11 resultados para herbivore-induced plant volatile organic compounds

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The years of excessive use of thiabendazole to control Penicillium expansum has induced the development of resistance. Sensitivity of fourty eight strains collected from orchards and packinghouses in Emilia Romagna to pure and commercial TBZ was determined in vitro on TBZ amended medium (400μg/mL). Out of 48 strains, 35 were thiabendazole-sensitive (S) and 13 were thiabendazole-resistant (R). Microtiter assay adapted to P. expansum, showed EC50 values ranging from 54 to 320 μg/mL for ten TBZ-resistant strains. At the highest dose (50 μg/mL), resistant strains growth was not inhibited and the reported MICs value were >1000 μg/mL. Therefore, preliminary screening combined with microtiter assay, can be a good strategy to test susceptibility to TBZ. Mutations in the β-tubulin gene were studied on amino acid sequences from residue 167 to residue 357 of 10 P. expansum strains. Mutation at codon 198 was associated with TBZ-resistance. However, its absence in 3 resistant strains can be explained by the involvement of other mechanisms. Moreover, a P. expansum strain LB8/99 showed good antifungal effect against some fungal pathogens through double petri dish assay. It inhibited both mycelium growth and conidia germination of B. cinerea, C. acutatum, and M. laxa, and reduced significantly by 53% and 18% respectively P. expansum. Three major VOCS: geosmin, phenethyl alcolhol (PEA) and an unknown substance were identified by GC-MS analysis. Consistent fumigation of fungal pathogens with PEA (1230 mg/mL), inhibited both conidia germination and mycelium growth of all pathogens, except conidia germination of P. expansum that was reduced by 90% with respect to control. While, the concentration of PEA produced naturally by LB8/99 was ineffective in controlling the pathogens and seemed to have a synergic or additive effect with the other VOCS. Investigations to study the biofumigant effect of LB8/99 on other commodities like seeds and seedlings are in progress.


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The needed of new intermediates/products for screening in the fields of drug discovery and material science is the driving force behind the development of new methodologies and technologies. Organic scaffolds are privileged targets for this scouting. Among them a priority place must be attributed to those including nitrogen functionalities in their scaffolds. It comes out that new methodologies, allowing the introduction of the nitrogen atom for the synthesis of an established target or for the curiosity driven researches, will always be welcome. The target of this PhD Thesis’ work is framed within this goal. Accordingly, Chapter 1 reports the preparation of new N-Heteroarylmethyl 3-carboxy-5-hydroxy piperidine scaffold, as potential and selective α-glucosidase inhibitors. The proposed reversible uncompetitive mechanism of inhibition makes them attractive as interesting candidate for drug development. Chapter 2 is more environmentally method-driven research. Eco-friendly studies on the synthesis of enantiomerically pure 1,4-dihydropyridines using “solid” ammonia (magnesium nitride) is reported via classical Hantzch method. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 may be targeted as the core of the Thesis’s research work. Chapter 3 reports the studies addressed to the synthesis of N-containing heterocycles by using N-trialkylsilylimine/hetero-Diels–Alder (HAD) approach. New eco-friendly methodology as MAOS (Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis) has been used as witness of our interest to a sustainable chemistry. Theoretical calculations were adopted to fully clarify the reaction mechanism. Chapter 4 is dedicated to picture the most recent studies performed on the application of N-Metallo-ketene imines (metallo= Si, Sn, Al), relatively new intermediates which are becoming very popular, in the preparation of highly functionalized N-containing derivatives, accordingly to the Thesis’ target. Derivatives obtained are designed in such a way that they could be of interest in the field of drug and new material chemistry.


