17 resultados para T cell therapy

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The arterial wall contains MSCs with mesengenic and angiogenic abilities. These multipotent precursors have been isolated from variously-sized human adult segments, belying the notion that vessel wall is a relatively quiescent tissue. Recently, our group identified in normal human arteries a vasculogenic niche and subsequently isolated and characterized resident MSCs (VW-MSCs) with angiogenic ability and multilineage potential. To prove that VW-MSCs are involved in normal and pathological vascular remodeling, we used a long-term organ culture system; this method was of critical importance to follow spontaneous 3-D vascular remodeling without any influence of blood cells. Next we tried to identify and localize in situ the VW-MSCs and to understand their role in the vascular remodeling in failed arterial homografts. Subsequently, we isolated this cell population and tested in vitro their multilineage differentiation potential through immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence, RT-PCR and ultrastructural analysis. From 25-30cm2 of each vascular wall homograft sample, we isolated a cell population with MSCs properties; these cells expressed MSC lineage molecules (CD90, CD44, CD105, CD29, CD73), stemness (Notch-1, Oct-4, Sca-1, Stro-1) and pericyte markers (NG2) whilst were negative for hematopoietic and endothelial markers (CD34, CD133, CD45, KDR, CD146, CD31 and vWF). MSCs derived from failed homografts (H-MSCs) exhibited adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic potential but scarce propensity to angiogenic and leiomyogenic differentiation. The present study demonstrates that failed homografts contain MSCs with morphological, phenotypic and functional MSCs properties; H-MSCs are long-lived in culture, highly proliferating and endowed with prompt ability to differentiate into adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes; compared with VW-MSCs from normal arteries, H-MSCs show a failure in angiogenic and leiomyogenic differentiation. A switch in MSCs plasticity could be the basis of pathological remodeling and contribute to aneurysmal failure of arterial homografts. The study of VW-MSCs in a pathological setting indicate that additional mechanisms are involved in vascular diseases; their knowledge will be useful for opening new therapeutic options in cardiovascular diseases.


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Supercritical Emulsion Extraction technology (SEE-C) was proposed for the production of poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid microcarriers. SEE-C operating parameters as pressure, temperature and flow rate ratios were analyzed and the process performance was optimized in terms of size distribution and encapsulation efficiency. Microdevices loaded with bovine serum insulin were produced with different sizes (2 and 3 µm) or insulin charges (3 and 6 mg/g) and with an encapsulation efficiency of 60%. The microcarriers were characterized in terms of insulin release profile in two different media (PBS and DMEM) and the diffusion and degradation constants were also estimated by using a mathematical model. PLGA microdevices were also used in a cultivation of embryonic ventricular myoblasts (cell line H9c2 obtained from rat) in a FBS serum free medium to monitor cell viability and growth in dependence of insulin released. Good cell viability and growth were observed on 3 µm microdevices loaded with 3 mg/g of insulin. PLGA microspheres loaded with growth factors (GFs) were charged into alginate scaffold with human Mesenchimal Steam Cells (hMSC) for bone tissue engineering with the aim of monitoring the effect of the local release of these signals on cells differentiation. These “living” 3D scaffolds were incubated in a direct perfusion tubular bioreactor to enhance nutrient transport and exposing the cells to a given shear stress. Different GFs such as, h-VEGF, h-BMP2 and a mix of two (ratio 1:1) were loaded and alginate beads were recovered from dynamic (tubular perfusion system bioreactor) and static culture at different time points (1st, 7th, 21st days) for the analytical assays such as, live/dead; alkaline phosphatase; osteocalcin; osteopontin and Van Kossa Immunoassay. The immunoassay confirmed always a better cells differentiation in the bioreactor with respect to the static culture and revealed a great influence of the BMP-2 released in the scaffold on cell differentiation.


