa e l’Inghilterra, esprimendo nella Francia una situazione emblematica, alla seconda tipologia appartengono invece i Paesi dell’aera mediterranea, Italia in primis, con la grande eccezione della Germania. Applicando gli intendimenti comunitari alla realtà locale nazionale, questa tesi ha avviato un approfondimento di tipo metodologico e procedurale sulla possibile organizzazione a sistema di una regione fortemente policentrica nel suo sviluppo e “artificiosamente” rinata ad unità, dopo le vicende del XIX secolo: l’Emilia-Romagna. Anche nelle regioni che si presentano come storicamente organizzate sulla pluralità di centri emergenti, il rapporto col territorio è mediato da centri urbani minori che governano il tessuto cellulare delle aggregazioni di servizi di chiara origine agraria. Questo stato di cose comporta a livello politico -istituzionale una dialettica vivace fra territori voluti dalle istituzioni e territori legittimati dal consolidamento delle tradizioni confermato dall’uso attuale. La crescente domanda di capacità di governo dello sviluppo formulata dagli operatori economici locali e sostenuta dalle istituzioni europee si confronta con la scarsa capacità degli enti territoriali attuali: Regioni, Comuni e Province di raggiungere un livello di efficienza sufficiente ad organizzare sistemi di servizi adeguati a sostegno della crescita economica. Nel primo capitolo, dopo un breve approfondimento sulle “figure retoriche comunitarie”, quali il policentrismo, la governance, la coesione territoriale, utilizzate per descrivere questi fenomeni in atto, si analizzano gli strumenti programmatici europei e lo S.S.S.E,. in primis, che recita “Per garantire uno sviluppo regionale equilibrato nella piena integrazione anche nell’economia mondiale, va perseguito un modello di sviluppo policentrico, al fine di impedire un’ulteriore eccessiva concentrazione della forza economica e della popolazione nei territori centrali dell’UE. Solo sviluppando ulteriormente la struttura, relativamente decentrata, degli insediamenti è possibile sfruttare il potenziale economico di tutte le regioni europee.” La tesi si inserisce nella fase storica in cui si tenta di definire quali siano i nuovi territori funzionali e su quali criteri si basa la loro riconoscibilità; nel tentativo di adeguare ad essi, riformandoli, i territori istituzionali. Ai territori funzionali occorre riportare la futura fiscalità, ed è la scala adeguata per l'impostazione della maggior parte delle politiche, tutti aspetti che richiederanno anche la necessità di avere una traduzione in termini di rappresentanza/sanzionabilità politica da parte dei cittadini. Il nuovo governo auspicato dalla Comunità Europea prevede una gestione attraverso Sistemi Locali Territoriali (S.Lo.t.) definiti dalla combinazione di milieu locale e reti di attori che si comportano come un attore collettivo. Infatti il secondo capitolo parte con l’indagare il concetto di “regione funzionale”, definito sulla base della presenza di un nucleo e di una corrispondente area di influenza; che interagisce con altre realtà territoriali in base a relazioni di tipo funzionale, per poi arrivare alla definizione di un Sistema Locale territoriale, modello evoluto di regione funzionale che può essere pensato come una rete locale di soggetti i quali, in funzione degli specifici rapporti che intrattengono fra loro e con le specificità territoriali del milieu locale in cui operano e agiscono, si comportano come un soggetto collettivo. Identificare un sistema territoriale, è una condizione necessaria, ma non sufficiente, per definire qualsiasi forma di pianificazione o governance territoriale, perchè si deve soprattutto tener conto dei processi di integrazione funzionale e di networking che si vengono a generare tra i diversi sistemi urbani e che sono specchio di come il territorio viene realmente fruito., perciò solo un approccio metodologico capace di sfumare e di sovrapporre le diverse perimetrazioni territoriali riesce a definire delle aree sulle quali definire un’azione di governo del territorio. Sin dall’inizio del 2000 il Servizio Sviluppo Territoriale dell’OCSE ha condotto un’indagine per capire come i diversi paesi identificavano