9 resultados para Wheat bran

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Phenol and cresols represent a good example of primary chemical building blocks of which 2.8 million tons are currently produced in Europe each year. Currently, these primary phenolic building blocks are produced by refining processes from fossil hydrocarbons: 5% of the world-wide production comes from coal (which contains 0.2% of phenols) through the distillation of the tar residue after the production of coke, while 95% of current world production of phenol is produced by the distillation and cracking of crude oil. In nature phenolic compounds are present in terrestrial higher plants and ferns in several different chemical structures while they are essentially absent in lower organisms and in animals. Biomass (which contain 3-8% of phenols) represents a substantial source of secondary chemical building blocks presently underexploited. These phenolic derivatives are currently used in tens thousand of tons to produce high cost products such as food additives and flavours (i.e. vanillin), fine chemicals (i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or flurbiprofen) and polymers (i.e. poly p-vinylphenol, a photosensitive polymer for electronic and optoelectronic applications). European agrifood waste represents a low cost abundant raw material (250 millions tons per year) which does not subtract land use and processing resources from necessary sustainable food production. The class of phenolic compounds is essentially constituted by simple phenols, phenolic acids, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, flavonoids and lignans. As in the case of coke production, the removal of the phenolic contents from biomass upgrades also the residual biomass. Focusing on the phenolic component of agrifood wastes, huge processing and marketing opportunities open since phenols are used as chemical intermediates for a large number of applications, ranging from pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, food ingredients etc. Following this approach we developed a biorefining process to recover the phenolic fraction of wheat bran based on enzymatic commercial biocatalysts in completely water based process, and polymeric resins with the aim of substituting secondary chemical building blocks with the same compounds naturally present in biomass. We characterized several industrial enzymatic product for their ability to hydrolize the different molecular features that are present in wheat bran cell walls structures, focusing on the hydrolysis of polysaccharidic chains and phenolics cross links. This industrial biocatalysts were tested on wheat bran and the optimized process allowed to liquefy up to the 60 % of the treated matter. The enzymatic treatment was also able to solubilise up to the 30 % of the alkali extractable ferulic acid. An extraction process of the phenolic fraction of the hydrolyzed wheat bran based on an adsorbtion/desorption process on styrene-polyvinyl benzene weak cation-exchange resin Amberlite IRA 95 was developed. The efficiency of the resin was tested on different model system containing ferulic acid and the adsorption and desorption working parameters optimized for the crude enzymatic hydrolyzed wheat bran. The extraction process developed had an overall yield of the 82% and allowed to obtain concentrated extracts containing up to 3000 ppm of ferulic acid. The crude enzymatic hydrolyzed wheat bran and the concentrated extract were finally used as substrate in a bioconversion process of ferulic acid into vanillin through resting cells fermentation. The bioconversion process had a yields in vanillin of 60-70% within 5-6 hours of fermentation. Our findings are the first step on the way to demonstrating the economical feasibility for the recovery of biophenols from agrifood wastes through a whole crop approach in a sustainable biorefining process.


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Bioconversion of ferulic acid to vanillin represents an attractive opportunity for replacing synthetic vanillin with a bio-based product, that can be label “natural”, according to current food regulations. Ferulic acid is an abundant phenolic compound in cereals processing by-products, such as wheat bran, where it is linked to the cell wall constituents. In this work, the possibility of producing vanillin from ferulic acid released enzymatically from wheat bran was investigated by using resting cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain BF13-1p4 carrying an insertional inactivation of vdh gene and ech and fcs BF13 genes on a low copy number plasmid. Process parameters were optimized both for the biomass production phase and the bioconversion phase using food-grade ferulic acid as substrate and the approach of changing one variable while fixing the others at a certain level followed by the response surface methodology (RSM). Under optimized conditions, vanillin up to 8.46 mM (1.4 g/L) was achieved, whereas highest productivity was 0.53 mmoles vanillin L-1 h-1). Cocktails of a number of commercial enzyme (amylases, xylanases, proteases, feruloyl esterases) combined with bran pre-treatment with steam explosion and instant controlled pressure drop technology were then tested for the release of ferulic acid from wheat bran. The highest ferulic acid release was limited to 15-20 % of the ferulic acid occurring in bran, depending on the treatment conditions. Ferulic acid 1 mM in enzymatic hydrolyzates could be bioconverted into vanillin with molar yield (55.1%) and selectivity (68%) comparable to those obtained with food-grade ferulic acid after purification from reducing sugars with a non polar adsorption resin. Further improvement of ferulic acid recovery from wheat bran is however required to make more attractive the production of natural vanillin from this by-product.


