6 resultados para cell components
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Fino dagli albori della metodica scientifica, l’osservazione e la vista hanno giocato un ruolo fondamentale. La patologia è una scienza visiva, dove le forme, i colori, le interfacce e le architetture di organi, tessuti, cellule e componenti cellulari guidano l’occhio del patologo e ne indirizzano la scelta diagnostico-classificativa. L’osservazione del preparato istologico in microscopia ottica si attua mediante l’esame e la caratterizzazione di anomalie ad ingrandimenti progressivamente crescenti, a diverse scale spaziali, che partono dalla valutazione dell’assetto architettonico sovracellulare, per poi spostarsi ad investigare e descrivere le cellule e le peculiarità citomorfologiche delle stesse. A differenza di altri esami di laboratorio che sono pienamente quantificabili, l’analisi istologica è intrinsecamente soggettiva, e quindi incline ad un alto grado di variabilità nei risultati prodotti da differenti patologi. L’analisi d’immagine, l’estrazione da un’immagine digitale di contenuti utili, rappresenta una metodica oggettiva, valida e robusta ormai largamente impiegata a completamento del lavoro del patologo. Si sottolinea come l’analisi d’immagine possa essere vista come fase descrittiva quantitativa di preparati macroscopici e microscopici che poi viene seguita da una interpretazione. Nuovamente si sottolinea come questi descrittori siano oggettivi, ripetibili e riproducibili, e non soggetti a bassa concordanza inter operatore. La presente tesi si snoda attraverso un percorso concettuale orientato ad applicazioni di analisi d’immagine e patologia quantitativa che parte dalle applicazioni più elementari (densità, misure lineari), per arrivare a nozioni più avanzate, quali lo studio di complessità delle forme mediante l’analisi frattale e la quantificazione del pattern spaziale di strutture sovracellulari.
In recent years, 3D bioprinting has emerged as an innovative and versatile technology able to produce in vitro models that resemble the native spatial organization of organ tissues, by employing or more bioinks composed of various types of cells suspended in hydrogels. Natural and semi-synthetic hydrogels are extensively used for 3D bioprinting models since they can mimic the natural composition of the tissues, they are biocompatible and bioactive with customizable mechanical properties, allowing to support cell growth. The possibility to tailor hydrogels mechanical properties by modifying the chemical structures to obtain photo-crosslinkable materials, while maintaining their biocompatibility and biomimicry, make their use versatile and suitable to simulate a broad spectrum of physiological features. In this PhD Thesis, 3D bioprinted in vitro models with tailored mechanical properties and physiologically-like features were fabricated. AlgMa-based bioinks were employed to produce a living platform with gradient stiffness, with the aim to create an easy to handle and accessible biological tool to evaluate mechanobiology. In addition, GelMa, collagen and IPN of GelMa and collagen were used as bioinks to fabricate a proof-of-concept of 3D intestinal barrier, which include multiple cell components and multi-layered structure. A useful rheological guide to drive users to the selection of the suitable bioinks for 3D bioprinting and to correlate the model’s mechanical stability after crosslinking is proposed. In conclusion, a platform capable to reproduce models with physiological gradient stiffness was developed and the fabrication of 3D bioprinted intestinal models displaying a good hierarchical structure and cells composition was fully reported and successfully achieved. The good biological results obtained demonstrated that 3D bioprinting can be used for the fabrications of 3D models and that the mechanical properties of the external environment plays a key role on the cell pathways, viability and morphology.
Batteries should be refined depending on their application for a future in which the sustainable energy demand increases. On the one hand, it is fundamental to improve their safety, prevent failures, increase energy density, and reduce production costs. On the other hand, new battery materials and architecture are required to satisfy the growing demand. This thesis explores different electrochemical energy storage systems and new methodologies to investigate complex and dynamic processes. Lithium-ion batteries are described in all their cell components. In these systems, this thesis investigates negative electrodes. Both the development of new sustainable materials and new in situ electrode characterization methods were explored. One strategy to achieve high-energy systems is employing lithium metal anodes. In this framework, ammonium hexafluorophosphate is demonstrated to be a suitable additive for stabilizing the interphase and preventing uncontrolled dendritic deposition. Deposition/stripping cycles, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, in situ optical microscopy, and operando confocal Raman spectroscopy have been used to study lithium metal-electrolyte interphase in the presence of the additive. Redox Flow Batteries (RFBs) are proposed as a sustainable alternative for stationary applications. An all-copper aqueous RFB (CuRFB) has been studied in all its aspects. For the electrolyte optimization, spectro-electrochemical tests in diluted solution have been used to get information on the electrolyte’s electrochemical behaviour with different copper complexes distributions. In concentrated solutions, the effects of copper-to-ligand ratios, the concentration, and the counter-ion of the complexing agent were evaluated. Electrode thermal treatment was optimized, finding a compromise between the electrochemical performance and the carbon footprint. On the membrane side, a new method for permeability studies was designed using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). The Cu(II) permeability of several membranes was tested, obtaining direct visualization of Cu(II) concentration in space. Also, two spectrophotometric approaches were designed for SoC monitoring systems for negative and positive half-cells.
