31 resultados para Simulation and Modeling

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In questa tesi verranno trattati sia il problema della creazione di un ambiente di simulazione a domini fisici misti per dispositivi RF-MEMS, che la definizione di un processo di fabbricazione ad-hoc per il packaging e l’integrazione degli stessi. Riguardo al primo argomento, sarà mostrato nel dettaglio lo sviluppo di una libreria di modelli MEMS all’interno dell’ambiente di simulazione per circuiti integrati Cadence c . L’approccio scelto per la definizione del comportamento elettromeccanico dei MEMS è basato sul concetto di modellazione compatta (compact modeling). Questo significa che il comportamento fisico di ogni componente elementare della libreria è descritto per mezzo di un insieme limitato di punti (nodi) di interconnessione verso il mondo esterno. La libreria comprende componenti elementari, come travi flessibili, piatti rigidi sospesi e punti di ancoraggio, la cui opportuna interconnessione porta alla realizzazione di interi dispositivi (come interruttori e capacità variabili) da simulare in Cadence c . Tutti i modelli MEMS sono implementati per mezzo del linguaggio VerilogA c di tipo HDL (Hardware Description Language) che è supportato dal simulatore circuitale Spectre c . Sia il linguaggio VerilogA c che il simulatore Spectre c sono disponibili in ambiente Cadence c . L’ambiente di simulazione multidominio (ovvero elettromeccanico) così ottenuto permette di interfacciare i dispositivi MEMS con le librerie di componenti CMOS standard e di conseguenza la simulazione di blocchi funzionali misti RF-MEMS/CMOS. Come esempio, un VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) in cui l’LC-tank è realizzato in tecnologia MEMS mentre la parte attiva con transistor MOS di libreria sarà simulato in Spectre c . Inoltre, nelle pagine successive verrà mostrata una soluzione tecnologica per la fabbricazione di un substrato protettivo (package) da applicare a dispositivi RF-MEMS basata su vie di interconnessione elettrica attraverso un wafer di Silicio. La soluzione di packaging prescelta rende possibili alcune tecniche per l’integrazione ibrida delle parti RF-MEMS e CMOS (hybrid packaging). Verranno inoltre messe in luce questioni riguardanti gli effetti parassiti (accoppiamenti capacitivi ed induttivi) introdotti dal package che influenzano le prestazioni RF dei dispositivi MEMS incapsulati. Nel dettaglio, tutti i gradi di libertà del processo tecnologico per l’ottenimento del package saranno ottimizzati per mezzo di un simulatore elettromagnetico (Ansoft HFSSTM) al fine di ridurre gli effetti parassiti introdotti dal substrato protettivo. Inoltre, risultati sperimentali raccolti da misure di strutture di test incapsulate verranno mostrati per validare, da un lato, il simulatore Ansoft HFSSTM e per dimostrate, dall’altro, la fattibilit`a della soluzione di packaging proposta. Aldilà dell’apparente debole legame tra i due argomenti sopra menzionati è possibile identificare un unico obiettivo. Da un lato questo è da ricercarsi nello sviluppo di un ambiente di simulazione unificato all’interno del quale il comportamento elettromeccanico dei dispositivi RF-MEMS possa essere studiato ed analizzato. All’interno di tale ambiente, l’influenza del package sul comportamento elettromagnetico degli RF-MEMS può essere tenuta in conto per mezzo di modelli a parametri concentrati (lumped elements) estratti da misure sperimentali e simulazioni agli Elementi Finiti (FEM) della parte di package. Infine, la possibilità offerta dall’ambiente Cadence c relativamente alla simulazione di dipositivi RF-MEMS interfacciati alla parte CMOS rende possibile l’analisi di blocchi funzionali ibridi RF-MEMS/CMOS completi.


