18 resultados para gold nanoparticles glucaric acid heterogeneous catalysis glucose oxidation

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The main aim of this work was the synthesis and applications of functionalized-silica-supported gold nanoparticles. The silica-anchored functionalities employed, e.g. amine, alkynyl carbamate and sulfide moieties, possess a notable affinity with gold, so that they could be able to capture the gold precursor, to spontaneously reduce it (possibly at room temperature), and to stabilize the resulting gold nanoparticles. These new materials, potentially suitable for heterogeneous catalysis applications, could represent a breakthrough among the “green” synthesis of supported gold nanoparticles, since they would circumvent the addition of extra reducing agent and stabilizers, also allowing concomitant absorption of the active catalyst particles on the support immediately after spontaneous formation of gold nanoparticles. In chapter 4 of this thesis is also presented the work developed during a seven-months Marco Polo fellowship stay at the University of Lille (France), regarding nanoparticles nucleation and growth inside a microfluidic system and the study of the corresponding mechanism by in situ XANES spectroscopy. Finally, studies regarding the reparation and reactivity of gold decorated nanodiamonds are also described. Various methods of characterization have been used, such as ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-FEG), X-ray Photoionization (XPS), X ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS).


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In the last decades noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) arose as one of the most powerful tools for applications in nanomedicine field and cancer treatment. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), in particular, is one of the most aggressive malignant brain tumors that nowadays still presents a dramatic scenario concerning median survival. Gold nanorods (GNRs) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) could find applications such as diagnostic imaging, hyperthermia and glioblastoma therapy. During these three years, both GNRs and AgNPs were synthesized with the “salt reduction” method and, through a novel double phase transfer process, using specifically designed thiol-based ligands, lipophilic GNRs and AgNPs were obtained and separately entrapped into biocompatible and biodegradable PEG-based polymeric nanoparticles (PNPs) suitable for drug delivery within the body. Moreover, a synergistic effect of AgNPs with the Alisertib drug, were investigated thanks to the simultaneous entrapment of these two moieties into PNPs. In addition, Chlorotoxin (Cltx), a peptide that specifically recognize brain cancer cells, was conjugated onto the external surface of PNPs. The so-obtained novel nanosystems were evaluated for in vitro and in vivo applications against glioblastoma multiforme. In particular, for GNRs-PNPs, their safety, their suitability as optoacoustic contrast agents, their selective laser-induced cells death and finally, a high tumor retention were all demonstrated. Concerning AgNPs-PNPs, promising tumor toxicity and a strong synergistic effect with Alisertib was observed (IC50 10 nM), as well as good in vivo biodistribution, high tumor uptake and significative tumor reduction in tumor bearing mice. Finally, the two nanostructures were linked together, through an organic framework, exploiting the click chemistry azido-alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition, between two ligands previously attached to the NPs surface; this multifunctional complex nanosystem was successfully entrapped into PNPs with nanoparticles’ properties maintenance, obtaining in this way a powerful and promising tool for cancer fight and defeat.


