8 resultados para aberrations
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The diameters of traditional dish concentrators can reach several tens of meters, the construction of monolithic mirrors being difficult at these scales: cheap flat reflecting facets mounted on a common frame generally reproduce a paraboloidal surface. When a standard imaging mirror is coupled with a PV dense array, problems arise since the solar image focused is intrinsically circular. Moreover, the corresponding irradiance distribution is bell-shaped in contrast with the requirement of having all the cells under the same illumination. Mismatch losses occur when interconnected cells experience different conditions, in particular in series connections. In this PhD Thesis, we aim at solving these issues by a multidisciplinary approach, exploiting optical concepts and applications developed specifically for astronomical use, where the improvement of the image quality is a very important issue. The strategy we propose is to boost the spot uniformity acting uniquely on the primary reflector and avoiding the big mirrors segmentation into numerous smaller elements that need to be accurately mounted and aligned. In the proposed method, the shape of the mirrors is analytically described by the Zernike polynomials and its optimization is numerically obtained to give a non-imaging optics able to produce a quasi-square spot, spatially uniform and with prescribed concentration level. The freeform primary optics leads to a substantial gain in efficiency without secondary optics. Simple electrical schemes for the receiver are also required. The concept has been investigated theoretically modeling an example of CPV dense array application, including the development of non-optical aspects as the design of the detector and of the supporting mechanics. For the method proposed and the specific CPV system described, a patent application has been filed in Italy with the number TO2014A000016. The patent has been developed thanks to the collaboration between the University of Bologna and INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics).
Gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma are uncommon before age of 40 years. While certain clinical, pathological and molecular features of GEJ adenocarcinoma in older patients have been extensively studied, these characteristics in the younger population remain to be determined. In the recent literature, a high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma was demonstrated by using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) DNA probe set specific for the locus specific regions 9p21 (p16), 20q13.2 and Y chromosome. We evaluated 663 patients with GEJ adenocarcinoma and further divided them into 2 age-groups of
The project was developed into three parts: the analysis of p63 isoform in breast tumours; the study of intra-tumour eterogeneicity in metaplastic breast carcinoma; the analysis of oncocytic breast carcinoma. p63 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding factor, homologue of the tumour suppressor and transcription factor p53. The human p63 gene is composed of 15 exons and transcription can occur from two distinct promoters: the transactivating isoforms (TAp63) are generated by a promoter upstream of exon 1, while the alternative promoter located in intron 3 leads to the expression of N-terminal truncated isoforms (ΔNp63). It has been demonstrated that anti-p63 antibodies decorate the majority of squamous cell carcinomas of different organs; moreover tumours with myoepithelial differentiation of the breast show nuclear p63 expression. Two new isoforms have been described with the same sequence as TAp63 and ΔNp63 but lacking exon 4: d4TAp63 and ΔNp73L, respectively. Purpose of the study was to investigate the molecular expression of N-terminal p63 isoforms in benign and malignant breast tissues. In the present study 40 specimens from normal breast, benign lesions, DIN/DCIS, and invasive carcinomas were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase-PCR) in order to disclose the patterns of p63 expression. We have observed that the full-length isoforms can be detected in non neoplastic and neoplastic lesions, while the short isoforms are only present in the neoplastic cells of invasive carcinomas. Metaplastic carcinomas of the breast are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms which exhibit varied patterns of metaplasia and differentiation. The existence of such non-modal populations harbouring distinct genetic aberrations may explain the phenotypic diversity observed within a given tumour. Intra-tumour morphological heterogeneity is not uncommon in breast cancer and it can often be appreciated in metaplastic breast carcinomas. Aim of this study was to determine the existence of intra-tumour genetic heterogeneity in metaplastic breast cancers and whether areas with distinct morphological features in a given tumour might be underpinned by distinct patterns of genetic aberrations. 47 cases of metaplastic breast carcinomas were retrieved. Out of the 47 cases, 9 had areas that were of sufficient dimensions to be independently microdissected. Our results indicate that at least some breast cancers are composed of multiple non-modal populations of clonally related cells and provide direct evidence that at least some types of metaplastic breast cancers are composed of multiple non-modal clones harbouring distinct genetic aberrations. Oncocytic tumours represent a distinctive set of lesions with typical granular cytoplasmatic eosinophilia of the neoplastic cells. Only rare example of breast oncocytic carcinomas have been reported in literature and the incidence is probably underestimated. In this study we have analysed 33 cases of oncocytic invasive breast carcinoma of the breast, selected according to morphological and immunohistochemical criteria. These tumours were morphologically classified and studied by immunohistochemistry and aCGH. We have concluded that oncocytic breast carcinoma is a morphologic entity with distinctive ultrastructural and histological features; immunohistochemically is characterized by a luminal profile, it has a frequency of 19.8%, has not distinctive clinical features and, at molecular level, shows a specific constellation of genetic aberration.