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Advances in stem cell biology have challenged the notion that infarcted myocardium is irreparable. The pluripotent ability of stem cells to differentiate into specialized cell lines began to garner intense interest within cardiology when it was shown in animal models that intramyocardial injection of bone marrow stem cells (MSCs), or the mobilization of bone marrow stem cells with spontaneous homing to myocardium, could improve cardiac function and survival after induced myocardial infarction (MI) [1, 2]. Furthermore, the existence of stem cells in myocardium has been identified in animal heart [3, 4], and intense research is under way in an attempt to clarify their potential clinical application for patients with myocardial infarction. To date, in order to identify the best one, different kinds of stem cells have been studied; these have been derived from embryo or adult tissues (i.e. bone marrow, heart, peripheral blood etc.). Currently, three different biologic therapies for cardiovascular diseases are under investigation: cell therapy, gene therapy and the more recenttissue-engineering” therapy . During my Ph.D. course, first I focalised my study on the isolation and characterization of Cardiac Stem Cells (CSCs) in wild-type and transgenic mice and for this purpose I attended, for more than one year, the Cardiovascular Research Institute of the New York Medical College, in Valhalla (NY, USA) under the direction of Doctor Piero Anversa. During this period I learnt different Immunohistochemical and Biomolecular techniques, useful for investigating the regenerative potential of stem cells. Then, during the next two years, I studied the new approach of cardiac regenerative medicine based on “tissue-engineering” in order to investigate a new strategy to regenerate the infracted myocardium. Tissue-engineering is a promising approach that makes possible the creation of new functional tissue to replace lost or failing tissue. This new discipline combines isolated functioning cells and biodegradable 3-dimensional (3D) polymeric scaffolds. The scaffold temporarily provides the biomechanical support for the cells until they produce their own extracellular matrix. Because tissue-engineering constructs contain living cells, they may have the potential for growth and cellular self-repair and remodeling. In the present study, I examined whether the tissue-engineering strategy within hyaluron-based scaffolds would result in the formation of alternative cardiac tissue that could replace the scar and improve cardiac function after MI in syngeneic heterotopic rat hearts. Rat hearts were explanted, subjected to left coronary descending artery occlusion, and then grafted into the abdomen (aorta-aorta anastomosis) of receiving syngeneic rat. After 2 weeks, a pouch of 3 mm2 was made in the thickness of the ventricular wall at the level of the post-infarction scar. The hyaluronic scaffold, previously engineered for 3 weeks with rat MSCs, was introduced into the pouch and the myocardial edges sutured with few stitches. Two weeks later we evaluated the cardiac function by M-Mode echocardiography and the myocardial morphology by microscope analysis. We chose bone marrow-derived mensenchymal stem cells (MSCs) because they have shown great signaling and regenerative properties when delivered to heart tissue following a myocardial infarction (MI). However, while the object of cell transplantation is to improve ventricular function, cardiac cell transplantation has had limited success because of poor graft viability and low cell retention, that’s why we decided to combine MSCs with a biopolimeric scaffold. At the end of the experiments we observed that the hyaluronan fibres had not been substantially degraded 2 weeks after heart-transplantation. Most MSCs had migrated to the surrounding infarcted area where they were especially found close to small-sized vessels. Scar tissue was moderated in the engrafted region and the thickness of the corresponding ventricular wall was comparable to that of the non-infarcted remote area. Also, the left ventricular shortening fraction, evaluated by M-Mode echocardiography, was found a little bit increased when compared to that measured just before construct transplantation. Therefore, this study suggests that post-infarction myocardial remodelling can be favourably affected by the grafting of MSCs delivered through a hyaluron-based scaffold