empiricamente le regioni funzionali. La stragrande maggioranza dei paesi adotta una definizione di regione funzionale basata sul pendolarismo. I confini delle regioni funzionali sono stati definiti infatti sulla base di “contorni” determinati dai mercati locali del lavoro, a loro volta identificati sulla base di indicatori relativi alla mobilità del lavoro. In Italia, la definizione di area urbana funzionale viene a coincidere di fatto con quella di Sistema Locale del Lavoro (SLL). Il fatto di scegliere dati statistici legati a caratteristiche demografiche è un elemento fondamentale che determina l’ubicazione di alcuni servizi ed attrezzature e una mappa per gli investimenti nel settore sia pubblico che privato. Nell’ambito dei programmi europei aventi come obiettivo lo sviluppo sostenibile ed equilibrato del territorio fatto di aree funzionali in relazione fra loro, uno degli studi di maggior rilievo è stato condotto da ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network) e riguarda l’adeguamento delle politiche alle caratteristiche dei territori d’Europa, creando un sistema permanente di monitoraggio del territorio europeo. Sulla base di tali indicatori vengono costruiti i ranking dei diversi FUA e quelli che presentano punteggi (medi) elevati vengono classificati come MEGA. In questo senso, i MEGA sono FUA/SLL particolarmente performanti. In Italia ve ne sono complessivamente sei, di cui uno nella regione Emilia-Romagna (Bologna). Le FUA sono spazialmente interconnesse ed è possibile sovrapporre le loro aree di influenza. Tuttavia, occorre considerare il fatto che la prossimità spaziale è solo uno degli aspetti di interazione tra le città, l’altro aspetto importante è quello delle reti. Per capire quanto siano policentrici o monocentrici i paesi europei, il Progetto Espon ha esaminato per ogni FUA tre differenti parametri: la grandezza, la posizione ed i collegamenti fra i centri. La fase di analisi della tesi ricostruisce l’evoluzione storica degli strumenti della pianificazione regionale analizzandone gli aspetti organizzativi del livello intermedio, evidenziando motivazioni e criteri adottati nella suddivisione del territorio emilianoromagnolo (i comprensori, i distretti industriali, i sistemi locali del lavoro…). La fase comprensoriale e quella dei distretti, anche se per certi versi effimere, hanno avuto comunque il merito di confermare l’esigenza di avere un forte organismo intermedio di programmazione e pianificazione. Nel 2007 la Regione Emilia Romagna, nell’interpretare le proprie articolazioni territoriali interne, ha adeguato le proprie tecniche analitiche interpretative alle direttive contenute nel Progetto E.S.P.O.N. del 2001, ciò ha permesso di individuare sei S.Lo.T ( Sistemi Territoriali ad alta polarizzazione urbana; Sistemi Urbani Metropolitani; Sistemi Città – Territorio; Sistemi a media polarizzazione urbana; Sistemi a bassa polarizzazione urbana; Reti di centri urbani di piccole dimensioni). Altra linea di lavoro della tesi di dottorato ha riguardato la controriprova empirica degli effettivi confini degli S.Lo.T del PTR 2007 . Dal punto di vista metodologico si è utilizzato lo strumento delle Cluster Analisys per impiegare il singolo comune come polo di partenza dei movimenti per la mia analisi, eliminare inevitabili approssimazioni introdotte dalle perimetrazioni legate agli SLL e soprattutto cogliere al meglio le sfumature dei confini amministrativi dei diversi comuni e province spesso sovrapposti fra loro. La novità è costituita dal fatto che fino al 2001 la regione aveva definito sullo stesso territorio una pluralità di ambiti intermedi non univocamente circoscritti per tutte le funzioni ma definiti secondo un criterio analitico matematico dipendente dall’attività settoriale dominante. In contemporanea col processo di rinnovamento della politica locale in atto nei principali Paesi dell’Europa Comunitaria si va delineando una significativa evoluzione per adeguare le istituzioni pubbliche che in Italia comporta l’attuazione del Titolo V della Costituzione. In tale titolo si disegna un nuovo assetto dei vari livelli Istituzionali, assumendo come criteri di riferimento la semplificazione dell’assetto