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During the last years we assisted to an exponential growth of scientific discoveries for catalysis by gold and many applications have been found for Au-based catalysts. In the literature there are several studies concerning the use of gold-based catalysts for environmental applications and good results are reported for the catalytic combustion of different volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Recently it has also been established that gold-based catalysts are potentially capable of being effectively employed in fuel cells in order to remove CO traces by preferential CO oxidation in H2-rich streams. Bi-metallic catalysts have attracted increasing attention because of their markedly different properties from either of the costituent metals, and above all their enhanced catalytic activity, selectivity and stability. In the literature there are several studies demostrating the beneficial effect due to the addition of an iron component to gold supported catalysts in terms of enhanced activity, selectivity, resistence to deactivation and prolonged lifetime of the catalyst. In this work we tried to develop a methodology for the preparation of iron stabilized gold nanoparticles with controlled size and composition, particularly in terms of obtaining an intimate contact between different phases, since it is well known that the catalytic behaviour of multi-component supported catalysts is strongly influenced by the size of the metal particles and by their reciprocal interaction. Ligand stabilized metal clusters, with nanometric dimensions, are possible precursors for the preparation of catalytically active nanoparticles with controlled dimensions and compositions. Among these, metal carbonyl clusters are quite attractive, since they can be prepared with several different sizes and compositions and, moreover, they are decomposed under very mild conditions. A novel preparation method was developed during this thesis for the preparation of iron and gold/iron supported catalysts using bi-metallic carbonyl clusters as precursors of highly dispersed nanoparticles over TiO2 and CeO2, which are widely considered two of the most suitable supports for gold nanoparticles. Au/FeOx catalysts were prepared by employing the bi-metallic carbonyl cluster salts [NEt4]4[Au4Fe4(CO)16] (Fe/Au=1) and [NEt4][AuFe4(CO)16] (Fe/Au=4), and for comparison FeOx samples were prepared by employing the homometallic [NEt4][HFe3(CO)11] cluster. These clusters were prepared by Prof. Longoni research group (Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry- University of Bologna). Particular attention was dedicated to the optimization of a suitable thermal treatment in order to achieve, apart from a good Au and Fe metal dispersion, also the formation of appropriate species with good catalytic properties. A deep IR study was carried out in order to understand the physical interaction between clusters and different supports and detect the occurrence of chemical reactions between them at any stage of the preparation. The characterization by BET, XRD, TEM, H2-TPR, ICP-AES and XPS was performed in order to investigate the catalysts properties, whit particular attention to the interaction between Au and Fe and its influence on the catalytic activity. This novel preparation method resulted in small gold metallic nanoparticles surrounded by highly dispersed iron oxide species, essentially in an amorphous phase, on both TiO2 and CeO2. The results presented in this thesis confirmed that FeOx species can stabilize small Au particles, since keeping costant the gold content but introducing a higher iron amount a higher metal dispersion was achieved. Partial encapsulation of gold atoms by iron species was observed since the Au/Fe surface ratio was found much lower than bulk ratio and a strong interaction between gold and oxide species, both of iron oxide and supports, was achieved. The prepared catalysts were tested in the total oxidation of VOCs, using toluene and methanol as probe molecules for aromatics and alchols, respectively, and in the PROX reaction. Different performances were observed on titania and ceria catalysts, on both toluene and methanol combustion. Toluene combustion on titania catalyst was found to be enhanced increasing iron loading while a moderate effect on FeOx-Ti activity was achieved by Au addition. In this case toluene combustion was improved due to a higher oxygen mobility depending on enhanced oxygen activation by FeOx and Au/FeOx dispersed on titania. On the contrary ceria activity was strongly decreased in the presence of FeOx, while the introduction of gold was found to moderate the detrimental effect of iron species. In fact, excellent ceria performances are due to its ability to adsorb toluene and O2. Since toluene activation is the determining factor for its oxidation, the partial coverage of ceria sites, responsible of toluene adsorption, by FeOx species finely dispersed on the surface resulted in worse efficiency in toluene combustion. Better results were obtained for both ceria and titania catalysts on methanol total oxidation. In this case, the performances achieved on differently supported catalysts indicate that the oxygen mobility is the determining factor in this reaction. The introduction of gold on both TiO2 and CeO2 catalysts, lead to a higher oxygen mobility due to the weakening of both Fe-O and Ce-O bonds and consequently to enhanced methanol combustion. The catalytic activity was found to strongly depend on oxygen mobility and followed the same trend observed for catalysts reducibility. Regarding CO PROX reaction, it was observed that Au/FeOx titania catalysts are less active than ceria ones, due to the lower reducibility of titania compared to ceria. In fact the availability of lattice oxygen involved in PROX reaction is much higher in the latter catalysts. However, the CO PROX performances observed for ceria catalysts are not really high compared to data reported in literature, probably due to the very low Au/Fe surface ratio achieved with this preparation method. CO preferential oxidation was found to strongly depend on Au particle size but also on surface oxygen reducibility, depending on the different oxide species which can be formed using different thermal treatment conditions or varying the iron loading over the support.