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La ricerca sulle cellule staminali apre nuove prospettive per approcci di terapia cellulare. Molta attenzione è concentrata sulle cellule staminali isolate da membrane fetali, per la facilità di recupero del materiale di partenza, le limitate implicazioni etiche e le caratteristiche delle popolazioni di cellule staminali residenti. In particolare a livello dell’epitelio amniotico si concentra una popolazione di cellule (hAECs) con interessanti caratteristiche di staminalità, pluripotenza e immunomodulazione. Restano però una serie di limiti prima di arrivare ad un’applicazione clinica: l’uso di siero di origine animale nei terreni di coltura e le limitate conoscenze legate alla reazione immunitaria in vivo. La prima parte di questo lavoro è focalizzata sulle caratteristiche delle hAECs coltivate in un terreno privo di siero, in confronto a un terreno di coltura classico. Lo studio è concentrato sull’analisi delle caratteristiche biologiche, immunomodulatorie e differenziative delle hAECs. L’interesse verso le caratteristiche immunomodulatorie è legato alla possibilità che l’uso di un terreno serum free riduca il rischio di rigetto dopo trapianto in vivo. La maggior parte degli studi in vivo con cellule isolate da membrane fetali sono stati realizzati con cellule di derivazione umana in trapianti xenogenici, ma poco si sa circa la sopravvivenza di queste cellule in trapianti allogenici, come nel caso di trapianti di cellule di derivazione murina in modelli di topo. La seconda parte dello studio è focalizzata sulla caratterizzazione delle cellule derivate da membrane fetali di topo (mFMSC). Le caratteristiche biologiche, differenziative e immunomodulatorie in vitro e in vivo delle mFMSC sono state confrontate con i fibroblasti embrionali di topo. In particolare è stata analizzata la risposta immunitaria a trapianti di mFMSC nel sistema nervoso centrale (CNS) in modelli murini immunocompetenti.


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate the regenerative potential of alternative sources of stem cells, derived from human dental pulp (hDPSCs) and amniotic fluid (hAFSCs) and, specifically, to evaluate their capability to be committed towards osteogenic and myogenic lineages, for the eventual applicability of these stem cells to translational strategies in regenerative medicine of bone and skeletal muscle tissues. The in vitro bone production by stem cells may represent a radical breakthrough in the treatment of pathologies and traumas characterized by critical bone mass defects, with no medical or surgical solution. Human DPSCs and AFSCs were seeded and pre-differentiated on different scaffolds to test their capability to subsequently reach the osteogenic differentiation in vivo, in order to recover critical size bone defects. Fibroin scaffold resulted to be the best scaffold promoting mature bone formation and defect correction when combined to both hDPSCs and hAFSCs. This study also described a culture condition that might allow human DPSCs to be used for human cell therapy in compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMPs): the use of human serum (HS) promoted the expansion and the osteogenic differentiation of hDPSCs in vitro and, furthermore, allowed pre-differentiated hDPSCs to regenerate critical size bone defects in vivo. This thesis also showed that hDPSCs and hAFSCs can be differentiated towards the myogenic lineage in vitro, either when co-cultured with murine myoblasts and when differentiated alone after DNA demethylation treatment. Interestingly, when injected into dystrophic muscles of SCID/mdx mice - animal model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) - hDPSCs and hAFSCs pre-differentiated after demethylating treatment were able to regenerate the skeletal muscle tissue and, particularly, to restore dystrophin expression. These observations suggest that human DPSCs and AFSCs might be eventually applied to translational strategies, in order to enhance the repair of injured skeletal muscles in DMD patients.


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Introduzione. Le cellule mesenchimali derivate dal tessuto adiposo (hASC) rappresentano un importante strumento per la terapia cellulare, in quanto derivano da un tessuto adulto abbondante e facilmente reperibile. Con il dispositivo medico Lipogems l’isolamento di tali cellule è eseguito esclusivamente mediante sollecitazioni meccaniche. Il prodotto ottenuto è quindi minimamente manipolato e subito utilizzabile. Ad oggi, il condizionamento pro-differenziativo delle staminali è per lo più attuato mediante molecole di sintesi. Tuttavia, altri fattori possono modulare la fisiologia cellulare, come gli stimoli fisici e molecole naturali. Onde elettromagnetiche hanno indotto in modelli cellulari staminali l’espressione di alcuni marcatori di differenziamento e, in cellule adulte, una riprogrammazione, mentre estratti embrionali di Zebrafish sono risultati antiproliferativi sia in vitro che in vivo. Metodi. La ricerca di nuove strategie differenziative sia di natura fisica che molecolare, nel particolare onde acustiche ed estratti embrionali di Zebrafish, è stata condotta utilizzando come modello cellulare le hASC isolate con Lipogems. Onde acustiche sono state somministrate mediante l’utilizzo di due apparati di trasduzione, un generatore di onde meccaniche e il Cell Exciter . I trattamenti con gli estratti embrionali sono stati effettuati utilizzando diverse concentrazioni e diversi tempi sperimentali. Gli effetti sull’espressione dei marcatori di staminalità e differenziamento relativi ai trattamenti sono stati saggiati in RT-PCR quantitativa relativa e/o in qPCR. Per i trattamenti di tipo molecolare è stata valutata anche la proliferazione. Risultati e conclusioni. La meta-analisi dei dati delle colture di controllo mostra la stabilità d’espressione genica del modello. I trattamenti con i suoni inducono variazioni dell’espressione genica, suggerendo un ruolo regolatorio di tali stimoli, in particolare del processo di commitment cardiovascolare. Due degli estratti embrionali di Zebrafish testati inibiscono la proliferazione alle 72 ore dalla somministrazione. L’analisi d’espressione associata ai trattamenti antiproliferativi suggerisce che tale effetto abbia basi molecolari simili ai processi di differenziamento.


