3 resultados para germination and vigor

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The years of excessive use of thiabendazole to control Penicillium expansum has induced the development of resistance. Sensitivity of fourty eight strains collected from orchards and packinghouses in Emilia Romagna to pure and commercial TBZ was determined in vitro on TBZ amended medium (400μg/mL). Out of 48 strains, 35 were thiabendazole-sensitive (S) and 13 were thiabendazole-resistant (R). Microtiter assay adapted to P. expansum, showed EC50 values ranging from 54 to 320 μg/mL for ten TBZ-resistant strains. At the highest dose (50 μg/mL), resistant strains growth was not inhibited and the reported MICs value were >1000 μg/mL. Therefore, preliminary screening combined with microtiter assay, can be a good strategy to test susceptibility to TBZ. Mutations in the β-tubulin gene were studied on amino acid sequences from residue 167 to residue 357 of 10 P. expansum strains. Mutation at codon 198 was associated with TBZ-resistance. However, its absence in 3 resistant strains can be explained by the involvement of other mechanisms. Moreover, a P. expansum strain LB8/99 showed good antifungal effect against some fungal pathogens through double petri dish assay. It inhibited both mycelium growth and conidia germination of B. cinerea, C. acutatum, and M. laxa, and reduced significantly by 53% and 18% respectively P. expansum. Three major VOCS: geosmin, phenethyl alcolhol (PEA) and an unknown substance were identified by GC-MS analysis. Consistent fumigation of fungal pathogens with PEA (1230 mg/mL), inhibited both conidia germination and mycelium growth of all pathogens, except conidia germination of P. expansum that was reduced by 90% with respect to control. While, the concentration of PEA produced naturally by LB8/99 was ineffective in controlling the pathogens and seemed to have a synergic or additive effect with the other VOCS. Investigations to study the biofumigant effect of LB8/99 on other commodities like seeds and seedlings are in progress.


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L’obiettivo del presente progetto di ricerca era determinare se l’utilizzo non clinico del simulatore d’alba (un dispositivo che emette luce in graduale aumento prima del risveglio), basato su specifiche conoscenze cronobiologiche, potesse ridurre alcune delle conseguenze del social jetlag, in studenti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado. A tal fine, sono stati valutati gli effetti del simulatore d’alba su tono dell’umore (valutato soggettivamente tramite la Global and Vigor Affect Scale-GVA), livelli di attivazione (valutati soggettivamente tramite la GVA), qualità/quantità di sonno (valutate oggettivamente e soggettivamente tramite attigrafia e Mini Sleep Questionnaire-MSQ), architettura del sonno (valutata oggettivamente tramite Zeo®) ed efficienza dei tre network attentivi (alerting, orienting ed executive), valutata oggettivamente tramite l’Attention Network Test (ANT). In totale, hanno preso parte alla ricerca 56 adolescenti (24 femmine e 32 maschi), frequentanti due istituti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado nella città di Cesena, la cui età media era di 17.68 anni (range d’età 15-20 anni). Ad ogni studente è stata richiesta una partecipazione di 5 settimane consecutive ed il disegno di ricerca prevedeva 3 condizioni sperimentali: baseline, simulatore d’alba e controllo. All’MSQ, in seguito all’utilizzo del simulatore d’alba, sono state osservate una minore percezione di sonnolenza diurna, una frequenza inferiore di risvegli notturni ed una riduzione del numero di partecipanti che presentavano una cattiva qualità della veglia. All’ANT, è stato documentato un significativo miglioramento dell’efficienza del network attentivo dell’alerting, successivo all’impiego del simulatore d’alba, dovuto ad una maggiore reattività dei partecipanti in seguito alla comparsa del double cue, che anticipava la presentazione del target (freccia centrale di cui i partecipanti dovevano giudicare la direzione). Tali risultati convergono nell’evidenziare la capacità del simulatore d’alba di esercitare un effetto attivante/stimolante, mostrando dunque come esso possa essere considerato uno strumento potenzialmente utilizzabile quale contromisura al social jetlag in adolescenza.


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Root-yield-1.06 is a major QTL affecting root system architecture (RSA) and other agronomic traits in maize. The effect of this QTL has been evaluated with the development of near isogenic lines (NILs) differing at the QTL position. The objective of this study was to fine map qroot-yield-1.06 by marker-assisted searching for chromosome recombinants in the QTL interval and concurrent root phenotyping in both controlled and field conditions, through successive generations. Complementary approaches such as QTL meta-analysis and RNA-seq were deployed in order to help prioritizing candidate genes within the QTL target region. Using a selected group of genotypes, field based root analysis by ‘shovelomics’ enabled to accurately collect RSA information of adult maize plants. Shovelomics combined with software-assisted root imaging analysis proved to be an informative and relatively highly automated phenotyping protocol. A QTL interval mapping was conducted using a segregating population at the seedling stage grown in controlled environment. Results enabled to narrow down the QTL interval and to identify new polymorphic markers for MAS in field experiments. A collection of homozygous recombinant NILs was developed by screening segregating populations with markers flanking qroot-yield-1.06. A first set of lines from this collection was phenotyped based on the adapted shovelomics protocol. QTL analysis based on these data highlighted an interval of 1.3 Mb as completely linked with the target QTL but, a larger safer interval of 4.1 Mb was selected for further investigations. QTL meta-analysis allows to synthetize information on root QTLs and two mQTLs were identified in the qroot-yield-1.06 interval. Trascriptomics analysis based on RNA-seq data of the two contrasting QTL-NILs, confirmed alternative haplotypes at chromosome bin 1.06. qroot-yield-1.06 has now been delimited to a 4.1-Mb interval, and thanks to the availability of additional untested homozygous recombinant NILs, the potentially achievable mapping resolution at qroot-yield-1.06 is c. 50 kb.