8 resultados para galaxies: clusters: individual: Abell 1356
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
This Ph.D. Thesis has been carried out in the framework of a long-term and large project devoted to describe the main photometric, chemical, evolutionary and integrated properties of a representative sample of Large and Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC and SMC respectively) clusters. The globular clusters system of these two Irregular galaxies provides a rich resource for investigating stellar and chemical evolution and to obtain a detailed view of the star formation history and chemical enrichment of the Clouds. The results discussed here are based on the analysis of high-resolution photometric and spectroscopic datasets obtained by using the last generation of imagers and spectrographs. The principal aims of this project are summarized as follows: • The study of the AGB and RGB sequences in a sample of MC clusters, through the analysis of a wide near-infrared photometric database, including 33 Magellanic globulars obtained in three observing runs with the near-infrared camera SOFI@NTT (ESO, La Silla). • The study of the chemical properties of a sample of MCs clusters, by using optical and near-infrared high-resolution spectra. 3 observing runs have been secured to our group to observe 9 LMC clusters (with ages between 100 Myr and 13 Gyr) with the optical high-resolution spectrograph FLAMES@VLT (ESO, Paranal) and 4 very young (<30 Myr) clusters (3 in the LMC and 1 in the SMC) with the near-infrared high-resolution spectrograph CRIRES@VLT. • The study of the photometric properties of the main evolutive sequences in optical Color- Magnitude Diagrams (CMD) obtained by using HST archive data, with the final aim of dating several clusters via the comparison between the observed CMDs and theoretical isochrones. The determination of the age of a stellar population requires an accurate measure of the Main Sequence (MS) Turn-Off (TO) luminosity and the knowledge of the distance modulus, reddening and overall metallicity. For this purpose, we limited the study of the age just to the clusters already observed with high-resolution spectroscopy, in order to date only clusters with accurate estimates of the overall metallicity.
The aim of this PhD thesis is the study of the nuclear properties of radio loud AGN. Multiple and/or recent mergers in the host galaxy and/or the presence of cool core in galaxy clusters can play a role in the formation and evolution of the radio source. Being a unique class of objects (Lin & Mohr 2004), we focus on Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs). We investigate their parsec scale radio emission with VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometer) observations. From literature or new data , we collect and analyse VLBA (Very Long Baseline) observations at 5 GHz of a complete sample of BCGs and ``normal'' radio galaxies (Bologna Complete Sample , BCS). Results on nuclear properties of BCGs are coming from the comparison with the results for the Bologna COmplete Sample (BCS). Our analysis finds a possible dichotomy between BCGs in cool-core clusters and those in non-cool-core clusters. Only one-sided BCGs have similar kinematic properties with FRIs. Furthermore, the dominance of two-sided jet structures only in cooling clusters suggests sub-relativistic jet velocities. The different jet properties can be related to a different jet origin or to the interaction with a different ISM. We larger discuss on possible explanation of this.
In this Thesis we have presented our work on the analysis of galaxy clusters through their X-ray emission and the gravitational lensing effect that they induce. Our research work was mainly finalised to verify and possibly explain the observed mismatch between the galaxy cluster mass distributions estimated through two of the most promising techniques, i.e. the X-ray and the gravitational lensing analyses. Moreover, it is an established evidence that combined, multi-wavelength analyses are extremely effective in addressing and explaining the open issues in astronomy: however, in order to follow this approach, it is crucial to test the reliability and the limitations of the individual analysis techniques. In this Thesis we also assessed the impact of some factors that could affect both the X-ray and the strong lensing analyses.
The gaseous environment of radio galaxies: a new perspective from high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy
It is known that massive black holes have a profound effect on the evolution of galaxies, and possibly on their formation by regulating the amount of gas available for the star formation. However, how black hole and galaxies communicate is still an open problem, depending on how much of the energy released interacts with the circumnuclear matter. In the last years, most studies of feedback have primarily focused on AGN jet/cavity systems in the most massive galaxy clusters. This thesis intends to investigate the feedback phenomena in radio--loud AGNs from a different perspective studying isolated radio galaxies, through high-resolution spectroscopy. In particular one NLRG and three BLRG are studied, searching for warm gas, both in emission and absorption, in the soft X-ray band. I show that the soft spectrum of 3C33 originates from gas photoionized by the central engine. I found for the first time WA in 3C382 and 3C390.3. I show that the observed warm emitter/absorbers is not uniform and probably located in the NLR. The detected WA is slow implying a mass outflow rate and kinetic luminosity always well below 1% the L(acc) as well as the P(jet). Finally the radio--loud properties are compared with those of type 1 RQ AGNs. A positive correlation is found between the mass outflow rate/kinetic luminosity, and the radio loudness. This seems to suggest that the presence of a radio source (the jet?) affects the distribution of the absorbing gas. Alternatively, if the gas distribution is similar in Seyferts and radio galaxies, the M(out) vs rl relation could simply indicate a major ejection of matter in the form of wind in powerful radio AGNs.