Critical lower limb ischemia is a severe disease. A common approach is infrainguinal bypass. Synthetic vascular prosthesis, are good conduits in high-flow low-resistance conditions but have difficulty in their performance as small diameter vessel grafts. A new approach is the use of native decellularized vascular tissues. Cell-free vessels are expected to have improved biocompatibility when compared to synthetic and are optimal natural 3D matrix templates for driving stem cell growth and tissue assembly in vivo. Decellularization of tissues represent a promising field for regenerative medicine, with the aim to develop a methodology to obtain small-diameter allografts to be used as a natural scaffold suited for in vivo cell growth and pseudo-tissue assembly, eliminating failure caused from immune response activation. Material and methods. Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal cells isolated from human umbilical cord tissue were expanded in advanced DMEM. Immunofluorescence and molecular characterization revealed a stem cell profile. A non-enzymatic protocol, that associate hypotonic shock and low-concentration ionic detergent, was used to decellularize vessel segments. Cells were seeded cell-free scaffolds using a compound of fibrin and thrombin and incubated in DMEM, after 4 days of static culture they were placed for 2 weeks in a flow-bioreactor, mimicking the cardiovascular pulsatile flow. After dynamic culture, samples were processed for histological, biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Discussion. Histology showed that the dynamic culture cells initiate to penetrate the extracellular matrix scaffold and to produce components of the ECM, as collagen fibres. Sirius Red staining showed layers of immature collagen type III and ultrastructural analysis revealed 30 nm thick collagen fibres, presumably corresponding to the immature collagen. These data confirm the ability of cord-derived cells to adhere and penetrate a natural decellularized tissue and to start to assembly into new tissue. This achievement makes natural 3D matrix templates prospectively valuable candidates for clinical bypass procedures
Through modelling activity, experimental campaigns, test bench and on-field validation, a complete powertrain for a BEV has been designed, assembled and used in a motorsport competition. The activity can be split in three main subjects, representing the three key components of an BEV vehicle. First of all a model of the entire powertrain has been developed in order to understand how the various design choices will influence the race lap-time. The data obtained was then used to design, build and test a first battery pack. After bench tests and track tests, it was understood that by using all the cell charac-teristics, without breaking the rules limitations, higher energy and power densities could have been achieved. An updated battery pack was then designed, produced and raced with at Motostudent 2018 re-sulting in a third place at debut. The second topic of this PhD was the design of novel inverter topologies. Three inverters have been de-signed, two of them using Gallium Nitride devices, a promising semiconductor technology that can achieve high switching speeds while maintaining low switching losses. High switching frequency is crucial to reduce the DC-Bus capacitor and then increase the power density of 3 phase inverters. The third in-verter uses classic Silicon devices but employs a ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching) topology. Despite the in-creased complexity of both the hardware and the control software, it can offer reduced switching losses by using conventional and established silicon mosfet technology. Finally, the mechanical parts of a three phase permanent magnet motor have been designed with the aim to employ it in UniBo Motorsport’s 2020 Formula Student car.
Neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) are characterized by a multifactorial etiology, in which oxidative stress and inflammation are the main causative factors. For this reason, increasing attention is being paid to the characterization and the identification of nutraceuticals and phytochemicals with intrinsic pleiotropic activity. Moreover, in a Circular Economy perspective, these natural compounds can be obtained also from renewable resources derived from the food industry by-products and can be used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. The aim of this PhD program was to identify nutraceuticals and phytochemicals, both as extracts and pure compounds, and obtained from both plant and renewable sources, which due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, were able to counteract cellular and molecular alterations that characterize NDs. Their neuroprotective potential has been evaluated in an in vitro model of neuroinflammation (the LPS-activated BV-2 microglial cell line), and/or in an in vitro model of neuronal oxidative stress (the neuron-like SH-SY5Y cell line differentiated with retinoic acid and exposed to H2O2). Four different projects, although deeply linked by the aforementioned common goal, have been discussed in this thesis: 1_ Impact of phenolic profile of different cherry cultivars on the potential neuroprotective effect in SH-SY5Y cells. 2_Anti-inflammatory activities of Spilanthol-rich essential oil from Acmella oleracea (L.). 3_Study of the anti-inflammatory activity of novel tacrine derivatives with lipids extracted from cashew nutshell liquid. 4_Coffee Silverskin (CSS) and Spent Coffee Grounds (SCG): coffee industry by-products as a promising source of neuroprotective agents. In general, it is, therefore, possible to conclude that the natural compounds studied in this thesis have been proven, due to their antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory properties, to be valid preventive and therapeutic strategies for the treatment of NDs, to improve the life quality of these patients and of the general population by preventing and combating the onset of these deleterious diseases.