9 resultados para magnetic properties of Mn(II), Cu(II), Co(II) and Nd(III)

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Minor components are of particular interest due to their antioxidant and biological properties. Various classes of lipophilic minor components (plant sterols (PS) and α-tocopherol) were selected as they are widely used in the food industry. A Fast GC-MS method for PS analysis in functional dairy products was set up. The analytical performance and significant reduction of the analysis time and consumables, demonstrated that Fast GC-MS could be suitable for the PS analysis in functional dairy products. Due to their chemical structure, PS can undergo oxidation, which could be greatly impacted by matrix nature/composition and thermal treatments. The oxidative stability of PS during microwave heating was evaluated. Two different model systems (PS alone and in combination) were heated up to 30 min at 1000 W. PS degraded faster when they were alone than in presence of TAG. The extent of PS degradation depends on both heating time and the surrounding medium, which can impact the quality and safety of the food product destined to microwave heating/cooking. Many minor lipid components are included in emulsion systems and can affect the rate of lipid oxidation. The oxidative stability of oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions containing PS esters, ω-3 FA and phenolic compounds, were evaluated after a 14-day storage at room temperature. Due to their surface active character, PS could be particularly prone to oxidation when they are incorporated in emulsions, as they are more exposed to water-soluble prooxidants. Finally, some minor lipophilic components may increase oxidative stability of food systems due to their antioxidant activity. á-tocopherol partitioning and antioxidant activity was determined in the presence of excess SDS in stripped soybean O/W emulsions. Results showed that surfactant micelles could play a key role as an antioxidant carrier, by potentially increasing the accessibility of hydrophobic antioxidant to the interface.


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Galaxy clusters occupy a special position in the cosmic hierarchy as they are the largest bound structures in the Universe. There is now general agreement on a hierarchical picture for the formation of cosmic structures, in which galaxy clusters are supposed to form by accretion of matter and merging between smaller units. During merger events, shocks are driven by the gravity of the dark matter in the diffuse barionic component, which is heated up to the observed temperature. Radio and hard-X ray observations have discovered non-thermal components mixed with the thermal Intra Cluster Medium (ICM) and this is of great importance as it calls for a “revision” of the physics of the ICM. The bulk of present information comes from the radio observations which discovered an increasing number of Mpcsized emissions from the ICM, Radio Halos (at the cluster center) and Radio Relics (at the cluster periphery). These sources are due to synchrotron emission from ultra relativistic electrons diffusing through µG turbulent magnetic fields. Radio Halos are the most spectacular evidence of non-thermal components in the ICM and understanding the origin and evolution of these sources represents one of the most challenging goal of the theory of the ICM. Cluster mergers are the most energetic events in the Universe and a fraction of the energy dissipated during these mergers could be channelled into the amplification of the magnetic fields and into the acceleration of high energy particles via shocks and turbulence driven by these mergers. Present observations of Radio Halos (and possibly of hard X-rays) can be best interpreted in terms of the reacceleration scenario in which MHD turbulence injected during these cluster mergers re-accelerates high energy particles in the ICM. The physics involved in this scenario is very complex and model details are difficult to test, however this model clearly predicts some simple properties of Radio Halos (and resulting IC emission in the hard X-ray band) which are almost independent of the details of the adopted physics. In particular in the re-acceleration scenario MHD turbulence is injected and dissipated during cluster mergers and thus Radio Halos (and also the resulting hard X-ray IC emission) should be transient phenomena (with a typical lifetime <» 1 Gyr) associated with dynamically disturbed clusters. The physics of the re-acceleration scenario should produce an unavoidable cut-off in the spectrum of the re-accelerated electrons, which is due to the balance between turbulent acceleration and radiative losses. The energy at which this cut-off occurs, and thus the maximum frequency at which synchrotron radiation is produced, depends essentially on the efficiency of the acceleration mechanism so that observations at high frequencies are expected to catch only the most efficient phenomena while, in principle, low frequency radio surveys may found these phenomena much common in the Universe. These basic properties should leave an important imprint in the statistical properties of Radio Halos (and of non-thermal