8 resultados para dark triad

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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I have studied entropy profiles obtained in a sample of 24 X-ray objects at high redshift retrieved from the Chandra archive. I have discussed the scaling properties of the entropy S, the correlation between metallicity Z and S, the profiles of the temperature of the gas, Tgas, and performed a comparison between the dark matter 'temperature' and Tgas in order to constrain the non-gravitational processes which affect the thermal history of the gas. Furthermore I have studied the scaling relations between the X-ray quantities and Sunyaev Zel'dovich measurements. I have observed that X-ray laws are steeper than the relations predicted from the adiabatic model. These deviations from expectations based on self-similarity are usually interpreted in terms of feedback processes leading to non-gravitational gas heating, and suggesting a scenario in which the ICM at higher redshift has lower both X-ray luminosity and pressure in the central regions than the expectations from self-similar model. I have also investigated a Bayesian X-ray and Sunyaev Zel'dovich analysis, which allows to study the external regions of the clusters well beyond the volumes resolved with X-ray observations (1/3-1/2 of the virial radius), to measure the deprojected physical cluster properties, like temperature, density, entropy, gas mass and total mass up to the virial radius.


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The present study aims at analyzing how dark humour as a cinematic genre travels cross-culturally through a specific mode of audiovisual translation, i.e. dubbing. In particular, it takes into consideration the processes involved in dubbing humour from English into Italian as observed in the English- and Italian-language versions of ten British and American dark comedies from the 1940s to the 2000s. In an attempt to identify some of the main mechanisms of the dark humour genre, the humorous content of the films was analyzed in terms of the elements on which specific scenes are based, mainly the non-verbal and verbal components. In the cases in which verbal elements were involved, i.e. the examples of verbally expressed humour, the analysis was concerned with whether they were adapted into Italian and to what effect. Quantification of the different kinds of dark humour revealed that in the sample of dark comedies verbal dark humour had a higher frequency (85.3%) than non-verbal dark humour (14.7%), which partially disconfirmed the first part of the research hypothesis. However, the significance of contextual elements in the conveying of dark humour, both in the form of Nsp VEH (54.31%) and V-V (V+VE) (21.68%), provided support for the hypothesis that, even when expressed verbally, dark humour is more closely linked to context-based rather than purely linguistic humour (4.9%). The second part of the analysis was concerned with an investigation of the strategies adopted for the translation of verbal dark humour elements from the SL (English) into the TL (Italian) through the filter of dubbing. Four translational strategies were identified as far as the rendering of verbal dark humour is concerned: i) complete omission; ii) weakening; iii) close rendering; and iv) increased effect. Complete omission was found to be the most common among these strategies, with 80.9% of dark humour examples being transposed in a way that kept the ST’s function substantially intact. Weakening of darkly humorous lines was applied in 12% of cases, whereas increased effect accounted for 4.6% and complete omission for 2.5%. The fact that for most examples of Nsp VEH (84.9%) and V-AC (V+VE) (91.4%) a close rendering effect was observed and that 12 out of 21 examples of V-AC (PL) (a combined 57%) were either omitted or weakened seemed to confirm, on the one hand, the complexity of the translation process required by cases of V-AC (PL) and V-AC (CS). On the other hand, as suggested in the second part of the research hypothesis, the data might be interpreted as indicating that lesser effort on the translator/adaptor’s part is involved in the adaptation of V-AC (Nsp VEH) and V-V (V+VE). The issue of the possible censorial intervention undergone by examples of verbal dark humour in the sample still remains unclear.


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While imperfect information games are an excellent model of real-world problems and tasks, they are often difficult for computer programs to play at a high level of proficiency, especially if they involve major uncertainty and a very large state space. Kriegspiel, a variant of chess making it similar to a wargame, is a perfect example: while the game was studied for decades from a game-theoretical viewpoint, it was only very recently that the first practical algorithms for playing it began to appear. This thesis presents, documents and tests a multi-sided effort towards making a strong Kriegspiel player, using heuristic searching, retrograde analysis and Monte Carlo tree search algorithms to achieve increasingly higher levels of play. The resulting program is currently the strongest computer player in the world and plays at an above-average human level.


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In this work we investigate the influence of dark energy on structure formation, within five different cosmological models, namely a concordance $\Lambda$CDM model, two models with dynamical dark energy, viewed as a quintessence scalar field (using a RP and a SUGRA potential form) and two extended quintessence models (EQp and EQn) where the quintessence scalar field interacts non-minimally with gravity (scalar-tensor theories). We adopted for all models the normalization of the matter power spectrum $\sigma_{8}$ to match the CMB data. For each model, we perform hydrodynamical simulations in a cosmological box of $(300 \ {\rm{Mpc}} \ h^{-1})^{3}$ including baryons and allowing for cooling and star formation. We find that, in models with dynamical dark energy, the evolving cosmological background leads to different star formation rates and different formation histories of galaxy clusters, but the baryon physics is not affected in a relevant way. We investigate several proxies for the cluster mass function based on X-ray observables like temperature, luminosity, $M_{gas}$, and $Y_{X}$. We confirm that the overall baryon fraction is almost independent of the dark energy models within few percentage points. The same is true for the gas fraction. This evidence reinforces the use of galaxy clusters as cosmological probe of the matter and energy content of the Universe. We also study the $c-M$ relation in the different cosmological scenarios, using both dark matter only and hydrodynamical simulations. We find that the normalization of the $c-M$ relation is directly linked to $\sigma_{8}$ and the evolution of the density perturbations for $\Lambda$CDM, RP and SUGRA, while for EQp and EQn it depends also on the evolution of the linear density contrast. These differences in the $c-M$ relation provide another way to use galaxy clusters to constrain the underlying cosmology.


