28 resultados para Sindrome compartimental abdominal

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Uric acid is a major inducer of inflammation in renal interstitium and may play a role in the progression of renal damage in hyperuricemic subjects with primary nephropathies, renal vascular disease, and essential hypertension. At the same time, UA also acts as a water-soluble scavenger of reactive oxygen species. We evaluated the cellular effects of UA on cultured HMC as a potential interstitial target for abnormally elevated levels in acute and chronic renal disease. Intracellular free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) was monitored by microfluorometry of fura 2-loaded cells, while oxidation of intracellularly trapped non-fluorescent 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFHDA, 20 uM) was employed to assess the generation of reactive oxygen species during 12-hr incubations with various concentrations of UA or monosodium urate. Fluorescent metabolites of DCFH-DA in the culture media of HMC were detected at 485/530 nm excitation/emission wavelengths, respectively. UA dose-dependently lowered resting [Ca2+]i (from 102±9 nM to 95±3, 57±2, 48±6 nM at 1-100 uM UA, respectively, p <0.05), leaving responses to vasoconstrictors such as angiotensin II unaffected. The effect was not due to Ca2+/H+ exchange upon acidification of the bathing media, as acetate, glutamate, lactate and other organic acids rather increased [Ca2+]i (to max. levels of 497±42 nM with 0.1 mM acetate). The decrease of [Ca2+]i was abolished by raising extracellular Ca2+ and not due to effects on Ca2+ channels or activation of Ca2+-ATPases, since unaffected by thapsigargin. The process rather appeared sensitive to removal of extracellular Na+ in combination with blockers of Na+/Ca2+ exchange, such as 2’,4’-dichlorobenzamil, pointing to a countertransport mechanism. UA dose-dependently prompted the extracellular release of oxidised DCFH (control 37±2 relative fluorescence units (RFU)/ml, 0.1uM 47±2, 1 uM 48±2, 10 uM 51±4, 0.1 mM 53±4; positive control, 10 uM sodium nitroprusside 92±5 RFU/ml, p<0.01). In summary, UA interferes with Ca2+ transport in cultured HMC, triggering oxidative stress which may initiate a sequence of events leading to interstitial injury and possibly amplifying renal vascular damage and/or the progression of chronic disease.


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Down syndrome (DS) or Trisomy 21, occurring in 1/700 and 1/1000 livebirths, is the most common genetic disorder, characterized by a third copy of the human chromosome 21 (Hsa21). DS is associated with various defects, including congenital heart diseases, craniofacial abnormalities, immune system dysfunction, mental retardation (MR), learning and memory deficiency. The phenotypic features in DS are a direct consequence of overexpression of genes located within the triplicated region on Hsa21. In addition to developmental brain abnormalities and disabilities, people with DS by the age of 30-40 have a greatly increased risk of early-onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and an apparent tendency toward premature aging. Many of the immunological anomalies in DS can be enclosed in the spectrum of multiple signs of early senescence. People with DS have an increased vulnerability to oxidative damage and many factors, including amyloid beta protein (Abeta), genotype ApoE4, oxidative stress, mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), impairment of antioxidant enzymes, accelerated neuronal cell apoptosis, are related to neuronal degeneration and early aging in DS. SUBJECTS and METHODS: Since 2007 a population of 50 adolescents and adults with DS, 26 males and 24 females (sex-ratio: M/F = 1.08), has been evaluated for the presence of neurological features, biomarkers and genetic factors correlated with neuronal degeneration and premature aging. The control group was determined by the mother and the siblings of the patients. A neuropsychiatric evaluation was obtained from all patients. The levels of thyroid antibodies (antiTg and antiTPO) and of some biochemical markers of oxidative stress, including homocysteine (tHcy), uric acid, cobalamin, folate were measured. All patients, the mother and the siblings were genotyped for ApoE gene. RESULTS: 40% of patients, with a mild prevalence of females aged between 19 and 30 years, showed increased levels of antiTg and antiTPO. The levels of tHcy were normal in 52% patients and mildly increased in 40%; hyperomocysteinemia was associated with normal levels of thyroid antibodies in 75% of patients (p<0.005). The levels of uric acid were elevated in 26%. Our study showed a prevalence of severe MR in patients aged between 1-18 years and over 30 years. Only 3 patients, 2 females and one male, over 30 years of age, showed dementia. According to the literature, the rate of Down left-handers was high (25%) compared to the rest of population and the laterality was associated with increased levels of thyroid antibodies (70%). 21.5% of patients were ApoE4 positive (ApoE4+) with a mean/severe MR. CONCLUSIONS: Until now no biochemical evidence of oxidative damage and no deficiency or alteration of antioxidant function in our patients with DS were found. mtDNA sequencing could show some mutations age-related and associated with oxidative damage and neurocognitive decline in the early aging of DS. The final aim is found predictive markers of early-onset dementia and a target strategy for the prevention and the treatment of diseases caused by oxidative stress. REFERENCES: 1) Rachidi M, Lopes C: “Mental retardation and associated neurological dysfunctions in Down syndrome: a consequence of dysregulation in critical chromosome 21 genes and associated molecular pathways.” - Eur J Paediatr Neurol. May;12(3):168-82 (2008). 2) Lott IT, Head E: “Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease: a link between development and aging.” - Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev, 7(3):172-8 (2001). 3) Lee HC, Wei YH: “Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial DNA Mutation, and Apoptosis in Aging.” - Exp Biol Med (Maywood), May;232(5):592-606 (2007).