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Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are a family of plant toxic enzymes that permanently damage ribosomes and possibly other cellular substrates, thus causing cell death involving different and still not completely understood pathways. The high cytotoxic activity showed by many RIPs makes them ideal candidates for the production of immunotoxins (ITs), chimeric proteins designed for the selective elimination of unwanted or malignant cells. Saporin-S6, a type 1 RIP extracted from Saponaria officinalis L. seeds, has been extensively employed to construct anticancer conjugates because of its high enzymatic activity, stability and resistance to conjugation procedures, resulting in the efficient killing of target cells. Here we investigated the anticancer properties of two saporin-based ITs, anti-CD20 RTX/S6 and anti-CD22 OM124/S6, designed for the experimental treatment of B-cell NHLs. Both ITs showed high cytotoxicity towards CD20-positive B-cells, and their antitumor efficacy was enhanced synergistically by a combined treatment with proteasome inhibitors or fludarabine. Furthermore, the two ITs showed differencies in potency and ability to activate effector caspases, and a different behavior in the presence of the ROS scavenger catalase. Taken together, these results suggest that the different carriers employed to target saporin might influence saporin intracellular routing and saporin-induced cell death mechanisms. We also investigated the early cellular response to stenodactylin, a recently discovered highly toxic type 2 RIP representing an interesting candidate for the design and production of a new IT for the experimental treatment of cancer.