phenomena in general) which, however, have not been addressed yet by present modellings. The main focus of this PhD thesis is to calculate, for the first time, the expected statistics of Radio Halos in the context of the re-acceleration scenario. In particular, we shall address the following main questions: • Is it possible to model “self-consistently” the evolution of these sources together with that of the parent clusters? • How the occurrence of Radio Halos is expected to change with cluster mass and to evolve with redshift? How the efficiency to catch Radio Halos in galaxy clusters changes with the observing radio frequency? • How many Radio Halos are expected to form in the Universe? At which redshift is expected the bulk of these sources? • Is it possible to reproduce in the re-acceleration scenario the observed occurrence and number of Radio Halos in the Universe and the observed correlations between thermal and non-thermal properties of galaxy clusters? • Is it possible to constrain the magnetic field intensity and profile in galaxy clusters and the energetic of turbulence in the ICM from the comparison between model expectations and observations? Several astrophysical ingredients are necessary to model the evolution and statistical properties of Radio Halos in the context of re-acceleration model and to address the points given above. For these reason we deserve some space in this PhD thesis to review the important aspects of the physics of the ICM which are of interest to catch our goals. In Chapt. 1 we discuss the physics of galaxy clusters, and in particular, the clusters formation process; in Chapt. 2 we review the main observational properties of non-thermal components in the ICM; and in Chapt. 3 we focus on the physics of magnetic field and of particle acceleration in galaxy clusters. As a relevant application, the theory of Alfv´enic particle acceleration is applied in Chapt. 4 where we report the most important results from calculations we have done in the framework of the re-acceleration scenario. In this Chapter we show that a fraction of the energy of fluid turbulence driven in the ICM by the cluster mergers can be channelled into the injection of Alfv´en waves at small scales and that these waves can efficiently re-accelerate particles and trigger Radio Halos and hard X-ray emission. The main part of this PhD work, the calculation of the statistical properties of Radio Halos and non-thermal phenomena as expected in the context of the re-acceleration model and their comparison with observations, is presented in Chapts.5, 6, 7 and 8. In Chapt.5 we present a first approach to semi-analytical calculations of statistical properties of giant Radio Halos. The main goal of this Chapter is to model cluster formation, the injection of turbulence in the ICM and the resulting particle acceleration process. We adopt the semi–analytic extended Press & Schechter (PS) theory to follow the formation of a large synthetic population of galaxy clusters and assume that during a merger a fraction of the PdV work done by the infalling subclusters in passing through the most massive one is injected in the form of magnetosonic waves. Then the processes of stochastic acceleration of the relativistic electrons by these waves and the properties of the ensuing synchrotron (Radio Halos) and inverse Compton (IC, hard X-ray) emission of merging clusters are computed under the assumption of a constant rms average magnetic field strength in emitting volume. The main finding of these calculations is that giant Radio Halos are naturally expected only in the more massive clusters, and that the expected fraction of clusters with Radio Halos is consistent with the observed one. In Chapt. 6 we extend the previous calculations by including a scaling of the magnetic field strength with cluster mass. The inclusion of this scaling allows us to derive the expected correlations between the synchrotron radio power of Radio Halos and the X-ray properties (T, LX) and mass of the hosting clusters. For the first time, we show that these correlations, calculated in the context of the re-acceleration model, are consistent with the observed ones for typical µG strengths of the average B intensity in massive clusters. The calculations presented in this Chapter allow us to derive the evolution of the probability to form Radio Halos as a function of the cluster mass and redshift. The most relevant finding presented in this Chapter is that the luminosity functions of giant Radio Halos at 1.4 GHz are expected to peak around a radio power » 1024 W/Hz and to flatten (or cut-off) at lower radio powers because of the decrease of the electron re-acceleration efficiency in smaller galaxy clusters. In Chapt. 6 we also derive the expected number counts of Radio Halos and compare them with available observations: we claim that » 100 Radio Halos in the Universe can be observed at 1.4 GHz with deep surveys, while more than 1000 Radio Halos are expected to be discovered in the next future by LOFAR at 150 MHz. This is the first (and so far unique) model expectation for the number counts of Radio Halos at lower frequency and allows to design future radio surveys. Based on the results of Chapt. 