5 resultados para Subpopulation

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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La micosi fungoide (MF) è un linfoma a cellule T primitivo della cute usualmente indolente negli stadi iniziali, ma con prognosi decisamente peggiore nelle fasi avanzate, ove attualmente non sono presenti strategie terapeutiche tali da indurre remissioni durature. Recenti osservazioni indicano che alti livelli di espressione del vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) nelle cellule della MF sembrano correlare con una prognosi peggiore. Nel presente studio, sono state vagliate le eventuali differenze di espressione di VEGF nella MF e nei linfociti T normali. In primo luogo sono stati raffrontati 63 casi di MF con 20 campioni corrispondenti alle diverse sottopopolazioni di linfociti T normali, per stabilire quale fra questi esprimesse maggiori livelli di VEGF. Tale esperimento ha dimostrato che il gene è notevolmente più espresso nella MF. Si è provveduto a stabilire se tale dato sia da correlarsi ad un fenomeno patologico o fisiologico. Quindi sono state eseguite indagini di gene expression profiling (GEP) allo scopo di vagliare i livelli di VEGF nella popolazione linfocitaria T normale (CD4+, CD8+, HLA-DR+ e HLA-DR-): da ciò è risultato che i linfociti T attivati esprimono maggiormente VEGF e che il loro GEP è globalmente paragonabile a quello della MF. Pertanto, i linfociti T attivati sono stati considerati la controparte normale delle cellule della MF. Successivamente si è confrontata l’espressione quantitativa di VEGF nei linfociti T attivati e nelle cellule della MF, evidenziando come questa sia maggiore nella popolazione neoplastica indipendentemente dallo stadio della malattia. Le indagini immunoistochimiche condotte su 18 casi di MF, hanno confermato quanto evidenziato attraverso il GEP. Concludendo, la ricerca ha dimostrato per la prima volta l’espressione di VEGF negli elementi della MF. Ciò porta a supporre che la de-regolazione genica della via di VEGF sia correlata nella patogenesi della MF e che tale molecola possa considerarsi un potenziale bersaglio terapeutico.


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Nei Roditori e nei Primati, studi di immunoistochimica condotti sulla formazione ippocampale hanno dimostrato che le proteine leganti il calcio (parvalbumina, calbindina-D28k e calretinina) sono dei marker che consentono di identificare differenti sottopopolazioni di neuroni. Nel presente studio è stata analizzata la distribuzione di queste proteine nella formazione ippocampale di cane. L’immunoreattività per la parvalbumina è stata localizzata in neuroni multipolari presenti nello strato polimorfo e nei campi CA3-CA1, così come in alcuni neuroni presumibilmente inibitori localizzati nel campo CA1 e nel subicolo. I granuli e le fibre muschiate presentavano una forte immunoreattività per la calbindina-D28k. Tale immunoreattività era evidente anche nei neuroni piramidali del campo CA1 e del subicolo ed in alcuni interneuroni, presumibilmente inibitori, distribuiti nella formazione ippocampale. L’immunoreatività per la calretinina era relativamente bassa in tutta la formazione ippocampale. Le analisi immunoistochimiche hanno evidenziato, nel giro dentato e nel campo CA1, una riduzione età-dipendente dell’immunoreattività per la parvalbumina e la calretinina. Le analisi condotte mediante risonanza magnetica hanno inoltre dimostrato una riduzione volumetrica età-dipendente della formazione ippocampale di cane.


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The porpoise of this study was to implement research methodologies and assess the effectiveness and impact of management tools to promote best practices for the long term conservation of the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Different methods were included in the project framework to investigate and expand the applicability of these methodologies to free-ranging African wild dogs in the southern African region: ethology, behavioural endocrinology and ecology field methodologies were tested and implemented. Additionally, research was performed to test the effectiveness and implication of a contraceptive implant (Suprenolin) as a management tool for the species of a subpopulation hosted in fenced areas. Attention was especially given to social structure and survival of treated packs. This research provides useful tools and advances the applicability of these methods for field studies, standardizing and improving research instruments in the field of conservation biology and behavioural endocrinology. Results reported here provide effective methodologies to expand the applicability of non-invasive endocrine assessment to previously prohibited fields, and validation of sampling methods for faecal hormone analysis. The final aim was to fill a knowledge gap on behaviours of the species and provide a common ground for future researchers to apply non-invasive methods to this species research and to test the effectiveness of the contraception on a managed metapopulation.


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Nephrops norvegicus is a sedentary bottom-dwelling crustacean that represents one of the main commercial species exploited in the Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean). An evaluation of the status of this important resource is thus extremely important in order to manage it in a sustainable way. The evaluation of N. norvegicus is complicated by several issues, mainly: (i) the complex biology and behaviour of the species itself, (ii) the presence of subpopulations with different biological traits within the same stock unit. Relevant concentration of N.norvegicus occurs within the Pomo/Jabuka Pits area which is characterised by peculiar oceanographic and geophysical conditions. This area represented for a long time an important fishing ground shared by Italian and Croatian fleets and recently a Fishery Restricted Area (FRA) was established there. The aim of the present study is to perform for the first time an evaluation of the status of the N.norvegicus subpopulation inhabiting the Pomo/Jabuka Pits also accounting for the possible effects on it of the management measures. To achieve this, the principal fisheryindependent and fishery-dependent dataset available for the study area were firstly analysed and then treated. Data collected by the CNR-IRBIM of Ancona through both indirect (“UWTV”) and direct (trawling) methods were refined by means of a revision of the time series and related biases, and a modelling approach accounting for environmental and fishery effects, respectively. Commercial data for both Italy and Croatia were treated in order to obtain landings and length distributions for the Pomo area only; an historical reconstruction of data starting from 1970 was carried out for both countries. The obtained information was used as input for a Bayesian length-based stock assessment model developed through the CASAL software; the flexibility of this model is recommended for N.norvegicus and similar species allowing to deal with sex- and fleet-based integrated assessment method


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During kidney transplant procedure transplanted organs can undergo ischaemia reperfusion phenomena, often associated with the onset of acute kidney damage, loss of kidney function and rejection. These events promote cell turnover to replace damaged cells and preserve kidney function, thus cells deriving from nephrons structures are highly voided in urine. Urine derived cells represents a promising cell source since they can be easily isolated and cultured. The aim of this project was to characterise Urine-derived Renal Epithelial Cells (URECs) from transplanted kidney and to evaluate how these cells react to the co-culture with immune cells. URECs expressed typical markers of kidney tubule epithelial cells (Cytokeratin and CD13), and a subpopulation of these cells expressed CD24 and CD133, which are markers of kidney epithelial progenitor cells. The expression of immunosuppressive molecules as HLA-G and CD73 was also observed. As matter of fact, during the co-culture with PBMCs, UREC suppressed the proliferation of CD4 and CD8 Lymphocytes and reduce the T helper 1 subset, while increasing the T regulatory counterpart. Also, preliminary data observed in this study indicated that the exposition to kidney damage associated molecule, such as NGAL, could significantly affect UREC viability and immunomodulatory capacity. These results add new information about the phenotype of urine cells obtained after kidney transplant and reveal that these cells show promising immunomodulatory properties, suggesting their potential application in personalized cell therapy approaches.