11 resultados para machine development

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Besides increasing the share of electric and hybrid vehicles, in order to comply with more stringent environmental protection limitations, in the mid-term the auto industry must improve the efficiency of the internal combustion engine and the well to wheel efficiency of the employed fuel. To achieve this target, a deeper knowledge of the phenomena that influence the mixture formation and the chemical reactions involving new synthetic fuel components is mandatory, but complex and time intensive to perform purely by experimentation. Therefore, numerical simulations play an important role in this development process, but their use can be effective only if they can be considered accurate enough to capture these variations. The most relevant models necessary for the simulation of the reacting mixture formation and successive chemical reactions have been investigated in the present work, with a critical approach, in order to provide instruments to define the most suitable approaches also in the industrial context, which is limited by time constraints and budget evaluations. To overcome these limitations, new methodologies have been developed to conjugate detailed and simplified modelling techniques for the phenomena involving chemical reactions and mixture formation in non-traditional conditions (e.g. water injection, biofuels etc.). Thanks to the large use of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, several applications have been revised or implemented, with the target of reducing the computing time of some traditional tasks by orders of magnitude. Finally, a complete workflow leveraging these new models has been defined and used for evaluating the effects of different surrogate formulations of the same experimental fuel on a proof-of-concept GDI engine model.


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In medicine, innovation depends on a better knowledge of the human body mechanism, which represents a complex system of multi-scale constituents. Unraveling the complexity underneath diseases proves to be challenging. A deep understanding of the inner workings comes with dealing with many heterogeneous information. Exploring the molecular status and the organization of genes, proteins, metabolites provides insights on what is driving a disease, from aggressiveness to curability. Molecular constituents, however, are only the building blocks of the human body and cannot currently tell the whole story of diseases. This is why nowadays attention is growing towards the contemporary exploitation of multi-scale information. Holistic methods are then drawing interest to address the problem of integrating heterogeneous data. The heterogeneity may derive from the diversity across data types and from the diversity within diseases. Here, four studies conducted data integration using customly designed workflows that implement novel methods and views to tackle the heterogeneous characterization of diseases. The first study devoted to determine shared gene regulatory signatures for onco-hematology and it showed partial co-regulation across blood-related diseases. The second study focused on Acute Myeloid Leukemia and refined the unsupervised integration of genomic alterations, which turned out to better resemble clinical practice. In the third study, network integration for artherosclerosis demonstrated, as a proof of concept, the impact of network intelligibility when it comes to model heterogeneous data, which showed to accelerate the identification of new potential pharmaceutical targets. Lastly, the fourth study introduced a new method to integrate multiple data types in a unique latent heterogeneous-representation that facilitated the selection of important data types to predict the tumour stage of invasive ductal carcinoma. The results of these four studies laid the groundwork to ease the detection of new biomarkers ultimately beneficial to medical practice and to the ever-growing field of Personalized Medicine.


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Nowadays the development of new Internal Combustion Engines is mainly driven by the need to reduce tailpipe emissions of pollutants, Green-House Gases and avoid the fossil fuels wasting. The design of dimension and shape of the combustion chamber together with the implementation of different injection strategies e.g., injection timing, spray targeting, higher injection pressure, play a key role in the accomplishment of the aforementioned targets. As far as the match between the fuel injection and evaporation and the combustion chamber shape is concerned, the assessment of the interaction between the liquid fuel spray and the engine walls in gasoline direct injection engines is crucial. The use of numerical simulations is an acknowledged technique to support the study of new technological solutions such as the design of new gasoline blends and of tailored injection strategies to pursue the target mixture formation. The current simulation framework lacks a well-defined best practice for the liquid fuel spray interaction simulation, which is a complex multi-physics problem. This thesis deals with the development of robust methodologies to approach the numerical simulation of the liquid fuel spray interaction with walls and lubricants. The accomplishment of this task was divided into three tasks: i) setup and validation of spray-wall impingement three-dimensional CFD spray simulations; ii) development of a one-dimensional model describing the liquid fuel – lubricant oil interaction; iii) development of a machine learning based algorithm aimed to define which mixture of known pure components mimics the physical behaviour of the real gasoline for the simulation of the liquid fuel spray interaction.


