6 resultados para TRIPLET

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The aim of this Ph.D. project has been the photophysical and photochemical characterization of new photo- and redox-active supramolecular systems. In particular we studied two different classes of compounds: metal complexes and dendrimers. Two different families of bis-cyclometalated neutral Ir(III) complexes are presented and their photophysical properties are discussed. The first family of complexes contains two 2-phenylpyridyl (ppy) or 2-(4,6-difluorophenyl)pyridyl (F2ppy) cyclometalated ligands and an ancillary ligand constituted by a phenol-oxazoline (phox), which can be substituted in the third position with a fluorine group (Fphox). In the second part of this study, we present another family of bis-cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes in which the ancillary ligand could be a chiral or an achiral bis-oxazoline (box). We report on their structural, electrochemical, photophysical, and photochemical properties. Complexes containing phox and Fphox ancillary ligands show blue luminescence with very high quantum yield, while complexes with box ligands do not show particularly interesting photophysical properties. Surprisingly these complexes give an unexpected photoreaction when irradiated with UV light in presence of dioxygen. This photoreaction originates a stable, strong blue emitting and particularly interesting photoproduct. Three successive generations of a family of polyethyleneglycol (PEG)-coated Pd(II) tetrabenzoporphyrin (PdTBP)-based dendritic nanoprobes are presented, and their ability to sensitize singlet oxygen and inflict cellular photodamage are discussed. It was found that the size of the dendrimer has practically no effect on the singlet oxygen sensitization efficiency, that approximate the unity, in spite of the strong attenuation of the triplet quenching rate with an increase in the dendrimer generation. Nevertheless, when compared against a commonly used singlet oxygen sensitizer, as Photofrin, the phosphorescent probes were found to be non-phototoxic. The lack of phototoxicity is presumably due to the inability of PEGylated probes to associate with cell surfaces and/or penetrate cellular membranes. The results suggest that protected phosphorescent probes can be safely used for oxygen measurements in biological systems in vivo. A new family of two photoswitchable (G0(Azo) and G1(Azo)) dendrimers with an azobenzene core, two cyclam units as coordination sites for metal ions, and luminescent naphthalene units at the periphery have been characterized and their coordination abilities have been studied. Because of their proximity, the various functional groups of the dendrimer may interact, so that the properties of the dendrimers are different from those exhibited by the separated functional units. Both the naphthalene fluorescence and the azobenzene photoisomerization can be observed in the dendrimer, but it has been shown that (i) the fluorescent excited state of the naphthalene units is substantially quenched by excimer and exciplex formation and by energy transfer to the azobenzene units, and (ii) in the latter case the fluorescence quenching is accompanied by the photosensitized isomerization of the trans → cis, and, with higher efficiency, the cis → trans reaction. Complexation of these dendrimers, both trans and cis isomers, with Zn(II) ions shows that complexes of 1:1 and 2:1 metal per dendrimer stoichiometry are formed showing different photophysical and photochemical properties compared to the corresponding free ligands. Practically unitary efficiency of the sensitized isomerization of trans → cis and cis → trans reaction is observed, as well as a slight increase in the naphthalene monomer emission. These results are consistent with the coordination of the cyclam amine units with Zn(II), which prevents exciplex formation. No indication of a concomitant coordination of both cyclam to a single metal ion has been obtained both for trans and cis isomer.


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The meaning of a place has been commonly assigned to the quality of having root (rootedness) or sense of belonging to that setting. While on the contrary, people are nowadays more concerned with the possibilities of free moving and networks of communication. So, the meaning, as well as the materiality of architecture has been dramatically altered with these forces. It is therefore of significance to explore and redefine the sense and the trend of architecture at the age of flow. In this dissertation, initially, we review the gradually changing concept of "place-non-place" and its underlying technological basis. Then we portray the transformation of meaning of architecture as influenced by media and information technology and advanced methods of mobility, in the dawn of 21st century. Against such backdrop, there is a need to sort and analyze architectural practices in response to the triplet of place-non-place and space of flow, which we plan to achieve conclusively. We also trace the concept of flow in the process of formation and transformation of old cities. As a brilliant case study, we look at Persian Bazaar from a socio-architectural point of view. In other word, based on Robert Putnam's theory of social capital, we link social context of the Bazaar with architectural configuration of cities. That is how we believe "cities as flow" are not necessarily a new paradigm.


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The aim of this thesis was the synthesis and photophysical characterization of some new polysulfurated aromatic compounds: this class of molecules can offer intriguing properties, potentially useful for the construction of new materials for optoelectronic devices. Two main families of compounds have been synthesized: the first is represented by a series of small molecular asterisks, with peripheral aromatic units, showing luminescence in solid phase or in highly rigid conditions. All compounds with peripheral substituents display an AIE behavior (Aggregation Induced Emission) with radiative deactivation of the triplet states. Taking inspiration from these smaller asterisks, a larger molecule with the same geometry has been designed, decorated with terpyridyl moieties as the outermost units: this compound shows great affinity for the coordination of several transition metal ions, changing luminescence properties after the interaction with zinc ions. With the same intentions, a tetrasulfurated pyrene-core molecule with terpyridyl external units has been synthesized and isolated: this ligand exhibits good coordination capabilities towards transition metal ions, giving rise to luminescent nanoaggregates upon addition of zinc(II), characterized by DLS and AFM microscopy. In addition a NIR emission is recorded after coordination of neodymium(III), showing evidence of an intramolecular energy transfer process.