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The electrochemical conversion is a sustainable way for the production of added-value products, operating in mild conditions, using in-situ generated hydrogen/oxygen by water and avoiding the use of high H2/O2 pressures. The aim of this work is to investigate the electrocatalytic conversion of 5-hydroxymetilfurfural (HMF) and D-glucose, in alkaline media, using metallic open-cell foams based-catalysts. The electrochemical hydrogenation of HMF to 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)furan (BHMF) was performed using nanostructured Ag, deposited by galvanic displacement (GD) or electrodeposition (ED), on Cu foam, obtaining AgCu bimetallic nanoparticles (ED) or dendrites (GD) which enhanced electroactive surface area, charge and mass transfer, than bare foams. In diluted 0.02M HMF solutions, Ag/Cu samples selectively produce BHMF; the large surface area enhanced the productivity, compared to their 2D counterparts. Furthermore, at more concentrated solutions (0.05 – 0.10M) a gradually decrease of selectivity is observed. The performances of the electrodes is stable during the catalytic tests but a Cu-enrichment of particles occurred. The performances of Ni foam-based catalysts, obtained by calcination of Ni foam or by electrodeposition of Ni-hydroxide/Ni and Ni particle/Ni, were firstly investigated for the selective electrochemical oxidation of D-glucose toward gluconic acid (GO) and glucaric acid (GA). Then, the calcined catalyst was chosen to study the influence of the reaction conditions on the reaction mechanism. The GO and GA selectivities increase with the charge passed, while the formation of by-products from C-C cleavage/retro-aldol process is maximum at low charge. The fructose obtained from glucose isomerization favours the formation of by-products. The best glucose/NaOH ratio is between 0.5 and 0.1: higher values suppress the OER, while lower values favour the formation of low molecular weight products. The increases of the potential enhance the GO selectivity, nevertheless higher GA selectivity is observed at 0.6 – 0.7V vs SCE, confirmed by catalytic test performed in gluconate (30-35% GA selectivity).


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The relationship between catalytic properties and the nature of the active phase is well-established, with increased presence typically leading to enhanced catalysis. However, the costs associated with acquiring and processing these metals can become economically and environmentally unsustainable for global industries. Thus, there is potential for a paradigm shift towards utilizing polymeric ligands or other polymeric systems to modulate and enhance catalytic performance. This alternative approach has the potential to reduce the requisite amount of active phase while preserving effective catalytic activity. Such a strategy could yield substantial benefits from both economic and environmental perspectives. The primary objective of this research is to examine the influence of polymeric hydro-soluble ligands on the final properties, such as size and dispersion of the active phase, as well as the catalytic activity, encompassing conversion, selectivity towards desired products, and stability, of colloidal gold nanoparticles supported on active carbon. The goal is to elucidate the impact of polymers systematically, offering a toolbox for fine-tuning catalytic performances from the initial stages of catalyst design. Moreover, investigating the potential to augment conversion and selectivity in specific reactions through tailored polymeric ligands holds promise for reshaping catalyst preparation methodologies, thereby fostering the development of more economically sustainable materials.


