4 resultados para gasoline-contaminated water

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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La presenza di Escherichia coli produttori di verocitotossine (VTEC o STEC) rappresenta una tra le più importanti cause di malattia alimentare attualmente presenti in Europa. La sua presenza negli allevamenti di animali destinati alla produzione di alimenti rappresenta un importante rischio per la salute del consumatore. In conseguenza di comuni contaminazioni che si realizzano nel corso della macellazione, della mungitura i VTEC possono essere presenti nelle carni e nel latte e rappresentano un grave rischio se la preparazione per il consumo o i processi di lavorazione non comportano trattamenti in grado d’inattivarli (es. carni crude o poco cotte, latte non pastorizzato, formaggi freschi a latte crudo). La contaminazione dei campi coltivati conseguente alla dispersione di letame o attraverso acque contaminate può veicolare questi stipiti che sono normalmente albergati nell’intestino di ruminanti (domestici e selvatici) e anche prodotti vegetali consumati crudi, succhi e perfino sementi sono stati implicati in gravi episodi di malattia con gravi manifestazioni enteriche e complicazioni in grado di causare quadri patologici gravi e anche la morte. Stipiti di VTEC patogeni ingeriti con gli alimenti possono causare sintomi gastroenterici, con diarrea acquosa o emorragica (nel 50% dei casi), crampi addominali, febbre lieve e in una percentuale più bassa nausea e vomito. In alcuni casi (circa 5-10%) l’infezione gastroenterica si complica con manifestazioni tossiemiche caratterizzate da Sindrome Emolitico Uremica (SEU o HUS) con anemia emolitica, insufficienza renale grave e coinvolgimento neurologico o con una porpora trombotica trombocitopenica. Il tasso di mortalità dei pazienti che presentano l’infezione da E. coli è inferiore all’1%. I dati forniti dall’ECDC sulle infezioni alimentari nel periodo 2006-2010 hanno evidenziato un trend in leggero aumento del numero di infezioni a partire dal 2007. L’obiettivo degli studi condotti è quello di valutare la prevalenza ed il comportamento dei VTEC per una analisi del rischio più approfondita.


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Low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs) based on pseudo-peptides are here studied for the preparation of supramolecular materials. These compounds can self-assemble through non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonds and π-π stacking, forming fibres and gels. A wide variety of materials can be prepared starting from these building blocks, which can be tuned and functionalised depending on the application. In this work, derivatives of the three aromatic amino acids L-Phenylalanine, L-Tyrosine and L-DOPA (3,4-dihydroxiphenylalanine) were synthesised and tested as gelators for water or organic solvents. First, the optimal gelating conditions were studied for each compound, varying concentration, solvent and trigger. Then the materials were characterised in terms of mechanical properties and morphology. Water remediation from dye pollution was the first focus of this work. Organogels were studied as absorbent of dyes from contaminated water. Hydrogels functionalised with TiO2 nanoparticles and graphene platelets were proposed as efficient materials for the photo-degradation of dyes. An efficient method for the incorporation of graphene inside hydrogels using the gelator itself as dispersant was proposed. In these materials a high storage modulus coexists with good self-healing and biocompatibility. The incorporation of a mineral phase inside the gel matrix was then investigated, leading to the preparation of composite organic/inorganic materials. In a first study, the growth of calcium carbonate crystals was achieved inside the hydrogel, which preserved its structure after crystal formation. Then the self-assembled fibres made of LMWGs were used for the first time instead of the polymeric ones as reinforcement inside calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) for bone regeneration. Gel-to-crystal transitions occurring with time in a metastable gel were also examined. The formation of organic crystals in gels can be achieved in multicomponent systems, in which a second gelator constitutes the independent gel network. Finally, some compounds unable to gelate were tested as underwater adhesives.


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Marine sediments are the main accumulation reservoir of organic recalcitrant pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In the anoxic conditions typical of these sediments, anaerobic bacteria of the phylum Chloroflexi are able to attack these compounds in a process called microbial reductive dechlorination. Such activity and members of this phylum were detected in PCB-impacted sediments of the Venice Lagoon. The aim of this work was to investigate microbial reductive dechlorination and design bioremediation approaches for marine sediments of the area. Three out of six sediment cultures from different sampling areas exhibited dechlorination activities in the same conditions of the site and two phylotypes (VLD-1 and VLD-2) were detected and correlated to this metabolism. Biostimulation was tested on enriched dechlorinating sediment cultures from the same site using five different electron donors, of which lactate was the best biostimulating agent; complementation of microbial and chemical dechlorination catalyzed by biogenic zerovalent Pd nanoparticles was not effective due to sulfide poisoning of the catalyst. A new biosurfactant-producing strain of Shewanella frigidimarina was concomitantly obtained from hydrocarbon-degrading marine cultures and selected because of the low toxicity of its product. All these findings were then exploited to develop bioremediation lab-scale tests in shaken reactors and static microcosms on real sediments and water of the Venice lagoon, testing i) a bioaugmentation approach, with a selected enriched sediment culture from the same area, ii) a biostimulation approach with lactate as electron donor, iii) a bioavailability enhancement with the supplementation of the newly-discovered biosurfactant, and iv) all possible combinations of the afore-mentioned approaches. The best bioremediation approach resulted to be a combination of bioaugmentation and bioremediation and it could be a starting point to design bioremediation process for actual marine sediments of the Venice Lagoon area.


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This PhD thesis reports the main activities carried out during the 3 years long “Mechanics and advanced engineering sciences” course, at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna. The research project title is “Development and analysis of high efficiency combustion systems for internal combustion engines” and the main topic is knock, one of the main challenges for boosted gasoline engines. Through experimental campaigns, modelling activity and test bench validation, 4 different aspects have been addressed to tackle the issue. The main path goes towards the definition and calibration of a knock-induced damage model, to be implemented in the on-board control strategy, but also usable for the engine calibration and potentially during the engine design. Ionization current signal capabilities have been investigated to fully replace the pressure sensor, to develop a robust on-board close-loop combustion control strategy, both in knock-free and knock-limited conditions. Water injection is a powerful solution to mitigate knock intensity and exhaust temperature, improving fuel consumption; its capabilities have been modelled and validated at the test bench. Finally, an empiric model is proposed to predict the engine knock response, depending on several operating condition and control parameters, including injected water quantity.