amministrativo e la razionalizzazione della spesa pubblica complessiva. In questa prospettiva la dimensione provinciale parrebbe essere quella tecnicamente più idonea per il minimo livello di pianificazione territoriale decentrata ma nel contempo la provincia come ente amministrativo intermedio palesa forti carenze motivazionali in quanto l’ente storico di riferimento della pianificazione è il comune e l’ente di gestione delegato dallo stato è la regione: in generale troppo piccolo il comune per fare una programmazione di sviluppo, troppo grande la regione per cogliere gli impulsi alla crescita dei territori e delle realtà locali. Questa considerazione poi deve trovare elementi di compatibilità con la piccola dimensione territoriale delle regioni italiane se confrontate con le regioni europee ed i Laender tedeschi. L'individuazione di criteri oggettivi (funzionali e non formali) per l'individuazione/delimitazione di territori funzionali e lo scambio di prestazioni tra di essi sono la condizione necessaria per superare l'attuale natura opzionale dei processi di cooperazione interistituzionale (tra comuni, ad esempio appartenenti allo stesso territorio funzionale). A questo riguardo molto utile è l'esperienza delle associazioni, ma anche delle unioni di comuni. Le esigenze della pianificazione nel riordino delle istituzioni politico territoriali decentrate, costituiscono il punto finale della ricerca svolta, che vede confermato il livello intermedio come ottimale per la pianificazione. Tale livello è da intendere come dimensione geografica di riferimento e non come ambito di decisioni amministrative, di governance e potrebbe essere validamente gestito attraverso un’agenzia privato-pubblica dello sviluppo, alla quale affidare la formulazione del piano e la sua gestione. E perché ciò avvenga è necessario che il piano regionale formulato da organi politici autonomi, coordinati dall’attività dello stato abbia caratteri definiti e fattibilità economico concreta.


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La ricerca proposta si pone l’obiettivo di definire e sperimentare un metodo per un’articolata e sistematica lettura del territorio rurale, che, oltre ad ampliare la conoscenza del territorio, sia di supporto ai processi di pianificazione paesaggistici ed urbanistici e all’attuazione delle politiche agricole e di sviluppo rurale. Un’approfondita disamina dello stato dell’arte riguardante l’evoluzione del processo di urbanizzazione e le conseguenze dello stesso in Italia e in Europa, oltre che del quadro delle politiche territoriali locali nell’ambito del tema specifico dello spazio rurale e periurbano, hanno reso possibile, insieme a una dettagliata analisi delle principali metodologie di analisi territoriale presenti in letteratura, la determinazione del concept alla base della ricerca condotta. E’ stata sviluppata e testata una metodologia multicriteriale e multilivello per la lettura del territorio rurale sviluppata in ambiente GIS, che si avvale di algoritmi di clustering (quale l’algoritmo IsoCluster) e classificazione a massima verosimiglianza, focalizzando l’attenzione sugli spazi agricoli periurbani. Tale metodo si incentra sulla descrizione del territorio attraverso la lettura di diverse componenti dello stesso, quali quelle agro-ambientali e socio-economiche, ed opera una sintesi avvalendosi di una chiave interpretativa messa a punto allo scopo, l’Impronta Agroambientale (Agro-environmental Footprint - AEF), che si propone di quantificare il potenziale impatto degli spazi rurali sul sistema urbano. In particolare obiettivo di tale strumento è l’identificazione nel territorio extra-urbano di ambiti omogenei per caratteristiche attraverso una lettura del territorio a differenti scale (da quella territoriale a quella aziendale) al fine di giungere ad una sua classificazione e quindi alla definizione delle aree classificabili come “agricole periurbane”. La tesi propone la presentazione dell’architettura complessiva della metodologia e la descrizione dei livelli di analisi che la compongono oltre che la successiva sperimentazione e validazione della stessa attraverso un caso studio rappresentativo posto nella Pianura Padana (Italia).