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The thesis reports the synthesis, and the chemical, structural and spectroscopic characterization of a series of new Rhodium and Au-Fe carbonyl clusters. Most new high-nuclearity rhodium carbonyl clusters have been obtained by redox condensation of preformed rhodium clusters reacting with a species in a different oxidation state generated in situ by mild oxidation. In particular the starting Rh carbonyl clusters is represented by the readily available [Rh7(CO)16]3- 9 compound. The oxidized species is generated in situ by reaction of the above with a stoichiometric defect of a mild oxidizing agents such as [M(H2O)x]n+ aquo complexes possessing different pKa’s and Mn+/M potentials. The experimental results are roughly in keeping with the conclusion that aquo complexes featuring E°(Mn+/M) < ca. -0.20 V do not lead to the formation of hetero-metallic Rh clusters, probably because of the inadequacy of their redox potentials relative to that of the [Rh7(CO)16]3-/2- redox couple. Only homometallic cluster s such as have been fairly selectively obtained. As a fallout of the above investigations, also a convenient and reproducible synthesis of the ill-characterized species [HnRh22(CO)35]8-n has been discovered. The ready availability of the above compound triggered both its complete spectroscopic and chemical characterization. because it is the only example of Rhodium carbonyl clusters with two interstitial metal atoms. The presence of several hydride atoms, firstly suggested by chemical evidences, has been implemented by ESI-MS and 1H-NMR, as well as new structural characterization of its tetra- and penta-anion. All these species display redox behaviour and behave as molecular capacitors. Their chemical reactivity with CO gives rise to a new series of Rh22 clusters containing a different number of carbonyl groups, which have been likewise fully characterized. Formation of hetero-metallic Rh clusters was only observed when using SnCl2H2O as oxidizing agent because. Quite all the Rh-Sn carbonyl clusters obtained have icosahedral geometry. The only previously reported example of an icosahedral Rh cluster with an interstitial atom is the [Rh12Sb(CO)27]3- trianion. They have very similar metal framework, as well as the same number of CO ligands and, consequently, cluster valence electrons (CVEs). .A first interesting aspect of the chemistry of the Rh-Sn system is that it also provides icosahedral clusters making exception to the cluster-borane analogy by showing electron counts from 166 to 171. As a result, the most electron-short species, namely [Rh12Sn(CO)25]4- displays redox propensity, even if disfavoured by the relatively high free negative charge of the starting anion and, moreover, behaves as a chloride scavenger. The presence of these bulky interstitial atoms results in the metal framework adopting structures different from a close-packed metal lattice and, above all, imparts a notable stability to the resulting cluster. An organometallic approach to a new kind of molecular ligand-stabilized gold nanoparticles, in which Fe(CO)x (x = 3,4) moieties protect and stabilize the gold kernel has also been undertaken. As a result, the new clusters [Au21{Fe(CO)4}10]5-, [Au22{Fe(CO)4}12]6-, Au28{Fe(CO)3}4{Fe(CO)4}10]8- and [Au34{Fe(CO)3}6{Fe(CO)4}8]6- have been isolated and characterized. As suggested by concepts of isolobal analogies, the Fe(CO)4 molecular fragment may display the same ligand capability of thiolates and go beyond. Indeed, the above clusters bring structural resemblance to the structurally characterized gold thiolates by showing Fe-Au-Fe, rather than S-Au-S, staple motives. Staple motives, the oxidation state of surface gold atoms and the energy of Au atomic orbitals are likely to concur in delaying the insulator-to-metal transition as the nuclearity of gold thiolates increases, relative to the more compact transition-metal carbonyl clusters. Finally, a few previously reported Au-Fe carbonyl clusters have been used as precursors in the preparation of supported gold catalysts. The catalysts obtained are active for toluene oxidation and the catalytic activity depends on the Fe/Au cluster loading over TiO2.


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The research work described in this thesis concerns materials for both energy storage and sensoristics applications. Firstly, the synthesis and characterization of magnetite (Fe3O4) functionalyzed with [3-(2-propynylcarbamate)propyl]triethoxysilane (PPTEOS) capable to reduce the gold precursor chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) without the need of additional reducing or stabilising agents is described. These nanoparticles were tested to improve performances of symmetric capacitors based on polyaniline and graphite foil. Energy storage applications were investigated also during six months stay at EPFL University of Lausanne where an investigation about different tailored catalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in a particular Redox Flow Battery was carried out. For what concerns sensing applications, new materials based on cellulose modified with polyaniline and poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid) (PAAMPSA) were synthesized, characterized and applied to monitor pressure, humidity, heart rate and lastly, bread fermentation in collaboration with the University of Fribourg and Zurich. The characterizations of all the materials investigated compriseed numerous techniques such as infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy (IR-ATR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), alongside linear and cyclic voltammetry (LSV and CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and chronoamperometric analyses.


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The purpose of the PhD research was the identification of new strategies of farming and processing, with the aim to improve the nutritional and technological characteristics of poultry meat. Part of the PhD research was focused on evaluation of alternative farming systems, with the aim to increase animal welfare and to improve the meat quality and sensorial characteristics in broiler chickens. It was also assessed the use of innovative ingredients for marination of poultry meat (sodium bicarbonate and natural antioxidants) The research was developed by studying the following aspects: - Meat quality characteristics, oxidative stability and sensorial traits of chicken meat obtained from two different farming systems: free range vs conventional; - Meat quality traits of frozen chicken breast pre-salted using increasing concentrations of sodium chloride; - Use of sodium bicarbonate in comparison with sodium trypolyphosphate for marination of broiler breast meat and phase; - Marination with thyme and orange essential oils mixture to improve chicken meat quality traits, susceptibility to lipid oxidation and sensory traits. The following meat quality traits analyseswere performed: Colour, pH, water holding capacity by conventional (gravimetric methods, pressure application, centrifugation and cooking) and innovative methods (low-field NMR and DSC analysis) ability to absorb marinade soloutions, texture (shear force using different probes and texture profile analysis), proximate analysis (moisture, proteins, lipids, ash content, collagen, fatty acid), susceptibility to lipid oxidation (determinations of reactive substances with thiobarbituric acid and peroxide value), sensorial analysis (triangle test and consumer test).