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The object of the present study is the process of gas transport in nano-sized materials, i.e. systems having structural elements of the order of nanometers. The aim of this work is to advance the understanding of the gas transport mechanism in such materials, for which traditional models are not often suitable, by providing a correct interpretation of the relationship between diffusive phenomena and structural features. This result would allow the development new materials with permeation properties tailored on the specific application, especially in packaging systems. The methods used to achieve this goal were a detailed experimental characterization and different simulation methods. The experimental campaign regarded the determination of oxygen permeability and diffusivity in different sets of organic-inorganic hybrid coatings prepared via sol-gel technique. The polymeric samples coated with these hybrid layers experienced a remarkable enhancement of the barrier properties, which was explained by the strong interconnection at the nano-scale between the organic moiety and silica domains. An analogous characterization was performed on microfibrillated cellulose films, which presented remarkable barrier effect toward oxygen when it is dry, while in the presence of water the performance significantly drops. The very low value of water diffusivity at low activities is also an interesting characteristic which deals with its structural properties. Two different approaches of simulation were then considered: the diffusion of oxygen through polymer-layered silicates was modeled on a continuum scale with a CFD software, while the properties of n-alkanthiolate self assembled monolayers on gold were analyzed from a molecular point of view by means of a molecular dynamics algorithm. Modeling transport properties in layered nanocomposites, resulting from the ordered dispersion of impermeable flakes in a 2-D matrix, allowed the calculation of the enhancement of barrier effect in relation with platelets structural parameters leading to derive a new expression. On this basis, randomly distributed systems were simulated and the results were analyzed to evaluate the different contributions to the overall effect. The study of more realistic three-dimensional geometries revealed a prefect correspondence with the 2-D approximation. A completely different approach was applied to simulate the effect of temperature on the oxygen transport through self assembled monolayers; the structural information obtained from equilibrium MD simulations showed that raising the temperature, makes the monolayer less ordered and consequently less crystalline. This disorder produces a decrease in the barrier free energy and it lowers the overall resistance to oxygen diffusion, making the monolayer more permeable to small molecules.


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Population growth in urban areas is a world-wide phenomenon. According to a recent United Nations report, over half of the world now lives in cities. Numerous health and environmental issues arise from this unprecedented urbanization. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of urban green spaces and the role they play in improving both the aesthetics and the quality of life of its residents. In particular, urban green spaces provide ecosystem services such as: urban air quality improvement by removing pollutants that can cause serious health problems, carbon storage, carbon sequestration and climate regulation through shading and evapotranspiration. Furthermore, epidemiological studies with controlled age, sex, marital and socio-economic status, have provided evidence of a positive relationship between green space and the life expectancy of senior citizens. However, there is little information on the role of public green spaces in mid-sized cities in northern Italy. To address this need, a study was conducted to assess the ecosystem services of urban green spaces in the city of Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. In particular, we quantified the cooling effect of urban trees and the hourly amount of pollution removed by the urban forest. The information was gathered using field data collected through local hourly air pollution readings, tree inventory and simulation models. During the study we quantified pollution removal for ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter (<10 microns). We estimated the above ground carbon stored and annually sequestered by the urban forest. Results have been compared to transportation CO2 emissions to determine the CO2 offset potential of urban streetscapes. Furthermore, we assessed commonly used methods for estimating carbon stored and sequestered by urban trees in the city of Bolzano. We also quantified ecosystem disservices such as hourly urban forest volatile organic compound emissions.


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During the last few decades an unprecedented technological growth has been at the center of the embedded systems design paramount, with Moore’s Law being the leading factor of this trend. Today in fact an ever increasing number of cores can be integrated on the same die, marking the transition from state-of-the-art multi-core chips to the new many-core design paradigm. Despite the extraordinarily high computing power, the complexity of many-core chips opens the door to several challenges. As a result of the increased silicon density of modern Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC), the design space exploration needed to find the best design has exploded and hardware designers are in fact facing the problem of a huge design space. Virtual Platforms have always been used to enable hardware-software co-design, but today they are facing with the huge complexity of both hardware and software systems. In this thesis two different research works on Virtual Platforms are presented: the first one is intended for the hardware developer, to easily allow complex cycle accurate simulations of many-core SoCs. The second work exploits the parallel computing power of off-the-shelf General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs), with the goal of an increased simulation speed. The term Virtualization can be used in the context of many-core systems not only to refer to the aforementioned hardware emulation tools (Virtual Platforms), but also for two other main purposes: 1) to help the programmer to achieve the maximum possible performance of an application, by hiding the complexity of the underlying hardware. 2) to efficiently exploit the high parallel hardware of many-core chips in environments with multiple active Virtual Machines. This thesis is focused on virtualization techniques with the goal to mitigate, and overtake when possible, some of the challenges introduced by the many-core design paradigm.