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The first part of the research project of the Co-Advisorship Ph.D Thesis was aimed to select the best Bifidobacterium longum strains suitable to set the basis of our study. We were looking for strains with the abilities to colonize the intestinal mucosa and with good adhesion capacities, so that we can test these strains to investigate their ability to induce apoptosis in “damaged” intestinal cells. Adhesion and apoptosis are the two process that we want to study to better understand the role of an adhesion protein that we have previously identified and that have top scores homologies with the recent serpin encoding gene identified in B. longum by Nestlè researchers. Bifidobacterium longum is a probiotic, known for its beneficial effects to the human gut and even for its immunomodulatory and antitumor activities. Recently, many studies have stressed out the intimate relation between probiotic bacteria and the GIT mucosa and their influence on human cellular homeostasis. We focused on the apoptotic deletion of cancer cells induced by B. longum. This has been valued in vitro, performing the incubation of three B.longum strains with enterocyte-like Caco- 2 cells, to evidence DNA fragmentation, a cornerstone of apoptosis. The three strains tested were defined for their adhesion properties using adhesion and autoaggregation assays. These features are considered necessary to select a probiotic strain. The three strains named B12, B18 and B2990 resulted respectively: “strong adherent”, “adherent” and “non adherent”. Then, bacteria were incubated with Caco-2 cells to investigate apoptotic deletion. Cocultures of Caco-2 cells with B. longum resulted positive in DNA fragmentation test, only when adherent strains were used (B12 and B18). These results indicate that the interaction with adherent B. longum can induce apoptotic deletion of Caco-2 cells, suggesting a role in cellular homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract and in restoring the ecology of damaged colon tissues. These results were used to keep on researching and the strains tested were used as recipient of recombinant techniques aimed to originate new B.longum strains with enhanced capacity of apoptotic induction in “damaged” intestinal cells. To achieve this new goal it was decided to clone the serpin encoding gene of B. longum, so that we can understand its role in adhesion and apoptosis induction. Bifidobacterium longum has immunostimulant activity that in vitro can lead to apoptotic response of Caco-2 cell line. It secretes a hypothetical eukaryotic type serpin protein, which could be involved in this kind of deletion of damaged cells. We had previously characterised a protein that has homologies with the hypothetical serpin of B. longum (DD087853). In order to create Bifidobacterium serpin transformants, a B. longum cosmid library was screened with a PCR protocol using specific primers for serpin gene. After fragment extraction, the insert named S1 was sub-cloned into pRM2, an Escherichia coli - Bifidobacterium shuttle vector, to construct pRM3. Several protocols for B. longum transformation were performed and the best efficiency was obtained using MRS medium and raffinose. Finally bacterial cell supernatants were tested in a dotblot assay to detect antigens presence against anti-antitrypsin polyclonal antibody. The best signal was produced by one starin that has been renamed B. longum BLKS 7. Our research study was aimed to generate transformants able to over express serpin encoding gene, so that we can have the tools for a further study on bacterial apoptotic induction of Caco-2 cell line. After that we have originated new trasformants the next step to do was to test transformants abilities when exposed to an intestinal cell model. In fact, this part of the project was achieved in the Department of Biochemistry of the Medical Faculty of the University of Maribor, guest of the abroad supervisor of the Co-Advisorship Doctoral Thesis: Prof. Avrelija Cencic. In this study we examined the probiotic ability of some bacterial strains using intestinal cells from a 6 years old pig. The use of intestinal mammalian cells is essential to study this symbiosis and a functional cell model mimics a polarised epithelium in which enterocytes are separated by tight junctions. In this list of strains we have included the Bifidobacterium longum BKS7 transformant strain that we have previously originated; in order to compare its abilities. B. longum B12 wild type and B. longum BKS7 transformant and eight Lactobacillus strains of different sources were co-cultured with porcine small intestine epithelial cells (PSI C1) and porcine blood monocytes (PoM2) in Transwell filter inserts. The strains, including Lb. gasseri, Lb. fermentum, Lb. reuterii, Lb. plantarum and unidentified Lactobacillus from kenyan maasai milk and tanzanian coffee, were assayed for activation of cell lines, measuring nitric oxide by Griess reaction, H202 by tetramethylbenzidine reaction and O2 - by cytochrome C reduction. Cytotoxic effect by crystal violet staining and induction on metabolic activity by MTT cell proliferation assay were tested too. Transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) of polarised PSI C1 was measured during 48 hours co-culture. TER, used to observe epithelium permeability, decrease during pathogenesis and tissue becomes permeable to ion passive flow lowering epithelial barrier function. Probiotics can prevent or restore increased permeability. Lastly, dot-blot was achieved against Interleukin-6 of treated cells supernatants. The metabolic activity of PoM2 and PSI C1 increased slightly after co-culture not affecting mitochondrial functions. No strain was cytotoxic over PSI C1 and PoM2 and no cell activation was observed, as measured by the release of NO2, H202 and O2 - by PoM2 and PSI C1. During coculture TER of polarised PSI C1 was two-fold higher comparing with constant TER (~3000 ) of untreated cells. TER raise generated by bacteria maintains a low permeability of the epithelium. During treatment Interleukin-6 was detected in cell supernatants at several time points, confirming immunostimulant activity. All results were obtained using Lactobacillus paracasei Shirota e Carnobacterium divergens as controls. In conclusion we can state that both the list of putative probiotic bacteria and our new transformant strain of B. longum are not harmful when exposed to intestinal cells and could be selected as probiotics, because can strengthen epithelial barrier function and stimulate nonspecific immunity of intestinal cells on a pig cell model. Indeed, we have found out that none of the strains tested that have good adhesion abilities presents citotoxicity to the intestinal cells and that non of the strains tested can induce cell lines to produce high level of ROS, neither NO2. Moreover we have assayed even the capacity of producing certain citokynes that are correlated with immune response. The detection of Interleukin-6 was assayed in all our samples, including B.longum transformant BKS 7 strain, this result indicates that these bacteria can induce a non specific immune response in the intestinal cells. In fact, when we assayed the presence of Interferon-gamma in cells supernatant after bacterial exposure, we have no positive signals, that means that there is no activation of a specific immune response, thus confirming that these bacteria are not recognize as pathogen by the intestinal cells and are certainly not harmful for intestinal cells. The most important result is the measure of Trans Epithelial Electric Resistance that have shown how the intestinal barrier function get strengthen when cells are exposed to bacteria, due to a reduction of the epithelium permeability. We have now a new strain of B. longum that will be used for further studies above the mechanism of apoptotic induction to “damaged cells” and above the process of “restoring ecology”. This strain will be the basis to originate new transformant strains for Serpin encoding gene that must have better performance and shall be used one day even in clinical cases as in “gene therapy” for cancer treatment and prevention.


