1 resultado para analgesic and anti-inflamatory activity
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
BACKGROUND Neuroendocrine neoplasia (NEN) are divided in well differentiated G1,G2 and G3 neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and G3 neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). For the latter no standard therapy in second-line is available and prognosis is poor. METHODS Primary aim was to evaluate new prognostic and predictive biomarkers (WP1-3). In WP4 we explored the activity of FOLFIRI and CAPTEM as second-line in NEC patients in a multicenter non-comparative phase II trial RESULTS In WP1-2 we found that 4 of 6 GEP-NEC patients with a negative 68Ga-PET/CT had a loss of expression of RB1. In WP3 on 47 GEP-NENs patients the presence of DLL3 in 76.9% of G3 NEC correlate with RB1-loss (p<0.001), negative 68Ga-PET/CT(p=0.001) and a poor prognosis. In the WP4 we conducted a multicenter non-comparative phase II trial to explore the activity of FOLFIRI or CAPTEM in terms of DCR, PFS and OS given as second-line in NEC patients. From 06/03/2017 to 18/01/2021 53 out of 112 patients were enrolled in 17 of 23 participating centers. Median follow-up was 10.8 (range 1.4 – 38.6) months. The 3-month DCR was 39.3% in the FOLFIRI and 32.0 % in the CAPTEM arm. The 6-months PFS rate was 34.6% ( 95%CI 17.5-52.5) in FOLFIRI and 9.6% (95%CI 1.8-25.7) in CAPTEM group. In the FOLFIRI subgroup the 6-months and 12-months OS rate were 55.4% (95%CI 32.6-73.3) and 30.3% (CI 11.1-52.2) respectively. In CAPTEM arm the 6-months and 12-months OS rate were 57.2% (95%34.9-74.3) and 29.0% (95%10.0-43.3). The miRNA analysis of 20 patients compared with 20 healthy subjects shows an overexpression of miRNAs involved in staminality , neo-angiogenesis and mitochontrial anaerobic glycolysis activation. CONCLUSION WP1-3 support the hypothesis that G3NECs carrying RB1 loss is associated with a DLL3 expression highlighting a potential therapeutic opportunity. Our study unfortunately didn’t met the primary end–point but the results are promising