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Biology is now a “Big Data Science” thanks to technological advancements allowing the characterization of the whole macromolecular content of a cell or a collection of cells. This opens interesting perspectives, but only a small portion of this data may be experimentally characterized. From this derives the demand of accurate and efficient computational tools for automatic annotation of biological molecules. This is even more true when dealing with membrane proteins, on which my research project is focused leading to the development of two machine learning-based methods: BetAware-Deep and SVMyr. BetAware-Deep is a tool for the detection and topology prediction of transmembrane beta-barrel proteins found in Gram-negative bacteria. These proteins are involved in many biological processes and primary candidates as drug targets. BetAware-Deep exploits the combination of a deep learning framework (bidirectional long short-term memory) and a probabilistic graphical model (grammatical-restrained hidden conditional random field). Moreover, it introduced a modified formulation of the hydrophobic moment, designed to include the evolutionary information. BetAware-Deep outperformed all the available methods in topology prediction and reported high scores in the detection task. Glycine myristoylation in Eukaryotes is the binding of a myristic acid on an N-terminal glycine. SVMyr is a fast method based on support vector machines designed to predict this modification in dataset of proteomic scale. It uses as input octapeptides and exploits computational scores derived from experimental examples and mean physicochemical features. SVMyr outperformed all the available methods for co-translational myristoylation prediction. In addition, it allows (as a unique feature) the prediction of post-translational myristoylation. Both the tools here described are designed having in mind best practices for the development of machine learning-based tools outlined by the bioinformatics community. Moreover, they are made available via user-friendly web servers. All this make them valuable tools for filling the gap between sequential and annotated data.


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Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) is rapidly becoming the first-tier test in clinics, both thanks to its declining costs and the development of new platforms that help clinicians in the analysis and interpretation of SNV and InDels. However, we still know very little on how CNV detection could increase WES diagnostic yield. A plethora of exome CNV callers have been published over the years, all showing good performances towards specific CNV classes and sizes, suggesting that the combination of multiple tools is needed to obtain an overall good detection performance. Here we present TrainX, a ML-based method for calling heterozygous CNVs in WES data using EXCAVATOR2 Normalized Read Counts. We select males and females’ non pseudo-autosomal chromosome X alignments to construct our dataset and train our model, make predictions on autosomes target regions and use HMM to call CNVs. We compared TrainX against a set of CNV tools differing for the detection method (GATK4 gCNV, ExomeDepth, DECoN, CNVkit and EXCAVATOR2) and found that our algorithm outperformed them in terms of stability, as we identified both deletions and duplications with good scores (0.87 and 0.82 F1-scores respectively) and for sizes reaching the minimum resolution of 2 target regions. We also evaluated the method robustness using a set of WES and SNP array data (n=251), part of the Italian cohort of Epi25 collaborative, and were able to retrieve all clinical CNVs previously identified by the SNP array. TrainX showed good accuracy in detecting heterozygous CNVs of different sizes, making it a promising tool to use in a diagnostic setting.


