6 resultados para Veterinary Practice Management

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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“Naturally occurring cancers in pet dogs and humans share many features, including histological appearance, tumour genetics, molecular targets, biological behaviour and response to conventional therapies. Studying dogs with cancer is likely to provide a valuable perspective that is distinct from that generated by the study of human or rodent cancers alone. The value of this opportunity has been increasingly recognized in the field of cancer research for the identification of cancer-associated genes, the study of environmental risk factors, understanding tumour biology and progression, and, perhaps most importantly, the evaluation and development of novel cancer therapeutics”.(Paoloni and Khanna, 2008) In last years, the author has investigated some molecular features of cancer in dogs. The Thesis is articulated in two main sections. In section 1, the preliminary results of a research project aimed at investigating the role of somatic mutations of Ataxia-Telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene in predisposing to cancer in boxer dogs, are presented. The canine boxer breed may be considered an unique opportunity to disclose the role of ATM somatic mutation since boxer dogs are known to be dramatically susceptible to cancer and since they may be considered a closed gene pool. Furthermore, dogs share with human the some environment. Overall, the abovementioned features could be considered extremely useful for our purposes. In the section 2, the results of our studies aimed at setting up accurate and sensitive molecular assays for diagnosing and assessing minimal residual disease in lymphoproliferative disorders of dogs, are presented. The results of those molecular assay may be directly translated in the field of Veterinary practice as well as the may be used to improve our objective evaluation of new investigational drugs effectiveness in canine cancer trials.


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Ultrasonography (US) is an essential imaging tool for identifying abnormalities of the liver parenchyma, biliary tract and vascular system. US has replaced radiography as the initial imaging procedure in screening for liver disease in small animals. There are few reports of the use of conventional and helical computed tomography (CT) to assess canine or feline parenchymal and neoplastic liver disease and biliary disorders. In human medicine the development of multidetector- row helical computed tomography (MDCT), with its superior spatial and temporal resolution, has resulted in improved detection and characterization of diffuse and focal liver lesions. The increased availability of MDCT in veterinary practice provides incentive to develop MDCT protocols for liver imaging in small animals. The purpose of this study is to assess the rule of MDCT in the characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals; and to compare this method with conventional US. Candidates for this prospective study were 175 consecutive patients (dogs and cats) referred for evaluation of hepatobiliary disease. The patients underwent liver US and MDCT. Percutaneous needle biopsy was performed on all liver lesions or alterations encountered. As for gallbladder, histopatological evaluation was obtained from cholecystectomy specimens. Ultrasonographic findings in this study agreed well with those of previous reports. A protocol for dual-phase liver MDCT in small animals has been described. MDCT findings in parenchymal disorders of the liver, hepatic neoplasia and biliary disorders are here first described in dogs and cats and compared with the corresponding features in human medicine. The ability of MDCT in detection and characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals is overall superior to conventional US. Ultrasonography and MDCT scanning, however, play complementary rules in the evaluation of these diseases. Many conditions have distinctive imaging features that may permit diagnosis. In most instances biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis.


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Negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad un miglioramento della qualità di vita dei piccoli animali che, oltre ad aumentarne l'aspettativa di vita, ha determinato un aumento della frequenza di patologie associate all'età medio-avanzata, quali le patologie renali croniche. Il presente studio si fonda sulla necessità, sempre più sentita nella pratica clinica veterinaria, di poter fornire al proprietario del paziente affetto da CKD, una serie di parametri che, oltre a fungere da target terapeutico, possano aiutare a comprenderne la prognosi. Lo studio ha valutato una popolazione di cani affetti da CKD e ne ha seguito o ricostruito il follow-up, per tutto il periodo di sopravvivenza fino al momento dell’exitus. Di tali soggetti sono stati raccolti dati relativi ad anamnesi, esame clinico, misurazione della pressione arteriosa, diagnostica per immagini, esami ematochimici, analisi delle urine ed eventuale esame istologico renale. È stato possibile individuare alcuni importanti fattori prognostici per la sopravvivenza in pazienti con CKD. Oltre a fattori ben noti in letteratura, come ad esempio elevati valori di creatinina e fosforo, o la presenza di proteinuria, è stato possibile anche evidenziare il ruolo prognostico negativo di alcuni parametri meno noti, ed in particolare delle proteine di fase acuta positive e negative, e del rapporto albumina/globuline. Una possibile spiegazione del valore prognostico di tali parametri risiede nel ruolo prognostico negativo dell’infiammazione nel paziente con CKD: tale ruolo è stato suggerito e dimostrato nell’uomo e avrebbe alla base numerosi possibili meccanismi (sviluppo di anemia, complicazioni gastroenteriche, neoplasie, etc.), ma dati analoghi sono mancanti in medicina veterinaria. Una seconda possibile spiegazione risiede nel fatto che potenzialmente i livelli delle proteine di fase acuta possono essere influenzati dalla presenza di proteinuria nel paziente con CKD e di conseguenza potrebbero essere una conferma di come la proteinuria influenzi negativamente l'outcome.