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Buschke Ollendorff syndrome (BOS) is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis, with high penetrance and variable expressivity, characterized by the association of connective tissue naevi and osteopoikilosis. Both cutaneous and osseous manifestations are usually asymptomatic. The disease is caused by a loss-of-function mutation in the gene LEMD3, that is located on chromosome 12q13. Differential diagnosis mainly includes pseudoxantoma elasticum, morphea, lipoid proteinosis, papular elastorrhexis, juvenile elastoma, papular mucinosis. The 2 cases of BOS here reported are an example of segmental type 2 autosomal dominant genodermatosis, that is due to the loss of heterozygosity occurring at an early developmental stage in a heterozygous patient, causing a segmental homozygosity. Such patients usually have pronounced segmental lesions in the first years of life and later develop disseminated symmetrical lesions.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the pulmonary function in subjects with diagnosis of Turner Syndrome, in charge at the Syndromology Ward of the Paediatric Clinic of S.Orsola-Malpighi hospital. There are very few datas about lung function in patients with Turner syndrome’s genotype and phenotype in medical literature. Since the thorax of these subjects have peculiar anatomic shape (as “shield” or “overturned triangle”), we presupposed that these subjects could have also a peculiar respiratory function. Moreover we look for the possibility of correlation between pulmonary function and estroprogestinic replacement therapy and/or growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy. Material and methods: we studied 48 patients, with diagnosis of Turner Syndrome; they all made spirometry voluntarily and, when capable, also plethismografy. Results: - the parametres of pulmonary function are a little higher of the predicted values for age and sex but they are a little lower if they're corrected for each patient’s ideal high and weight: so we can conclude that in Turner Syndrme subjects pulmonary function is normal; -there’s not a statistically significant correlation between pulmonary function and GH therapy; -there’s not a statistically significant correlation between GH therapy’s length and pulmonary function except for Total Lung Capacity which increases with the number of years of GH therapy; - there’s not a statistically significant correlation between pulmonary function and estroprogestinic replacement herapy.


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Several studies showed that sleep loss/fragmentation may have a negative impact on cognitive performance, mood and autonomic activity. Specific neurocognitive domains, such as executive function (i.e.,prefrontal cortex), seems to be particularly vulnerable to sleep loss. Pearson et al.(2006) evaluated 16 RLS patients compared to controls by cognitive tests, including those particularly sensitive to prefrontal cortical (PFC) functioning and sleep loss. RLS patients showed significant deficits on two of the three PFC tests. It has been recently reported that RLS is associated with psychiatric manifestations. A high prevalence of depressive symptoms has been found in patients with RLS(Rothdach AJ et al., 2000). RLS could cause depression through its adverse influences on sleep and energy. On the other hand, symptoms of depression such as sleep deprivation, poor nutrition or lack of exercise may predispose an individual to the development of RLS. Moreover, depressed patients may amplify mild RLS, making occasional RLS symptoms appear to meet threshold criteria. The specific treatment of depression could be also implicated, since antidepressant compounds may worsen RLS and PLMD(Picchietti D et al., 2005; Damsa C et al., 2004). Interestingly, treatments used to relieve RLS symptoms (dopamine agonists) seem to have an antidepressant effects in RLS depressed patients(Saletu M et al., 2002&2003). During normal sleep there is a well-regulated pattern of the autonomic function, modulated by changes in sleep stages. It has been reported that chronic sleep deprivation is associated with cardiovascular events. In patients with sleep fragmentation increased number of arousals and increased cyclic alternating pattern rate is associated with an increase in sympathetic activity. It has been demonstrated that PLMS occurrence is associated with a shift to increased sympathetic activity without significant changes in cardiac parasympathetic activity (Sforza E et al., 2005). An increased association of RLS with hypertension and heart disease has been documented in several studies(Ulfberg J et al., 2001; Ohayon MM et al., 2002).