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Regulatory T cells (Treg) actively regulate alloimmune responses and promote transplantation tolerance. Polyclonal anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG), a widely used induction therapy in clinical organ transplantation, depletes peripheral T cells. However, resistance to tolerance induction is seen with certain T cell depleting strategies and is attributed to alterations in the balance of naïve, memory and regulatory T cells. Here we report a novel reagent, murine ATG (mATG), depletes T cells but preferentially spares CD25+ natural Tregs which limit skewing of T cell repertoire toward T-effector-memory (Tem) phenotype among the recovering T cells. T-cell depletion with mATG combined with CTLA4Ig and Sirolimus synergize to prolong graft survival by tipping the Treg/Tem balance further in favor of Tregs by preserving Tregs, facilitating generation of new Tregs by a conversion mechanism and limiting Tem expansion in response to alloantigen and homeostatic proliferation. These results provide the rationale for translating such novel combination therapies to promote tolerance in primate and human organ transplantation.


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The Plasma Focus is a device designed to generate a plasma sheet between two coaxial electrodes by means of a high voltage difference. The plasma is then driven to collapse into a “pinch”, where thermonuclear conditions prevail. During the “pinch phase” charged particles are emitted, with two main components: an ion beam peaked forward and an electron beam directed backward. The electron beam emitted backward by Plasma Focus devices is being investigated as a radiation source for medical applications, using it to produce x-rays by interaction with appropriate targets (through bremsstrahlung and characteristic emission). A dedicated Plasma Focus device, named PFMA-3 (Plasma Focus for Medical Applications number 3), has been designed, put in operation and tested by the research groups of the Universities of Bologna and Ferrara. The very high dose rate (several gray per discharge, in less than 1 µs) is a peculiarity of this device that has to be investigated, as it might modify the relative biological effectiveness (RBE). Aim of this Ph.D. project was to investigate the main physical properties of the low-energy x-ray beams produced by a Plasma Focus device and their potential medical applications to IORT treatments. It was necessary to develop the optimal geometrical configuration; to evaluate the x-rays produced and their dose deposited; to estimate the energy electron spectrum produced in the “pinch phase”; to study an optimal target for the conversion of the x-rays; to conduct simulations to study the physics involved; and in order to evaluate the radio-biological features of the beam, cell holders had to be developed for both irradiations and cell growth conditions.