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Marine soft bottom systems show a high variability across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Both natural and anthropogenic sources of disturbance act together in affecting benthic sedimentary characteristics and species distribution. The description of such spatial variability is required to understand the ecological processes behind them. However, in order to have a better estimate of spatial patterns, methods that take into account the complexity of the sedimentary system are required. This PhD thesis aims to give a significant contribution both in improving the methodological approaches to the study of biological variability in soft bottom habitats and in increasing the knowledge of the effect that different process (both natural and anthropogenic) could have on the benthic communities of a large area in the North Adriatic Sea. Beta diversity is a measure of the variability in species composition, and Whittaker’s index has become the most widely used measure of beta-diversity. However, application of the Whittaker index to soft bottom assemblages of the Adriatic Sea highlighted its sensitivity to rare species (species recorded in a single sample). This over-weighting of rare species induces biased estimates of the heterogeneity, thus it becomes difficult to compare assemblages containing a high proportion of rare species. In benthic communities, the unusual large number of rare species is frequently attributed to a combination of sampling errors and insufficient sampling effort. In order to reduce the influence of rare species on the measure of beta diversity, I have developed an alternative index based on simple probabilistic considerations. It turns out that this probability index is an ordinary Michaelis-Menten transformation of Whittaker's index but behaves more favourably when species heterogeneity increases. The suggested index therefore seems appropriate when comparing patterns of complexity in marine benthic assemblages. Although the new index makes an important contribution to the study of biodiversity in sedimentary environment, it remains to be seen which processes, and at what scales, influence benthic patterns. The ability to predict the effects of ecological phenomena on benthic fauna highly depends on both spatial and temporal scales of variation. Once defined, implicitly or explicitly, these scales influence the questions asked, the methodological approaches and the interpretation of results. Problem often arise when representative samples are not taken and results are over-generalized, as can happen when results from small-scale experiments are used for resource planning and management. Such issues, although globally recognized, are far from been resolved in the North Adriatic Sea. This area is potentially affected by both natural (e.g. river inflow, eutrophication) and anthropogenic (e.g. gas extraction, fish-trawling) sources of disturbance. Although few studies in this area aimed at understanding which of these processes mainly affect macrobenthos, these have been conducted at a small spatial scale, as they were designated to examine local changes in benthic communities or particular species. However, in order to better describe all the putative processes occurring in the entire area, a high sampling effort performed at a large spatial scale is required. The sedimentary environment of the western part of the Adriatic Sea was extensively studied in this thesis. I have described, in detail, spatial patterns both in terms of sedimentary characteristics and macrobenthic organisms and have suggested putative processes (natural or of human origin) that might affect the benthic environment of the entire area. In particular I have examined the effect of off shore gas platforms on benthic diversity and tested their effect over a background of natural spatial variability. The results obtained suggest that natural processes in the North Adriatic such as river outflow and euthrophication show an inter-annual variability that might have important consequences on benthic assemblages, affecting for example their spatial pattern moving away from the coast and along a North to South gradient. Depth-related factors, such as food supply, light, temperature and salinity play an important role in explaining large scale benthic spatial variability (i.e., affecting both the abundance patterns and beta diversity). Nonetheless, more locally, effects probably related to an organic enrichment or pollution from Po river input has been observed. All these processes, together with few human-induced sources of variability (e.g. fishing disturbance), have a higher effect on macrofauna distribution than any effect related to the presence of gas platforms. The main effect of gas platforms is restricted mainly to small spatial scales and related to a change in habitat complexity due to a natural dislodgement or structure cleaning of mussels that colonize their legs. The accumulation of mussels on the sediment reasonably affects benthic infauna composition. All the components of the study presented in this thesis highlight the need to carefully consider methodological aspects related to the study of sedimentary habitats. With particular regards to the North Adriatic Sea, a multi-scale analysis along natural and anthopogenic gradients was useful for detecting the influence of all the processes affecting the sedimentary environment. In the future, applying a similar approach may lead to an unambiguous assessment of the state of the benthic community in the North Adriatic Sea. Such assessment may be useful in understanding if any anthropogenic source of disturbance has a negative effect on the marine environment, and if so, planning sustainable strategies for a proper management of the affected area.