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The aim of this work was to investigate novel diagnostic and prognostic tools, postoperative treatments and epidemiologic factors impacting the outcome of surgical cases of colic. To make a more accurate diagnosis and establish a prognosis, several biomarkers have been investigated in colic patients. In this study we evaluated peritoneal PCT and blood ADMA and SDMA in SIRS positive and negative colic patients to be used as prognostic biomarkers. Our results highlighted the limits of these biomarkers in detection and the lack of specificity. In fact PCT was not detectable and even if ADMA and SDMA significantly increased in colic horses, they are not diagnostic nor prognostic markers for SIRS. Fluid therapy has been described to be crucial for the outcome of colic patients, nevertheless no guidelines have been established. Overhydration was the common practice in post surgical management. We compared cases with an extended fluid therapy protocol and cases with a restricted protocol. Results showed that survival rate and postoperative complications were similar between the groups, despite costs being significantly lower in the restricted group. The possible correlation between intestinal microbiota and colics has gained interest. In this study, cecal and colonic content from horses undergoing laparotomy were collected, and the microbiota analized. Results showed some differences in microbiota between discharged and non discharged patients, and between strangulating and non strangulating types of colic, that might suggest some influence of hind gut microbiota on the disease. A multicentric study involving three veterinary teaching hospitals on the italian territory was conducted investigating factors affecting postoperative survival and complications in colics. Results showed that the influence of age, PCV, TPP, blood lactate, reflux, type of disease, type of lesion, presence of anastomosis, duration of surgery and surgeons, were in line with literature. Amount of crystalloids used could affected the outcome.


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Although rational models of formal planning have been seriously criticized by strategy literature, they not only remain a widely used organizational practice in private firms, but they have increasingly been entering public, professional organizations too, as part of public sector managerial reforms. This research addresses this apparent paradox, exploring the meaning of formal planning in public sector professional work. Curiously, this is an issue that remains under-investigated in the literature: the long debate on formal planning in strategy research devoted scant attention to its diffusion in the public sector, and public sector studies have scrutinized the introduction of other management tools in professional work, but very limitedly formal planning itself. In fact, little is known on the actual meaning of formal planning in public, professional services. This research is based upon a case of adoption of formal planning tools in a public hospital. Embracing a discourse analytical lens, it examines which formal planning discourse entered professional work, to what extent, and how professionals interpret it and engage with it in their practice. The analysis uncovers dynamics of social construction of meaning where, eventually, a formal planning discourse both shapes and is shaped by professional practice. In particular, it is found that formal planning rationality largely penetrated professional work, but not to the detriment of professional values. Morevover, formal planning ‘fails’ as a tool for rational decision making, but it takes up a knowledge work and a social value in professional work, as a tool for explicitation of action courses and for dialogue between otherwise more disconnected parts of the organization.


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The aim of the present work is to contribute to a better understanding of the relation between organization theory and management practice. It is organized as a collection of two papers, a theoretical and conceptual contribution and an ethnographic study. The first paper is concerned with systematizing different literatures inside and outside the field of organization studies that deal with the theory-practice relation. After identifying a series of positions to the theory-practice debate and unfolding some of their implicit assumptions and limitations, a new position called entwinement is developed in order to overcome status quo through reconciliation and integration. Accordingly, the paper proposes to reconceptualize theory and practice as a circular iterative process of action and cognition, science and common-sense enacted in the real world both by organization scholars and practitioners according to purposes at hand. The second paper is the ethnographic study of an encounter between two groups of expert academics and practitioners occasioned by a one-year executive business master in an international business school. The research articulates a process view of the knowledge exchange between management academics and practitioners in particular and between individuals belonging to different communities of practice, in general, and emphasizes its dynamic, relational and transformative mechanisms. Findings show that when they are given the chance to interact, academics and practitioners set up local provisional relations that enable them to act as change intermediaries vis-a-vis each other’s worlds, without tying themselves irremediably to each other and to the scenarios they conjointly projected during the master’s experience. Finally, the study shows that provisional relations were accompanied by a recursive shift in knowledge modes. While interacting, academics passed from theory to practical theorizing, practitioners passed from an involved practical mode to a reflexive and quasi-theoretical one, and then, as exchanges proceeded, the other way around.