An Adaptive Optic (AO) system is a fundamental requirement of 8m-class telescopes. We know that in order to obtain the maximum possible resolution allowed by these telescopes we need to correct the atmospheric turbulence. Thanks to adaptive optic systems we are able to use all the effective potential of these instruments, drawing all the information from the universe sources as best as possible. In an AO system there are two main components: the wavefront sensor (WFS) that is able to measure the aberrations on the incoming wavefront in the telescope, and the deformable mirror (DM) that is able to assume a shape opposite to the one measured by the sensor. The two subsystem are connected by the reconstructor (REC). In order to do this, the REC requires a “common language" between these two main AO components. It means that it needs a mapping between the sensor-space and the mirror-space, called an interaction matrix (IM). Therefore, in order to operate correctly, an AO system has a main requirement: the measure of an IM in order to obtain a calibration of the whole AO system. The IM measurement is a 'mile stone' for an AO system and must be done regardless of the telescope size or class. Usually, this calibration step is done adding to the telescope system an auxiliary artificial source of light (i.e a fiber) that illuminates both the deformable mirror and the sensor, permitting the calibration of the AO system. For large telescope (more than 8m, like Extremely Large Telescopes, ELTs) the fiber based IM measurement requires challenging optical setups that in some cases are also impractical to build. In these cases, new techniques to measure the IM are needed. In this PhD work we want to check the possibility of a different method of calibration that can be applied directly on sky, at the telescope, without any auxiliary source. Such a technique can be used to calibrate AO system on a telescope of any size. We want to test the new calibration technique, called “sinusoidal modulation technique”, on the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) AO system, which is already a complete AO system with the two main components: a secondary deformable mirror with by 672 actuators, and a pyramid wavefront sensor. My first phase of PhD work was helping to implement the WFS board (containing the pyramid sensor and all the auxiliary optical components) working both optical alignments and tests of some optical components. Thanks to the “solar tower” facility of the Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri (Firenze), we have been able to reproduce an environment very similar to the telescope one, testing the main LBT AO components: the pyramid sensor and the secondary deformable mirror. Thanks to this the second phase of my PhD thesis: the measure of IM applying the sinusoidal modulation technique. At first we have measured the IM using a fiber auxiliary source to calibrate the system, without any kind of disturbance injected. After that, we have tried to use this calibration technique in order to measure the IM directly “on sky”, so adding an atmospheric disturbance to the AO system. The results obtained in this PhD work measuring the IM directly in the Arcetri solar tower system are crucial for the future development: the possibility of the acquisition of IM directly on sky means that we are able to calibrate an AO system also for extremely large telescope class where classic IM measurements technique are problematic and, sometimes, impossible. Finally we have not to forget the reason why we need this: the main aim is to observe the universe. Thanks to these new big class of telescopes and only using their full capabilities, we will be able to increase our knowledge of the universe objects observed, because we will be able to resolve more detailed characteristics, discovering, analyzing and understanding the behavior of the universe components.