6, in Chapt.7 we present a work in progress on a “revision” of the occurrence of Radio Halos. We combine past results from the NVSS radio survey (z » 0.05 − 0.2) with our ongoing GMRT Radio Halos Pointed Observations of 50 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters (at z » 0.2−0.4) and discuss the possibility to test our model expectations with the number counts of Radio Halos at z » 0.05 − 0.4. The most relevant limitation in the calculations presented in Chapt. 5 and 6 is the assumption of an “averaged” size of Radio Halos independently of their radio luminosity and of the mass of the parent clusters. This assumption cannot be released in the context of the PS formalism used to describe the formation process of clusters, while a more detailed analysis of the physics of cluster mergers and of the injection process of turbulence in the ICM would require an approach based on numerical (possible MHD) simulations of a very large volume of the Universe which is however well beyond the aim of this PhD thesis. On the other hand, in Chapt.8 we report our discovery of novel correlations between the size (RH) of Radio Halos and their radio power and between RH and the cluster mass within the Radio Halo region, MH. In particular this last “geometrical” MH − RH correlation allows us to “observationally” overcome the limitation of the “average” size of Radio Halos. Thus in this Chapter, by making use of this “geometrical” correlation and of a simplified form of the re-acceleration model based on the results of Chapt. 5 and 6 we are able to discuss expected correlations between the synchrotron power and the thermal cluster quantities relative to the radio emitting region. This is a new powerful tool of investigation and we show that all the observed correlations (PR − RH, PR − MH, PR − T, PR − LX, . . . ) now become well understood in the context of the re-acceleration model. In addition, we find that observationally the size of Radio Halos scales non-linearly with the virial radius of the parent cluster, and this immediately means that the fraction of the cluster volume which is radio emitting increases with cluster mass and thus that the non-thermal component in clusters is not self-similar.


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Understanding the complex relationships between quantities measured by volcanic monitoring network and shallow magma processes is a crucial headway for the comprehension of volcanic processes and a more realistic evaluation of the associated hazard. This question is very relevant at Campi Flegrei, a volcanic quiescent caldera immediately north-west of Napoli (Italy). The system activity shows a high fumarole release and periodic ground slow movement (bradyseism) with high seismicity. This activity, with the high people density and the presence of military and industrial buildings, makes Campi Flegrei one of the areas with higher volcanic hazard in the world. In such a context my thesis has been focused on magma dynamics due to the refilling of shallow magma chambers, and on the geophysical signals detectable by seismic, deformative and gravimetric monitoring networks that are associated with this phenomenologies. Indeed, the refilling of magma chambers is a process frequently occurring just before a volcanic eruption; therefore, the faculty of identifying this dynamics by means of recorded signal analysis is important to evaluate the short term volcanic hazard. The space-time evolution of dynamics due to injection of new magma in the magma chamber has been studied performing numerical simulations with, and implementing additional features in, the code GALES (Longo et al., 2006), recently developed and still on the upgrade at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia in Pisa (Italy). GALES is a finite element code based on a physico-mathematical two dimensional, transient model able to treat fluids as multiphase homogeneous mixtures, compressible to incompressible. The fundamental equations of mass, momentum and energy balance are discretised both in time and space using the Galerkin Least-Squares and discontinuity-capturing stabilisation technique. The physical properties of the mixture are computed as a function of local conditions of magma composition, pressure and temperature.The model features enable to study a broad range of phenomenologies characterizing pre and sin-eruptive magma dynamics in a wide domain from the volcanic crater to deep magma feeding zones. The study of displacement field associated with the simulated fluid dynamics has been carried out with a numerical code developed by the Geophysical group at the University College Dublin (O’Brien and Bean, 2004b), with whom we started a very profitable collaboration. In this code, the seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media with free surface (e.g. the Earth’s surface) is simulated using a discrete elastic lattice where particle interactions are controlled by the Hooke’s law. This method allows to consider medium heterogeneities and complex topography. The initial and boundary conditions for the simulations have been defined within a coordinate project (INGV-DPC 2004-06 V3_2 “Research on active volcanoes, precursors, scenarios, hazard and