5 resultados para Suspect

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Aim of the present study was to evaluate the accuracy of transrectal ultrasound biopsy (TRUS-biopsy) directed to regions with abnormal MRI and/or MRSI (magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging ) for both the transition (TZ) and the peripheral (PZ) zones in patients who presented with persistent suspect for prostate cancer and with prior negative biopsy. We also evaluated relationship between MRSI results and histopathological findings of biopsy. 54 patients with the aforementioned characteristics underwent MRI/MRSI at least 6 months after prior negative biopsy; interval between MRI/3D-MRSI and the further TRUS-biopsy was less than 3 months. The prostate was divided in 12 regions both for imaging interpretation and biopsy. Moreover one to three cores more were taken from each region with abnormal MRI and/or 3D-MRSI. Twenty-two out of 54 patients presented cancer at MRI/MRSI-directed-TRUS-biopsy. On a patient basis the highest accuracy was obtained by assigning malignancy on a positive finding with MRSI and MRI even though it was not significantly greater than that obtained using MRI alone (area under the ROC curve, AUC: 0.723 vs. 0.676). On a region (n=648) basis the best accuracy was also obtained by considering positive both MRSI and MRI for PZ (0.768) and TZ (0.822). Twenty-eight per cent of cores with prostatitis were false positive findings on MRSI, whereas only 2.7% of benign prostatic hyperplasia was false positive. In conclusion the accuracy of MRI/MRSI-directed biopsies in localization of prostate cancer is good in patient and region analyses. The combination of both MRI and MRSI results makes TRUS-biopsy more accurate particularly in the TZ (0.822) for patients with prior negative biopsies. Histopathological analysis showed that the main limitation of MRSI is the percentage of false positive findings due to prostatitis.


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Lung ultrasound use is increasing in respiratory medicine thanks to its development in the latest years. Actually it allows to study diseases of the chest wall (traumas, infections, neoplasms), diaphragm (paralysis, ipokinesis), pleura (effusions, pneumothorax, thickenings, neoplasms) and lung parenchyma (consolidations, interstitial syndromes, peripheral lesions). One of the most useful application of chest ultrasound is the evaluation of effusions. However, no standardized approach for ultrasound-guided thoracenthesis is available. Our study showed that our usual ultrasonographic landmark (“V-point”) could be a standard site to perform thoracenthesis: in 45 thoracenthesis no pneumothorax occurred, drainage was always successful at first attempt. Values of maximum thickness at V-point and drained fluid volume showed a significative correlation. Proteins concentration of ultrasound patterns of effusions (anechoic, ipoechoic, moving echoic spots, dense moving spots, hyperechoic) were compared to those of the macroscopic features of fluids showing connection between light-yellow fluid and echoic moving spots pattern and between ipoechoic/dense moving spots and cloudy-yellow/serum-haematic fluids. These observations suggest that ultrasound could predict chemical-physical features of effusions. Lung ultrasound provides useful information about many disease of the lung, but actually there is not useful in obstructive bronchial diseases. Analysing diaphragmatic kinetics using M-mode through transhepatic scan we described a similarity between diaphragm excursion during an expiratory forced maneuver and the volume/time curve of spirometry. This allowed us to identify the M-mode Index of Obstruction (MIO), an ultrasound-analogue of FEV1/VC. We observed MIO values of normal subjects (9) and obstructed patients (9) comparing the two groups. FEV1/VC and MIO showed a significant correlation suggesting that MIO may be affected by airways obstruction; MIO values were significatively different between normal and obstructed so that it could identify an obstructive syndrome. The data show that it is possible to suspect the presence of obstructive syndrome of the airways using ultrasonography of the diaphragm.