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The postharvest phase has been considered an environment very suitable for successful application of biological control agents (BCAs). However, the tri-interaction between fungal pathogen, host (fruit) and antagonist is influenced by several parameters such as temperature, oxidative stresses, oxygen composition, water activity, etc. that could be determining for the success of biocontrol. Knowledge of the modes of action of BCAs is essential in order to enhance their viability and increase their potentialities in disease control. The thesis focused on the possibility to explain the modes of action of a biological control agent (BCA): Aureobasidium pullulans, in particular the strains L1 and L8, control effective against fruit postharvest fungal pathogen. In particular in this work were studied the different modes of action of BCA, such as: i) the ability to produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs), identified by SPME- gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and tested by in vitro and in vivo assays against Penicillium spp., Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum acutatum; ii) the ability to produce lytic enzymes (exo and endo chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase) tested against Monilinia laxa, causal agent of brown rot of stone fruits. L1 and L8 lytic enzymes were also evaluated through their relative genes by molecular tools; iii) the competition for space and nutrients, such as sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose) and iron; the latter induced the production of siderophores, molecules with high affinity for iron chelation. A molecular investigation was carried out to better understand the gene regulation strictly correlated to the production of these chelating molucules. The competition for space against M. laxa was verified by electron microscopy techniques; iv) a depth bibliographical analysis on BCAs mechanisms of action and their possible combination with physical and chemical treatments was conducted.


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Apple latent infection caused by Neofabraea alba: host-pathogen interaction and disease management Bull’s eye rot (BER) caused by Neofabraea alba is one of the most frequent and damaging latent infection occurring in stored pome fruits worldwide. Fruit infection occurs in the orchard, but disease symptoms appear only 3 months after harvest, during refrigerated storage. In Italy BER is particularly serious for late harvest apple cultivar as ‘Pink Lady™’. The purposes of this thesis were: i) Evaluate the influence of ‘Pink Lady™’ apple primary metabolites in N. alba quiescence ii) Evaluate the influence of pH in five different apple cultivars on BER susceptibility iii) To find out not chemical method to control N. alba infection iv) Identify some fungal volatile compounds in order to use them as N. alba infections markers. Results regarding the role of primary metabolites showed that chlorogenic, quinic and malic acid inhibit N. alba development. The study based on the evaluation of cultivar susceptibility, showed that Granny Smith was the most resistant apple cultivar among the varieties analyzed. Moreover, Granny Smith showed the lowest pH value from harvest until the end of storage, supporting the thesis that ambient pH could be involved in the interaction between N. alba and apple. In order to find out new technologies able to improve lenticel rot management, the application of a non-destructive device for the determination of chlorophyll content was applied. Results showed that fruit with higher chlorophyll content are less susceptible to BER, and molecular analyses comforted this result. Fruits with higher chlorophyll content showed up-regulation of PGIP and HCT, genes involved in plant defence. Through the application of PTR-MS and SPME GC-MS, 25 volatile organic compounds emitted by N. alba were identified. Among them, 16 molecules were identified as potential biomarkers.


