14 resultados para Star-formation

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This thesis is devoted to the study of the properties of high-redsfhit galaxies in the epoch 1 < z < 3, when a substantial fraction of galaxy mass was assembled, and when the evolution of the star-formation rate density peaked. Following a multi-perspective approach and using the most recent and high-quality data available (spectra, photometry and imaging), the morphologies and the star-formation properties of high-redsfhit galaxies were investigated. Through an accurate morphological analyses, the built up of the Hubble sequence was placed around z ~ 2.5. High-redshift galaxies appear, in general, much more irregular and asymmetric than local ones. Moreover, the occurrence of morphological k-­correction is less pronounced than in the local Universe. Different star-formation rate indicators were also studied. The comparison of ultra-violet and optical based estimates, with the values derived from infra-red luminosity showed that the traditional way of addressing the dust obscuration is problematic, at high-redshifts, and new models of dust geometry and composition are required. Finally, by means of stacking techniques applied to rest-frame ultra-violet spectra of star-forming galaxies at z~2, the warm phase of galactic-scale outflows was studied. Evidence was found of escaping gas at velocities of ~ 100 km/s. Studying the correlation of inter-­stellar absorption lines equivalent widths with galaxy physical properties, the intensity of the outflow-related spectral features was proven to depend strongly on a combination of the velocity dispersion of the gas and its geometry.


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In this Thesis, we study the physical properties and the cosmic evolution of AGN and their host galaxies since z∼3. Our analysis exploits samples of star forming galaxies detected with Herschel at far-IR wavelengths (from 70 up to 500 micron) in different extragalactic surveys, such as COSMOS and the deep GOODS (South and North) fields. The broad-band ancillary data available in COSMOS and the GOODS fields, allows us to implement Herschel and Spitzer photometry with multi-wavelength ancillary data. We perform a multicomponent SED-fitting decomposition to decouple the emission due to star formation from that due to AGN accretion, and to estimate both host-galaxy parameters (such as stellar mass, M* and star formation rate, SFR), and nuclear intrinsic bolometric luminosities. We use the individual estimates of AGN bolometric luminosity obtained through SED-fitting decomposition to reconstruct the redshit evolution of the AGN bolometric luminosity function since z∼3. The resulting trends are used to estimate the overall AGN accretion rate density at different cosmic epochs and to trace the first ever estimate of the AGN accretion history from an IR survey. Later on, we focus our study on the connection between AGN accretion and integrated galaxy properties. We analyse the relationships of AGN accretion with galaxy properties in the SFR-M* plane and at different cosmic epochs. Finally, we infer what is the parameter that best correlates with AGN accretion, comparing our results with previous studies and discussing their physical implications in the context of current scenarios of AGN/galaxy evolution.


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In this thesis two related arguments are investigated: - The first stages of the process of massive star formation, investigating the physical conditions and -properties of massive clumps in different evolutionary stages, and their CO depletion; - The influence that high-mass stars have on the nearby material and on the activity of star formation. I characterise the gas and dust temperature, mass and density of a sample of massive clumps, and analyse the variation of these properties from quiescent clumps, without any sign of active star formation, to clumps likely hosting a zero-age main sequence star. I briefly discuss CO depletion and recent observations of several molecular species, tracers of Hot Cores and/or shocked gas, of a subsample of these clumps. The issue of CO depletion is addressed in more detail in a larger sample consisting of the brightest sources in the ATLASGAL survey: using a radiative tranfer code I investigate how the depletion changes from dark clouds to more evolved objects, and compare its evolution to what happens in the low-mass regime. Finally, I derive the physical properties of the molecular gas in the photon-dominated region adjacent to the HII region G353.2+0.9 in the vicinity of Pismis 24, a young, massive cluster, containing some of the most massive and hottest stars known in our Galaxy. I derive the IMF of the cluster and study the star formation activity in its surroundings. Much of the data analysis is done with a Bayesian approach. Therefore, a separate chapter is dedicated to the concepts of Bayesian statistics.


