6 resultados para ethnocentric and hypertextual translation

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Introduction. Postnatal neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, can be modulated by numerous determinants, such as hormones, transmitters and stress. Among the factors positively interfering with neurogenesis, the complexity of the environment appears to play a particularly striking role. Adult mice reared in an enriched environment produce more neurons and exhibit better performance in hippocampus-specific learning tasks. While the effects of complex environments on hippocampal neurogenesis are well documented, there is a lack of information on the effects of living under socio-sensory deprivation conditions. Due to the immaturity of rats and mice at birth, studies dealing with the effects of environmental enrichment on hippocampal neurogenesis were carried out in adult animals, i.e. during a period of relatively low rate of neurogenesis. The impact of environment is likely to be more dramatic during the first postnatal weeks, because at this time granule cell production is remarkably higher than at later phases of development. The aim of the present research was to clarify whether and to what extent isolated or enriched rearing conditions affect hippocampal neurogenesis during the early postnatal period, a time window characterized by a high rate of precursor proliferation and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these effects. The experimental model chosen for this research was the guinea pig, a precocious rodent, which, at 4-5 days of age can be independent from maternal care. Experimental design. Animals were assigned to a standard (control), an isolated, or an enriched environment a few days after birth (P5-P6). On P14-P17 animals received one daily bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) injection, to label dividing cells, and were sacrificed either on P18, to evaluate cell proliferation or on P45, to evaluate cell survival and differentiation. Methods. Brain sections were processed for BrdU immunhistochemistry, to quantify the new born and surviving cells. The phenotype of the surviving cells was examined by means of confocal microscopy and immunofluorescent double-labeling for BrdU and either a marker of neurons (NeuN) or a marker of astrocytes (GFAP). Apoptotic cell death was examined with the TUNEL method. Serial sections were processed for immunohistochemistry for i) vimentin, a marker of radial glial cells, ii) BDNF (brain-derived neurotrofic factor), a neurotrophin involved in neuron proliferation/survival, iii) PSA-NCAM (the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule), a molecule associated with neuronal migration. Total granule cell number in the dentate gyrus was evaluated by stereological methods, in Nissl-stained sections. Results. Effects of isolation. In P18 isolated animals we found a reduced cell proliferation (-35%) compared to controls and a lower expression of BDNF. Though in absolute terms P45 isolated animals had less surviving cells than controls, they showed no differences in survival rate and phenotype percent distribution compared to controls. Evaluation of the absolute number of surviving cells of each phenotype showed that isolated animals had a reduced number of cells with neuronal phenotype than controls. Looking at the location of the new neurons, we found that while in control animals 76% of them had migrated to the granule cell layer, in isolated animals only 55% of the new neurons had reached this layer. Examination of radial glia cells of P18 and P45 animals by vimentin immunohistochemistry showed that in isolated animals radial glia cells were reduced in density and had less and shorter processes. Granule cell count revealed that isolated animals had less granule cells than controls (-32% at P18 and -42% at P45). Effects of enrichment. In P18 enriched animals there was an increase in cell proliferation (+26%) compared to controls and a higher expression of BDNF. Though in both groups there was a decline in the number of BrdU-positive cells by P45, enriched animals had more surviving cells (+63) and a higher survival rate than controls. No differences were found between control and enriched animals in phenotype percent distribution. Evaluation of the absolute number of cells of each phenotype showed that enriched animals had a larger number of cells of each phenotype than controls. Looking at the location of cells of each phenotype we found that enriched animals had more new neurons in the granule cell layer and more astrocytes and cells with undetermined phenotype in the hilus. Enriched animals had a higher expression of PSA-NCAM in the granule cell layer and hilus Vimentin immunohistochemistry showed that in enriched animals radial glia cells were more numerous and had more processes.. Granule cell count revealed that enriched animals had more granule cells than controls (+37% at P18 and +31% at P45). Discussion. Results show that isolation rearing reduces hippocampal cell proliferation but does not affect cell survival, while enriched rearing increases both cell proliferation and cell survival. Changes in the expression of BDNF are likely to contribute to he effects of environment on precursor cell proliferation. The reduction and increase in final number of granule neurons in isolated and enriched animals, respectively, are attributable to the effects of environment on cell proliferation and survival and not to changes in the differentiation program. As radial glia cells play a pivotal role in neuron guidance to the granule cell layer, the reduced number of radial glia cells in isolated animals and the increased number in enriched animals suggests that the size of radial glia population may change dynamically, in order to match changes in neuron production. The high PSA-NCAM expression in enriched animals may concur to favor the survival of the new neurons by facilitating their migration to the granule cell layer. Conclusions. By using a precocious rodent we could demonstrate that isolated/enriched rearing conditions, at a time window during which intense granule cell proliferation takes place, lead to a notable decrease/increase of total granule cell number. The time-course and magnitude of postnatal granule cell production in guinea pigs are more similar to the human and non-human primate condition than in rats and mice. Translation of current data to humans would imply that exposure of children to environments poor/rich of stimuli may have a notably large impact on dentate neurogenesis and, very likely, on hippocampus dependent memory functions.


