6 resultados para Turkey--Poetry
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
An integrated array of analytical methods -including clay mineralogy, vitrinite reflectance, Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material, and apatite fission-track analysis- was employed to constrain the thermal and thermochronological evolution of selected portions of the Pontides of northern Turkey. (1) A multimethod investigation was applied for the first time to characterise the thermal history of the Karakaya Complex, a Permo-Triassic subduction-accretion complex cropping out throughout the Sakarya Zone. The results indicate two different thermal regimes: the Lower Karakaya Complex (Nilüfer Unit) -mostly made of metabasite and marble- suffered peak temperatures of 300-500°C (greenschist facies); the Upper Karakaya Complex (Hodul and the Orhanlar Units) –mostly made of greywacke and arkose- yielded heterogeneous peak temperatures (125-376°C), possibly the result of different degree of involvement of the units in the complex dynamic processes of the accretionary wedge. Contrary to common belief, the results of this study indicate that the entire Karakaya Complex suffered metamorphic conditions. Moreover, a good degree of correlation among the results of these methods demonstrate that Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material can be applied successfully to temperature ranges of 200-330°C, thus extending the application of this method from higher grade metamorphic contexts to lower grade metamorphic conditions. (2) Apatite fission-track analysis was applied to the Sakarya and the İstanbul Zones in order to constrain the exhumation history and timing of amalgamation of these two exotic terranes. AFT ages from the İstanbul and Sakarya terranes recorded three distinct episodes of exhumation related to the complex tectonic evolution of the Pontides. (i) Paleocene - early Eocene ages (62.3-50.3 Ma) reflect the closure of the İzmir-Ankara ocean and the ensuing collision between the Sakarya terrane and the Anatolide-Tauride Block. (ii) Late Eocene - earliest Oligocene (43.5-32.3 Ma) ages reflect renewed tectonic activity along the İzmir-Ankara. (iii) Late Oligocene- Early Miocene ages reflect the onset and development of the northern Aegean extension. The consistency of AFT ages, both north and south of the tectonic contact between the İstanbul and Sakarya terranes, suggest that such terranes were amalgamated in pre-Cenozoic times. (3) Fission-track analysis was also applied to rock samples from the Marmara region, in an attempt to constrain the inception and development of the North Anatolian Fault system in the region. The results agree with those from the central Pontides. The youngest AFT ages (Late Oligocene - early Miocene) were recorded in the western portion of the Marmara Sea region and reflect the onset and development of northern Aegean extension. Fission-track data from the eastern Marmara Sea region indicate rapid Early Eocene exhumation induced by the development of the İzmir-Ankara orogenic wedge. Thermochronological data along the trace of the Ganos Fault –a segment of the North Anatolian Fault system- indicate the presence of a tectonic discontinuity active by Late Oligocene time, i.e. well before the arrival of the North Anatolian Fault system in the area. The integration of thermochronologic data with preexisting structural data point to the existence of a system of major E-W-trending structural discontinuities active at least from the Late Oligocene. In the Early Pliocene, inception of the present-day North Anatolian Fault system in the Marmara region occurred by reactivation of these older tectonic structures.
The importance of the banks and financial markets relies on the fact that they promote economic efficiency by allocating savings efficiently to profitable investment opportunities.An efficient banking system is a key determinant for the financial stability.The theory of market failure forms the basis for understanding financial regulation.Following the detrimental economic and financial consequences in theaftermath of the crisis, academics and policymakers started to focus their attention on the construction of an appropriate regulatory and supervisory framework of the banking sector. This dissertation aims at understanding the impact of regulations and supervision on banks’ performance focusing on two emerging market economies, Turkey and Russia. It aims at examining the way in which regulations matter for financial stability and banking performance from a law & economics perspective. A review of the theory of banking regulation, particularly as applied to emerging economies, shows that the efficiency of certain solutions regarding banking regulation is open to debate. Therefore, in the context of emerging countries, whether a certain approach is efficient or not will be presented as an empirical question to which this dissertation will try to find an answer.