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This Thesis is devoted to the study of the optical companions of Millisecond Pulsars in Galactic Globular Clusters (GCs) as a part of a large project started at the Department of Astronomy of the Bologna University, in collaboration with other institutions (Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari and Bologna, University of Virginia), specifically dedicated to the study of the environmental effects on passive stellar evolution in galactic GCs. Globular Clusters are very efficient “Kilns” for generating exotic object, such as Millisecond Pulsars (MSP), low mass X-ray binaries(LMXB) or Blue Straggler Stars (BSS). In particular MSPs are formed in binary systems containing a Neutron Star which is spun up through mass accretion from the evolving companion (e.g. Bhattacharia & van den Heuvel 1991). The final stage of this recycling process is either the core of a peeled star (generally an Helium white dwarf) or a very light almos exhausted star, orbiting a very fast rotating Neutron Star (a MSP). Despite the large difference in total mass between the disk of the Galaxy and the Galactic GC system (up a factor 103), the percentage of fast rotating pulsar in binary systems found in the latter is very higher. MSPs in GCs show spin periods in the range 1.3 ÷ 30ms, slowdown rates ˙P 1019 s/s and a lower magnetic field, respect to ”normal” radio pulsars, B 108 gauss . The high probability of disruption of a binary systems after a supernova explosion, explain why we expect only a low percentage of recycled millisecond pulsars respect to the whole pulsar population. In fact only the 10% of the known 1800 radio pulsars are radio MSPs. Is not surprising, that MSP are overabundant in GCs respect to Galactic field, since in the Galactic Disk, MSPs can only form through the evolution of primordial binaries, and only if the binary survives to the supernova explosion which lead to the neutron star formation. On the other hand, the extremely high stellar density in the core of GCs, relative to most of the rest of the Galaxy, favors the formation of several different binary systems, suitable for the recycling of NSs (Davies at al. 1998). In this thesis we will present the properties two millisecond pulsars companions discovered in two globular clusters, the Helium white dwarf orbiting the MSP PSR 1911-5958A in NGC 6752 and the second case of a tidally deformed star orbiting an eclipsing millisecond pulsar, PSR J1701-3006B in NGC6266


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This Ph.D. Thesis has been carried out in the framework of a long-term and large project devoted to describe the main photometric, chemical, evolutionary and integrated properties of a representative sample of Large and Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC and SMC respectively) clusters. The globular clusters system of these two Irregular galaxies provides a rich resource for investigating stellar and chemical evolution and to obtain a detailed view of the star formation history and chemical enrichment of the Clouds. The results discussed here are based on the analysis of high-resolution photometric and spectroscopic datasets obtained by using the last generation of imagers and spectrographs. The principal aims of this project are summarized as follows: • The study of the AGB and RGB sequences in a sample of MC clusters, through the analysis of a wide near-infrared photometric database, including 33 Magellanic globulars obtained in three observing runs with the near-infrared camera SOFI@NTT (ESO, La Silla). • The study of the chemical properties of a sample of MCs clusters, by using optical and near-infrared high-resolution spectra. 3 observing runs have been secured to our group to observe 9 LMC clusters (with ages between 100 Myr and 13 Gyr) with the optical high-resolution spectrograph FLAMES@VLT (ESO, Paranal) and 4 very young (<30 Myr) clusters (3 in the LMC and 1 in the SMC) with the near-infrared high-resolution spectrograph CRIRES@VLT. • The study of the photometric properties of the main evolutive sequences in optical Color- Magnitude Diagrams (CMD) obtained by using HST archive data, with the final aim of dating several clusters via the comparison between the observed CMDs and theoretical isochrones. The determination of the age of a stellar population requires an accurate measure of the Main Sequence (MS) Turn-Off (TO) luminosity and the knowledge of the distance modulus, reddening and overall metallicity. For this purpose, we limited the study of the age just to the clusters already observed with high-resolution spectroscopy, in order to date only clusters with accurate estimates of the overall metallicity.


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In this Thesis, we investigate the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes (BHs), Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their hosting dark matter (DM) halos and galaxies, within the standard CDM scenario. We analyze both analytic, semi-analytic and hybrid techniques and use the most recent observational data available to constrain the assumptions underlying our models. First, we focus on very simple analytic models where the assembly of BHs is directly related to the merger history of DM haloes. For this purpose, we implement the two original analytic models of Wyithe & Loeb 2002 and Wyithe & Loeb 2003, compare their predictions to the AGN luminosity function and clustering data, and discuss possible modifications to the models that improve the match to the observation. Then we study more sophisticated semi-analytic models in which however the baryonic physics is neglected as well. Finally we improve the hybrid simulation of De Lucia & Blaizot 2007, adding new semi-analytical prescriptions to describe the BH mass accretion rate during each merger event and its conversion into radiation, and compare the derived BH scaling relations, fundamental plane and mass function, and the AGN luminosity function with observations. All our results support the following scenario: • The cosmological co-evolution of BHs, AGN and galaxies can be well described within the CDM model. • At redshifts z & 1, the evolution history of DM halo fully determines the overall properties of the BH and AGN populations. The AGN emission is triggered mainly by DM halo major mergers and, on average, AGN shine at their Eddington luminosity. • At redshifts z . 1, BH growth decouples from halo growth. Galaxy major mergers cannot constitute the only trigger to accretion episodes in this phase. • When a static hot halo has formed around a galaxy, a fraction of the hot gas continuously accretes onto the central BH, causing a low-energy “radio” activity at the galactic centre, which prevents significant gas cooling and thus limiting the mass of the central galaxies and quenching the star formation at late time. • The cold gas fraction accreted by BHs at high redshifts seems to be larger than at low redshifts.


