5 resultados para endometrial biopsy
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Anche se l'isteroscopia con la biopsia endometriale è il gold standard nella diagnosi della patologia intracavitaria uterina, l'esperienza dell’isteroscopista è fondamentale per una diagnosi corretta. Il Deep Learning (DL) come metodica di intelligenza artificiale potrebbe essere un aiuto per superare questo limite. Sono disponibili pochi studi con risultati preliminari e mancano ricerche che valutano le prestazioni dei modelli di DL nell'identificazione delle lesioni intrauterine e il possibile aiuto derivato dai fattori clinici. Obiettivo: Sviluppare un modello di DL per identificare e classificare le patologie endocavitarie uterine dalle immagini isteroscopiche. Metodi: È stato eseguito uno studio di coorte retrospettivo osservazionale monocentrico su una serie consecutiva di casi isteroscopici di pazienti con patologia intracavitaria uterina confermata all’esame istologico eseguiti al Policlinico S. Orsola. Le immagini isteroscopiche sono state usate per costruire un modello di DL per la classificazione e l'identificazione delle lesioni intracavitarie con e senza l'aiuto di fattori clinici (età, menopausa, AUB, terapia ormonale e tamoxifene). Come risultati dello studio abbiamo calcolato le metriche diagnostiche del modello di DL nella classificazione e identificazione delle lesioni uterine intracavitarie con e senza l'aiuto dei fattori clinici. Risultati: Abbiamo esaminato 1.500 immagini provenienti da 266 casi: 186 pazienti avevano lesioni focali benigne, 25 lesioni diffuse benigne e 55 lesioni preneoplastiche/neoplastiche. Sia per quanto riguarda la classificazione che l’identificazione, le migliori prestazioni sono state raggiunte con l'aiuto dei fattori clinici, complessivamente con precision dell'80,11%, recall dell'80,11%, specificità del 90,06%, F1 score dell’80,11% e accuratezza dell’86,74% per la classificazione. Per l’identificazione abbiamo ottenuto un rilevamento complessivo dell’85,82%, precision 93,12%, recall del 91,63% ed F1 score del 92,37%. Conclusioni: Il modello DL ha ottenuto una bassa performance nell’identificazione e classificazione delle lesioni intracavitarie uterine dalle immagini isteroscopiche. Anche se la migliore performance diagnostica è stata ottenuta con l’aiuto di fattori clinici specifici, questo miglioramento è stato scarso.
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) collaborative project identified four distinct prognostic groups of endometrial carcinoma (EC) based on molecular alterations: (i) the ultramutated subtype that encompassed POLE mutated (POLE) cases; (ii) the hypermutated subtype, characterized by MisMatch Repair deficiency (MMRd); (iii) the copy-number high subtype, with p53 abnormal/mutated features (p53abn); (iv) the copy-number low subtype, known as No Specific Molecular Profile (NSMP). Although the prognostic value of TCGA molecular classification, NSMP tumors present a wide variability in molecular alterations and biological aggressiveness. This study aims to investigate the impact of ARID1A and CTNNB1/β-catenin alterations by targeted Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in a consecutive series of 125 molecularly classified ECs. NGS and IHC were used to assign surrogate TCGA groups and to identify molecular alterations of multiple target genes including POLE, PTEN, ARID1A, CTNNB1, TP53. Associations with clinicopathologic parameters, molecular subtypes, and outcomes identified NSMP category as the most heterogeneous group in terms of clinicopathologic features and outcome. Integration of surrogate TCGA molecular classification with ARID1A and β-catenin analysis showed NSMP cases with ARID1A mutation characterized by the worst outcome with early recurrence, while NSMP tumors with ARID1A wild-type and β-catenin alteration had indolent clinicopathologic features and no recurrence. This study indicates how the identification of ARID1A and β-catenin alterations in EC represents a simple and effective way to characterize NSMP tumor aggressiveness and metastatic potential.