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Deep learning methods are extremely promising machine learning tools to analyze neuroimaging data. However, their potential use in clinical settings is limited because of the existing challenges of applying these methods to neuroimaging data. In this study, first a data leakage type caused by slice-level data split that is introduced during training and validation of a 2D CNN is surveyed and a quantitative assessment of the model’s performance overestimation is presented. Second, an interpretable, leakage-fee deep learning software written in a python language with a wide range of options has been developed to conduct both classification and regression analysis. The software was applied to the study of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in patients with small vessel disease (SVD) using multi-parametric MRI data where the cognitive performance of 58 patients measured by five neuropsychological tests is predicted using a multi-input CNN model taking brain image and demographic data. Each of the cognitive test scores was predicted using different MRI-derived features. As MCI due to SVD has been hypothesized to be the effect of white matter damage, DTI-derived features MD and FA produced the best prediction outcome of the TMT-A score which is consistent with the existing literature. In a second study, an interpretable deep learning system aimed at 1) classifying Alzheimer disease and healthy subjects 2) examining the neural correlates of the disease that causes a cognitive decline in AD patients using CNN visualization tools and 3) highlighting the potential of interpretability techniques to capture a biased deep learning model is developed. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of 200 subjects was used by the proposed CNN model which was trained using a transfer learning-based approach producing a balanced accuracy of 71.6%. Brain regions in the frontal and parietal lobe showing the cerebral cortex atrophy were highlighted by the visualization tools.


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With the CERN LHC program underway, there has been an acceleration of data growth in the High Energy Physics (HEP) field and the usage of Machine Learning (ML) in HEP will be critical during the HL-LHC program when the data that will be produced will reach the exascale. ML techniques have been successfully used in many areas of HEP nevertheless, the development of a ML project and its implementation for production use is a highly time-consuming task and requires specific skills. Complicating this scenario is the fact that HEP data is stored in ROOT data format, which is mostly unknown outside of the HEP community. The work presented in this thesis is focused on the development of a ML as a Service (MLaaS) solution for HEP, aiming to provide a cloud service that allows HEP users to run ML pipelines via HTTP calls. These pipelines are executed by using the MLaaS4HEP framework, which allows reading data, processing data, and training ML models directly using ROOT files of arbitrary size from local or distributed data sources. Such a solution provides HEP users non-expert in ML with a tool that allows them to apply ML techniques in their analyses in a streamlined manner. Over the years the MLaaS4HEP framework has been developed, validated, and tested and new features have been added. A first MLaaS solution has been developed by automatizing the deployment of a platform equipped with the MLaaS4HEP framework. Then, a service with APIs has been developed, so that a user after being authenticated and authorized can submit MLaaS4HEP workflows producing trained ML models ready for the inference phase. A working prototype of this service is currently running on a virtual machine of INFN-Cloud and is compliant to be added to the INFN Cloud portfolio of services.


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Machine (and deep) learning technologies are more and more present in several fields. It is undeniable that many aspects of our society are empowered by such technologies: web searches, content filtering on social networks, recommendations on e-commerce websites, mobile applications, etc., in addition to academic research. Moreover, mobile devices and internet sites, e.g., social networks, support the collection and sharing of information in real time. The pervasive deployment of the aforementioned technological instruments, both hardware and software, has led to the production of huge amounts of data. Such data has become more and more unmanageable, posing challenges to conventional computing platforms, and paving the way to the development and widespread use of the machine and deep learning. Nevertheless, machine learning is not only a technology. Given a task, machine learning is a way of proceeding (a way of thinking), and as such can be approached from different perspectives (points of view). This, in particular, will be the focus of this research. The entire work concentrates on machine learning, starting from different sources of data, e.g., signals and images, applied to different domains, e.g., Sport Science and Social History, and analyzed from different perspectives: from a non-data scientist point of view through tools and platforms; setting a problem stage from scratch; implementing an effective application for classification tasks; improving user interface experience through Data Visualization and eXtended Reality. In essence, not only in a quantitative task, not only in a scientific environment, and not only from a data-scientist perspective, machine (and deep) learning can do the difference.


