6 resultados para live feed

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In questa tesi sono illustrate alcune sperimentazioni finalizzate alla standardizzazione del ciclo produttivo della sogliola comune (Solea solea) in cattività. E’ stato creato un parco di riproduttori selvatici ed è stata standardizzata la riproduzione ad un livello compatibile con la realtà produttiva del settore. Indagini genetiche di assegnazione parentale hanno evidenziato come alcuni esemplari siano stati predominanti negli accoppiamenti e nel conseguente contributo alla generazione della prole. Ciò ha determinato una diminuzione della variabilità genetica dei discendenti. La composizione quali-quantitativa degli acidi grassi delle uova è stata correlata con la sopravvivenza larvale nel corso di un’intera stagione riproduttiva. Tale composizione non ha subito importanti variazioni su scala temporale e sembra essere stata influenzata dall’alimentazione somministrata ai riproduttori nel periodo precedente alla riproduzione. Le analisi di interazione tra momento riproduttivo e qualità delle uova hanno confermato che è stato possibile ottenere uova di buona qualità in termini di sopravvivenza larvale nel corso di tutta la stagione riproduttiva. Larve di sogliola sono state svezzate precocemente 13 giorni dopo la schiusa riducendo l’impiego di cibo vivo a favore di micro diete commerciali. Tale svezzamento ha ridotto le performance di accrescimento, ma non la sopravvivenza e lo sviluppo della metamorfosi quando comparati ad un trattamento standard. La riduzione del cibo vivo ha ottimizzato i costi di produzione e migliorato l’igiene in vasca. L’ontogenesi di precursori di enzimi digestivi è stata determinata tramite PCR quantitativa. I risultati di espressione di tripsinogeno, chimotripsinogeno e amilasi hanno mostrato come tali enzimi rivestano un ruolo chiave nei processi digestivi delle prime fasi larvali. Esemplari giovanili hanno ottenuto un significativo maggiore indice di accrescimento e migliore indice di conversione quando alimentati con diete sperimentali contenenti un elevato tenore proteico. Un aumento dell’incidenza di vacuoli lipidici a livello epatico è stato osservato all’aumentare del tenore proteico della dieta.


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The PhD project was focused on the study of the poultry welfare conditions and improvements. The project work was divided into 3 main research activities. A) Field evaluation of chicken meat rearing conditions kept in intensive farms. Considering the lack of published reports concerning the overall Italian rearing conditions of broiler chickens, a survey was carried out to assess the welfare conditions of broiler reared in the most important poultry companies in Italy to verify if they are in accordance with the advices given in the European proposal COM (2005) 221 final. Chicken farm conditions, carcass lesions and meat quality were investigated. 1. The densities currently used in Italy are in accordance with the European proposal COM 221 final (2005) which suggests to keep broilers at a density lower than 30-32 kg live weight/m2 and to not exceed 38-40 kg live weight/m2. 2. The mortality rates in summer and winter agree with the mortality score calculated following the formula reported in the EU Proposal COM 221 final (2005). 3. The incidence of damaged carcasses was very low and did not seem related to the stocking density. 4. The FPD scores were generally above the maximum limit advised by the EU proposal COM 221 final (2005), although the stocking densities were lower than 30-32 kg live weight per m2. 5. It can be stated that the control of the environmental conditions, particularly litter quality, appears a key issue to control the onset of foot dermatitis. B) Manipulation of several farm parameters, such litter material and depth, stocking density and light regimen to improve the chicken welfare conditions, in winter season. 1. Even though 2 different stocking densities were established in this study, the performances achieved from the chickens were almost identical among groups. 2. The FCR was significantly better in Standard conditions contrarily to birds reared in Welfare conditions with lower stocking density, more litter material and with a light program of 16 hours light and 8 hours dark. 3. In our trial, in Standard groups we observed a higher content of moisture, nitrogen and ammonia released from the litter. Therefore it can be assumed that the environmental characteristics have been positively changed by the improvements of the rearing conditions adopted for Welfare groups. 4. In Welfare groups the exhausted litters of the pens were dryer and broilers showed a lower occurrence of FPD. 5. The prevalence of hock burn lesions, like FPD, is high with poor litter quality conditions. 6. The combined effect of a lower stocking density, a greater amount of litter material and a photoperiod similar to the natural one, have positively influenced the chickens welfare status, as a matter of fact the occurrence of FPD in Welfare groups was the lowest keeping the score under the European threshold of the proposal COM 221 final(2005). C) The purpose of the third research was to study the effect of high or low stocking density of broiler chickens, different types of litter and the adoption of short or long lighting regimen on broiler welfare through the evaluation of their productivity and incidence of foot pad dermatitis during the hot season. 1. The feed efficiency was better for the Low Density than for High Density broilers. 2. The appearance of FPD was not influenced by stocking density. 3. The foot examination revealed that the lesions occurred more in birds maintained on chopped wheat straw than on wood shaving. 4. In conclusion, the adoptions of a short light regimen similar to that occurring in nature during summer reduces the feed intake without modify the growth rate thus improving the feed efficiency. Foot pad lesion were not affected neither by stocking densities nor by light regimens whereas wood shavings exerted a favourable effect in preserving foot pad in good condition. D) A study was carried out to investigate more widely the possible role of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplemented in the diet of a laying hen commercial strain (Lohmann brown) in comparison of diets supplemented with D3 or with D3 + 25- hydroxycholecalciferol. Egg traits during a productive cycle as well as the bone characteristics of the layers have been as well evaluated to determine if there the vitamin D3 may enhance the welfare status of the birds. 1. The weight of the egg and of its components is often greater in hens fed a diet enriched with 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. 2. Since eggs of treated groups are heavier and a larger amount of shell is needed, a direct effect on shell strength is observed. 3. At 30 and at 50 wk of age hens fed 25 hydroxycholecalciferol exhibited greater values of bone breaking force. 4. Radiographic density values obtained in the trial are always higher in hens fed with 25-hydroxycholecalciferol of both treatments: supplemented for the whole laying cycle (25D3) or from 40 weeks of age onward (D3+25D3).