The arginine methyltransferase CARM1 (PRMT4) is amplified and overexpressed in ~20% of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) and correlates with a poor survival. Therapeutic approaches based on CARM1 expression remain to be an unmet need. Here we show that fatty acid metabolism represents a metabolic vulnerability for HGSOC in a CARM1 expression status dependent manner. CARM1 promotes the de novo synthesis of fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). The disruption of MUFAs synthesis by inhibition of SCD1 results in excessive accumulation of cytotoxic saturated fatty acids and it is synthetic lethal with CARM1 expression. Collectively, our data show that the pharmacological inhibition of MUFAs synthesis via SCD1 inhibition represents a therapeutic strategy for CARM1-high HGSOC. Another arginine methyltransferase, PRMT5, has been identified by our CRISPR screening analysis as a promising candidate for invasive ARID1A-deficient endometrial cancer. Endometrial Cancer frequently harbor somatic inactivating mutation of ARID1A that can promote an invasive phenotype. Our in vitro approach validated the CRISPR screening showing that both PRTM5 knock down and its pharmaceutical inhibition specifically hamper the invasion of ARID1A inactivated cells. Mechanistically, PRMT5 directly regulates the epithelia to mesenchymal transition pathway genes interacting with the SWI/SNF complexes. Moreover, in vivo experiments showed that PRMT5 inhibition contrasted the myometrium invasion highlighting PRMT5 inhibition as promising therapeutic strategy for ARID1A- inactivated aggressive endometrial cancer.
Background: Axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in presence of sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastases has been the standard in breast cancer (BC) patients for many years. Today, after the publication of the ACOSOG Z0011 trial, ALND is a procedure restricted to a dwindling group of patients with a clearly metastatic axilla. Material and methods: This was a prospective observational trial involving two Italian Breast Units: Policlinico di Sant’Orsola and San Raffaele hospital. Objective was to evaluate that the omission of ALND in patients with cT1-2 cN0 BC undergoing breast conserving surgery (BCS) and histological finding of metastases in 1 or 2 SLN is not associated with a worse prognostic outcome. Primary endpoint was overall survival (OS). Secondary endpoints were disease free survival (DFS) and locoregional recurrence. All BC patients treated between the 1st of November 2020 and 31st of July 2023 with cT1-2 cN0 BC, preoperative negative axillary ultrasound and 1 or 2 metastatic SLN treated with sentinel node biopsy (SLNB) alone entered the study. Results: 795 cT1-2 cN0 BC patients underwent BCS and SLNB. Ninety patients were included. Median age was 60 (52-68) years. Seventy-five patients (83%) had T1 tumor and 15 (17%) T2. Median tumor size was 16 mm (11-19). The median SLN removed was 2 (1-3). Eighty-one patients had 1 positive SLN (90%), while 9 had 2 SLN metastasis (10%). 39 (43%) micrometastases were identified and 51 macrometastasis (57%). All patients underwent radiotherapy. Seventeen (19%) performed adjuvant chemotherapy. Two received immunotherapy with trastuzumab and pertuzumab. Endocrine therapy was given to 84 (93%). At a median follow-up of 19 months (IQR 13-23) OS and DFS were 100%. No loco-regional recurrence was seen. Conclusion: The preliminary results of our study confirm that omitting ALND in patients meeting Z011 criteria is oncologically safe and should be the standard of care.
Pathogenic aberrations in homologous recombination DNA repair (HRR) genes occur in approximately 1 to 4 men with advanced prostate cancer (PCa). Treatment with PARP inhibitors (PARPi) has recently been introduced for metastatic castration-resistant PCa patients, increasing clinicians' interest in the molecular characterization of all PCa patients. The limitations of using old, low-quality tumor tissue for genetic analysis, which is very common for PCa, can be overcome by using liquid biopsy as an alternative biomarker source. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the detection of molecular alterations in HRR genes on liquid biopsy compared with tumor tissue from PCa patients. Secondarily, we explored the genomic instability score (GIS), and a broader range of gene alterations for in-depth characterization of the PCa cohort. Plasma samples were collected from 63 patients with PCa. Sophia Homologous Recombination Solution (targeting 16 HRR genes) and shallow whole genome sequencing (sWGS) were used for genomic analysis of tissue DNA and circulating tumor DNA (ct). A total of 33 alterations (mainly on TP53, ATM, CHEK2, CDK12, and BRCA1/2) were identified in 28,5% of PCa plasma patients. By integrating the mutational and sWGS data, the HRR status of PCa patients was determined and a concordance agreement of 85,7% was identified with tumor tissue. A median GIS of 15 was obtained, reaching a score of 63 in 2 samples with double alterations, BRCA1 and TP53. We explored the PCa mutation landscape, and the most significant enriched pathways identified were the sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor signaling and the PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway. HRR analysis on FFPE and liquid biopsy samples show high concordance, demonstrating that the noninvasive ctDNA-enriched plasma can be an optimal alternative source for molecular SNV and CNV analysis. In addition, the evaluation of GIS and pathway interaction should be considered for more comprehensive molecular characterization in PCa patients.