em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In this thesis we focussed on the characterization of the reaction center (RC) protein purified from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. In particular, we discussed the effects of native and artificial environment on the light-induced electron transfer processes. The native environment consist of the inner antenna LH1 complex that copurifies with the RC forming the so called core complex, and the lipid phase tightly associated with it. In parallel, we analyzed the role of saccharidic glassy matrices on the interplay between electron transfer processes and internal protein dynamics. As a different artificial matrix, we incorporated the RC protein in a layer-by-layer structure with a twofold aim: to check the behaviour of the protein in such an unusual environment and to test the response of the system to herbicides. By examining the RC in its native environment, we found that the light-induced charge separated state P+QB - is markedly stabilized (by about 40 meV) in the core complex as compared to the RC-only system over a physiological pH range. We also verified that, as compared to the average composition of the membrane, the core complex copurifies with a tightly bound lipid complement of about 90 phospholipid molecules per RC, which is strongly enriched in cardiolipin. In parallel, a large ubiquinone pool was found in association with the core complex, giving rise to a quinone concentration about ten times larger than the average one in the membrane. Moreover, this quinone pool is fully functional, i.e. it is promptly available at the QB site during multiple turnover excitation of the RC. The latter two observations suggest important heterogeneities and anisotropies in the native membranes which can in principle account for the stabilization of the charge separated state in the core complex. The thermodynamic and kinetic parameters obtained in the RC-LH1 complex are very close to those measured in intact membranes, indicating that the electron transfer properties of the RC in vivo are essentially determined by its local environment. The studies performed by incorporating the RC into saccharidic matrices evidenced the relevance of solvent-protein interactions and dynamical coupling in determining the kinetics of electron transfer processes. The usual approach when studying the interplay between internal motions and protein function consists in freezing the degrees of freedom of the protein at cryogenic temperature. We proved that the “trehalose approach” offers distinct advantages with respect to this traditional methodology. We showed, in fact, that the RC conformational dynamics, coupled to specific electron transfer processes, can be modulated by varying the hydration level of the trehalose matrix at room temperature, thus allowing to disentangle solvent from temperature effects. The comparison between different saccharidic matrices has revealed that the structural and dynamical protein-matrix coupling depends strongly upon the sugar. The analyses performed in RCs embedded in polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEM) structures have shown that the electron transfer from QA - to QB, a conformationally gated process extremely sensitive to the RC environment, can be strongly modulated by the hydration level of the matrix, confirming analogous results obtained for this electron transfer reaction in sugar matrices. We found that PEM-RCs are a very stable system, particularly suitable to study the thermodynamics and kinetics of herbicide binding to the QB site. These features make PEM-RC structures quite promising in the development of herbicide biosensors. The studies discussed in the present thesis have shown that, although the effects on electron transfer induced by the native and artificial environments tested are markedly different, they can be described on the basis of a common kinetic model which takes into account the static conformational heterogeneity of the RC and the interconversion between conformational substates. Interestingly, the same distribution of rate constants (i.e. a Gamma distribution function) can describe charge recombination processes in solutions of purified RC, in RC-LH1 complexes, in wet and dry RC-PEM structures and in glassy saccharidic matrices over a wide range of hydration levels. In conclusion, the results obtained for RCs in different physico-chemical environments emphasize the relevance of the structure/dynamics solvent/protein coupling in determining the energetics and the kinetics of electron transfer processes in a membrane protein complex.
Since the birth of the European Union on 1957, the development of a single market through the integration of national freight transport networks has been one of the most important points in the European Union agenda. Increasingly congested motorways, rising oil prices and concerns about environment and climate change require the optimization of transport systems and transport processes. The best solution should be the intermodal transport, in which the most efficient transport options are used for the different legs of transport. This thesis examines the problem of defining innovative strategies and procedures for the sustainable development of intermodal freight transport in Europe. In particular, the role of maritime transport and railway transport in the intermodal chain are examined in depth, as these modes are recognized to be environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Maritime transport is the only mode that has kept pace with the fast growth in road transport, but it is necessary to promote the full exploitation of it by involving short sea shipping as an integrated service in the intermodal door-to-door supply chain and by improving port accessibility. The role of Motorways of the Sea services as part of the Trans-European Transport Network is is taken into account: a picture of the European policy and a state of the art of the Italian Motorways of the Sea system are reported. Afterwards, the focus shifts from line to node problems: the role of intermodal railway terminals in the transport chain is discussed. In particular, the last mile process is taken into account, as it is crucial in order to exploit the full capacity of an intermodal terminal. The difference between the present last mile planning models of Bologna Interporto and Verona Quadrante Europa is described and discussed. Finally, a new approach to railway intermodal terminal planning and management is introduced, by describing the case of "Terminal Gate" at Verona Quadrante Europa. Some proposals to favour the integrate management of "Terminal Gate" and the allocation of its capacity are drawn up.
