4 resultados para castor oil-based polyurethane

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Gli argomenti trattati all’interno di questa tesi di dottorato riguardano la sintesi e la modifica di polimeri ottenuti a partire da fonti rinnovabili. L’acido polilattico (PLA) è stato modificato per ottenere film estensibili per uso alimentare. La scelta del materiale si è basata sull’analisi del suo ciclo di vita e perché è riconosciuto come sicuro per l’utilizzo nel campo alimentare. Le formulazioni testate, a base di PLA, sono state preparate con l’aggiunta di una serie di additivi utilizzati per migliorare le proprietà meccaniche del materiale. La lavorazione è stata eseguita mediante estrusione, ottenendo dei pellet a composizione omogenea successivamente lavorati nell’estrusore a bolla, modalità industriale di produzione dei film estensibili. È stata poi effettuata la sintesi diretta di nuovi poliesteri insaturi a base di dimetil succinato e 1,6-esandiolo. L’insaturazione della catena è stata ottenuta mediante l’uso, durante la sintesi, di derivati dell’olio di ricino, l’acido ricinoleico e il suo derivato insaturo metil undecenoato. Un’altra molecola insatura utilizzata è stata il citronellolo, scelto tra i terpeni. I polimeri così ottenuti sono stati modificati tramite reazioni radicaliche indotte con radiazioni UV utilizzando sostanze antibatteriche (sale 3-esadecil-1-vinilimidazolo bromuro) al fine di ottenere materiali con attività biocida a lungo termine e senza rilascio. Si è proceduto inoltre alla polimerizzazione reversibile di monomeri furanici con oli vegetali utilizzando una strategia di tipo double click. Si è partiti dalla sintesi di monomeri derivanti da oli vegetali contenenti eterocicli furanici attaccati mediante addizione tiol-enica (prima reazione click chemistry) e si è proseguito con la loro successiva polimerizzazione attraverso una reazione di tipo Diels-Alder con molecole con gruppi maleimmidici (seconda reazione click chemistry). I polimeri così ottenuti sono materiali potenzialmente auto-riparanti, grazie alla possibilità di spostare l’equilibrio verso i prodotti o i reagenti semplicemente variando le condizioni di temperatura.


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The traditional lime mortar is composed of hydrated lime, sand and water. Besides these constituents it may also contain additives aiming to modify fresh mortar´s properties and/or to improve hardened mortar´s strength and durability. Already in the first civilizations various additives were used to enhance mortar´s quality, among the organic additives, linseed oil was one of the most common. From literature we know that it was used already in Roman period to reduce water permeability of a mortar, but the mechanism and the technology, e.g. effects of different dosages, are not clearly explained. There are only few works studying the effect of oil experimentally. Knowing the function of oil in historical mortars is important for designing a new compatible repair mortar. Moreover, linseed oil addition could increase the sometimes insufficient durability of lime-based mortars used for reparation and it could be a natural alternative to synthetic additives. In the present study, the effect of linseed oil on the properties of six various lime-based mortars has been studied. Mortars´ compositions have been selected with respect to composition of historical mortars, but also mortars used in a modern restoration practise have been tested. Oil was added in two different concentrations – 1% and 3% by the weight of binder. The addition of 1% of linseed oil has proved to have positive effect on mortars´ properties. It improves mechanical characteristics and limits water absorption into mortar without affecting significantly the total open porosity or decreasing the degree of carbonation. On the other hand, the 3% addition of linseed oil is making mortar to be almost hydrophobic, but it markedly decreases mortars´ strength. However, all types of tested lime-based mortars with the oil addition showed significantly decreased water and salt solution absorption by capillary rise. Addition of oil into mortars is also decreasing the proportion of pores which are easily accessible to water. Furthermore, mortars with linseed oil showed significantly improved resistance to salt crystallization and freeze-thaw cycles. On the base of the obtained results, the addition of 1% of linseed oil can be taken into consideration in the design of mortars meant to repair or replace historic mortars.


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Satellite remote sensing has proved to be an effective support in timely detection and monitoring of marine oil pollution, mainly due to illegal ship discharges. In this context, we have developed a new methodology and technique for optical oil spill detection, which make use of MODIS L2 and MERIS L1B satellite top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance imagery, for the first time in a highly automated way. The main idea was combining wide swaths and short revisit times of optical sensors with SAR observations, generally used in oil spill monitoring. This arises from the necessity to overcome the SAR reduced coverage and long revisit time of the monitoring area. This can be done now, given the MODIS and MERIS higher spatial resolution with respect to older sensors (250-300 m vs. 1 km), which consents the identification of smaller spills deriving from illicit discharge at sea. The procedure to obtain identifiable spills in optical reflectance images involves removal of oceanic and atmospheric natural variability, in order to enhance oil-water contrast; image clustering, which purpose is to segment the oil spill eventually presents in the image; finally, the application of a set of criteria for the elimination of those features which look like spills (look-alikes). The final result is a classification of oil spill candidate regions by means of a score based on the above criteria.


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Food packaging protects food, but it can sometimes become a source of undesired contaminants. Paper based materials, despite being perceived as “natural” and safe, can contain volatile contaminants (especially if made from recycled paper) able to migrate to food, as mineral oil, phthalates and photoinitiators. Mineral oil is a petroleum product used as printing ink solvent for newspapers, magazines and packaging. From paperboard printing and from recycled fibers (if present), mineral oil migrates into food, even if dry, through the gas phase. Its toxicity is not fully evaluated, but a temporary Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 0.6 mg kg-1 has been established for saturated mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOSH), while aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) are more toxic. Extraction and analysis of MOSH and MOAH is difficult due to the thousands of molecules present. Extraction methods for packaging and food have been optimized, then applied for a “shopping trolley survey” on over 100 Italian and Swiss market products. Instrumental analyses were performed with online LC-GC/FID. Average concentration of MOSH in paperboards was 626 mg kg-1. Many had the potential of contaminating foods exceeding temporary ADI tens of times. A long term migration study was then designed to better understand migration kinetics. Egg pasta and müesli were chosen as representative (high surface/weight ratio). They were stored at different temperatures (4, 20, 30, 40 and 60°C) and conditions (free, shelved or boxed packs) for 1 year. MOSH and MOAH kinetic curves show that migration is a fast process, mostly influenced by temperature: in egg pasta (food in direct contact with paperboard), half of MOSH is transferred to food in a week at 40°C and in 8 months at 20°C. The internal plastic bag present in müesli slowed down the startup of migration, creating a “lag time” in the curves.