3 resultados para Sprout bud

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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A new formulate containing citokinins, that is commercialized as Cytokin, has been introduced as dormancy breaking agents. During a three-years study, Cytokin was applied at different concentrations and application times in two producing areas of the Emilia-Romagna region to verify its efficacy as a DBA. Cytokin application increased the bud break and showed a lateral flower thinning effect. Moreover, treated vines showed an earlier and more uniform flowering as compared to control ones. Results obtained on the productive performance revealed a constant positive effect in the fruit fresh weight at harvest. Moreover, Cytokin did not cause any phytotoxicity even at the highest concentrations. Starting from the field observation, which suggested the involvement of cytokinins in kiwifruit bud release from dormancy, 6-BA was applied in open field condition and molecular and histological analyses were carried out in kiwifruit buds collected starting from the endo dormant period up to complete bud break to compare the natural occurring situation to the one induced by exogenous cytokinin application. In details, molecular analyses were set up on to verify the expression of genes involved in the reactivation of cell cycle: cyclin D3, histone H4, cyclin-dependent kinase B, as well as of others which are known to be up regulated during bud release in other species, i.e.isopenteniltransferases (IPTs), which catalyze the first step in the CK biosynthesis, and sucrose synthase 1 and A, which are involved in the sugar supplied. Moreover, histological analyses of the cell division rate in kiwifruit bud apical meristems were performed. These analyses showed a reactivation of the cell divisions during bud release and changes in the expression level of the investigated genes.


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I vegetali appartenenti alla famiglia delle Brassicaceae, sono ricchi di molecole biologicamente attive note per le numerose proprietà salutari. L’effetto di un estratto di germogli di cavolo nero toscano (TBCSE) è stato investigato, in termini chemiopreventivi, sugli enzimi epatici del metabolismo degli xenobiotici e antiossidanti, in ratti trattati con TBCSE. I risultati hanno mostrato un complesso pattern di modulazione, con una prevalente inibizione, del sistema citocromo P450-dipendente, e induzioni significative degli enzimi di fase II (glutatione transferasi e glucuronosiltransferasi) e antiossidanti (catalasi, NAD(P)H:chinone reduttasi, glutatione reduttasi e perossidasi). Successivamente, l’effetto di TBCSE è stato studiato nei confronti delle alterazioni provocate da un’alimentazione iperlipidica nel ratto. Il trattamento si è dimostrato efficace nel contrastare gli effetti deleteri dei grassi presenti nella dieta, come l’iperlipidemia, l’aumento del peso corporeo e del fegato, l’indebolimento delle attività degli enzimi antiossidanti e del potenziale detossificante a livello epatico. Complessivamente, TBCSE emerge essere un promettente prodotto nutraceutico con potenziali effetti chemiopreventivi, e da impiegare come strategia alimentare per contrastare gli effetti correlati ad una dieta iperlipidica. Il consumo di dosi sovralimentari di molecole isolate dalle Brassicaceae, tramite per esempio integratori dietetici, come strategia alimentare preventiva, potrebbe tuttavia rappresentare un rischio per la salute. La potenziale tossicità del sulforafane, glucorafanina, indolo-3-carbinolo, e 3,3'-diindolimetano, è stata valutata in epatociti primari di ratto. La citotossicità e l’induzione di stress ossidativo, osservate a concentrazioni non lontane da quelle che potrebbero essere raggiunte in vivo, insieme ad una forte modulazione dell’espressione genica, riguardante principalmente il metabolismo degli xenobiotici, risposte ad alterazioni dello stato ossidoredutivo, eventi di riparazione del DNA e di proteine, induzione dell’apoptosi, e meccanismi (co)cancerogeni, sottolineano la potenzialità di queste molecole di determinare un rischio tossicologico, in seguito ad un’assunzione prolungata e ad alte dosi.


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The introduction of dwarfed rootstocks in apple crop has led to a new concept of intensive planting systems with the aim of producing early high yield and with returns of the initial high investment. Although yield is an important aspect to the grower, the consumer has become demanding regards fruit quality and is generally attracted by appearance. To fulfil the consumer’s expectations the grower may need to choose a proper training system along with an ideal pruning technique, which ensure a good light distribution in different parts of the canopy and a marketable fruit quality in terms of size and skin colour. Although these aspects are important, these fruits might not reach the proper ripening stage within the canopy because they are often heterogeneous. To describe the variability present in a tree, a software (PlantToon®), was used to recreate the tree architecture in 3D in the two training systems. The ripening stage of each of the fruits was determined using a non-destructive device (DA-Meter), thus allowing to estimate the fruit ripening variability. This study deals with some of the main parameters that can influence fruit quality and ripening stage within the canopy and orchard management techniques that can ameliorate a ripening fruit homogeneity. Significant differences in fruit quality were found within the canopies due to their position, flowering time and bud wood age. Bi-axis appeared to be suitable for high density planting, even though the fruit quality traits resulted often similar to those obtained with a Slender Spindle, suggesting similar fruit light availability within the canopies. Crop load confirmed to be an important factor that influenced fruit quality as much as the interesting innovative pruning method “Click”, in intensive planting systems.