The analysis of apatite fission tracks is applied to the study of the syn- and post-collisional thermochronological evolution of a vast area that includes the Eastern Pontides, their continuation in the Lesser Caucasus of Georgia (Adjara-Trialeti zone) and northern Armenia, and the eastern Anatolian Plateau. The resulting database is then integrated with the data presented by Okay et al. (2010) for the Bitlis Pütürge Massif, i.e. the western portion of the Bitlis-Zagros collision zone between Arabia and Eurasia. The mid-Miocene exhumation episode along the Black Sea coast and Lesser Caucasus of Armenia documented in this dissertation mirrors the age of collision between the Eurasian and Arabian plates along the Bitlis suture zone. We argue that tectonic stresses generated along the Bitlis collision zone were transmitted northward across eastern Anatolia and focused (i) at the rheological boundary between the Anatolian continental lithosphere and the (quasi)oceanic lithosphere of the Black Sea, and (ii) along major pre-existing discontinuities like the Sevan-Akera suture zone.The integration of both present-day crustal dynamics (GPS-derived kinematics and distribution of seismicity) and thermochronological data presented in this paper provides a comparison between short- and long-term deformation patterns for the entire eastern Anatolia-Transcaucasian region. Two successive stages of Neogene deformation of the northern foreland of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone can be inferred. (i) Early and Middle Miocene: continental deformation was concentrated along the Arabia-Eurasia (Bitlis) collision zone but tectonic stress was also transferred northward across eastern Anatolia, focusing along the eastern Black Sea continent-ocean rheological transition and along major pre-existing structural discontinuities. (ii) Since Late-Middle Miocene time the westward translation of Anatolia and the activation of the North and Eastern Anatolian Fault systems have reduced efficient northward stress transfer.
The present dissertation focuses on the dual number in Ancient Greek in a diachronical lapse stretching from the Mycenaean age to the Attic Drama and Comedy of the 5th century BC. In the first chapter morphological issues are addressed, chiefly in a comparative perspective. The Indo European evidence on the dual is hence gathered in order to sketch patterns of grammaticalisation and paradigmatisation of specific grams, growing increasingly functional within the Greek domain. In the second chapter syntactical problems are tackled. After a survey of scholarly literature on the Greek dual, we engage in a functional and typological approach, in order to disentangle some biased assessments on the dual, namely its alleged lack of regularity and intermittent agreement. Some recent frameworks in General Linguistics provide useful grounds for casting new light on the subject. Internal Reconstruction, for instance, supports the facultativity of the dual in each and every stage of its development; Typology and the Animacy Hierarcy add precious cross linguistical insight on the behaviour of the dual toward agreement. Glaring differences also arise as to the adoption — or avoidance — of the dual by different authors. Idiolectal varieties prove in fact conditioned by stylistical and register necessity. By means of a comparison among Epics, Tragedy and Comedy it is possible to enhance differences in the evaluation of the dual, which led sometimes to forms of ‘censure’ — thus triggering the onset of competing strategies to express duality. The last two chapters delve into the tantalising variety of the Homeric evidence, first of all in an account of the notorious issue of the Embassy of Iliad IX, and last in a commentary of all significant Homeric duals — mostly represented by archaisms, formulae, and ad hoc coinages.
The focus of this study is the relationship among three different manuscripts (Modena, Bibl. Estense, MS α.R.4.4; Firenze, Bibl. Laurenziana MS Rediano 9; and London, BL, MS Harley, 2253) and the poetry they transmit. The aim of this research is to show the ways that the Bible was used in the transmission of the lyric poetry in the three literatures that they represent: Occitan (primarily through Marcabru’s songs), Italian (through the love poetry of Guittone d’Arezzo), and Middle English (through the Harley love lyrics and the MS.’s primary scribe), in a medieval European context.
The application of two low-temperature thermochronometers [fission-track analysis and (U-Th)/He analyses, both on apatite] to various tectonostratigraphic units of the Menderes and Alanya Massifs of Turkey has provided significant new constraints to the understanding of their structural evolution. The Menderes Massif of western Anatolia is one of the largest metamorphic core complexes on Earth. The integration of the geochronometric dataset presented in this dissertation with preexisting ones from the literature delineates three groups of samples within the Menderes Massif. In the northern and southern region the massif experienced a Late Oligocene-Early Miocene tectonic denudation and surface uplift; whereas data from the central region are younger, with most ages ranging between the Middle-Late Miocene. The results of this study are consistent with the interpretation for a symmetric exhumation of the Menderes Massif. The Alanya Massif of SW Anatolia presents a typical nappe pile consisting of thrust sheets with contrasting metamorphic histories. Petrological and geochronological data clearly indicate that the tectonometamorphic evolution Alanya started from Late Cretaceous with the northward subduction of an ‘Alanya ocean’ under the Tauride plate. As an effect of the closure of the İzmir–Ankara–Erzincan ocean, northward backthrusting during the Paleocene-Early Eocene created the present stacking order. Apatite fission-track ages from this study range from 31.8 to 26.8 Ma (Late Rupelian-Early Chattian) and point to a previously unrecognized mid-Oligocene cooling/exhumation episode. (U-Th)/He analysis on zircon crystals obtained from the island of Cyprus evidentiate that the Late Cretaceous trondhjemites of the Troodos Massif not recorded a significant cooling event. Instead results for the Late Triassic turbiditic sandstones of the Vlambouros Formation show that the Mamonia mélange was never buried enough to reach the closure temperature of the ZHe radiometric system (ca. 200°C), thus retaining the Paleozoic signature of a previous sedimentary cycle.