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Obiettivi: L’obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di valutare l’utilizzo del cerchiaggio cervicale, in relazione alle diverse indicazioni per cui è stato eseguito, presso la Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica del Policlinico Universitario Sant’Orsola-Malpighi di Bologna, tra Gennaio 2001 e Dicembre 2013. Outcome secondario e’ stato quello di paragonare i risultati ottenuti con le più recenti evidenze scientifiche per valutare come esse abbiano influenzato l’utilizzo del cerchiaggio nel nostro centro. Materiali e metodi: valutazione osservazionale di tutte le pazienti sottoposte a cerchiaggio cervicale presso il nostro centro. La popolazione di studio e’ stata suddivisa in 5 gruppi in relazione all’indicazione per cui il cerchiaggio e’ stato eseguito: cerchiaggio elettivo (I), eco indicato (II), d’emergenza (III), in gravidanze gemellari (IV) e in gravidanze trigemine (V). Di tutte le pazienti e’ stato valutato l’outcome della gravidanza (epoca gestazionale al parto, peso neonatale, Apgar score) e l’appropriatezza dell’indicazione al cerchiaggio. Risultati: nel corso dei 13 anni in studio sono stati eseguiti 191 cerchiaggi: 109 nel I gruppo, 24 nel II, 39 nel III, 13 e 6 rispettivamente nel IV e V gruppo. In un caso il cerchiaggio e’ stato eseguito per via laparoscopica prima dell’insorgenza della gravidanza. La distribuzione dei diversi tipi di cerchiaggio e’ cambiata: dal 2007 non vengono seguiti cerchiaggi in gravidanze multiple, sono diminuiti quelli elettivi e sono aumentati i cerchiaggi d’emergenza pur essendo i casi con morbilità materna maggiore: in una paziente si e’ verificato un aborto settico con shock settico materno e si e’ reso necessario un intervento di isterectomia. Conclusioni: l'applicazioni di indicazioni piu' selettive all’esecuzione del cerchiaggio hanno determinato una forte riduzione dell’utilizzo da tale procedura. L'aumento dell'utilizzo del cerchiaggio d’emergenza e' legato al fatto che rappresenta l’ultima chance per convertire un aborto inevitabile in un parto di neonato vivo in casi estremi.


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Copper(I) halide clusters are recently considered as good candidate for optoelectronic devices such as OLEDs . Although the copper halide clusters, in particular copper iodide, are very well known since the beginning of the 20th century, only in the late ‘70s the interest on these compounds grew dramatically due their particular photophysical behaviour. These complexes are characterized by a dual triplet emission bands, named Cluster Centred (3CC) and Halogen-to-Ligand charge transfer (3XLCT), the intensities of which are strictly related with the temperature. The CC transition, due to the presence of a metallophylic interactions, is prevalent at ambient temperature while the XLCT transition, located preferentially on the ligand part, became more prominent at low temperature. Since these pioneering works, it was easy to understand the photophysical properties of this compounds became more interesting in solid-state respect to solution with an improvement in emission efficiency. In this work we aim to characterize in SS organocopper(I)iodide compounds to valuate the correlation between the molecular crystal structure and the photophysical properties. It is also considered to hike new strategies to synthesize CuI complexes from the wet reactions to the more green solvent free methods. The advantages in using these strategies are evident but, obtain a single crystal suitable for SCXRD analysis from these batches is quite impossible. The structure solution still remains the key point in this research so we tackle this problem solving the structure by X-ray powder diffraction data. When the sample was fully characterized we moved to design and development of the associated OLED-device. Since copper iodide complexes are often insoluble in organic solvents, the high vacuum deposition technique is preferred. A new non-conventional deposition process have also been proposed to avoid the low complex stability in this practice with an in-situ complex formation in a layer-by layer deposition route.


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This thesis was focused on the investigation of the linear optical properties of novel two photon absorbers for biomedical applications. Substituted imidazole and imidazopyridine derivatives, and organic dendrimers were studied as potential fluorophores for two photon bioimaging. The results obtained showed superior luminescence properties for sulphonamido imidazole derivatives compared to other substituted imidazoles. Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines exhibited an important dependence on the substitution pattern of their luminescence properties. Substitution at imidazole ring led to a higher fluorescence yield than the substitution at the pyridine one. Bis-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines of Donor-Acceptor-Donor type were examined. Bis-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines dimerized at C3 position had better luminescence properties than those dimerized at C5, displaying high emission yields and important 2PA cross sections. Phosphazene-based dendrimers with fluorene branches and cationic charges on the periphery were also examined. Due to aggregation phenomena in polar solvents, the dendrimers registered a significant loss of luminescence with respect to fluorene chromophore model. An improved design of more rigid chromophores yields enhanced luminescence properties which, connected to large 2PA cross-sections, make this compounds valuable as fluorophores in bioimaging. The photophysical study of several ketocoumarine initiators, designed for the fabrication of small dimension prostheses by two photon polymerization (2PP) was carried out. The compounds showed low emission yields, indicative of a high population of the triplet excited state, which is the active state in producing the reactive species. Their efficiency in 2PP was proved by fabrication of microstructures and their biocompatibility was tested in the collaborator’s laboratory. In the frame of the 2PA photorelease of drugs, three fluorene-based dyads have been investigated. They were designed to release the gamma-aminobutyric acid via two photon induced electron transfer. The experimental data in polar solvents showed a fast electron transfer followed by an almost equally fast back electron transfer process, which indicate a poor optimization of the system.