In this Thesis, we study the physical properties and the cosmic evolution of AGN and their host galaxies since z∼3. Our analysis exploits samples of star forming galaxies detected with Herschel at far-IR wavelengths (from 70 up to 500 micron) in different extragalactic surveys, such as COSMOS and the deep GOODS (South and North) fields. The broad-band ancillary data available in COSMOS and the GOODS fields, allows us to implement Herschel and Spitzer photometry with multi-wavelength ancillary data. We perform a multicomponent SED-fitting decomposition to decouple the emission due to star formation from that due to AGN accretion, and to estimate both host-galaxy parameters (such as stellar mass, M* and star formation rate, SFR), and nuclear intrinsic bolometric luminosities. We use the individual estimates of AGN bolometric luminosity obtained through SED-fitting decomposition to reconstruct the redshit evolution of the AGN bolometric luminosity function since z∼3. The resulting trends are used to estimate the overall AGN accretion rate density at different cosmic epochs and to trace the first ever estimate of the AGN accretion history from an IR survey. Later on, we focus our study on the connection between AGN accretion and integrated galaxy properties. We analyse the relationships of AGN accretion with galaxy properties in the SFR-M* plane and at different cosmic epochs. Finally, we infer what is the parameter that best correlates with AGN accretion, comparing our results with previous studies and discussing their physical implications in the context of current scenarios of AGN/galaxy evolution.
Radio galaxies (RGs) are extremely relevant in addressing important unknowns concerning the interaction among black hole accretion, radio jets, and the environment. In the classical scheme, their accretion rate and ejection of relativistic jets are directly linked: efficient accretion (HERG) is associated with powerful edge-brightened jets (FRIIs); inefficient accretion (LERG) is associated with weak edge-darkened jets (FRIs). The observation of RGs with an inefficient engine associated with edge-brightened radio emission (FRII-LERGs) broke this scheme. FRII-LERGs constitute a suitable population to explore how accretion and ejection are linked and evaluate the environment's role in shaping jets. To this aim, we performed a multiwavelength study of different RGs catalogs spanning from Jy to mJy flux densities. At first, we investigated the X-ray properties of a sample of 51 FRIIs belonging to the 3CR catalog at z<0.3. Two hypotheses were invoked to explain FRII-LERGs behavior: evolution from classical FRIIs; the role of the environment. Next, we explored the mJy sky by studying the optical-radio properties of hundreds of RGs at z<0.15 (Best & Heckman 2012 sample). FRII-LERGs appear more similar to the old FRI-LERGs than to the young FRII-HERGs. These results point towards an evolutive scenario, however, nuclear time scale changes, star population aging, and kpc-Mpc radio structure modification do not agree. The role of the Mpc environment was then investigated. The Wen et al. 2015 galaxy clusters sample, built exploiting the SDSS survey, allowed us to explore the habitat of 7219 RGs at z<0.3. Most RGs are found to live in outside clusters. For these sources, differences among RG classes are still present. Thus, the environment is not the key parameter, and the possibility of intrinsic differences was reconsidered: we speculated that different black hole properties (spin and magnetic field at its horizon) could determine the observed spread in jet luminosity.
At the center of galaxy clusters, a dramatic interplay known as feedback cycle occurs between the hot intracluster medium (ICM) and the active galactic nucleus (AGN) of the central galaxy. The footprints of this interplay are evident from X-ray observations of the ICM, where X-ray cavities and shock fronts are associated with radio lobe emission tracing energetic AGN outbursts. While such jet activity reduces the efficiency of the hot gas to cool to lower temperatures, residual cooling can generate warm and cold gas clouds around the central galaxy. The condensed gas parcels can ultimately reach the core of the galaxy and be accreted by the AGN. This picture is the result of tremendous advances over the last three decades. Yet, a deeper understanding of the details of how the heating–cooling regulation is achieved and maintained is still missing. In this Thesis, we delve into key aspects of the feedback cycle. To this end, we leverage high-resolution (sub-arcsecond), multifrequency observations (mainly X-ray and radio) of several top-level facilities (e.g., Chandra, JVLA, VLBA, LOFAR). First, we investigate which conditions trigger a feedback response to gas cooling, by studying the properties of clusters where feedback is just about to start. Then, we focus on the details of how the AGN–ICM interaction progresses by examining cavity and shock heating in the cluster RBS797, an exemplary case of the jet feedback paradigm. Furthermore, we explore the importance of shock heating and the coupling of distinct jet power regimes (i.e., FRII, FRI and FR0 radio galaxies) to the environment. Ultimately, as heating models rely on the connection between the direct evidence (the jets) and the smoking gun (the X-ray cavities) of feedback, we examine the cases in which these two are dramatically misaligned.