risk - Campi Flegrei”), to which this thesis contributes, and many researchers experienced on Campi Flegrei in volcanological, seismic, petrological, geochemical fields, etc. collaborate. Numerical simulations of magma and rock dynamis have been coupled as described in the thesis. The first part of the thesis consists of a parametric study aimed at understanding the eect of the presence in magma of carbon dioxide in magma in the convection dynamics. Indeed, the presence of this volatile was relevant in many Campi Flegrei eruptions, including some eruptions commonly considered as reference for a future activity of this volcano. A set of simulations considering an elliptical magma chamber, compositionally uniform, refilled from below by a magma with volatile content equal or dierent from that of the resident magma has been performed. To do this, a multicomponent non-ideal magma saturation model (Papale et al., 2006) that considers the simultaneous presence of CO2 and H2O, has been implemented in GALES. Results show that the presence of CO2 in the incoming magma increases its buoyancy force promoting convection ad mixing. The simulated dynamics produce pressure transients with frequency and amplitude in the sensitivity range of modern geophysical monitoring networks such as the one installed at Campi Flegrei . In the second part, simulations more related with the Campi Flegrei volcanic system have been performed. The simulated system has been defined on the basis of conditions consistent with the bulk of knowledge of Campi Flegrei and in particular of the Agnano-Monte Spina eruption (4100 B.P.), commonly considered as reference for a future high intensity eruption in this area. The magmatic system has been modelled as a long dyke refilling a small shallow magma chamber; magmas with trachytic and phonolitic composition and variable volatile content of H2O and CO2 have been considered. The simulations have been carried out changing the condition of magma injection, the system configuration (magma chamber geometry, dyke size) and the resident and refilling magma composition and volatile content, in order to study the influence of these factors on the simulated dynamics. Simulation results allow to follow each step of the gas-rich magma ascent in the denser magma, highlighting the details of magma convection and mixing. In particular, the presence of more CO2 in the deep magma results in more ecient and faster dynamics. Through this simulations the variation of the gravimetric field has been determined. Afterward, the space-time distribution of stress resulting from numerical simulations have been used as boundary conditions for the simulations of the displacement field imposed by the magmatic dynamics on rocks. The properties of the simulated domain (rock density, P and S wave velocities) have been based on data from literature on active and passive tomographic experiments, obtained through a collaboration with A. Zollo at the Dept. of Physics of the Federici II Univeristy in Napoli. The elasto-dynamics simulations allow to determine the variations of the space-time distribution of deformation and the seismic signal associated with the studied magmatic dynamics. In particular, results show that these dynamics induce deformations similar to those measured at Campi Flegrei and seismic signals with energies concentrated on the typical frequency bands observed in volcanic areas. The present work shows that an approach based on the solution of equations describing the physics of processes within a magmatic fluid and the surrounding rock system is able to recognise and describe the relationships between geophysical signals detectable on the surface and deep magma dynamics. Therefore, the results suggest that the combined study of geophysical data and informations from numerical simulations can allow in a near future a more ecient evaluation of the short term volcanic hazard.


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In the present thesis a thourough multiwavelength analysis of a number of galaxy clusters known to be experiencing a merger event is presented. The bulk of the thesis consists in the analysis of deep radio observations of six merging clusters, which host extended radio emission on the cluster scale. A composite optical and X–ray analysis is performed in order to obtain a detailed and comprehensive picture of the cluster dynamics and possibly derive hints about the properties of the ongoing merger, such as the involved mass ratio, geometry and time scale. The combination of the high quality radio, optical and X–ray data allows us to investigate the implications of the ongoing merger for the cluster radio properties, focusing on the phenomenon of cluster scale diffuse radio sources, known as radio halos and relics. A total number of six merging clusters was selected for the present study: A3562, A697, A209, A521, RXCJ 1314.4–2515 and RXCJ 2003.5–2323. All of them were known, or suspected, to possess extended radio emission on the cluster scale, in the form of a radio halo and/or a relic. High sensitivity radio observations were carried out for all clusters using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at low frequency (i.e. ≤ 610 