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La tesi si occupa della traduzione di Measure for Measure di Shakespeare scritta da Cesare Garboli e pubblicata nel 1992 con Einaudi nella collana «Scrittori tradotti da scrittori». La traduzione fu concepita per il Teatro Stabile di Torino diretto da Luca Ronconi, che debuttò al teatro Carignano nel 1992 e venne successivamente ripresa, con alcune varianti, dalla compagnia di Carlo Cecchi nel 1998, per una nuova messinscena al teatro Garibaldi di Palermo. A partire dagli esiti più recenti dei Translation Studies, il lavoro sviluppa uno studio comparato, dal punto di vista linguistico e sotto il profilo ermeneutico, fra la traduzione di Garboli, il testo originale nelle due edizioni Arden e Cambridge e le traduzioni italiane di Measure for Measure pubblicate nel Novecento. La parte finale della tesi è dedicata alle messinscene a Torino e a Palermo: un confronto per evidenziare gli elementi che in entrambe appartengono alla strutturazione del testo tradotto e i caratteri specifici degli universi di finzione raffigurati dai due registi.


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Il progetto di ricerca che presentiamo nasce dalla virtuosa combinazione di teoria e prassi didattica nello spirito della ricerca-azione. Scopo del presente lavoro è elaborare un percorso didattico di formazione alla traduzione specializzata in ambito medico-scientifico, tecnico ed economico-giuridico per la combinazione linguistica spagnolo-italiano all’interno della cornice istituzionale concreta dell’università italiana oggi. La nostra proposta formativa si fonda su tre elementi: la ricognizione del mercato attuale della traduzione per la combinazione linguistica indicata, l’individuazione degli obiettivi formativi in base al modello di competenza traduttiva scelto, l’elaborazione del percorso didattico per competenze e basato sull’enfoque por tareas di traduzione. Nella progettazione delle modalità didattiche due sono gli aspetti che definiscono il percorso proposto: il concetto di genere testuale specializzato per la traduzione e la gestione delle informazioni mediante le nuove tecnologie (corpora, banche dati terminologiche e fraseologiche, memorie di traduzione, traduzione controllata). Il presente lavoro si articola in due parti: la prima parte (quattro capitoli) presenta l’inquadramento teorico all’interno del quale si sviluppa la riflessione intorno alla didattica della traduzione specializzata; la seconda parte (due capitoli) presenta l’inquadramento metodologico e analitico all’interno del quale si elabora la nostra proposta didattica. Nel primo capitolo si illustrano i rapporti fra traduzione e mondo professionale; nel secondo capitolo si presenta il concetto di competenza traduttiva come ponte tra la formazione e il mondo della traduzione professionale; nel terzo capitolo si ripercorrono le tappe principali dell’evoluzione della didattica della traduzione generale; nel quarto capitolo illustriamo alcune tra le più recenti e complete proposte didattiche per la traduzione specializzata in ambito tecnico, medico-scientifico ed economico-giuridico. Nel quinto capitolo si introduce il concetto di genere testuale specializzato per la traduzione e nel sesto capitolo si illustra la proposta didattica per la traduzione specializzata dallo spagnolo in italiano che ha motivato il presente lavoro.