I linfomi primitivi cutanei riconosciuti nella classificazione della WHO/EORTC si presentano come “entità cliniche distinte” su base clinica, morfologica, immunofenotipica e molecolare. Il fenotipo linfocitario T helper CD4+ caratterizza i CTCL, ma alcune entità a prognosi aggressiva presentano un immunofenotipo citotossico CD8+. Numerosi studi di citogenetica (CGH) e gene-expression profiling (GEP) sono stati condotti negli ultimi anni sui CTCL e sono state riscontrate numerose aberrazioni cromosomiche correlate ai meccanismi di controllo del ciclo cellulare. Scopo del nostro studio è la valutazione delle alterazioni genomiche coinvolte nella tumorigenesi di alcuni CTCL aggressivi: il linfoma extranodale NK/T nasal-type, il linfoma primitivo cutaneo aggressivo epidermotropo (AECTCL) e il gruppo dei PTCL/NOS pleomorfo CD8+. Il materiale bioptico dei pazienti è stato sottoposto alla metodica dell’array-CGH per identificare le anomalie cromosomiche; in alcuni casi di AECTCL è stata applicata la GEP, che evidenzia il profilo di espressione genica delle cellule neoplastiche. I dati ottenuti sono stati valutati in modo statistico, evidenziando le alterazioni cromosomiche comuni significative di ogni entità. In CGH, sono state evidenziate alcune aberrazioni comuni fra le entità studiate, la delezione di 9p21.3, l’amplificazione di 17q, 19p13, 19q13.11-q13.32 , 12q13 e 16p13.3, che determinano la delezione dei geni CDKN2A e CDKN2B e l’attivazione del JAK/STAT signaling pathway. Altre alterazioni definiscono l’amplificazione di c-MYC (8q24) e CCND1/CDK4-6 (11q13). In particolare, sono state evidenziate numerose anomalie genomiche comuni in casi di AECTCL e PTCL/NOS pleomorfo. L’applicazione della GEP in 5 casi di AECTCL ha confermato l’alterata espressione dei geni CDKN2A, JAK3 e STAT6, che potrebbero avere un ruolo diretto nella linfomagenesi. Lo studio di un numero maggiore di casi in GEP e l’introduzione delle nuove indagini molecolari come l’analisi dei miRNA, della whole-exome e whole genome sequences consentiranno di evidenziare alterazioni molecolari correlate con la prognosi, definendo anche nuovi target terapeutici.
Lo scopo del progetto triennale del dottorato di ricerca è lo studio delle alterazioni genetiche in un gruppo di pazienti affetti da micosi fungoide ed un gruppo di pazienti affetti da sindrome di Sezary. Dalle biopsie cutanee è stato estratto il DNA e analizzato, comparandolo con DNA sano di riferimento, utilizzando la tecnica array-CGH, allo scopo di identificare la presenza di geni potenzialmente implicati nel processo di oncogenesi. Questa analisi è stata eseguita, per ogni paziente, su biopsie effettuate ad una fase iniziale di malattia e ad una fase di progressione della stessa. Sugli stessi pazienti è stata inoltre eseguita un’analisi miRNA. Si ipotizza che il profilo d’espressione dei miRNA possa infatti dare informazioni utili per predire lo stato di malattia, il decorso clinico, la progressione tumorale e la riposta terapeutica. Questo lavoro è stato poi eseguito su biopsie effettuate in pazienti affetti da sindrome di Sezary che, quando non insorge primitivamente come tale, si può considerare una fase evolutiva della micosi fungoide. La valutazione delle alterazioni genetiche, ed in particolare la correlazione esistente tra duplicazione e delezione genetica e sovra/sottoespressione genetica, è stata possibile attraverso l’interpretazione e la comparazione dei dati ottenuti attraverso le tecniche array-CGH e miRNA. Sono stati comparati i risultati ottenuti per valutare quali fossero le alterazioni cromosomiche riscontrate nei diversi stadi di malattia. L’applicazione dell’array-CGH e della metodica di analisi mi-RNA si sono rivelate molto utili per l’identificazione delle diverse aberrazioni cromosomiche presenti nel genoma dei pazienti affetti da micosi fungoide e sindrome di Sezary, per valutare la prognosi del paziente e per cercare di migliorare o trovare nuove linee terapeutiche per il trattamento delle due patologie. Lo studio di questi profili può rappresentare quindi uno strumento di grande importanza nella classificazione e nella diagnosi dei tumori.