MHz), in order to test the presence of a diffuse radio source and/or analyse in detail the properties of the hosted extended radio emission. For three clusters, the GMRT information was combined with higher frequency data from Very Large Array (VLA) observations. A re–analysis of the optical and X–ray data available in the public archives was carried out for all sources. Propriety deep XMM–Newton and Chandra observations were used to investigate the merger dynamics in A3562. Thanks to our multiwavelength analysis, we were able to confirm the existence of a radio halo and/or a relic in all clusters, and to connect their properties and origin to the reconstructed merging scenario for most of the investigated cases. • The existence of a small size and low power radio halo in A3562 was successfully explained in the theoretical framework of the particle re–acceleration model for the origin of radio halos, which invokes the re–acceleration of pre–existing relativistic electrons in the intracluster medium by merger–driven turbulence. • A giant radio halo was found in the massive galaxy cluster A209, which has likely undergone a past major merger and is currently experiencing a new merging process in a direction roughly orthogonal to the old merger axis. A giant radio halo was also detected in A697, whose optical and X–ray properties may be suggestive of a strong merger event along the line of sight. Given the cluster mass and the kind of merger, the existence of a giant radio halo in both clusters is expected in the framework of the re–acceleration scenario. • A radio relic was detected at the outskirts of A521, a highly dynamically disturbed cluster which is accreting a number of small mass concentrations. A possible explanation for its origin requires the presence of a merger–driven shock front at the location of the source. The spectral properties of the relic may support such interpretation and require a Mach number M < ∼ 3 for the shock. • The galaxy cluster RXCJ 1314.4–2515 is exceptional and unique in hosting two peripheral relic sources, extending on the Mpc scale, and a central small size radio halo. The existence of these sources requires the presence of an ongoing energetic merger. Our combined optical and X–ray investigation suggests that a strong merging process between two or more massive subclumps may be ongoing in this cluster. Thanks to forthcoming optical and X–ray observations, we will reconstruct in detail the merger dynamics and derive its energetics, to be related to the energy necessary for the particle re–acceleration in this cluster. • Finally, RXCJ 2003.5–2323 was found to possess a giant radio halo. This source is among the largest, most powerful and most distant (z=0.317) halos imaged so far. Unlike other radio halos, it shows a very peculiar morphology with bright clumps and filaments of emission, whose origin might be related to the relatively high redshift of the hosting cluster. Although very little optical and X–ray information is available about the cluster dynamical stage, the results of our optical analysis suggest the presence of two massive substructures which may be interacting with the cluster. Forthcoming observations in the optical and X–ray bands will allow us to confirm the expected high merging activity in this cluster. Throughout the present thesis a cosmology with H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1, m=0.3 and =0.7 is assumed.


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The objective of the Ph.D. thesis is to put the basis of an all-embracing link analysis procedure that may form a general reference scheme for the future state-of-the-art of RF/microwave link design: it is basically meant as a circuit-level simulation of an entire radio link, with – generally multiple – transmitting and receiving antennas examined by EM analysis. In this way the influence of mutual couplings on the frequency-dependent near-field and far-field performance of each element is fully accounted for. The set of transmitters is treated as a unique nonlinear system loaded by the multiport antenna, and is analyzed by nonlinear circuit techniques. In order to establish the connection between transmitters and receivers, the far-fields incident onto the receivers are evaluated by EM analysis and are combined by extending an available Ray Tracing technique to the link study. EM theory is used to describe the receiving array as a linear active multiport network. Link performances in terms of bit error rate (BER) are eventually verified a posteriori by a fast system-level algorithm. In order to validate the proposed approach, four heterogeneous application contexts are provided. A complete MIMO link design in a realistic propagation scenario is meant to constitute the reference case study. The second one regards the design, optimization and testing of various typologies of rectennas for power generation by common RF sources. Finally, the project and implementation of two typologies of radio identification tags, at X-band and V-band respectively. In all the cases the importance of an exhaustive nonlinear/electromagnetic co-simulation and co-design is demonstrated to be essential for any accurate system performance prediction.