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In this thesis, new advances in the development of spectroscopic based methods for the characterization of heritage materials have been achieved. As concern FTIR spectroscopy new approaches aimed at exploiting near and far IR region for the characterization of inorganic or organic materials have been tested. Paint cross-section have been analysed by FTIR spectroscopy in the NIR range and an “ad hoc” chemometric approach has been developed for the elaboration of hyperspectral maps. Moreover, a new method for the characterization of calcite based on the use of grinding curves has been set up both in MIR and in FAR region. Indeed, calcite is a material widely applied in cultural heritage, and this spectroscopic approach is an efficient and rapid tool to distinguish between different calcite samples. Different enhanced vibrational techniques for the characterisation of dyed fibres have been tested. First a SEIRA (Surface Enhanced Infra-Red Absorption) protocol has been optimised allowing the analysis of colorant micro-extracts thanks to the enhancement produced by the addition of gold nanoparticles. These preliminary studies permitted to identify a new enhanced FTIR method, named ATR/RAIRS, which allowed to reach lower detection limits. Regarding Raman microscopy, the research followed two lines, which have in common the aim of avoiding the use of colloidal solutions. AgI based supports obtained after deposition on a gold-coated glass slides have been developed and tested spotting colorant solutions. A SERS spectrum can be obtained thanks to the photoreduction, which the laser may induce on the silver salt. Moreover, these supports can be used for the TLC separation of a mixture of colorants and the analyses by means of both Raman/SERS and ATR-RAIRS can be successfully reached. Finally, a photoreduction method for the “on fiber” analysis of colorant without the need of any extraction have been optimised.


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This work deals with the oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) using metal supported catalysts. Catalysts were prepared from the immobilisation of preformed monometallic (Au, Pd) and bimetallic (AuCu, AuPd) nanoparticles on commercial oxides (TiO2, CeO2). Au-TiO2 catalyst was found to be very active for HMF oxidation; however, this system deactivated very fast. For this reason, we prepared bimetallic gold-copper nanoparticles and an increase in the catalytic activity was observed together with an increase in catalyst stability. In order to optimise the interaction of the metal active phase with the support, Au and AuCu nanoparticles were supported onto CeO2. Au-CeO2 catalyst was found to be more active than the bimetallic one, leading to the conclusion that in this case the most important feature is the interaction between gold and the support. Catalyst pre-treatments (calcination and washing) were carried out to maximise the contact between the metal and the oxide and an increase in the FDCA production could be observed. The presence of ceria defective sites was crucial for FDCA formation. Mesoporous cerium oxide was synthesised with the hard template method and was used as support for Au nanoparticles to promote the catalytic activity. In order to study the role of active phase in HMF oxidation, PdAu nanoparticles were supported onto TiO2. Au and Pd monometallic catalysts were very active in the formation of HMFCA (5-hydroxymethyl-2-furan carboxylic acid), but Pd was not able to convert it, leading to a low FDCA yield. The calcination of PdAu catalysts led to Pd segregation on the particles surface, which changed the reaction pathway and included an important contribution of the Cannizzaro reaction. PVP protected PdAu nanoparticles, synthesised with different morphologies (core-shell and alloyed structure), confirmed the presence of a different reaction mechanism when the metal surface composition changes.


