4 resultados para derrame pleural
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is a very aggressive cancer whose incidence is growing worldwide. MPM escapes the classical models of carcinogenesis and lacks a distinctive genetic fingerprint, keeping obscure the molecular events that lead to tumorigenesis. This severely impacts on the limited therapeutic options and on the lack of specific biomarkers, concurring to make MPM one of the deadliest cancers. Here we combined a functional genome-wide loss of function CRISPR/Cas9 screening with patients’ transcriptomic and clinical data, to identify genes essential for MPM progression. Besides, we explored the role of non-coding RNAs to MPM progression by analysing gene expression profiles and clinical data from the MESO-TCGA dataset. We identified TRIM28 and the lncRNA LINC00941 as new vulnerabilities of MPM, associated with disease aggressiveness and bad outcome of patients. TRIM28 is a multi-domain protein involved in many processes, including transcription regulation. We showed that TRIM28 silencing impairs MPM cells’ growth and clonogenicity by blocking cells in mitosis. RNA-seq profiling showed that TRIM28 loss abolished the expression of major mitotic players. Our data suggest that TRIM28 is part of the B-MYB/FOXM1-MuvB complex that specifically drives the activation of mitotic genes, keeping the time of mitosis. In parallel, we found LINC00941 as strongly associated with reduced survival probability in MPM patients. LINC00941 KD profoundly reduced MPM cells’ growth, migration and invasion. This is accompanied by changes in morphology, cytoskeleton organization and cell-cell adhesion properties. RNA-seq profiling showed that LINC00941 KD impacts crucial functions of MPM, including HIF1α signalling. Collectively these data provided new insights into MPM biology and demonstrated that the integration of functional screening with patients’ clinical data is a powerful tool to highlight new non-genetic cancer dependencies that associate to a bad outcome in vivo, paving the way to new MPM-oriented targeted strategies and prognostic tools to improve patients risk-based stratification.
Introduction: In the last years cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease (CHD) reduced dramatically mortality modifying prognosis, but, at the same time, increased morbidity in this patient population. Respiratory and cardiovascular systems are strictly anatomically and functionally connected, so that alterations of pulmonary hemodynamic conditions modify respiratory function. While very short-term alterations of respiratory mechanics after surgery were investigated by many authors, not as much works focused on long-term changes. In these subjects rest respiratory function may be limited by several factor: CHD itself (fetal pulmonary perfusion influences vascular and alveolar development), extracorporeal circulation (CEC), thoracotomy and/or sternotomy, rib and sternal contusions, pleural adhesions and pleural fibrosis, secondary to surgical injury. Moreover inflammatory cascade, triggered by CEC, can cause endothelial damage and compromise gas exchange. Aims: The project was conceived to 1) determine severity of respiratory functional impairement in different CHD undergone to surgical correction/palliation; 2) identify the most and the least CHD involved by pulmonary impairement; 3) find a correlation between a specific hemodynamic condition and functional anomaly, and 4) between rest respiratory function and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Materials and methods: We studied 113 subjects with CHD undergone to surgery, and distinguished by group in accord to pulmonary blood flow (group 0: 28 pts with normal pulmonary flow; group 1: 22 pts with increased flow; group 2: 43 pts with decreased flow; group 3: 20 pts with total cavo-pulmonary anastomosis-TCPC) followed by the Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Unit, and we compare them to 37 age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. In Pediatric Pulmonology Unit all pts performed respiratory function tests (static and dynamic volumes, flow/volume curve, airway resistances-raw- and conductance-gaw-, lung diffusion of CO-DLCO- and DLCO/alveolar volume), and CHD pts the same day had cardiopulmonary test. They all were examined and had allergological tests, and respiratory medical history. Results: restrictive pattern (measured on total lung capacity-TLC- and vital capacity-VC) was in all CHD groups, and up to 45% in group 2 and 3. Comparing all groups, we found a significant difference in TLC between healthy and group 2 (p=0.001) and 3 (p=0.004), and in VC between group 2 and healthy (p=0.001) and group 1(p=0.034). Inspiratory capacity (IC) was decreased in group 2 related to healthy (p<0.001) and group 1 (p=0.037). We showed a direct correlation between TLC and VC with age at surgery (p=0.01) and inverse with number of surgical interventions (p=0.03). Reduced FEV1/FVC ratio, Gaw and increased