10 resultados para bioanalytical
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The subject of this thesis is multicolour bioluminescence analysis and how it can provide new tools for drug discovery and development.The mechanism of color tuning in bioluminescent reactions is not fully understood yet but it is object of intense research and several hypothesis have been generated. In the past decade key residues of the active site of the enzyme or in the surface surrounding the active site have been identified as responsible of different color emission. Anyway since bioluminescence reaction is strictly dependent from the interaction between the enzyme and its substrate D-luciferin, modification of the substrate can lead to a different emission spectrum too. In the recent years firefly luciferase and other luciferases underwent mutagenesis in order to obtain mutants with different emission characteristics. Thanks to these new discoveries in the bioluminescence field multicolour luciferases can be nowadays employed in bioanalysis for assay developments and imaging purposes. The use of multicolor bioluminescent enzymes expanded the potential of a range of application in vitro and in vivo. Multiple analysis and more information can be obtained from the same analytical session saving cost and time. This thesis focuses on several application of multicolour bioluminescence for high-throughput screening and in vivo imaging. Multicolor luciferases can be employed as new tools for drug discovery and developments and some examples are provided in the different chapters. New red codon optimized luciferase have been demonstrated to be improved tools for bioluminescence imaging in small animal and the possibility to combine red and green luciferases for BLI has been achieved even if some aspects of the methodology remain challenging and need further improvement. In vivo Bioluminescence imaging has known a rapid progress since its first application no more than 15 years ago. It is becoming an indispensable tool in pharmacological research. At the same time the development of more sensitive and implemented microscopes and low-light imager for a better visualization and quantification of multicolor signals would boost the research and the discoveries in life sciences in general and in drug discovery and development in particular.
Recent advances in the fast growing area of therapeutic/diagnostic proteins and antibodies - novel and highly specific drugs - as well as the progress in the field of functional proteomics regarding the correlation between the aggregation of damaged proteins and (immuno) senescence or aging-related pathologies, underline the need for adequate analytical methods for the detection, separation, characterization and quantification of protein aggregates, regardless of the their origin or formation mechanism. Hollow fiber flow field-flow fractionation (HF5), the miniaturized version of FlowFFF and integral part of the Eclipse DUALTEC FFF separation system, was the focus of this research; this flow-based separation technique proved to be uniquely suited for the hydrodynamic size-based separation of proteins and protein aggregates in a very broad size and molecular weight (MW) range, often present at trace levels. HF5 has shown to be (a) highly selective in terms of protein diffusion coefficients, (b) versatile in terms of bio-compatible carrier solution choice, (c) able to preserve the biophysical properties/molecular conformation of the proteins/protein aggregates and (d) able to discriminate between different types of protein aggregates. Thanks to the miniaturization advantages and the online coupling with highly sensitive detection techniques (UV/Vis, intrinsic fluorescence and multi-angle light scattering), HF5 had very low detection/quantification limits for protein aggregates. Compared to size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), HF5 demonstrated superior selectivity and potential as orthogonal analytical method in the extended characterization assays, often required by therapeutic protein formulations. In addition, the developed HF5 methods have proven to be rapid, highly selective, sensitive and repeatable. HF5 was ideally suitable as first dimension of separation of aging-related protein aggregates from whole cell lysates (proteome pre-fractionation method) and, by HF5-(UV)-MALS online coupling, important biophysical information on the fractionated proteins and protein aggregates was gathered: size (rms radius and hydrodynamic radius), absolute MW and conformation.