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Ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) are a family of plant proteins that depurinate the major rRNA, inhibiting the protein synthesis. RIPs are divided into type 1, single chain proteins with enzymatic activity, and type 2 RIPs (toxic and non-toxic), with the enzymatic chain linked to a binding chain. RIPs have been used alone or as toxic component of immunotoxins for experimental therapy of many diseases. The knowledge of cell death pathway(s) induced by RIPs could be useful for clarifying the mechanisms induced by RIPs and for designing specific immunotherapy. The topic of the current study was (i) the determination of the amino acid sequence of the type 2 RIP stenodactylin. The comparison with other RIPs showed that the A chain is related to other toxic type 2 RIPs. whereas the B chain is more related to the non-toxic type 2 RIPs. This latter result is surprising because stenodactylin is actually the most toxic type 2 RIP known; (ii) the study of the cell death mechanisms induced by stenodactylin in human neuroblastoma cells (NB100). High doses of stenodactylin can activate the effector caspases (perhaps through the DNA damage and/or intrinsic/extrinsic pathways) and also cause ROS generation. Low doses cause a caspase-dependent apoptosis, mainly via extrinsic pathway. Moreover, the activation of caspases precedes the inhibition of protein synthesis; (iii) the investigation of the cell death pathway induced by the non-toxic type 2 RIPs ebulin l and nigrin b. These RIPs demonstrated high enzymatic activity in a cell-free system, but they lack high cytotoxicity. These preliminary studies demonstrate that the cell death mechanism induced by the two non-toxic RIPs is partially caspase-dependent apoptosis, but other mechanisms seem to be involved


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The human p53 tumor suppressor, known as the “guardian of the genome”, is one of the most important molecules in human cancers. One mechanism for suppressing p53 uses its negative regulator, MDM2, which modulates p53 by binding directly to and decreasing p53 stability. In testing novel therapeutic approaches activating p53, we investigated the preclinical activity of the MDM2 antagonist, Nutlin-3a, in Philadelphia positive (Ph+) and negative (Ph-) leukemic cell line models, and primary B-Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patient samples. In this study we demonstrated that treatment with Nutlin-3a induced grow arrest and apoptosis mediated by p53 pathway in ALL cells with wild-type p53, in time and dose-dependent manner. Consequently, MDM2 inhibitor caused an increase of pro-apoptotic proteins and key regulators of cell cycle arrest. The dose-dependent reduction in cell viability was confirmed in primary blast cells from Ph+ ALL patients with the T315I Bcr-Abl kinase domain mutation. In order to better elucidate the implications of p53 activation and to identify biomarkers of clinical activity, gene expression profiling analysis in sensitive cell lines was performed. A total of 621 genes were differentially expressed (p < 0.05). We found a strong down-regulation of GAS41 (growth-arrest specific 1 gene) and BMI1 (a polycomb ring-finger oncogene) (fold-change -1.35 and -1.11, respectively; p-value 0.02 and 0.03, respectively) after in vitro treatment as compared to control cells. Both genes are repressors of INK4/ARF and p21. Given the importance of BMI in the control of apoptosis, we investigated its pattern in treated and untreated cells, confirming a marked decrease after exposure to MDM2 inhibitor in ALL cells. Noteworthy, the BMI-1 levels remained constant in resistant cells. Therefore, BMI-1 may be used as a biomarker of response. Our findings provide a strong rational for further clinical investigation of Nutlin-3a in Ph+ and Ph-ALL.


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Bone metastases are responsible for different clinical complications defined as skeletal-related events (SREs) such as pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, hypercalcaemia, bone marrow infiltration and severe bone pain requiring palliative radiotherapy. The general aim of these three years research period was to improve the management of patients with bone metastases through two different approaches of translational research. Firstly in vitro preclinical tests were conducted on breast cancer cells and on indirect co-colture of cancer cells and osteoclasts to evaluate bone targeted therapy singly and in combination with conventional chemotherapy. The study suggests that zoledronic acid has an antitumor activity in breast cancer cell lines. Its mechanism of action involves the decrease of RAS and RHO, as in osteoclasts. Repeated treatment enhances antitumor activity compared to non-repeated treatment. Furthermore the combination Zoledronic Acid + Cisplatin induced a high antitumoral activity in the two triple-negative lines MDA-MB-231 and BRC-230. The p21, pMAPK and m-TOR pathways were regulated by this combined treatment, particularly at lower Cisplatin doses. A co-colture system to test the activity of bone-targeted molecules on monocytes-breast conditioned by breast cancer cells was also developed. Another important criticism of the treatment of breast cancer patients, is the selection of patients who will benefit of bone targeted therapy in the adjuvant setting. A retrospective case-control study on breast cancer patients to find new predictive markers of bone metastases in the primary tumors was performed. Eight markers were evaluated and TFF1 and CXCR4 were found to discriminate between patients with relapse to bone respect to patients with no evidence of disease. In particular TFF1 was the most accurate marker reaching a sensitivity of 63% and a specificity of 79%. This marker could be a useful tool for clinicians to select patients who could benefit for bone targeted therapy in adjuvant setting.


