4 resultados para Th2

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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IL-33 is a novel member of the IL-1 family and ligand for the IL-1 receptor-related protein, ST2. Recent evidence suggests that the IL-33/ST2 axis plays a critical role in several autoimmune and inflammatory disorders; however, its role in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has not been clearly defined. We characterized IL-33 and ST2 expression and modulation following conventional anti-TNF therapy in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (UC) patients, and investigated the role of IL-33 in SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) mice, a mixed Th1/Th2 model of IBD. Our results showed a specific increase of mucosal IL-33 in active UC, localized primarily to intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) and colonic inflammatory infiltrates. Importantly, increased expression of full-length IL-33, representing the most bioactive form, was detected in UC epithelium, while elevated levels of cleaved IL-33 were present in IBD serum. ST2 isoforms were differentially modulated in UC epithelium and sST2, a soluble decoy receptor with anti-inflammatory properties, was also elevated in IBD serum. Infliximab (anti-TNF) treatment of UC decreased circulating IL-33 and increased sST2, while stimulation of HT-29 IEC confirmed IL-33 and sST2 regulation by TNF. Similarly, IL-33 significantly increased and correlated with disease severity, and potently induced IL-5, IL-6 and IL-17 from mucosal immune cells in SAMP mice. Taken together, the IL-33/ST2 system plays an important role in IBD and experimental colitis, is modulated by anti-TNF therapy, and may represent a specific biomarker for active UC.


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Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are two distinct lung diseases with distinctive clinical and inflammatory features. A proportion of asthmatic patients experience a fixed airflow obstruction that persists despite optimal pharmacologic treatment for reasons that are still largely unknown. We found that patients with asthma and COPD sharing a similar fixed airflow obstruction have an increased lung function decline and frequency of exacerbations. Nevertheless, the decline in lung function is associated with specific features of the underlying inflammation. Airway inflammation increases during asthma exacerbation and disease severity. Less is known about the correlations between symptoms and airway inflammation in COPD patients. We found that there is no correlation between symptoms and lung function in COPD patients. Nevertheless symptoms changes are associated with specific inflammatory changes: cough is associated with an increase of sputum neutrophils in COPD, dyspnoea is associated with an increase of eosinophils. The mechanisms of this correlation remain unknown. Neutrophils inflammation is associated with bacterial colonization in stable COPD. Is not known whether inhaled corticosteroids might facilitate bacterial colonization in COPD patients. We found that the use of inhaled corticosteroids in COPD patients is associated with an increase of airway bacterial load and with an increase of airway pathogen detection. Bacterial and viral infections are the main causes of COPD and asthma exacerbations. Impaired innate immune responses to rhinovirus infections have been described in adult patients with atopic asthma. Whether this impaired immune condition is present early in life and whether is modulated by a concomitant atopic condition is currently unknown. We found that deficient innate immune responses to rhinovirus infection are already present early in life in atopic patients without asthma and in asthmatic subjects. These findings generalize the scenario of increased susceptibility to viral infections to other Th2 oriented conditions.


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Il virus dell’Epatite E (HEV) e i calicivirus (norovirus e sapovirus) causano rispettivamente epatite acuta e gastroenterite. Questi virus sono considerati agenti eziologici emergenti rappresentando un problema di sanità pubblica e di sicurezza alimentare. Per HEV, è ormai confermata la trasmissione zoonotica, e il suino è considerato il principale serbatoio asintomatico. Norovirus e sapovirus infettano sia i bambini che gli adulti. Sebbene questi virus siano stati identificati anche negli animali, la possibile trasmissione zoonotica non è stata dimostrata in modo conclusivo. Il lavoro sperimentale condotto durante il Dottorato di Ricerca è stato focalizzato sullo studio degli aspetti biologici ed epidemiologici dell’infezioni causate da HEV e da calicivirus. Per la prima volta in Italia, i risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato la presenza del virus HEV nei fegati di suini in fase di macellazione ed hanno confermato, attraverso la ricerca di anticorpi, un’elevata esposizione degli animali al virus. Inoltre, mediante la produzione di antigeni e reattivi immunologici, sono stati messi a punto test diagnostici per la ricerca di anticorpi contro HEV nel suino e nei cinghiali. Il lavoro svolto per la ricerca di calicivirus nel suino e nel bovino ha dimostrato la circolazione dei sapovirus in popolazioni di suini asintomatici e la presenza di norovirus nei vitelli affetti da diarrea acuta.Sono stati inoltre sviluppati reattivi immunologici, utilizzando proteine del capside di norovirus umano e bovino espresse con il sistema ricombinante baculovirus. Questi hanno permesso di evidenziare la presenza di anticorpi contro norovirus umano e bovino, in sieri di veterinari professionalmente esposti. Inoltre, sono stati utilizzati per sviluppare metodi per la concentrazione dei virus da matrici a bassa concentrazione.Infine, le VLP sono state utilizzate per valutare l’attivazione del sistema immunitario umano ex vivo. I risultati hanno dimostrato che le VLP di NoV stimolano il sistema immunitario attivando risposte di tipo Th1 e Th2 .


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IL-33/ST2 axis is known to promote Th2 immune responses and has been linked to several autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and recent evidences show that it can regulate eosinophils (EOS) infiltration and function. Based also on the well documented relationship between EOS and IBD, we assessed the role of IL-33-mediated eosinophilia and ileal inflammation in SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) murine model of Th1/Th2 chronic enteritis, and we found that IL-33 is related to inflammation progression and EOS infiltration as well as IL-5 and eotaxins increase. Administering IL-33 to SAMP and AKR mice augmented eosinophilia, eotaxins mRNA expression and Th2 molecules production, whereas blockade of ST2 and/or typical EOS molecules, such as IL-5 and CCR3, resulted in a marked decrease of inflammation, EOS infiltration, IL-5 and eotaxins mRNA expression and Th2 cytokines production. Human data supported mice’s showing an increased colocalization of IL-33 and EOS in the colon mucosa of UC patients, as well as an augmented IL-5 and eotaxins mRNA expression, when compared to non-UC. Lastly we analyzed SAMP raised in germ free (GF) condition to see the microbiota effect on IL-33 expression and Th2 responses leading to chronic intestinal inflammation. We found a remarkable decrease in ileal IL-33 and Th2 cytokines mRNA expression as well as EOS infiltration in GF versus normal SAMP with comparable inflammatory scores. Moreover, EOS depletion in normal SAMP didn’t affect IL-33 mRNA expression. These data demonstrate a pathogenic role of IL-33-mediated eosinophilia in chronic intestinal inflammation, and that blockade of IL-33 and/or downstream EOS activation may represent a novel therapeutic modality to treat patients with IBD. Also they highlight the gut microbiota role in IL-33 production, and the following EOS infiltration in the intestinal mucosa, confirming that the microbiota is essential in mounting potent Th2 response leading to chronic ileitis in SAMP.