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The presented study carried out an analysis on rural landscape changes. In particular the study focuses on the understanding of driving forces acting on the rural built environment using a statistical spatial model implemented through GIS techniques. It is well known that the study of landscape changes is essential for a conscious decision making in land planning. From a bibliography review results a general lack of studies dealing with the modeling of rural built environment and hence a theoretical modelling approach for such purpose is needed. The advancement in technology and modernity in building construction and agriculture have gradually changed the rural built environment. In addition, the phenomenon of urbanization of a determined the construction of new volumes that occurred beside abandoned or derelict rural buildings. Consequently there are two types of transformation dynamics affecting mainly the rural built environment that can be observed: the conversion of rural buildings and the increasing of building numbers. It is the specific aim of the presented study to propose a methodology for the development of a spatial model that allows the identification of driving forces that acted on the behaviours of the building allocation. In fact one of the most concerning dynamic nowadays is related to an irrational expansion of buildings sprawl across landscape. The proposed methodology is composed by some conceptual steps that cover different aspects related to the development of a spatial model: the selection of a response variable that better describe the phenomenon under study, the identification of possible driving forces, the sampling methodology concerning the collection of data, the most suitable algorithm to be adopted in relation to statistical theory and method used, the calibration process and evaluation of the model. A different combination of factors in various parts of the territory generated favourable or less favourable conditions for the building allocation and the existence of buildings represents the evidence of such optimum. Conversely the absence of buildings expresses a combination of agents which is not suitable for building allocation. Presence or absence of buildings can be adopted as indicators of such driving conditions, since they represent the expression of the action of driving forces in the land suitability sorting process. The existence of correlation between site selection and hypothetical driving forces, evaluated by means of modeling techniques, provides an evidence of which driving forces are involved in the allocation dynamic and an insight on their level of influence into the process. GIS software by means of spatial analysis tools allows to associate the concept of presence and absence with point futures generating a point process. Presence or absence of buildings at some site locations represent the expression of these driving factors interaction. In case of presences, points represent locations of real existing buildings, conversely absences represent locations were buildings are not existent and so they are generated by a stochastic mechanism. Possible driving forces are selected and the existence of a causal relationship with building allocations is assessed through a spatial model. The adoption of empirical statistical models provides a mechanism for the explanatory variable analysis and for the identification of key driving variables behind the site selection process for new building allocation. The model developed by following the methodology is applied to a case study to test the validity of the methodology. In particular the study area for the testing of the methodology is represented by the New District of Imola characterized by a prevailing agricultural production vocation and were transformation dynamic intensively occurred. The development of the model involved the identification of predictive variables (related to geomorphologic, socio-economic, structural and infrastructural systems of landscape) capable of representing the driving forces responsible for landscape changes.. The calibration of the model is carried out referring to spatial data regarding the periurban and rural area of the study area within the 1975-2005 time period by means of Generalised linear model. The resulting output from the model fit is continuous grid surface where cells assume values ranged from 0 to 1 of probability of building occurrences along the rural and periurban area of the study area. Hence the response variable assesses the changes in the rural built environment occurred in such time interval and is correlated to the selected explanatory variables by means of a generalized linear model using logistic regression. Comparing the probability map obtained from the model to the actual rural building distribution in 2005, the interpretation capability of the model can be evaluated. The proposed model can be also applied to the interpretation of trends which occurred in other study areas, and also referring to different time intervals, depending on the availability of data. The use of suitable data in terms of time, information, and spatial resolution and the costs related to data acquisition, pre-processing, and survey are among the most critical aspects of model implementation. Future in-depth studies can focus on using the proposed model to predict short/medium-range future scenarios for the rural built environment distribution in the study area. In order to predict future scenarios it is necessary to assume that the driving forces do not change and that their levels of influence within the model are not far from those assessed for the time interval used for the calibration.