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Heavy pig breeding in Italy is mainly oriented for the production of high quality processed products. Of particular importance is the dry cured ham production, which is strictly regulated and requires specific carcass characteristics correlated with green leg characteristics. Furthermore, as pigs are slaughtered at about 160 kg live weight, the Italian pig breeding sector faces severe problems of production efficiency that are related to all biological aspects linked to growth, feed conversion, fat deposition and so on. It is well known that production and carcass traits are in part genetically determined. Therefore, as a first step to understand genetic basis of traits that could have a direct or indirect impact on dry cured ham production, a candidate gene approach can be used to identify DNA markers associated with parameters of economic importance. In this thesis, we investigated three candidate genes for carcass and production traits (TRIB3, PCSK1, MUC4) in pig breeds used for dry cured ham production, using different experimental approaches in order to find molecular markers associated with these parameters.


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Weaning is an important and complex step involving many stresses that interfere deeply with feed intake, gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) development and adaptation to the weaning diet in young pigs. The health of the pig at weaning, its nutrition in the immediate post-weaning period, and the physical, microbiological and psychological environment are all factors that interact to determine food intake and subsequent growth. GIT disorders, infections and diarrhoea increase at the time of weaning, in fact pathogens such as enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are major causes of mucosal damage in post-weaning disease contributing to diarrhoea in suckling and post-weaned pigs. The European ban in 2006 put on antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) has stimulated research on the mechanisms of GIT disorders and on nutritional approaches for preventing or reducing such disturbances avoiding AGPs. Concerning these aspects here are presented five studies based on the interplay among nutrition, genomic, immunity and physiology with the aim to clarify some of these problematic issues around weaning period in piglets. The first three evaluate the effects of diets threonine or tryptophan enriched on gut defence and health as possible alternatives to AGP in the gut. The fourth is focused on the possible immunological function related with the development of the stomach. The fifth is a pilot study on the gastric sensing and orexygenic signal given by fasting or re-feeding conditions. Although some results are controversial, it appears that both tryptophan and threonine supplementation in weaning diets have a preventive role in E.coli PWD and favorable effects in the gut especially in relation to ETEC susceptible genotype. While the stomach is believed as almost aseptic organ, it shows an immune activity related with the mucosal maturation. Moreover it shows an orexygenic role of both oxyntic mucosa and pyloric mucosa, and its possible relation with nutrient sensing stimuli.