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The goal of the thesis was to compare Galactic and extragalactic star-forming environments, to understand whether we can derive scaling relations for the extragalactic star formation from our understanding of the Galactic star formation; and to analyze the effect of the angular resolution of the observations and the molecular tracer used in extragalactic studies. It is therefore necessary to perform observations at the same linear resolution in both cases. With this in mind we have started a program aimed at comparing properties of mini-starburst regions in our Galaxy and starbursts in nearby galaxies at similar linear resolutions.


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This PhD Thesis is devoted to the accurate analysis of the physical properties of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and the AGN/host-galaxy interplay. Due to the broad-band AGN emission (from radio to hard X-rays), a multi-wavelength approach is mandatory. Our research is carried out over the COSMOS field, within the context of the XMM-Newton wide-field survey. To date, the COSMOS field is a unique area for comprehensive multi-wavelength studies, allowing us to define a large and homogeneous sample of QSOs with a well-sampled spectral coverage and to keep selection effects under control. Moreover, the broad-band information contained in the COSMOS database is well-suited for a detailed analysis of AGN SEDs, bolometric luminosities and bolometric corrections. In order to investigate the nature of both obscured (Type-2) and unobscured (Type-1) AGN, the observational approach is complemented with a theoretical modelling of the AGN/galaxy co-evolution. The X-ray to optical properties of an X-ray selected Type-1 AGN sample are discussed in the first part. The relationship between X-ray and optical/UV luminosities, parametrized by the spectral index αox, provides a first indication about the nature of the central engine powering the AGN. Since a Type-1 AGN outshines the surrounding environment, it is extremely difficult to constrain the properties of its host-galaxy. Conversely, in Type-2 AGN the host-galaxy light is the dominant component of the optical/near-IR SEDs, severely affecting the recovery of the intrinsic AGN emission. Hence a multi-component SED-fitting code is developed to disentangle the emission of the stellar populationof the galaxy from that associated with mass accretion. Bolometric corrections, luminosities, stellar masses and star-formation rates, correlated with the morphology of Type-2 AGN hosts, are presented in the second part, while the final part concerns a physically-motivated model for the evolution of spheroidal galaxies with a central SMBH. The model is able to reproduce two important stages of galaxy evolution, namely the obscured cold-phase and the subsequent quiescent hot-phase.


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This Thesis studies the dynamics of hot and cold gas outside the plane in galaxies like the Milky-Way (extra-planar gas) and focuses on the interaction between disc and halo material. Stationary models for the cold phase of the extra-planar gas are presented. They show that the kinematics of this phase must be influenced by the interaction with an ambient medium that we identify as the hot cosmological corona that surrounds disc galaxies. To study this interaction a novel hydrodynamical code has been implemented and a series of hydrodynamical simulations has been run to investigate the mass and momentum exchange between the cold extra-planar gas clouds and the hot corona. These simulations show that the coronal gas can condense efficiently in the turbulent wakes that form behind the cold clouds and it can be accreted by the disc to sustain star formation. They also predict that the corona cannot be a static structure but it must rotate and lag by approximately 80-120 km/s with respect to the disc. Implications of the results of this Thesis for the evolution of star-forming galaxies and for the large-scale dynamics of galactic coronae are also briefly discussed.


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It is known that massive black holes have a profound effect on the evolution of galaxies, and possibly on their formation by regulating the amount of gas available for the star formation. However, how black hole and galaxies communicate is still an open problem, depending on how much of the energy released interacts with the circumnuclear matter. In the last years, most studies of feedback have primarily focused on AGN jet/cavity systems in the most massive galaxy clusters. This thesis intends to investigate the feedback phenomena in radio--loud AGNs from a different perspective studying isolated radio galaxies, through high-resolution spectroscopy. In particular one NLRG and three BLRG are studied, searching for warm gas, both in emission and absorption, in the soft X-ray band. I show that the soft spectrum of 3C33 originates from gas photoionized by the central engine. I found for the first time WA in 3C382 and 3C390.3. I show that the observed warm emitter/absorbers is not uniform and probably located in the NLR. The detected WA is slow implying a mass outflow rate and kinetic luminosity always well below 1% the L(acc) as well as the P(jet). Finally the radio--loud properties are compared with those of type 1 RQ AGNs. A positive correlation is found between the mass outflow rate/kinetic luminosity, and the radio loudness. This seems to suggest that the presence of a radio source (the jet?) affects the distribution of the absorbing gas. Alternatively, if the gas distribution is similar in Seyferts and radio galaxies, the M(out) vs rl relation could simply indicate a major ejection of matter in the form of wind in powerful radio AGNs.