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Knowledge on how ligaments and articular surfaces guide passive motion at the human ankle joint complex is fundamental for the design of relevant surgical treatments. The dissertation presents a possible improvement of this knowledge by a new kinematic model of the tibiotalar articulation. In this dissertation two one-DOF spatial equivalent mechanisms are presented for the simulation of the passive motion of the human ankle joint: the 5-5 fully parallel mechanism and the fully parallel spherical wrist mechanism. These mechanisms are based on the main anatomical structures of the ankle joint, namely the talus/calcaneus and the tibio/fibula bones at their interface, and the TiCaL and CaFiL ligaments. In order to show the accuracy of the models and the efficiency of the proposed procedure, these mechanisms are synthesized from experimental data and the results are compared with those obtained both during experimental sessions and with data published in the literature. Experimental results proved the efficiency of the proposed new mechanisms to simulate the ankle passive motion and, at the same time, the potentiality of the mechanism to replicate the ankle’s main anatomical structures quite well. The new mechanisms represent a powerful tool for both pre-operation planning and new prosthesis design.


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The research presented in my PhD thesis is part of a wider European project, FishPopTrace, focused on traceability of fish populations and products. My work was aimed at developing and analyzing novel genetic tools for a widely distributed marine fish species, the European hake (Merluccius merluccius), in order to investigate population genetic structure and explore potential applications to traceability scenarios. A total of 395 SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) were discovered from a massive collection of Expressed Sequence Tags, obtained by high-throughput sequencing, and validated on 19 geographic samples from Atlantic and Mediterranean. Genome-scan approaches were applied to identify polymorphisms on genes potentially under divergent selection (outlier SNPs), showing higher genetic differentiation among populations respect to the average observed across loci. Comparative analysis on population structure were carried out on putative neutral and outlier loci at wide (Atlantic and Mediterranean samples) and regional (samples within each basin) spatial scales, to disentangle the effects of demographic and adaptive evolutionary forces on European hake populations genetic structure. Results demonstrated the potential of outlier loci to unveil fine scale genetic structure, possibly identifying locally adapted populations, despite the weak signal showed from putative neutral SNPs. The application of outlier SNPs within the framework of fishery resources management was also explored. A minimum panel of SNP markers showing maximum discriminatory power was selected and applied to a traceability scenario aiming at identifying the basin (and hence the stock) of origin, Atlantic or Mediterranean, of individual fish. This case study illustrates how molecular analytical technologies have operational potential in real-world contexts, and more specifically, potential to support fisheries control and enforcement and fish and fish product traceability.