DNA as powerful building molecule, is widely used for the assembly of molecular structures and dynamic molecular devices with different potential applications, ranging from synthetic biology to diagnostics. The feature of sequence programmability, which makes it possible to predict how single stranded DNA molecules fold and interact with one another, allowed the development of spatiotemporally controlled nanostructures and the engineering of supramolecular devices. The first part of this thesis addresses the development of an integrated chemiluminescence (CL)-based lab-on-chip sensor for detection of Adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP) life biomarker in extra-terrestrial environments.Subsequently, we investigated whether it is possible to study the interaction and the recognition between biomolecules and their targets, mimicking the intracellular environment in terms of crowding, confinement and compartmentalization. To this purpose, we developed a split G-quadruplex DNAzyme platform for the chemiluminescent and quantitative detection of antibodies based on antibody-induced co-localization proximity mechanism in which a split G-quadruplex DNAzyme is led to reassemble into the functional native G-quadruplex conformation as the effect of a guided spatial nanoconfinement.The following part of this thesis aims at developing chemiluminescent nanoparticles for bioimaging and photodynamic therapy applications.In chapter5 a realistic and accurate evaluation of the potentiality of electrochemistry and chemiluminescence (CL) for biosensors development (i.e., is it better to “measure an electron or a photon”?), has been achieved.In chapter 6 the emission anisotropy phenomenon for an emitting dipole bound to the interface between two media with different refractive index has been investigated for chemiluminescence detection.
At the intersection of biology, chemistry, and engineering, biosensors are a multidisciplinary innovation that provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional laboratory techniques. Due to their advantages, biosensors are used in medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, food safety and many other fields. The first part of the thesis is concerned with learning the state of the art of paper-based immunosensors with bioluminescent (BL) and chemiluminescent (CL) detection. The use of biospecific assays combined with CL detection and paper-based technology offers an optimal approach to creating analytical tools for on-site applications and we have focused on the specific areas that need to be considered more in order to ensure a future practical implementation of these methods in routine analyses. The subsequent part of the thesis addresses the development of an autonomous lab-on-chip platform for performing chemiluminescent-based bioassays in space environment, exploiting a CubeSat platform for astrobiological investigations. An origami-inspired microfluidic paper-based analytical device has been developed with the purpose of assesses its performance in space and to evaluate its functionality and the resilience of the (bio)molecules when exposed to a radiation-rich environment. Subsequently, we designed a paper-based assay to detect traces of ovalbumin in food samples, creating a user-friendly immunosensing platform. To this purpose, we developed an origami device that exploits a competitive immunoassay coupled with chemiluminescence detection and magnetic microbeads used to immobilize ovalbumin on paper. Finally, with the aim of exploring the use of biomimetic materials, an hydrogel-based chemiluminescence biosensor for the detection of H2O2 and glucose was developed. A guanosine hydrogel was prepared and loaded with luminol and hemin, miming a DNAzyme activity. Subsequently, the hydrogel was modified by incorporating glucose oxidase enzyme to enable glucose biosensing. The emitted photons were detected using a portable device equipped with a smartphone's CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) camera for CL emission detection.
Nano(bio)science and nano(bio)technology play a growing and tremendous interest both on academic and industrial aspects. They are undergoing rapid developments on many fronts such as genomics, proteomics, system biology, and medical applications. However, the lack of characterization tools for nano(bio)systems is currently considered as a major limiting factor to the final establishment of nano(bio)technologies. Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FlFFF) is a separation technique that is definitely emerging in the bioanalytical field, and the number of applications on nano(bio)analytes such as high molar-mass proteins and protein complexes, sub-cellular units, viruses, and functionalized nanoparticles is constantly increasing. This can be ascribed to the intrinsic advantages of FlFFF for the separation of nano(bio)analytes. FlFFF is ideally suited to separate particles over a broad size range (1 nm-1 μm) according to their hydrodynamic radius (rh). The fractionation is carried out in an empty channel by a flow stream of a mobile phase of any composition. For these reasons, fractionation is developed without surface interaction of the analyte with packing or gel media, and there is no stationary phase able to induce mechanical or shear stress on nanosized analytes, which are for these reasons kept in their native state. Characterization of nano(bio)analytes is made possible after fractionation by interfacing the FlFFF system with detection techniques for morphological, optical or mass characterization. For instance, FlFFF coupling with multi-angle light scattering (MALS) detection allows for absolute molecular weight and size determination, and mass spectrometry has made FlFFF enter the field of proteomics. Potentialities of FlFFF couplings with multi-detection systems are discussed in the first section of this dissertation. The second and the third sections are dedicated to new methods that have been developed for the analysis and characterization of different samples of interest in the fields of diagnostics, pharmaceutics, and nanomedicine. The second section focuses on biological samples such as protein complexes and protein aggregates. In particular it focuses on FlFFF methods developed to give new insights into: a) chemical composition and morphological features of blood serum lipoprotein classes, b) time-dependent aggregation pattern of the amyloid protein Aβ1-42, and c) aggregation state of antibody therapeutics in their formulation buffers. The third section is dedicated to the analysis and characterization of structured nanoparticles designed for nanomedicine applications. The discussed results indicate that FlFFF with on-line MALS and fluorescence detection (FD) may become the unparallel methodology for the analysis and characterization of new, structured, fluorescent nanomaterials.