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La demolizione idrolitica delle pareti cellulari delle piante tramite enzimi lignocellulosici è quindi uno degli approcci più studiati della valorizzazione di scarti agricoli per il recupero di fitochimici di valore come secondary chemical building block per la chimica industriale. White rot fungi come il Pleurotus ostreatus producono una vasta gamma di enzimi extracellulari che degradano substrati lignocellulosici complessi in sostanze solubili per essere utilizzati come nutrienti. In questo lavoro abbiamo studiato la produzione di diversi tipi di enzimi lignocellulosici quali cellulase, xilanase, pectinase, laccase, perossidase e arylesterase (caffeoilesterase e feruloilesterase), indotte dalla crescita di Pleurotus ostreatus in fermentazione allo stato solido (SSF) di sottoprodotti agroalimentari (graspi d’uva, vinaccioli, lolla di riso, paglia di grano e crusca di grano) come substrati. Negli ultimi anni, SSF ha ricevuto sempre più interesse da parte dei ricercatori, dal momento che diversi studi per produzioni di enzimi, aromi, coloranti e altre sostanze di interesse per l' industria alimentare hanno dimostrato che SSF può dare rendimenti più elevati o migliorare le caratteristiche del prodotto rispetto alla fermentazione sommersa. L’utilizzo dei sottoprodotti agroalimentari come substrati nei processi SSF, fornisce una via alternativa e di valore, alternativa a questi residui altrimenti sotto/o non utilizzati. L'efficienza del processo di fermentazione è stato ulteriormente studiato attraverso trattamenti meccanici di estrusione del substrato , in grado di promuovere il recupero dell’enzima e di aumentare l'attività prodotta. Le attività enzimatiche prodotte dalla fermentazione sono strettamente dipendente della rimozione periodica degli enzimi prodotti. Le diverse matrici vegetali utilizzate hanno presentato diversi fenomeni induttivi delle specifiche attività enzimatiche. I processi SSF hanno dimostrato una buona capacità di produrre enzimi extracellulari in grado di essere utilizzati successivamente nei processi idrolitici di bioraffinazione per la valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari.


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Recently, the increasing interest in organic food products and environmental friendly practices has emphasized the importance of selecting crop varieties suitable for the low-input systems. Additionally, in recent years the relationship between diet and human health has gained much attention among consumers, favoring the investigations on food nutraceutical properties. Among cereals, wheat plays an important role in human nutrition around the world and contributes to the daily intake of essential nutrients such as starch and protein. Moreover, whole grain contains several bioactive compounds that confer to wheat-derived products unique nutraceutical properties (dietary fibre, antioxidants). The present research provided interesting insights for the selection of wheat genotypes suitable for low-input systems and the development of specific breeding programs dedicated to organic farming. The investigation involved 5 old not dwarf genotypes (Andriolo, Frassineto, Gentil rosso, Inallettabile, Verna) and 1 modern dwarf variety (Palesio), grown under biodynamic management, over two consecutive growing seasons (2009/2010, 2010/2011). Results evidenced that under low-input farming some investigated old wheat genotypes (Frassineto, Inallettabile) were comparable to the modern cultivar in terms of whole agronomic performance. As regards the nutritional and nutraceutical properties, some old genotypes (Andriolo, Gentil rosso, Verna) emerged for their relevant content of several investigated phytochemicals (such as insoluble dietary fibre, polyphenols, flavonoids, in vitro antioxidant activity) and nutrients (protein, lipid, minerals). Despite of the low technological features, the six wheat varieties grown under low-input management may efficiently provide raw material for the preparation of traditionally processed bread with valuable sensory and nutritional properties. Results highlighted that old wheat varieties have peculiar phytochemical composition and may be a valuable source of nutraceutical compounds. Some of the genetic material involved in the present study may be used in breeding programs aimed at selecting varieties suitable for low-input farming and rich in health-promoting compounds.


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Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) is a worldwide cereal disease responsible of significant yield reduction, inferior grain quality, and mycotoxin accumulation. Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum are the prevalent causal agents. FHB has been endemic in Italy since 1995, while there are no records about its presence in Syria. Forty-eight and forty-six wheat kernel samples were collected from different localities and analyzed for fungal presence and mycotoxin contamination. Fusarium strains were identified morphologically but the molecular confirmation was performed only for some species. Further differentiation of the chemotypes for trichothecene synthesis by F. graminearum and F. culmorum strains was conducted by PCR assays. Fusarium spp. were present in 62.5% of Syrian samples. 3Acetyl-Deoxynivalenol and nivalenol chemotypes were found in F. culmorum whilst all F. graminearum strains belonged to NIV chemotype. Italian samples were infected with Fusarium spp for 67.4%. 15Ac-DON was the prevalent chemotype in F. graminearum, while 3Ac-DON chemotype was detected in F. culmorum. The 60 Syrian Fusarium strains tested for mycotoxin production by HPLC-MS/MS have shown the prevalence of zearalenone while the emerging mycotoxins were almost absent. The analysis of the different Syrian and Italian samples of wheat kernels for their mycotoxin content showed that Syrian kernels were mainly contaminated with storage mycotoxins, aflatoxins and ochratoxin whilst Italian grains with mainly Fusarium mycotoxins. The aggressiveness of several Syrian F. culmorum isolates was estimated using three different assays: floret inoculation in growth chamber, ear inoculation in the field and a validated new Petri-dish test. The study of the behaviour of different Syrian wheat cultivars, grown under different conditions, has revealed that Jory is a FHB Syrian tolerant cultivar. This is the first study in Syria on Fusarium spp. associated to FHB, Fusarium mycotoxin producers and grain quality.