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Concerns over global change and its effect on coral reef survivorship have highlighted the need for long-term datasets and proxy records, to interpret environmental trends and inform policymakers. Citizen science programs have showed to be a valid method for collecting data, reducing financial and time costs for institutions. This study is based on the elaboration of data collected by recreational divers and its main purpose is to evaluate changes in the state of coral reef biodiversity in the Red Sea over a long term period and validate the volunteer-based monitoring method. Volunteers recreational divers completed a questionnaire after each dive, recording the presence of 72 animal taxa and negative reef conditions. Comparisons were made between records from volunteers and independent records from a marine biologist who performed the same dive at the same time. A total of 500 volunteers were tested in 78 validation trials. Relative values of accuracy, reliability and similarity seem to be comparable to those performed by volunteer divers on precise transects in other projects, or in community-based terrestrial monitoring. 9301 recreational divers participated in the monitoring program, completing 23,059 survey questionnaires in a 5-year period. The volunteer-sightings-based index showed significant differences between the geographical areas. The area of Hurghada is distinguished by a medium-low biodiversity index, heavily damaged by a not controlled anthropic exploitation. Coral reefs along the Ras Mohammed National Park at Sharm el Sheikh, conversely showed high biodiversity index. The detected pattern seems to be correlated with the conservation measures adopted. In our experience and that of other research institutes, citizen science can integrate conventional methods and significantly reduce costs and time. Involving recreational divers we were able to build a large data set, covering a wide geographic area. The main limitation remains the difficulty of obtaining an homogeneous spatial sampling distribution.


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We usually perform actions in a dynamic environment and changes in the location of a target for an upcoming action require both covert shifts of attention and motor planning update. In this study we tested whether, similarly to oculomotor areas that provide signals for overt and covert attention shifts, covert attention shifts modulate activity in cortical area V6A, which provides a bridge between visual signals and arm-motor control. We performed single cell recordings in monkeys trained to fixate straight-ahead while shifting attention outward to a peripheral cue and inward again to the fixation point. We found that neurons in V6A are influenced by spatial attention demonstrating that visual, motor, and attentional responses can occur in combination in single neurons of V6A. This modulation in an area primarily involved in visuo-motor transformation for reaching suggests that also reach-related regions could directly contribute in the shifts of spatial attention necessary to plan and control goal-directed arm movements. Moreover, to test whether V6A is causally involved in these processes, we have performed a human study using on-line repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the putative human V6A (pV6A) during an attention and a reaching task requiring covert shifts of attention and reaching movements towards cued targets in space. We demonstrate that the pV6A is causally involved in attention reorienting to target detection and that this process interferes with the execution of reaching movements towards unattended targets. The current findings suggest the direct involvement of the action-related dorso-medial visual stream in attentional processes, and a more specific role of V6A in attention reorienting. Therefore, we propose that attention signals are used by the V6A to rapidly update the current motor plan or the ongoing action when a behaviorally relevant object unexpectedly appears at an unattended location.


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Landslide hazard and risk are growing as a consequence of climate change and demographic pressure. Land‐use planning represents a powerful tool to manage this socio‐economic problem and build sustainable and landslide resilient communities. Landslide inventory maps are a cornerstone of land‐use planning and, consequently, their quality assessment represents a burning issue. This work aimed to define the quality parameters of a landslide inventory and assess its spatial and temporal accuracy with regard to its possible applications to land‐use planning. In this sense, I proceeded according to a two‐steps approach. An overall assessment of the accuracy of data geographic positioning was performed on four case study sites located in the Italian Northern Apennines. The quantification of the overall spatial and temporal accuracy, instead, focused on the Dorgola Valley (Province of Reggio Emilia). The assessment of spatial accuracy involved a comparison between remotely sensed and field survey data, as well as an innovative fuzzylike analysis of a multi‐temporal landslide inventory map. Conversely, long‐ and short‐term landslide temporal persistence was appraised over a period of 60 years with the aid of 18 remotely sensed image sets. These results were eventually compared with the current Territorial Plan for Provincial Coordination (PTCP) of the Province of Reggio Emilia. The outcome of this work suggested that geomorphologically detected and mapped landslides are a significant approximation of a more complex reality. In order to convey to the end‐users this intrinsic uncertainty, a new form of cartographic representation is needed. In this sense, a fuzzy raster landslide map may be an option. With regard to land‐use planning, landslide inventory maps, if appropriately updated, confirmed to be essential decision‐support tools. This research, however, proved that their spatial and temporal uncertainty discourages any direct use as zoning maps, especially when zoning itself is associated to statutory or advisory regulations.