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The fast development of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) offers new opportunities to realize future smart cities. To understand, manage and forecast the city's behavior, it is necessary the analysis of different kinds of data from the most varied dataset acquisition systems. The aim of this research activity in the framework of Data Science and Complex Systems Physics is to provide stakeholders with new knowledge tools to improve the sustainability of mobility demand in future cities. Under this perspective, the governance of mobility demand generated by large tourist flows is becoming a vital issue for the quality of life in Italian cities' historical centers, which will worsen in the next future due to the continuous globalization process. Another critical theme is sustainable mobility, which aims to reduce private transportation means in the cities and improve multimodal mobility. We analyze the statistical properties of urban mobility of Venice, Rimini, and Bologna by using different datasets provided by companies and local authorities. We develop algorithms and tools for cartography extraction, trips reconstruction, multimodality classification, and mobility simulation. We show the existence of characteristic mobility paths and statistical properties depending on transport means and user's kinds. Finally, we use our results to model and simulate the overall behavior of the cars moving in the Emilia Romagna Region and the pedestrians moving in Venice with software able to replicate in silico the demand for mobility and its dynamic.


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For many years, RF and analog integrated circuits have been mainly developed using bipolar and compound semiconductor technologies due to their better performance. In the last years, the advance made in CMOS technology allowed analog and RF circuits to be built with such a technology, but the use of CMOS technology in RF application instead of bipolar technology has brought more issues in terms of noise. The noise cannot be completely eliminated and will therefore ultimately limit the accuracy of measurements and set a lower limit on how small signals can be detected and processed in an electronic circuit. One kind of noise which affects MOS transistors much more than bipolar ones is the low-frequency noise. In MOSFETs, low-frequency noise is mainly of two kinds: flicker or 1/f noise and random telegraph signal noise (RTS). The objective of this thesis is to characterize and to model the low-frequency noise by studying RTS and flicker noise under both constant and switched bias conditions. The effect of different biasing schemes on both RTS and flicker noise in time and frequency domain has been investigated.


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This thesis introduces new processing techniques for computer-aided interpretation of ultrasound images with the purpose of supporting medical diagnostic. In terms of practical application, the goal of this work is the improvement of current prostate biopsy protocols by providing physicians with a visual map overlaid over ultrasound images marking regions potentially affected by disease. As far as analysis techniques are concerned, the main contributions of this work to the state-of-the-art is the introduction of deconvolution as a pre-processing step in the standard ultrasonic tissue characterization procedure to improve the diagnostic significance of ultrasonic features. This thesis also includes some innovations in ultrasound modeling, in particular the employment of a continuous-time autoregressive moving-average (CARMA) model for ultrasound signals, a new maximum-likelihood CARMA estimator based on exponential splines and the definition of CARMA parameters as new ultrasonic features able to capture scatterers concentration. Finally, concerning the clinical usefulness of the developed techniques, the main contribution of this research is showing, through a study based on medical ground truth, that a reduction in the number of sampled cores in standard prostate biopsy is possible, preserving the same diagnostic power of the current clinical protocol.