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Abstract This dissertation investigates the notion of equivalence with particular reference to lexical cohesion in the translation of political speeches. Lexical cohesion poses a particular challenge to the translators of political speeches and thus preserving lexical cohesion elements as one of the major elements of cohesion is undoubtedly crucial to their translation equivalence. We rely on Halliday’s (1994) classification of lexical cohesion which comprises: repetition, synonymy, antonymy, meronymy and hyponymy. Other traditional models of lexical cohesion are examined. We include Grammatical Parallelism for its role in creating textual semantic unity which is what cohesion is all about. The study shed light on the function of lexical cohesion elements as rhetorical device. The study also deals with lexical problems resulting from the transfer of lexical cohesion elements from the SL into the TL, which is often beset by many problems that most often result from the differences between languages. Three key issues are identified as being fundamental to equivalence and lexical cohesion in the translation of political speeches: sociosemiotic approach, register analysis, rhetoric, and poetic function. The study also investigates the lexical cohesion elements in the translation of political speeches from English into Arabic, Italian and French in relation to ideology, and its control, through bias and distortion. The findings are discussed, implications examined and topics for further research suggested.


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Abstract The academic environment has recently recognized the importance and benefits that an extensive research on the translation of advertising can have for translation studies. Despite the growing interest and increasing research activity in the field it is still difficult to speak about a theory of advertising translation in general. There is a need for further study encompassing different languages and both heterogeneous and homogenous cultures that will give the possibility to receive a more complete map of what the translation of advertising is and should be. Previous studies have been concentrated, for the most part, on Western European language pairs. This study is a research into perfume and cosmetics print advertisements translated from English into Russian where both visual and verbal elements are considered. Three broad translation approaches have been identified in what concerns the verbal message: Translated message, parallel translation, recreated adverts, and three approaches in dealing with the image: similar images, modified images, completely different images. The thesis shows that where Russian advertisements for perfume products tend to have a message, or create one, this is often lacking in the English copy. The article ends by suggesting that perfume advertisements favor the standardization approach when entering Russian market. The attempts to localize the advert have also been noticed although they are obviously less numerous in perfume adverts and are rather instances of adaptation - a mix between the localization and standardization approaches since they keep drawing on the same globally accepted universals about female beauty and concern for ‘woman’s identity’ (we focused our analysis on products designed for female consumers). This study, complementing previous studies, aims to be a contribution to the description of laws and strategies that guide the translation of advertising texts into Russian.


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Translational control has a direct impact on cancer development and progression. Quantitative and qualitative changes of cap-dependent translation initiation contribute to neoplastic transformation and progression. However, the idea that “alternative” mechanisms of translation initiation, such as IRES-dependent translation, can be involved in the tumorigenesis is emerging. Because the relevance of this kind of translation initiation in cancer progression is not so well clarified, the purpose of my work was to study the impact of IRES-dependent mRNA translation on tumourigenesis and cancer progression with particular regard for breast cancer. The data obtained clarify the function of cap-independent translation in cancer. Particularly they suggested that the deregulation of IRES-dependent translation can be considered a sort of pro-oncogenic stimulus characterized by the inhibition of the expression of some proteins that block cell growth and proliferation and by the over expression of other proteins that contributed to cell survival. In addition, under stress condition, such as a hypoxia, in immortalized epithelial cell lines, changes in cap-independent translation are associated with an induction of expression of stem cell markers, and with the selection of a sub group of cells that have an increased ability to self-renewing and therefore in the acquisition of a more aggressive phenotype.