The PhD thesis analyses the financial services regime in international economic law from the perspective of the difficult relationship between trade liberalisation and prudential measures. Financial stability plays a fundamental role for the well-being and well-functioning of the global economy, but, it is at the same time a complex sector to regulate and supervise and, especially after the 2007-08 economic crisis, States have tightened up their regulation of financial services, introducing more severe and protectionist prudential measures. However, in an increasingly interconnected global economy, the harmonization of prudential regulation at the international level is an essential step to guarantee integrity, fairness and stability of financial markets and trade. The research analyses the tools at disposition to achieve this aim, the related problematic issues and the perspectives and possible solutions for the future, starting from the World Trade Organization (WTO) legal framework and its General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), devoted to discipline trade in services among the WTO Members. Then, the research moves to a second legal instrument, the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), which has witnessed a remarkable spread in the last decades. Finally, the research addresses the international standards, developed by supranational entities and implemented by an increasing number of States, as they offer rules and guidelines adequate to update the international financial scenario. Nevertheless, the international standards alone cannot be the solution because, first, they are not mandatory, as governments decide voluntarily to apply them and, second, their decision-making process do not respect the requirements of transparency and representative membership. In light of this analysis, the thesis aims at providing an answer to its research question: how to give more certainty to States and economic operators in the planning of the domestic disciplines and business activities in order to provide a sound and stable international financial system.
Population growth in urban areas is a world-wide phenomenon. According to a recent United Nations report, over half of the world now lives in cities. Numerous health and environmental issues arise from this unprecedented urbanization. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of urban green spaces and the role they play in improving both the aesthetics and the quality of life of its residents. In particular, urban green spaces provide ecosystem services such as: urban air quality improvement by removing pollutants that can cause serious health problems, carbon storage, carbon sequestration and climate regulation through shading and evapotranspiration. Furthermore, epidemiological studies with controlled age, sex, marital and socio-economic status, have provided evidence of a positive relationship between green space and the life expectancy of senior citizens. However, there is little information on the role of public green spaces in mid-sized cities in northern Italy. To address this need, a study was conducted to assess the ecosystem services of urban green spaces in the city of Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. In particular, we quantified the cooling effect of urban trees and the hourly amount of pollution removed by the urban forest. The information was gathered using field data collected through local hourly air pollution readings, tree inventory and simulation models. During the study we quantified pollution removal for ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter (<10 microns). We estimated the above ground carbon stored and annually sequestered by the urban forest. Results have been compared to transportation CO2 emissions to determine the CO2 offset potential of urban streetscapes. Furthermore, we assessed commonly used methods for estimating carbon stored and sequestered by urban trees in the city of Bolzano. We also quantified ecosystem disservices such as hourly urban forest volatile organic compound emissions.
The aim of the thesis is to assess the impact of depression in people with type 2 diabetes. Using Healthcare Utilization Databases, I estimated in a large population-based cohort with type 2 diabetes the incidence of depression over 10 year-period, identified the demographic and clinical predictors of depression, and determined the extent to which depression is a risk factor for acute and long-term complications and mortality. In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, I evaluated whether the presence of a history of depression in type 2 diabetes increased the Emergency Department (ED) access rate for diabetes-related complications, and I investigated changes in the incidence of depression during the first year of the pandemic. Findings from the first study indicated that developing depression was associated with being a woman, being over 65 years, living in rural areas, having insulin as initial diabetes medication and having comorbid conditions; the study also confirmed that depression was associated with an increased risk for acute and long-term diabetes complications and all-cause mortality. The second observational study showed a higher rate of ED access for diabetes-related complications during the pandemic in people with type 2 diabetes and a history of depression than in those without a history of depression, similar to what was observed in a pre-pandemic period. As shown in the third population-based study, the incidence of depression decreased in 2020 compared to 2019, mainly during the first and the second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, when people probably had difficulty reaching healthcare services. This new real-world evidence will help healthcare professionals identify timely patients at high risk of developing depression. Lastly, policymakers and physicians will benefit from new evidence of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on depression in people with type 2 diabetes to ensure a high level of care during crisis periods.