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In this work we investigate the influence of dark energy on structure formation, within five different cosmological models, namely a concordance $\Lambda$CDM model, two models with dynamical dark energy, viewed as a quintessence scalar field (using a RP and a SUGRA potential form) and two extended quintessence models (EQp and EQn) where the quintessence scalar field interacts non-minimally with gravity (scalar-tensor theories). We adopted for all models the normalization of the matter power spectrum $\sigma_{8}$ to match the CMB data. For each model, we perform hydrodynamical simulations in a cosmological box of $(300 \ {\rm{Mpc}} \ h^{-1})^{3}$ including baryons and allowing for cooling and star formation. We find that, in models with dynamical dark energy, the evolving cosmological background leads to different star formation rates and different formation histories of galaxy clusters, but the baryon physics is not affected in a relevant way. We investigate several proxies for the cluster mass function based on X-ray observables like temperature, luminosity, $M_{gas}$, and $Y_{X}$. We confirm that the overall baryon fraction is almost independent of the dark energy models within few percentage points. The same is true for the gas fraction. This evidence reinforces the use of galaxy clusters as cosmological probe of the matter and energy content of the Universe. We also study the $c-M$ relation in the different cosmological scenarios, using both dark matter only and hydrodynamical simulations. We find that the normalization of the $c-M$ relation is directly linked to $\sigma_{8}$ and the evolution of the density perturbations for $\Lambda$CDM, RP and SUGRA, while for EQp and EQn it depends also on the evolution of the linear density contrast. These differences in the $c-M$ relation provide another way to use galaxy clusters to constrain the underlying cosmology.


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Early-Type galaxies (ETGs) are embedded in hot (10^6-10^7 K), X-ray emitting gaseous haloes, produced mainly by stellar winds and heated by Type Ia supernovae explosions, by the thermalization of stellar motions and occasionally by the central super-massive black hole (SMBH). In particular, the thermalization of the stellar motions is due to the interaction between the stellar and the SNIa ejecta and the hot interstellar medium (ISM) already residing in the ETG. A number of different astrophysical phenomena determine the X-ray properties of the hot ISM, such as stellar population formation and evolution, galaxy structure and internal kinematics, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) presence, and environmental effects. With the aid of high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations performed on state-of-the-art galaxy models, in this Thesis we focus on the effects of galaxy shape, stellar kinematics and star formation on the evolution of the X-ray coronae of ETGs. Numerical simulations show that the relative importance of flattening and rotation are functions of the galaxy mass: at low galaxy masses, adding flattening and rotation induces a galactic wind, thus lowering the X-ray luminosity; at high galaxy masses the angular momentum conservation keeps the central regions of rotating galaxies at low density, whereas in non-rotating models a denser and brighter atmosphere is formed. The same dependence from the galaxy mass is present in the effects of star formation (SF): in light galaxies SF contributes to increase the spread in Lx, while at high galaxy masses the halo X-ray properties are marginally sensitive to SF effects. In every case, the star formation rate at the present epoch quite agrees with observations, and the massive, cold gaseous discs are partially or completely consumed by SF on a time-scale of few Gyr, excluding the presence of young stellar discs at the present epoch.


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In this work I present the first measurements of the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) from the first public release of the VIPERS catalogue, containing ∼55,000 objects. First, I present the survey design, its scientific goal, the redshift measurements and validation. Then, I provide details about the estimate of galaxy stellar masses, star formation rates, and other physical quantities. I derive the GSMF of different galaxy types (e.g. active and passive galaxies) and as a function of the environment (defined through the local galaxy density contrast). These estimates represent new observational evidence useful to characterise the mechanism of galaxy evolution.


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In this Thesis, we study the accretion of mass and angular momentum onto the disc of spiral galaxies from a global and a local perspective and comparing theory predictions with several observational data. First, we propose a method to measure the specific mass and radial growth rates of stellar discs, based on their star formation rate density profiles and we apply it to a sample of nearby spiral galaxies. We find a positive radial growth rate for almost all galaxies in our sample. Our galaxies grow in size, on average, at one third of the rate at which they grow in mass. Our results are in agreement with theoretical expectations if known scaling relations of disc galaxies are not evolving with time. We also propose a novel method to reconstruct accretion profiles and the local angular momentum of the accreting material from the observed structural and chemical properties of spiral galaxies. Applied to the Milky Way and to one external galaxy, our analysis indicates that accretion occurs at relatively large radii and has a local deficit of angular momentum with respect to the disc. Finally, we show how structure and kinematics of hot gaseous coronae, which are believed to be the source of mass and angular momentum of massive spiral galaxies, can be reconstructed from their angular momentum and entropy distributions. We find that isothermal models with cosmologically motivated angular momentum distributions are compatible with several independent observational constraints. We also consider more complex baroclinic equilibria: we describe a new parametrization for these states, a new self-similar family of solution and a method for reconstructing structure and kinematics from the joint angular momentum/entropy distribution.