The aim of this thesis was to design, synthesize and develop a nanoparticle based system to be used as a chemosensor or as a label in bioanalytical applications. A versatile fluorescent functionalizable nanoarchitecture has been effectively produced based on the hydrolysis and condensation of TEOS in direct micelles of Pluronic® F 127, obtaining highly monodisperse silica - core / PEG - shell nanoparticles with a diameter of about 20 nm. Surface functionalized nanoparticles have been obtained in a one-pot procedure by chemical modification of the hydroxyl terminal groups of the surfactant. To make them fluorescent, a whole library of triethoxysilane fluorophores (mainly BODIPY based), encompassing the whole visible spectrum has been synthesized: this derivatization allows a high degree of doping, but the close proximity of the molecules inside the silica matrix leads to the development of self - quenching processes at high doping levels, with the concomitant fall of the fluorescence signal intensity. In order to bypass this parasite phenomenon, multichromophoric systems have been prepared, where highly efficient FRET processes occur, showing that this energy pathway is faster than self - quenching, recovering the fluorescence signal. The FRET efficiency remains very high even four dye nanoparticles, increasing the pseudo Stokes shift of the system, attractive feature for multiplexing analysis. These optimized nanoparticles have been successfully exploited in molecular imaging applications such as in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo imaging, proving themselves superior to conventional molecular fluorophores as signaling units.
The promising development in the routine nanofabrication and the increasing knowledge of the working principles of new classes of highly sensitive, label-free and possibly cost-effective bio-nanosensors for the detection of molecules in liquid environment, has rapidly increased the possibility to develop portable sensor devices that could have a great impact on many application fields, such as health-care, environment and food production, thanks to the intrinsic ability of these biosensors to detect, monitor and study events at the nanoscale. Moreover, there is a growing demand for low-cost, compact readout structures able to perform accurate preliminary tests on biosensors and/or to perform routine tests with respect to experimental conditions avoiding skilled personnel and bulky laboratory instruments. This thesis focuses on analysing, designing and testing novel implementation of bio-nanosensors in layered hybrid systems where microfluidic devices and microelectronic systems are fused in compact printed circuit board (PCB) technology. In particular the manuscript presents hybrid systems in two validating cases using nanopore and nanowire technology, demonstrating new features not covered by state of the art technologies and based on the use of two custom integrated circuits (ICs). As far as the nanopores interface system is concerned, an automatic setup has been developed for the concurrent formation of bilayer lipid membranes combined with a custom parallel readout electronic system creating a complete portable platform for nanopores or ion channels studies. On the other hand, referring to the nanowire readout hybrid interface, two systems enabling to perform parallel, real-time, complex impedance measurements based on lock-in technique, as well as impedance spectroscopy measurements have been developed. This feature enable to experimentally investigate the possibility to enrich informations on the bio-nanosensors concurrently acquiring impedance magnitude and phase thus investigating capacitive contributions of bioanalytical interactions on biosensor surface.