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AMS-02 is running after great scientific goals since one year and a half: a final setting up for dark matter searches has been achieved, allowing to study the so important antiparticle to particle ratios, which will probably be the first dark matter signals ever corroborated. Even if primary cosmic rays fluxes are subjected to a lot of uncertainties sources, some statements can be done and have been written down about dark matter properties: DM should be a heavy Majorana fermion or Spin 0 or 1 boson, with a mass from about 1 TeV to 10 TeV - unveiling a new TeV-ish search age - which could be able to originate antiparticle fluxes enhancements at high energies, both for positrons and antiprotons. All the observations, direct and indirect, point to these new paradigms or can be traced back to them quite easily. These enhancements perfectly fall into the research window of AMS-02, allowing the experiment to attack each today credible theory. Also an investigation of the Sommerfeld effect-associated dark boson will be possible, in terms of antiparticle to particle ratios substructures. The first great AMS-02 measurement is the positron fraction: an official paper is going to be submitted in few months, where the correct behavior of the apparatus will be reviewed and the full positron fraction rate will be analyzed up to 200 GeV. In this concern, one of the objectives of this work is to test the AMS-02 capability and versatility in doing these dark matter researches, thanks to an orbital temporal (and geomagnetic) stability. The goal has been accomplished: the experiment is very stable in time, so that the temporal error associated to the positron fraction measurement is compatible with zero, offering a beyond belief opportunity to measure CR antiparticle to particle ratios.


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La presente tesi di dottorato ha come argomento la produzione d’idrogeno per via fermentativa sfruttando il metabolismo anaerobico di particolari batteri estremofili del genere Thermotoga. In questo lavoro, svolto in seno al progetto Bio-Hydro, sfruttando reattori batch da 116 mL, è stato selezionato il ceppo migliore di Thermotoga fra i quatto ceppi testati: T. neapolitana. Una volta individuato il candidato batterico migliore è stato individuato il valore ottimale di pH (8.5 a t.amb) per la produzione d’idrogeno. Un intenso lavoro è stato svolto sul medium di coltura permettendone la minimizzazione e rendendolo così economicamente sostenibile per il suo utilizzo nel reattore da 19L; in questo caso il glucosio è stato completamente sostituito con due sottoprodotti agroindustriali individuati in precedenza, il melasso di barbabietola e il siero di latte. Sono stati poi eliminati i gravosi micronutrienti e le vitamine. È stata sfruttata la capacità di T. neapolitana di produrre biofilm e sono stati testati 4 diversi supporti in vetro sinterizzato e ceramici, tali test hanno permesso di individuare Biomax come supporto migliore. Sono stati svolti studi sul metabolismo di T. neapolitana volti ad individuare le concentrazioni inibenti di ogni substrato testato, l’inibizione da prodotto (idrogeno) e l’inibizione da ossigeno. Tutte queste prove hanno dato le conoscenze di base per la conduzione di esperienze su reattore da 19L. L’innovativo reattore di tipo SPCSTR è stato interamente studiato, progettato e costruito presso il DICMA. dell’Università di Bologna. La conduzione di esperienze batch su SPCSTR ha dato la possibilità di verificare il funzionamento del nuovo tipo d’impianto. Presso il Wageningen UR (NL), è stata svolta la selezione del miglior ceppo di Caldicellulosisruptor fra 3 testati e del miglior supporto per la produzione d’idrogeno; è stato poi costruito testato e condotto in continuo l’innovativo reattore CMTB.


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The way mass is distributed in galaxies plays a major role in shaping their evolution across cosmic time. The galaxy's total mass is usually determined by tracing the motion of stars in its potential, which can be probed observationally by measuring stellar spectra at different distances from the galactic centre, whose kinematics is used to constrain dynamical models. A class of such models, commonly used to accurately determine the distribution of luminous and dark matter in galaxies, is that of equilibrium models. In this Thesis, a novel approach to the design of equilibrium dynamical models, in which the distribution function is an analytic function of the action integrals, is presented. Axisymmetric and rotating models are used to explain observations of a sample of nearby early-type galaxies in the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. Photometric and spectroscopic data for round and flattened galaxies are well fitted by the models, which are then used to get the galaxies' total mass distribution and orbital anisotropy. The time evolution of massive early-type galaxies is also investigated with numerical models. Their structural properties (mass, size, velocity dispersion) are observed to evolve, on average, with redshift. In particular, they appear to be significantly more compact at higher redshift, at fixed stellar mass, so it is interesting to investigate what drives such evolution. This Thesis focuses on the role played by dark-matter haloes: their mass-size and mass-velocity dispersion correlations evolve similarly to the analogous correlations of ellipticals; at fixed halo mass, the haloes are more compact at higher redshift, similarly to massive galaxies; a simple model, in which all the galaxy's size and velocity-dispersion evolution is due to the cosmological evolution of the underlying halo population, reproduces the observed size and velocity-dispersion of massive compact early-type galaxies up to redshift of about 2.