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Backgrounds:Treatment of patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) not eligible to high dose therapy represents an unmet medical need. Panobinostat showed encouraging therapeutic activity in studies conducted in lymphoma cell lines and in vivo in patients with advanced hematologic malignancies.Purpose:FIL-PanAL10 (NCT01523834) is a phase II, prospective multicenter trial of the Fondazione Italiana Linfomi (FIL) to evaluate safety and efficacy of single agent Panobinostat as salvage therapy for R/R DLBCL patients and to evaluate a possible relationships between response and any biological features. Patients and Methods:Patients with R/R DLBCL were included. The treatment plan included 6 induction courses with Panobinostat monotherapy followed by other 6 courses of consolidation. The primary objective was to evaluate Panobinostat activity in terms of overall response (OR); secondary objectives were: CR rate, time to response (TTR), progression-free survival (PFS), safety and feasibility of Panobinostat. We included evaluation of the impact of pharmacogenetics, immunohistochemical patterns and patient’s specific gene expression and mutations as potential predictors of response to Panobinostat as explorative objectives. To this aim a pre-enrollment new tissue biopsy was mandatory. ResultsThirty-five patients, 21 males (60%), were enrolled between June 2011 and March 2014. At the end of induction phase, 7 responses (20%) were observed, including 4 CR (11%), while 28 patients (80%) discontinued treatment due to progressive disease (PD) in 21 (60%) or adverse events in 7 (20%). Median TTR in 9 responders was 2.6 months (range 1.8-12). With a median follow up of 6 months (range 1-34), the estimated 12 months PFS and OS were 27% and 30.5%, respectively. Grade 3-4 thrombocytopenia and neutropenia were the most common toxicities (in 29 (83%) and 12 (34%) patients, respectively. Conclusions The results of this study indicate that Panobinostat might be remarkably active in some patients with R/R DLBCL, showing durable CR


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Class I phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are heterodimeric lipid kinases consisting of a regulatory subunit and one of four catalytic subunits (p110α, p110β, p110γ or p110δ). p110γ/p110δ PI3Ks are highly enriched in leukocytes. In general, PI3Ks regulate a variety of cellular processes including cell proliferation, survival and metabolism, by generating the second messenger phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P3). Their activity is tightly regulated by the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) lipid phosphatase. PI3Ks are widely implicated in human cancers, and in particular are upregulated in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), mainly due to loss of PTEN function. These observations lend compelling weight to the application of PI3K inhibitors in the therapy of T-ALL. At present different compounds which target single or multiple PI3K isoforms have entered clinical trials. In the present research, it has been analyzed the therapeutic potential of the pan-PI3K inhibitor BKM120, an orally bioavailable 2,6-dimorpholino pyrimidine derivative, which has entered clinical trials for solid tumors, on both T-ALL cell lines and patient samples. BKM120 treatment resulted in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, being cytotoxic to a panel of T-ALL cell lines and patient T-lymphoblasts. Remarkably, BKM120 synergized with chemotherapeutic agents currently used for treating T-ALL patients. BKM120 efficacy was confirmed in in vivo studies to a subcutaneous xenotransplant model of human T-ALL. Because it is still unclear which agents among isoform-specific or pan inhibitors can achieve the greater efficacy, further analyses have been conducted to investigate the effects of PI3K inhibition, in order to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the proliferative impairment of T-ALL. Overall, these results indicated that BKM120 may be an efficient treatment for T-ALLs that have aberrant up-regulation of the PI3K signaling pathway and strongly support clinical application of pan-class I PI3K rather than single-isoform inhibitors in T-ALL treatment.