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In wheat, stem rust is known to rapidly evolve new virulence to resistance genes. While more than 50 stem rust resistance (Sr) loci have been identified in wheat, only a few remain effective, particularly against the highly virulent race Ug99 (TTKSK race) and a mixture of durum-specific races. An association mapping (AM) study based on 183 durum wheat accessions was utilized to identify resistance loci for stem rust response in Ethiopia over four seasons and artificial inoculation with Ug99 (TTKSK race) and a mixture of durum-specific races under field conditions as well as in greenhouse test at seedling stage under controlled conditions for resistance to four highly virulent stem rust races: TRTTF, TTTTF, (TTKSK (Ug99) and JRCQC. The panel was profiled with 1,253 SSR and DArT markers. Twelve QTL-tagging markers were significant (P < 0.05) across three to four seasons. The role of Sr13, Sr9, Sr14, Sr17, and Sr28 was confirmed. Thirteen significant markers were in regions with no Sr genes/QTLs. The results under controlled conditions showed that 15, 20, 19 and 19 chromosome regions harbored markers that showed significant effects for races TRTTF, TTTTF, TTKSK and JRCQC, respectively. These genomic regions showed marker R2 values ranging from 1.13 to 8.34, 1.92 to 17.64, 1.75 to 23.12 and 1.51 to 15.33% for races TRTTF, TTTTF, TTKSK and JRCQC, respectively. The study demonstrates that stem rust resistance in durum wheat is governed in part by shared loci and in part by race-specific ones. The QTLs identified in this study through AM will be useful in the marker-assisted development of durum wheat cultivars with durable stem rust resistance.


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Food commodity prices fluctuations have important impacts on poverty and food insecurity across the world. Conventional models have not provided a complete picture of recent price spikes in agricultural commodity markets, while there is an urgent need for appropriate policy responses. Perhaps new approaches are needed in order to better understand international spill-overs, the feedback between the real and the financial sectors and also the link between food and energy prices. In this paper, we present results from a new worldwide dynamic model that provides short and long-run impulse responses of wheat international prices to various real shocks.


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Multiparental cross designs for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in crops are efficient alternatives to conventional biparental experimental populations because they exploit a broader genetic basis and higher mapping resolution. We describe the development and deployment of a multiparental recombinant inbred line (RIL) population in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) obtained by crossing four elite cultivars characterized by different traits of agronomic value. A linkage map spanning 2,663 cM and including 7,594 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was produced by genotyping 338 RILs with a wheat-dedicated 90k SNP chip. A cluster file was developed for correct allele calling in the framework of the tetraploid durum wheat genome. Based on phenotypic data collected over four field experiments, a multi-trait quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was carried out for 18 traits of agronomic relevance (including yield, yield-components, morpho-physiological and seed quality traits). Across environments, a total of 63 QTL were identified and characterized in terms of the four founder haplotypes. We mapped two QTL for grain yield across environments and 23 QTL for grain yield components. A novel major QTL for number of grain per spikelet/ear was mapped on chr 2A and shown to control up to 39% of phenotypic variance in this cross. Functionally different QTL alleles, in terms of direction and size of genetic effect, were distributed among the four parents. Based on the occurrence of QTL-clusters, we characterized the breeding values (in terms of effects on yield) of most of QTL for heading and maturity as well as yield component and quality QTL. This multiparental RIL population provides the wheat community with a highly informative QTL mapping resource enabling the dissection of the genetic architecture of multiple agronomic relevant traits in durum wheat.


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Durum wheat is the second most important wheat species worldwide and the most important crop in several Mediterranean countries including Italy. Durum wheat is primarily grown under rainfed conditions where episodes of drought and heat stress are major factors limiting grain yield. The research presented in this thesis aimed at the identification of traits and genes that underlie root system architecture (RSA) and tolerance to heat stress in durum wheat, in order to eventually contribute to the genetic improvement of this species. In the first two experiments we aimed at the identification of QTLs for root trait architecture at the seedling level by studying a bi-parental population of 176 recombinant inbred lines (from the cross Meridiano x Claudio) and a collection of 183 durum elite accessions. Forty-eight novel QTLs for RSA traits were identified in each of the two experiments, by means of linkage- and association mapping-based QTL analysis, respectively. Important QTLs controlling the angle of root growth in the seedling were identified. In a third experiment, we investigated the phenotypic variation of root anatomical traits by means of microscope-based analysis of root cross sections in 10 elite durum cultivars. The results showed the presence of sizeable genetic variation in aerenchyma-related traits, prompting for additional studies aimed at mapping the QTLs governing such variation and to test the role of aerenchyma in the adaptive response to abiotic stresses. In the fourth experiment, an association mapping experiment for cell membrane stability at the seedling stage (as a proxy trait for heat tolerance) was carried out by means of association mapping. A total of 34 QTLs (including five major ones), were detected. Our study provides information on QTLs for root architecture and heat tolerance which could potentially be considered in durum wheat breeding programs.