The aim of this thesis was to design, synthesize and characterize dye-doped silica nanoparticles (DDSNPs) to be used as chemosensors or labels in bioanalytical applications. DDSNPs represent one of the most versatile and useful components in nanomedicine displaying important features such as high colloid stability in water, low toxicity, one-pot inexpensive synthesis and tunable fluorescence emission. Starting from the one-pot and highly reproducible synthesis of “silica-core/PEG shell” DDSNPs based on the use of micelles of Pluronic F127, in which take place both hydrolysis and condensation of the silica precursor and of the dyes functionalized with a triethoxysilane group, we developed DDSNPs suitable for optical and optoacustic imaging, drug loading and chemical sensing obtaining very interesting results for the further development of nanomedicine.
After initial efforts in the late 1980s, the interest in thermochemiluminescence (TCL) as an effective detection technique has gradually faded due to some drawbacks, such as the high temperatures required to trigger the light emission and the relatively low intensities, which determined a poor sensitivity. Recent advances made with the adoption of variably functionalized 1,2-dioxetanes as innovative luminophores, have proved to be a promising approach for the development of reagentless and ultrasensitive detection methods exploitable in biosensors by using TCL compounds as labels, as either single molecules or included in modified nanoparticles. In this PhD Thesis, a novel class of N-substituted acridine-containing 1,2-dioxetanes was designed, synthesized, and characterized as universal TCL probes endowed with optimal emission-triggering temperatures and higher detectability particularly useful in bioanalytical assays. The different decorations introduced by the insertion of both electron donating (EDGs) and electron withdrawing groups (EWGs) at the 2- and 7-positions of acridine fluorophore was found to profoundly affect the photophysical properties and the activation parameters of the final 1,2-dioxetane products. Challenges in the synthesis of 1,2-dioxetanes were tackled with the recourse to continuous flow photochemistry to achieve the target parent compound in high yields, short reaction time, and easy scalability. Computational studies were also carried out to predict the olefins reactivity in the crucial photooxygenation reaction as well as the final products stability. The preliminary application of TCL prototype molecule has been performed in HaCaT cell lines showing the ability of these molecules to be detected in real biological samples and cell-based assays. Finally, attempts on the characterization of 1,2-dioxetanes in different environments (solid state, optical glue and nanosystems) and the development of bioconjugated TCL probes will be also presented and discussed.
Biomarkers are biological indicators of human health conditions. Their ultra-sensitive quantification is of paramount importance in clinical monitoring and early disease diagnosis. Biosensors are simple and easy-to-use analytical devices and, in their world, electrochemiluminescence (ECL) is one of the most promising analytical techniques that needs an ever-increasing sensitivity for improving its clinical effectiveness. Scope of this project was the investigation of the ECL generation mechanisms for enhancing the ECL intensity also through the identification of suitable nanostructures. The combination of nanotechnologies, microscopy and ECL has proved to be a very successful strategy to improve the analytical efficiency of ECL in one of its most promising bioanalytical approaches, the bead-based immunoassay. Nanosystems, such as [Ru(bpy)3]2+-dye-doped nanoparticles (DDSNPs) and Bodipy Carbon Nanodots, have been used to improve the sensitivity of ECL techniques thanks to their advantageous and tuneable properties, reaching a signal increase of 750% in DDSNPs-bead-based immunoassay system. In this thesis, an investigation of size and distance effects on the ECL mechanisms was carried out through the innovative combination of ECL microscopy and electrochemical mapping of radicals. It allowed the discovery of an unexpected and highly efficient mechanistic path for ECL generation at small distances from the electrode surface. It was exploited and enhanced through the addition of a branched amine DPIBA to the usual coreactant TPrA solution for enhancing the ECL efficiency until a maximum of 128%. Finally, a beads-based immunoassay and an immunosensor specific for cardiac Troponin I were built exploiting previous results and carbon nanotubes features. They created a conductive layer around beads enhancing the signal by 70% and activating an ECL mechanism unobserved before in such systems. In conclusion, the combination of ECL microscopy and nanotechnology and the deep understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the ECL emission led to a great enhancement in the signal.