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Machine Learning makes computers capable of performing tasks typically requiring human intelligence. A domain where it is having a considerable impact is the life sciences, allowing to devise new biological analysis protocols, develop patients’ treatments efficiently and faster, and reduce healthcare costs. This Thesis work presents new Machine Learning methods and pipelines for the life sciences focusing on the unsupervised field. At a methodological level, two methods are presented. The first is an “Ab Initio Local Principal Path” and it is a revised and improved version of a pre-existing algorithm in the manifold learning realm. The second contribution is an improvement over the Import Vector Domain Description (one-class learning) through the Kullback-Leibler divergence. It hybridizes kernel methods to Deep Learning obtaining a scalable solution, an improved probabilistic model, and state-of-the-art performances. Both methods are tested through several experiments, with a central focus on their relevance in life sciences. Results show that they improve the performances achieved by their previous versions. At the applicative level, two pipelines are presented. The first one is for the analysis of RNA-Seq datasets, both transcriptomic and single-cell data, and is aimed at identifying genes that may be involved in biological processes (e.g., the transition of tissues from normal to cancer). In this project, an R package is released on CRAN to make the pipeline accessible to the bioinformatic Community through high-level APIs. The second pipeline is in the drug discovery domain and is useful for identifying druggable pockets, namely regions of a protein with a high probability of accepting a small molecule (a drug). Both these pipelines achieve remarkable results. Lastly, a detour application is developed to identify the strengths/limitations of the “Principal Path” algorithm by analyzing Convolutional Neural Networks induced vector spaces. This application is conducted in the music and visual arts domains.


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In recent decades, two prominent trends have influenced the data modeling field, namely network analysis and machine learning. This thesis explores the practical applications of these techniques within the domain of drug research, unveiling their multifaceted potential for advancing our comprehension of complex biological systems. The research undertaken during this PhD program is situated at the intersection of network theory, computational methods, and drug research. Across six projects presented herein, there is a gradual increase in model complexity. These projects traverse a diverse range of topics, with a specific emphasis on drug repurposing and safety in the context of neurological diseases. The aim of these projects is to leverage existing biomedical knowledge to develop innovative approaches that bolster drug research. The investigations have produced practical solutions, not only providing insights into the intricacies of biological systems, but also allowing the creation of valuable tools for their analysis. In short, the achievements are: • A novel computational algorithm to identify adverse events specific to fixed-dose drug combinations. • A web application that tracks the clinical drug research response to SARS-CoV-2. • A Python package for differential gene expression analysis and the identification of key regulatory "switch genes". • The identification of pivotal events causing drug-induced impulse control disorders linked to specific medications. • An automated pipeline for discovering potential drug repurposing opportunities. • The creation of a comprehensive knowledge graph and development of a graph machine learning model for predictions. Collectively, these projects illustrate diverse applications of data science and network-based methodologies, highlighting the profound impact they can have in supporting drug research activities.


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In pursuit of aligning with the European Union's ambitious target of achieving a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, researchers, vehicle manufacturers, and original equipment manufacturers have been at the forefront of exploring cutting-edge technologies for internal combustion engines. The introduction of these technologies has significantly increased the effort required to calibrate the models implemented in the engine control units. Consequently the development of tools that reduce costs and the time required during the experimental phases, has become imperative. Additionally, to comply with ever-stricter limits on 〖"CO" 〗_"2" emissions, it is crucial to develop advanced control systems that enhance traditional engine management systems in order to reduce fuel consumption. Furthermore, the introduction of new homologation cycles, such as the real driving emissions cycle, compels manufacturers to bridge the gap between engine operation in laboratory tests and real-world conditions. Within this context, this thesis showcases the performance and cost benefits achievable through the implementation of an auto-adaptive closed-loop control system, leveraging in-cylinder pressure sensors in a heavy-duty diesel engine designed for mining applications. Additionally, the thesis explores the promising prospect of real-time self-adaptive machine learning models, particularly neural networks, to develop an automatic system, using in-cylinder pressure sensors for the precise calibration of the target combustion phase and optimal spark advance in a spark-ignition engines. To facilitate the application of these combustion process feedback-based algorithms in production applications, the thesis discusses the results obtained from the development of a cost-effective sensor for indirect cylinder pressure measurement. Finally, to ensure the quality control of the proposed affordable sensor, the thesis provides a comprehensive account of the design and validation process for a piezoelectric washer test system.