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In recent years the need for the design of more sustainable processes and the development of alternative reaction routes to reduce the environmental impact of the chemical industry has gained vital importance. Main objectives especially regard the use of renewable raw materials, the exploitation of alternative energy sources, the design of inherently safe processes and of integrated reaction/separation technologies (e.g. microreactors and membranes), the process intensification, the reduction of waste and the development of new catalytic pathways. The present PhD thesis reports results derived during a three years research period at the School of Chemical Sciences of Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Dept. of Industrial Chemistry and Materials (now Dept. of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”), under the supervision of Prof. Fabrizio Cavani (Catalytic Processes Development Group). Three research projects in the field of heterogeneous acid catalysis focused on potential industrial applications were carried out. The main project, regarding the conversion of lignocellulosic materials to produce monosaccharides (important intermediates for production of biofuels and bioplatform molecules) was financed and carried out in collaboration with the Italian oil company eni S.p.A. (Istituto eni Donegani-Research Center for non-Conventional Energies, Novara, Italy) The second and third academic projects dealt with the development of green chemical processes for fine chemicals manufacturing. In particular, (a) the condensation reaction between acetone and ammonia to give triacetoneamine (TAA), and (b) the Friedel-Crafts acylation of phenol with benzoic acid were investigated.


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The aim of my PhD research project was to investigate new and more sustainable routes, compared to those currently used, for the production of adipic acid (AA). AA is a very important chemical intermediate. The main use of AA is the production of Nylon-6,6 fibers, resins, polyesters, plasticizers. My project was divided into two parts: 1. The two-step oxidation of cyclohexene, where the latter is first oxidized into trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol (CHD) with aqueous hydrogen peroxide, and then the glycol is transformed into AA by reaction with molecular oxygen. Various catalysts were investigated in this process, both heterogeneous (alumina-supported Ru(OH)x and Au nanoparticles supported on TiO2, MgO and Mg(OH)2) and homogeneous (polyoxometalates). We also studied the mechanism of CHD oxidation with oxygen in the presence of these catalysts. 2. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of cyclohexanone with aqueous hydrogen peroxide into ɛ-caprolactone, as a first step on the way to produce AA. Study on the mechanism of the uncatalyzed (thermal) oxidation of cyclohexanone were also carried out. Investigation on how the different heterogeneous catalysts affect the formation of the reaction products and their distribution was done.