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During the last years we assisted to an exponential growth of scientific discoveries for catalysis by gold and many applications have been found for Au-based catalysts. In the literature there are several studies concerning the use of gold-based catalysts for environmental applications and good results are reported for the catalytic combustion of different volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Recently it has also been established that gold-based catalysts are potentially capable of being effectively employed in fuel cells in order to remove CO traces by preferential CO oxidation in H2-rich streams. Bi-metallic catalysts have attracted increasing attention because of their markedly different properties from either of the costituent metals, and above all their enhanced catalytic activity, selectivity and stability. In the literature there are several studies demostrating the beneficial effect due to the addition of an iron component to gold supported catalysts in terms of enhanced activity, selectivity, resistence to deactivation and prolonged lifetime of the catalyst. In this work we tried to develop a methodology for the preparation of iron stabilized gold nanoparticles with controlled size and composition, particularly in terms of obtaining an intimate contact between different phases, since it is well known that the catalytic behaviour of multi-component supported catalysts is strongly influenced by the size of the metal particles and by their reciprocal interaction. Ligand stabilized metal clusters, with nanometric dimensions, are possible precursors for the preparation of catalytically active nanoparticles with controlled dimensions and compositions. Among these, metal carbonyl clusters are quite attractive, since they can be prepared with several different sizes and compositions and, moreover, they are decomposed under very mild conditions. A novel preparation method was developed during this thesis for the preparation of iron and gold/iron supported catalysts using bi-metallic carbonyl clusters as precursors of highly dispersed nanoparticles over TiO2 and CeO2, which are widely considered two of the most suitable supports for gold nanoparticles. Au/FeOx catalysts were prepared by employing the bi-metallic carbonyl cluster salts [NEt4]4[Au4Fe4(CO)16] (Fe/Au=1) and [NEt4][AuFe4(CO)16] (Fe/Au=4), and for comparison FeOx samples were prepared by employing the homometallic [NEt4][HFe3(CO)11] cluster. These clusters were prepared by Prof. Longoni research group (Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry- University of Bologna). Particular attention was dedicated to the optimization of a suitable thermal treatment in order to achieve, apart from a good Au and Fe metal dispersion, also the formation of appropriate species with good catalytic properties. A deep IR study was carried out in order to understand the physical interaction between clusters and different supports and detect the occurrence of chemical reactions between them at any stage of the preparation. The characterization by BET, XRD, TEM, H2-TPR, ICP-AES and XPS was performed in order to investigate the catalysts properties, whit particular attention to the interaction between Au and Fe and its influence on the catalytic activity. This novel preparation method resulted in small gold metallic nanoparticles surrounded by highly dispersed iron oxide species, essentially in an amorphous phase, on both TiO2 and CeO2. The results presented in this thesis confirmed that FeOx species can stabilize small Au particles, since keeping costant the gold content but introducing a higher iron amount a higher metal dispersion was achieved. Partial encapsulation of gold atoms by iron species was observed since the Au/Fe surface ratio was found much lower than bulk ratio and a strong interaction between gold and oxide species, both of iron oxide and supports, was achieved. The prepared catalysts were tested in the total oxidation of VOCs, using toluene and methanol as probe molecules for aromatics and alchols, respectively, and in the PROX reaction. Different performances were observed on titania and ceria catalysts, on both toluene and methanol combustion. Toluene combustion on titania catalyst was found to be enhanced increasing iron loading while a moderate effect on FeOx-Ti activity was achieved by Au addition. In this case toluene combustion was improved due to a higher oxygen mobility depending on enhanced oxygen activation by FeOx and Au/FeOx dispersed on titania. On the contrary ceria activity was strongly decreased in the presence of FeOx, while the introduction of gold was found to moderate the detrimental effect of iron species. In fact, excellent ceria performances are due to its ability to adsorb toluene and O2. Since toluene activation is the determining factor for its oxidation, the partial coverage of ceria sites, responsible of toluene adsorption, by FeOx species finely dispersed on the surface resulted in worse efficiency in toluene combustion. Better results were obtained for both ceria and titania catalysts on methanol total oxidation. In this case, the performances achieved on differently supported catalysts indicate that the oxygen mobility is the determining factor in this reaction. The introduction of gold on both TiO2 and CeO2 catalysts, lead to a higher oxygen mobility due to the weakening of both Fe-O and Ce-O bonds and consequently to enhanced methanol combustion. The catalytic activity was found to strongly depend on oxygen mobility and followed the same trend observed for catalysts reducibility. Regarding CO PROX reaction, it was observed that Au/FeOx titania catalysts are less active than ceria ones, due to the lower reducibility of titania compared to ceria. In fact the availability of lattice oxygen involved in PROX reaction is much higher in the latter catalysts. However, the CO PROX performances observed for ceria catalysts are not really high compared to data reported in literature, probably due to the very low Au/Fe surface ratio achieved with this preparation method. CO preferential oxidation was found to strongly depend on Au particle size but also on surface oxygen reducibility, depending on the different oxide species which can be formed using different thermal treatment conditions or varying the iron loading over the support.