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Ultrasound imaging is widely used in medical diagnostics as it is the fastest, least invasive, and least expensive imaging modality. However, ultrasound images are intrinsically difficult to be interpreted. In this scenario, Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems can be used to support physicians during diagnosis providing them a second opinion. This thesis discusses efficient ultrasound processing techniques for computer aided medical diagnostics, focusing on two major topics: (i) Ultrasound Tissue Characterization (UTC), aimed at characterizing and differentiating between healthy and diseased tissue; (ii) Ultrasound Image Segmentation (UIS), aimed at detecting the boundaries of anatomical structures to automatically measure organ dimensions and compute clinically relevant functional indices. Research on UTC produced a CAD tool for Prostate Cancer detection to improve the biopsy protocol. In particular, this thesis contributes with: (i) the development of a robust classification system; (ii) the exploitation of parallel computing on GPU for real-time performance; (iii) the introduction of both an innovative Semi-Supervised Learning algorithm and a novel supervised/semi-supervised learning scheme for CAD system training that improve system performance reducing data collection effort and avoiding collected data wasting. The tool provides physicians a risk map highlighting suspect tissue areas, allowing them to perform a lesion-directed biopsy. Clinical validation demonstrated the system validity as a diagnostic support tool and its effectiveness at reducing the number of biopsy cores requested for an accurate diagnosis. For UIS the research developed a heart disease diagnostic tool based on Real-Time 3D Echocardiography. Thesis contributions to this application are: (i) the development of an automated GPU based level-set segmentation framework for 3D images; (ii) the application of this framework to the myocardium segmentation. Experimental results showed the high efficiency and flexibility of the proposed framework. Its effectiveness as a tool for quantitative analysis of 3D cardiac morphology and function was demonstrated through clinical validation.


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Il presente lavoro ha ad oggetto l’esame della disciplina dell’arresto in flagranza e del fermo di indiziato di delitto: istituti profondamente “utili” e “d’impatto” (anche mass-mediatico) perché ontologicamente tesi, soprattutto il primo, all’immediata repressione del fenomeno criminale. Scopo e ragione di questo studio, è dunque l’individuazione di altre e più profonde finalità di tali istituti, passando per una piena comprensione del ruolo loro assegnato nel vigente impianto codicistico. La ricerca, dunque, si è sviluppata lungo tre direttrici, ciascuna rappresentata – anche dal punto di vista grafico-strutturale – nelle tre parti cin cui è diviso l’elaborato finale e ciascuna singolarmente riferibile, in un’immaginaria linea del tempo, allo ieri (e ai principi), all’oggi e al domani della disciplina delle misure coercitive di polizia giudiziaria. Nella prima parte, infatti, partendo dall’analisi storica degli istituti in esame, si è proceduto all’esame della disciplina e della giurisprudenza costituzionale in tema di strumenti di polizia giudiziari provvisoriamente limitativi della libertà personale; l’obiettivo primo di tale approfondimento, cui poi sarà informato l’analisi della dinamica degli istituti, è proprio l’individuazione delle finalità – conformi a Costituzione – dell’arresto e del fermo di indiziato di delitto. Seguirà l’analisi del concetto di libertà personale, e dei margini consentiti per la sua limitazione, in seno al sistema della Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo. La seconda parte contiene un’analisi critica degli istituti dell’arresto in flagranza, del fermo di indiziato di delitto e dell’arresto urgente a fini estradizionale. Infine, la terza e ultima parte ha ad oggetto l’ulteriore di linea di ricerca che si è sviluppata a mo’ di conclusione delle predette analisi, riguardante la possibilità di utilizzare lo strumento del fermo, ampliandone le maglie applicative, come viatico per l’introduzione del contraddittorio anticipato rispetto all’applicazione delle misure cautelari personali


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L’elaborato si occupa di fare il punto in materia di indagini difensive a tre lustri dall’entrata in vigore della legge n. 397/2000, epilogo di un lungo processo evolutivo che ha visto da un lato, una gestazione faticosa e travagliata, dall’altro, un prodotto normativo accolto dagli operatori in un contesto di scetticismo generale. In un panorama normativo e giurisprudenziale in continua evoluzione, i paradigmi dettati dagli artt. 24 e 111 della Costituzione, in tema di diritto alla difesa e di formazione della prova penale secondo il principio del contraddittorio tra le parti, in condizioni di parità, richiedono che il sistema giustizia offra sia all’indagato che all’imputato sufficienti strumenti difensivi. Tenuto conto delle diversità che caratterizzano naturalmente i ruoli dell’accusa e della difesa che impongono asimmetrie genetiche inevitabili, l’obiettivo della ricerca consiste nella disamina degli strumenti idonei a garantire il diritto alla prova della difesa in ogni stato e grado del procedimento, nel tentativo di realizzare compiutamente il principio di parità accusa - difesa nel processo penale. La ricerca si dipana attraverso tre direttrici: l’analisi dello statuto sulle investigazioni difensive nella sua evoluzione storica sino ai giorni nostri, lo studio della prova penale nel sistema americano e, infine, in alcune considerazioni finali espresse in chiave comparatistica. Le suggestioni proposte sono caratterizzate da un denominatore comune, ovvero dal presupposto che per contraddire è necessario conoscere e che solo per tale via sia possibile, finalmente, riconoscere il diritto di difendersi indagando.