Raw were mostly present in group 3. DLCO was impaired in all groups, but up to 80% in group 3 and 50% in group 2; when corrected for alveolar volume (DLCO/VA) reduction persisted in group 3 (20%), 2 (6.2%) and 0 (7.1%). Exercise test was impaired in all groups: VO2max and VE markedly reduced in all but especially in group 3, and VE/VCO2 slope, marker of ventilatory response to exercise, is increased (<36) in 62.5% of group 3, where other pts had anyway value>32. Comparing group 3 and 2, the most involved categories, we found difference in VO2max and VE/VCO2 slope (respectively p=0.02 and p<0.0001). We evidenced correlation between rest and exercise tests, especially in group 0 (between VO2max and FVC, FEV1, VC, IC; inverse relation between VE/VCO2slope and FVC, FEV1 and VC), but also in group 1 (VO2max and IC), group 2 (VO2max and FVC and FEV1); never in group 3. Discussion: According with literature, we found a frequent impairment of rest pulmonary function in all groups, but especially in group 2 and 3. Restrictive pattern was the most frequent alteration probably due to compromised pulmonary (vascular and alveolar) development secondary to hypoperfusion in fetal and pre-surgery (and pre-TCPC)life. Parenchymal fibrosis, pleural adhesions and thoracic deformities can add further limitation, as showed by the correlation between group 3 and number of surgical intervention. Exercise tests were limited, particularly in group 3 (complex anatomy and lost of chronotropic response), and we found correlations between rest and exercise tests in all but group 3. We speculate that in this patients hemodynamic exceeds respiratory contribution, though markedly decreased.
Lung ultrasound use is increasing in respiratory medicine thanks to its development in the latest years. Actually it allows to study diseases of the chest wall (traumas, infections, neoplasms), diaphragm (paralysis, ipokinesis), pleura (effusions, pneumothorax, thickenings, neoplasms) and lung parenchyma (consolidations, interstitial syndromes, peripheral lesions). One of the most useful application of chest ultrasound is the evaluation of effusions. However, no standardized approach for ultrasound-guided thoracenthesis is available. Our study showed that our usual ultrasonographic landmark (“V-point”) could be a standard site to perform thoracenthesis: in 45 thoracenthesis no pneumothorax occurred, drainage was always successful at first attempt. Values of maximum thickness at V-point and drained fluid volume showed a significative correlation. Proteins concentration of ultrasound patterns of effusions (anechoic, ipoechoic, moving echoic spots, dense moving spots, hyperechoic) were compared to those of the macroscopic features of fluids showing connection between light-yellow fluid and echoic moving spots pattern and between ipoechoic/dense moving spots and cloudy-yellow/serum-haematic fluids. These observations suggest that ultrasound could predict chemical-physical features of effusions. Lung ultrasound provides useful information about many disease of the lung, but actually there is not useful in obstructive bronchial diseases. Analysing diaphragmatic kinetics using M-mode through transhepatic scan we described a similarity between diaphragm excursion during an expiratory forced maneuver and the volume/time curve of spirometry. This allowed us to identify the M-mode Index of Obstruction (MIO), an ultrasound-analogue of FEV1/VC. We observed MIO values of normal subjects (9) and obstructed patients (9) comparing the two groups. FEV1/VC and MIO showed a significant correlation suggesting that MIO may be affected by airways obstruction; MIO values were significatively different between normal and obstructed so that it could identify an obstructive syndrome. The data show that it is possible to suspect the presence of obstructive syndrome of the airways using ultrasonography of the diaphragm.
Il tumore del polmone e una delle neoplasie più diagnosticate dal 1985 e rimane ancora oggi la causa più frequente di morte cancro-correlata nel mondo. Una resezione polmonare anatomica completa continua ad essere il cardine della terapia per il tumore non a piccole cellule. Perdite aeree prolungate (PAL) sono la più comune complicanza dopo una chirurgia polmonare e sono state riportate con un’incidenza compresa tra il 3-26%, simile sia nelle resezioni polmonari per via toracotomica sia in quelle per via toracoscopica. Fattori di rischio descritti sono scissure interlobari incomplete, patologie polmonari sottostanti (come enfisema, fibrosi, tubercolosi o neoplasie), aderenze pleuriche, pazienti anziani (>75 anni) e bassa capacita di diffusione. Lo sviluppo di strumentazione all’avanguardia e di nuove tecniche chirurgiche ha contribuito a ridurre l’incidenza di queste complicanze. Considerando l’alto impatto clinico e socio-economico di queste problematiche, e stata inoltre sviluppata una varietà di complementari naturali e materiali sintetici molti utili nella gestione delle perdite aeree.