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Design parameters, process flows, electro-thermal-fluidic simulations and experimental characterizations of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) suited for gas-chromatographic (GC) applications are presented and thoroughly described in this thesis, whose topic belongs to the research activities the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM)-Bologna is involved since several years, i.e. the development of micro-systems for chemical analysis, based on silicon micro-machining techniques and able to perform analysis of complex gaseous mixtures, especially in the field of environmental monitoring. In this regard, attention has been focused on the development of micro-fabricated devices to be employed in a portable mini-GC system for the analysis of aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) like Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl-benzene and Xylene (BTEX), i.e. chemical compounds which can significantly affect environment and human health because of their demonstrated carcinogenicity (benzene) or toxicity (toluene, xylene) even at parts per billion (ppb) concentrations. The most significant results achieved through the laboratory functional characterization of the mini-GC system have been reported, together with in-field analysis results carried out in a station of the Bologna air monitoring network and compared with those provided by a commercial GC system. The development of more advanced prototypes of micro-fabricated devices specifically suited for FAST-GC have been also presented (silicon capillary columns, Ultra-Low-Power (ULP) Metal OXide (MOX) sensor, Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)), together with the technological processes for their fabrication. The experimentally demonstrated very high sensitivity of ULP-MOX sensors to VOCs, coupled with the extremely low power consumption, makes the developed ULP-MOX sensor the most performing metal oxide sensor reported up to now in literature, while preliminary test results proved that the developed silicon capillary columns are capable of performances comparable to those of the best fused silica capillary columns. Finally, the development and the validation of a coupled electro-thermal Finite Element Model suited for both steady-state and transient analysis of the micro-devices has been described, and subsequently implemented with a fluidic part to investigate devices behaviour in presence of a gas flowing with certain volumetric flow rates.


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The increasing consumption rates among citizens and the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources have made environmental pollution and management of waste the main problems facing humanity in its upcoming future. Together with generation of energy and transport, industrial production certainly plays a key role in the genesis of these problems. It is for this reason that the concepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability have emerged over the years as the cornerstones for future development. In light of this, the most forward-looking industries have begun to study their impact on environment and society in order to improve their performances and, at the same time, to anticipate the increasingly rigorous environmental regulations. In this work, various performance indicators related to the Italian ceramic tile sector will be presented and discussed. In particular, the emission factor of characteristic pollutants will be reported on a period of up to fifteen years while data regarding waste management, concentration of pollutants and emission legal limits for the last decade will be here disclosed as a result of a vast analysis on recorded data. The collected information describes the present level of performance of the ceramic tile manufacturing industries in Italy and shows how recycling is now a consolidated reality and how some pollutants, such as particulate matter, fluorine and lead are actually disappearing from production processes and how others, such as volatile organic compounds, are increasing instead. Moreover, the adoption of alternative raw materials for the production of ceramic tiles is discussed and the implementation of the recycling of various waste is addressed at experimental or industrial scale. Finally, the development of a new ceramic engobe with high content of waste glass (20%) is presented as an experimental example of reutilization of resources in the ceramic tile industry.


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Fire blight, caused by the gram negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is one of the most destructive bacterial diseases of Pomaceous plants. Therefore, the development of reliable methods to control this disease is desperately needed. This research investigated the possibility to interfere, by altering plant metabolism, on the interactions occurring between Erwinia amylovora, the host plant and the epiphytic microbial community in order to obtain a more effective control of fire blight. Prohexadione-calcium and trinexapac-ethyl, two dioxygenase inhibitors, were chosen as a chemical tool to influence plant metabolism. These compounds inhibit the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases and, therefore, they greatly influence plant metabolism. Moreover, dioxygenase inhibitors were found to enhance plant resistance to a wide range of pathogens. In particular, dioxygenase inhibitors application seems a promising method to control fire blight. From cited literature, it is assumed that these compounds increase plant defence mainly by a transient alteration of flavonoids metabolism. We tried to demonstrate, that the reduction of susceptibility to disease could be partially due to an indirect influence on the microbial community established on plant surface. The possibility to influence the interactions occurring in the epiphytic microbial community is particularly interesting, in fact, the relationships among different bacterial populations on plant surface is a key factor for a more effective biological control of plant diseases. Furthermore, we evaluated the possibility to combine the application of dioxygenase inhibitors with biological control in order to develop an integrate strategy for control of fire blight. The first step for this study was the isolation of a pathogenic strain of E. amylovora. In addition, we isolated different epiphytic bacteria, which respond to general requirements for biological control agents. Successively, the effect of dioxygenase inhibitors treatment on microbial community was investigated on different plant organs (stigmas, nectaries and leaves). An increase in epiphytic microbial population was found. Further experiments were performed with aim to explain this effect. In particular, changes in sugar content of nectar were observed. These changes, decreasing the osmotic potential of nectar, might allow a more consistent growth of epiphytic bacteria on blossoms. On leaves were found similar differences as well. As far as the interactions between E. amylovora and host plant, they were deeply investigated by advanced microscopical analysis. The influence of dioxygenase inhibitors and SAR inducers application on the infection process and migration of pathogen inside different plant tissues was studied. These microscopical techniques, combined with the use of gpf-labelled E. amylovora, allowed the development of a bioassay method for resistance inducers efficacy screening. The final part of the work demonstrated that the reduction of disease susceptibility observed in plants treated with prohexadione-calcium is mainly due to the accumulation of a novel phytoalexins: luteoforol. This 3-deoxyflavonoid was proven to have a strong antimicrobial activity.