L’overespressione dei geni EVI1(3q26) e PRDM16(1p36), è descritta sia in presenza che in assenza di riarrangiamenti 3q26 e 1p36 in specifici sottogruppi citogenetici di LAM, ed è associata ad una prognosi sfavorevole. Lo scopo principale del nostro studio è stato identificare e caratterizzare tramite FISH e RQ-PCR, alterazioni di EVI1 e PRDM16 in pazienti con alterazioni cromosomiche 3q e 1p.Riarrangiamenti di EVI1 si associavano ad alterazioni cromosomiche 3q26, ma, in 6 casi (6/35;17,1%) erano presenti in assenza di coinvolgimenti, in citogenetica convenzionale, della regione 3q26, a causa di meccanismi complessi e/o alterazioni ‘criptiche’. Inoltre, abbiamo identificato quattro nuovi riarrangiamenti di EVI1, tra cui due nuove traslocazioni simili presenti in due fratelli. Riarrangiamenti e/o amplificazioni di PRDM16 erano spesso associate ad alterazioni 1p36 (7/14;50%). L’analisi di EVI1 e PRDM16 è stata estesa ad altri casi con alterazioni -7/7q-, con cariotipo normale, con alterazioni 3q per PRDM16 e con alterazioni 1p per EVI1. L’overespressione di EVI1 era presente solo nel gruppo -7/7q- (10/58;17.2%) ed in un caso si associava ad amplificazione genica, mentre PRDM16 era overespresso in casi di tutti i gruppi analizzati,sia con cariotipi complessi, dove si associava in alcuni casi ad amplificazione genica, sia con cariotipi normali o con singole alterazioni. Il nostro studio dimostra come la FISH permetta di identificare alterazioni dei geni EVI1 e PRDM16, anche in assenza di coinvolgimenti delle regioni 3q26 e 1p36. Riarrangiamenti complessi e/o una scarsa qualità dei preparati citogenetici sono le cause principali per la mancata identificazione di queste alterazioni. La RQ-PCR permette di identificare l’overespressione anche nei casi in cui non sia dovuta ad alterazioni citogenetiche. È importante confermare con FISH e/o RQ-PCR il coinvolgimento di questi due geni, per individuare alla diagnosi pazienti con prognosi sfavorevole e che potranno beneficiare di terapie maggiormente aggressive e/o di trapianto allogenico di cellule staminali.
The existence of Multiple Myeloma Stem cells (MMSCs)is supposed to be one of the major causes of MM drug-resistance. However, very little is known about the molecular characteristics of MMSCs, even if some studies suggested that these cells resembles the memory B cells. In order to molecularly characterize MMSCs, we isolated the 138+138- population. For each cell fraction we performed a VDJ rearrangement analysis. The complete set of aberrations were performed by SNP Array 6.0 and HG-U133 Plus 2.0 microarray analyses (Affymetrix). The VDJ rearrangement analyses confirmed the clonal relationship between the 138+ clone and the immature clone. Both BM and PBL 138+ clones showed exactly the same genomic macroalterations. In the BM and PBL 138-19+27+ cell fractions several micro-alterations (range: 1-350 Kb) unique of the memory B cells clone were highlighted. Any micro-alterations detected were located out of any genomic variants region and are presumably associated to the MM pathogenesis, as confirmed by the presence of KRAS, WWOX and XIAP genes among the amplified regions. To get insight into the biology of the clonotypic B cell population, we compared the gene expression profile of 8 MM B cells samples 5 donor B cells vs, thus showing a differential expression of 11480 probes (p-value: <0,05). Among the self-renewal mechanisms, we observed the down-regulation of Hedgehog pathway and the iperactivation of Notch and Wnt signaling. Moreover, these immature cells showed a particular phenotype correlated to resistance to proteasome inhibitors (IRE1α-XBP1: -18.0; -19.96. P<0,05). Data suggested that the MM 138+ clone might resume the end of the complex process of myelomagenesis, whereas the memory B cells have some intriguing micro-alterations and a specific transcriptional program, supporting the idea that these post germinal center cells might be involved in the transforming event that originate and sustain the neoplastic clone.