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The macroscopic properties of oily food dispersions, such as rheology, mechanical strength, sensory attributes (e.g. mouth feel, texture and even flavour release) and as well as engineering properties are strongly determined by their microstructure, that is considered a key parameter in the understanding of the foods behaviour . In particular the rheological properties of these matrices are largely influenced by their processing techniques, particle size distribution and composition of ingredients. During chocolate manufacturing, mixtures of sugar, cocoa and fat are heated, cooled, pressurized and refined. These steps not only affect particle size reduction, but also break agglomerates and distribute lipid and lecithin-coated particles through the continuous phase, this considerably modify the microstructure of final chocolate. The interactions between the suspended particles and the continuous phase provide information about the existing network and consequently can be associated to the properties and characteristics of the final dispersions. Moreover since the macroscopic properties of food materials, are strongly determined by their microstructure, the evaluation and study of the microstructural characteristics, can be very important for a through understanding of the food matrices characteristics and to get detailed information on their complexity. The aim of this study was investigate the influence of formulation and each process step on the microstructural properties of: chocolate type model systems, dark milk and white chocolate types, and cocoa creams. At the same time the relationships between microstructural changes and the resulting physico-chemical properties of: chocolate type dispersions model systems dark milk and white chocolate were investigated.


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Solid state engineered materials have proven to be useful and suitable tools in the quest of new materials. In this thesis different crystalline compounds were synthesized to provide more sustainable products for different applications, as in cosmetics or in agrochemistry, to propose pollutants removal strategy or to obtain materials for electrocatalysis. Therefore, the research projects presented here can be divided into three main topics: (i) sustainable preparation of solid materials of widely used active ingredients aimed at the reduction of their occurrence in the natural environment. The systems studied in this section are cyclodextrins host-guest compounds, obtained via mechanochemical and slurry synthesis. The first chemicals studied are sunscreens inclusion complexes, that proved to have enhanced photostability and desired photoprotection. The same synthetic methods were applied to obtain inclusion complexes of bentazon, a herbicide often found to leach in groundwaters. The resulting products showed to have desired water solubility properties. The same herbicide was also adsorbed on amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles, to obtain a biocompatible formulation of this agrochemical. This herbicide could benefit by the adsorption on nanoparticles for what concerns its kinetic release in different media as well as its photostability. (ii) Sustainable synthesis of co-crystals based on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, for the proposal of a sequestering method with a resulting material with enhanced properties. The co-crystallization via mechanochemical means proved that these pollutants can be sequestered via simple solvent-free synthesis and the obtained materials present better photochemical properties when compared to the starting co-formers. (iii) Crystallization from mild solvents of nanosized materials useful for the application in electrocatalysis. The study of compounds based on nickel and cobalt metal ions resulted in the obtainment of 2D and 1D coordination polymers. Moreover, solid solutions were obtained. These crystals showed layered structures and, according to preliminary results, they can be exfoliated.


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Chemotherapeutic drugs can in many ways disrupt the replication machinery triggering apoptosis in cancer cells: some act directly on DNA and others block the enzymes involved in preparing DNA for replication. Cisplatin-based drugs are common as first-line cancer chemotherapics. Another example is etoposide, a molecule that blocks topoisomerase II α leading to the inhibition of dsDNA replication. Despite their efficacy, cancer cells can respond to these treatments over time by overtaking their effects, leading to drug resistance. Chemoresistance events can be triggered by the action of enzymes like DNA polymerase ƞ (Pol η). This polymerase helps also to bypass drug-induced damage in cancer cells, allowing DNA replication and cancer cells proliferation even when cisplatin-based chemotherapeutic drugs are in use. Pol ƞ is a promising drug discovery target, whose inhibition would help in overcoming of drug resistance. This study aims to identify a potent and selective Pol ƞ inhibitor able to improve the efficacy of platinum-based chemotherapeutic drugs. We report the discovery of compound 64 (ARN24964), after an extensive SAR reporting 35 analogs. We evaluated compound 64 on four different cell lines. Interestingly, the molecule is a Pol η inhibitor able to act synergistically with cisplatin. Moreover, we also synthesized a prodrug form that allowed us to improve its stability and the bioavailability. This compound represents an advanced scaffold featuring good potency and DMPK properties. In addition to this central theme, this thesis also describes our efforts in developing and characterize a novel hybrid inhibitor/poison for the human topoisomerase II α enzyme. In particular, we performed specific assays to study the inhibiton of Topoisomesare II α and we evaluated compounds effect on three cancer cell lines. These studies allowed us to identify a compound that is able to inhibit the enzyme with a good pK and a good potency.