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The objective of the Ph.D. thesis is to put the basis of an all-embracing link analysis procedure that may form a general reference scheme for the future state-of-the-art of RF/microwave link design: it is basically meant as a circuit-level simulation of an entire radio link, with – generally multiple – transmitting and receiving antennas examined by EM analysis. In this way the influence of mutual couplings on the frequency-dependent near-field and far-field performance of each element is fully accounted for. The set of transmitters is treated as a unique nonlinear system loaded by the multiport antenna, and is analyzed by nonlinear circuit techniques. In order to establish the connection between transmitters and receivers, the far-fields incident onto the receivers are evaluated by EM analysis and are combined by extending an available Ray Tracing technique to the link study. EM theory is used to describe the receiving array as a linear active multiport network. Link performances in terms of bit error rate (BER) are eventually verified a posteriori by a fast system-level algorithm. In order to validate the proposed approach, four heterogeneous application contexts are provided. A complete MIMO link design in a realistic propagation scenario is meant to constitute the reference case study. The second one regards the design, optimization and testing of various typologies of rectennas for power generation by common RF sources. Finally, the project and implementation of two typologies of radio identification tags, at X-band and V-band respectively. In all the cases the importance of an exhaustive nonlinear/electromagnetic co-simulation and co-design is demonstrated to be essential for any accurate system performance prediction.


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This thesis tackles the problem of the automated detection of the atmospheric boundary layer (BL) height, h, from aerosol lidar/ceilometer observations. A new method, the Bayesian Selective Method (BSM), is presented. It implements a Bayesian statistical inference procedure which combines in an statistically optimal way different sources of information. Firstly atmospheric stratification boundaries are located from discontinuities in the ceilometer back-scattered signal. The BSM then identifies the discontinuity edge that has the highest probability to effectively mark the BL height. Information from the contemporaneus physical boundary layer model simulations and a climatological dataset of BL height evolution are combined in the assimilation framework to assist this choice. The BSM algorithm has been tested for four months of continuous ceilometer measurements collected during the BASE:ALFA project and is shown to realistically diagnose the BL depth evolution in many different weather conditions. Then the BASE:ALFA dataset is used to investigate the boundary layer structure in stable conditions. Functions from the Obukhov similarity theory are used as regression curves to fit observed velocity and temperature profiles in the lower half of the stable boundary layer. Surface fluxes of heat and momentum are best-fitting parameters in this exercise and are compared with what measured by a sonic anemometer. The comparison shows remarkable discrepancies, more evident in cases for which the bulk Richardson number turns out to be quite large. This analysis supports earlier results, that surface turbulent fluxes are not the appropriate scaling parameters for profiles of mean quantities in very stable conditions. One of the practical consequences is that boundary layer height diagnostic formulations which mainly rely on surface fluxes are in disagreement to what obtained by inspecting co-located radiosounding profiles.


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In this thesis, we extend some ideas of statistical physics to describe the properties of human mobility. By using a database containing GPS measures of individual paths (position, velocity and covered space at a spatial scale of 2 Km or a time scale of 30 sec), which includes the 2% of the private vehicles in Italy, we succeed in determining some statistical empirical laws pointing out "universal" characteristics of human mobility. Developing simple stochastic models suggesting possible explanations of the empirical observations, we are able to indicate what are the key quantities and cognitive features that are ruling individuals' mobility. To understand the features of individual dynamics, we have studied different aspects of urban mobility from a physical point of view. We discuss the implications of the Benford's law emerging from the distribution of times elapsed between successive trips. We observe how the daily travel-time budget is related with many aspects of the urban environment, and describe how the daily mobility budget is then spent. We link the scaling properties of individual mobility networks to the inhomogeneous average durations of the activities that are performed, and those of the networks describing people's common use of space with the fractional dimension of the urban territory. We study entropy measures of individual mobility patterns, showing that they carry almost the same information of the related mobility networks, but are also influenced by a hierarchy among the activities performed. We discover that Wardrop's principles are violated as drivers have only incomplete information on traffic state and therefore rely on knowledge on the average travel-times. We propose an assimilation model to solve the intrinsic scattering of GPS data on the street network, permitting the real-time reconstruction of traffic state at a urban scale.