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In recent years, the study of restricted rotation bonds in organic compounds has aroused increasing interest. The reason is that this characteristic can lead to obtaining new properties in organic compounds. In this research thesis, an intense investigation was carried out using DFT calculations and experimental evaluation of the barriers to rotational energies, in order to discover new properties deriving from the restricted rotation bonds. Research has been developed in various fields of organic chemistry, ranging from drugs (the atropisomeric atorvastatin in Chapter 3) to luminescent compounds (aryls amino borane in Chapter 4). Furthermore, an organocatalytic central to axial conversion mechanism was investigated through DFT calculations, finding out interesting outcomes (Chapter 5). Finally, a project in collaboration with Dr. Farran and Prof. Vanthuyne of the Aix-Marseille University was done to investigate the interactions in transition states of rotational barriers.


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Heterocyclic compounds represent almost two-thirds of all the known organic compounds: they are widely distributed in nature and play a key role in a huge number of biologically important molecules including some of the most significant for human beings. A powerful tool for the synthesis of such compounds is the hetero Diels-Alder reaction (HDA), that involve a [4+2] cycloaddition reaction between heterodienes and suitable dienophiles. Among heterodienes to be used in such six-membered heterocyclic construction strategy, 3-trialkylsilyloxy-2-aza-1,3-dienes (Fig 1) has been demonstrated particularly attractive. In this thesis work, HDA reactions between 2-azadienes and carbonylic and/or olefinic dienophiles, are described. Moreover, substitution of conventional heating by the corresponding dielectric heating as been explored in the frame of Microwave-Assisted-Organic-Synthesis (MAOS) which constitutes an up-to-grade research field of great interest both from an academic and industrial point of view. Reaction of the azadiene 1 (Fig 1) will be described using as dienophiles carbonyl compounds as aldehyde and ketones. The six-membered adducts thus obtained (Scheme 1) have been elaborated to biologically active compounds like 1,3-aminols which constitutes the scaffold for a wide range of drugs (Prozac®, Duloxetine, Venlafaxine) with large applications in the treatment of severe diseases of nervous central system (NCS). Scheme 1 The reaction provides the formation of three new stereogenic centres (C-2; C-5; C-6). The diastereoselective outcome of these reactions has been deeply investigated by the use of various combination of achiral and chiral azadienes and aliphatic, aromatic or heteroaromatic aldehydes. The same approach, basically, has been used in the synthesis of piperidin-2-one scaffold substituting the carbonyl dienophile with an electron poor olefin. Scheme 2 As a matter of fact, this scaffold is present in a very large number of natural substances and, more interesting, is a required scaffold for an huge variety of biologically active compounds. Activated olefins bearing one or two sulfone groups, were choose as dienophiles both for the intrinsic characteristic flexibility of the “sulfone group” which may be easily removed or elaborated to more complex decorations of the heterocyclic ring, and for the electron poor property of this dienophiles which makes the resulting HDA reaction of the type “normal electron demand”. Synthesis of natural compounds like racemic (±)-Anabasine (alkaloid of Tobacco’s leaves) and (R)- and (S)-Conhydrine (alkaloid of Conium Maculatum’s seeds and leaves) and its congeners, are described (Fig 2).