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The stabilization of nanoparticles against their irreversible particle aggregation and oxidation reactions. is a requirement for further advancement in nanoparticle science and technology. For this reason the research aim on this topic focuses on the synthesis of various metal nanoparticles protected with monolayers containing different reactive head groups and functional tail groups. In this work cuprous bromide nanocrystals haave been synthetized with a diameter of about 20 nanometers according to a new sybthetic method adding dropwise ascorbic acid to a water solution of lithium bromide and cupric chloride under continuous stirring and nitrogen flux. Butane thiolate Cu protected nanoparticles have been synthetized according to three different syntesys methods. Their morphologies appear related to the physicochemical conditions during the synthesis and to the dispersing medium used to prepare the sample. Synthesis method II allows to obtain stable nanoparticles of 1-2 nm in size both isolated and forming clusters. Nanoparticle cluster formation was enhanced as water was used as dispersing medium probably due to the idrophobic nature of the butanethiolate layers coating the nanoparticle surface. Synthesis methods I and III lead to large unstable spherical nanoparticles with size ranging between 20 to 50 nm. These nanoparticles appeared in the TEM micrograph with the same morphology independently on the dispersing medium used in the sample preparation. The stability and dimensions of the copper nanoparticles appear inversely related. Using the same methods above described for the butanethiolate protected copper nanoparticles 4-methylbenzenethiol protected copper nanoparticles have been prepared. Diffractometric and spectroscopic data reveal that decomposition processes didn’t occur in both the 4-methylbenzenethiol copper protected nanoparticles precipitates from formic acid and from water in a period of time six month long. Se anticarcinogenic effects by multiple mechanisms have been extensively investigated and documented and Se is defined a genuine nutritional cancer-protecting element and a significant protective effect of Se against major forms of cancer. Furthermore phloroglucinol was found to possess cytoprotective effects against oxidative stress, thanks to reactive oxygen species (ROS) which are associated with cells and tissue damages and are the contributing factors for inflammation, aging, cancer, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes. The goal of our work has been to set up a new method to synthesize in mild conditions amorphous Se nanopaticles surface capped with phloroglucinol, which is used during synthesis as reducing agent to obtain stable Se nanoparticles in ethanol, performing the synergies offered by the specific anticarcinogenic properties of Se and the antioxiding ones of phloroalucinol. We have synthesized selenium nanoparticles protected by phenolic molecules chemically bonded to their surface. The phenol molecules coating the nanoparticles surfaces form low ordered arrays as can be seen from the wider shape of the absorptions in the FT-IR spectrum with respect to those appearing in that of crystalline phenol. On the other hand, metallic nanoparticles with unique optical properties, facile surface chemistry and appropriate size scale are generating much enthusiasm in nanomedicine. In fact Au nanoparticles has immense potential for both cancer diagnosis and therapy. Especially Au nanoparticles efficiently convert the strongly adsorbed light into localized heat, which can be exploited for the selective laser photothermal therapy of cancer. According to the about, metal nanoparticles-HA nanocrystals composites should have tremendous potential in novel methods for therapy of cancer. 11 mercaptoundecanoic surface protected Au4Ag1 nanoparticles adsorbed on nanometric apathyte crystals we have successfully prepared like an anticancer nanoparticles deliver system utilizing biomimetic hydroxyapatyte nanocrystals as deliver agents. Furthermore natural chrysotile, formed by densely packed bundles of multiwalled hollow nanotubes, is a mineral very suitable for nanowires preparation when their inner nanometer-sized cavity is filled with a proper material. Bundles of chrysotile nanotubes can then behave as host systems, where their large interchannel separation is actually expected to prevent the interaction between individual guest metallic nanoparticles and act as a confining barrier. Chrysotile nanotubes have been filled with molten metals such as Hg, Pb, Sn, semimetals, Bi, Te, Se, and with semiconductor materials such as InSb, CdSe, GaAs, and InP using both high-pressure techniques and metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Under hydrothermal conditions chrysotile nanocrystals have been synthesized as a single phase and can be utilized as a very suitable for nanowires preparation filling their inner nanometer-sized cavity with metallic nanoparticles. In this research work we have synthesized and characterized Stoichiometric synthetic chrysotile nanotubes have been partially filled with bi and monometallic highly monodispersed nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 1,7 to 5,5 nm depending on the core composition (Au, Au4Ag1, Au1Ag4, Ag). In the case of 4 methylbenzenethiol protected silver nanoparticles, the filling was carried out by convection and capillarity effect at room temperature and pressure using a suitable organic solvent. We have obtained new interesting nanowires constituted of metallic nanoparticles filled in inorganic nanotubes with a inner cavity of 7 nm and an isolating wall with a thick ranging from 7 to 21 nm.


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The aim of my Ph.D. research was to study the new synthetic ways for the production of adipic acid. Three different pathways were studied: i) oxidation of cyclohexanone with molecular oxygen using Keggin – heteropolycompounds as the catalyst, ii) Baeyer – Villiger oxidation of cyclohexanone with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of two different heterogeneous catalysts, titanium silicalite and silica grafted decatungstate, iii) two step synthesis of adipic acid starting from cyclohexene via 1,2-cyclohexanediol. The first step was catalyzed by H2WO4 in the presence of the phase transfer catalyst, the oxidant was hydrogen peroxide. The second step, oxidation of 1,2 – cyclohexanediol was performed in the presence of oxygen and the heterogeneous catalyst – ruthenium on alumina. The results of my research showed that: i) Oxidation of cyclohexanone with molecular oxygen using Keggin heteropolycompounds is possible, anyway the conversion of ketone is low and the selectivity to adipic acid is lowered by the consecutive reaction to from lower diacids. Moreover it was found out, that there are two mechanisms involved: redox type and radicalic chain-reaction autoxidation. The presence of the different mechanism is influenced by the reaction condition. ii) It is possible to perform thermally activated oxidation of cyclohexanone and obtain non negligible amount of the products (caprolactone and adipic acid). Performing the catalyzed reaction it was demonstrated that the choice of the reaction condition and of the catalyst plays a crucial role in the product selectivity, explaining the discrepancies between the literature and our research. iii) Interesting results can be obtained performing the two step oxidation of cyclohexene via 1,2-cyclohexanediol. In the presence of phase transfer catalyst it is possible to obtain high selectivity to alcohol with stoichiometric amount of oxidant. In the second step of the synthesis, the conversion of alcohol is rather low with modest selectivity to adipic acid