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A highly dangerous situations for tractor driver is the lateral rollover in operating conditions. Several accidents, involving tractor rollover, have indeed been encountered, requiring the design of a robust Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS). The aim of the thesis was to evaluate tractor behaviour in the rollover phase so as to calculate the energy absorbed by the ROPS to ensure driver safety. A Mathematical Model representing the behaviour of a generic tractor during a lateral rollover, with the possibility of modifying the geometry, the inertia of the tractor and the environmental boundary conditions, is proposed. The purpose is to define a method allowing the prediction of the elasto-plastic behaviour of the subsequent impacts occurring in the rollover phase. A tyre impact model capable of analysing the influence of the wheels on the energy to be absorbed by the ROPS has been also developed. Different tractor design parameters affecting the rollover behaviour, such as mass and dimensions, have been considered. This permitted the evaluation of their influence on the amount of energy to be absorbed by the ROPS. The mathematical model was designed and calibrated with respect to the results of actual lateral upset tests carried out on a narrow-track tractor. The dynamic behaviour of the tractor and the energy absorbed by the ROPS, obtained from the actual tests, showed to match the results of the model developed. The proposed approach represents a valuable tool in understanding the dynamics (kinetic energy) and kinematics (position, velocity, angular velocity, etc.) of the tractor in the phases of lateral rollover and the factors mainly affecting the event. The prediction of the amount of energy to be absorbed in some cases of accident is possible with good accuracy. It can then help in designing protective structures or active security devices.


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This work is focused on the analysis of sea–level change (last century), based mainly on instrumental observations. During this period, individual components of sea–level change are investigated, both at global and regional scales. Some of the geophysical processes responsible for current sea-level change such as glacial isostatic adjustments and current melting terrestrial ice sources, have been modeled and compared with observations. A new value of global mean sea level change based of tide gauges observations has been independently assessed in 1.5 mm/year, using corrections for glacial isostatic adjustment obtained with different models as a criterion for the tide gauge selection. The long wavelength spatial variability of the main components of sea–level change has been investigated by means of traditional and new spectral methods. Complex non–linear trends and abrupt sea–level variations shown by tide gauges records have been addressed applying different approaches to regional case studies. The Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition technique has been used to analyse tide gauges records from the Adriatic Sea to ascertain the existence of cyclic sea-level variations. An Early Warning approach have been adopted to detect tipping points in sea–level records of North East Pacific and their relationship with oceanic modes. Global sea–level projections to year 2100 have been obtained by a semi-empirical approach based on the artificial neural network method. In addition, a model-based approach has been applied to the case of the Mediterranean Sea, obtaining sea-level projection to year 2050.


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The two-metal-ion architecture is a structural feature found in a variety of RNA processing metalloenzymes or ribozymes (RNA-based enzymes), which control the biogenesis and the metabolism of vital RNAs, including non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). Notably, such ncRNAs are emerging as key players for the regulation of cellular homeostasis, and their altered expression has been often linked to the development of severe human pathologies, from cancer to mental disorders. Accordingly, understanding the biological processing of ncRNAs is foundational for the development of novel therapeutic strategies and tools. Here, we use state-of the-art molecular simulations, complemented with X-ray crystallography and biochemical experiments, to characterize the RNA processing cycle as catalyzed by two two-metal-ion enzymes: the group II intron ribozymes and the RNase H1. We show that multiple and diverse cations are strategically recruited at and timely released from the enzymes’ active site during catalysis. Such a controlled cations’ trafficking leads to the recursive formation and disruption of an extended two-metal ion architecture that is functional for RNA-hydrolysis – from substrate recruitment to product release. Importantly, we found that these cations’ binding sites are conserved among other RNA-processing machineries, including the human spliceosome and CRISPR-Cas systems, suggesting that an evolutionarily-converged catalytic strategy is adopted by these enzymes to process RNA molecules. Thus, our findings corroborate and sensibly extend the current knowledge of two-metal-ion enzymes, and support the design of novel drugs targeting RNA-processing metalloenzymes or ribozymes as well as the rational engineering of novel programmable gene-therapy tools.