1 resultado para Salmon fishing
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The present Ph.D. thesis aims to test and evaluate by-catch reduction devices (BRDs) that minimize the retention of undersized fish and do not penalize revenues of the fishing industry. Considering that a fraction of fish that escape from fishing gear or that are rejected at the sea probably does not survive (unaccounted mortality), it is a major concern for sustainable fisheries management, as unaccounted mortality may lead to biased stock assessment since they will tend to underestimate fishing mortality and overestimate stock size. In this context, in the present Ph.D. thesis, the escape survival (i.e. survival of the fish escaped through the trawl net codend) of the Mullus barbatus Linnaeus 1758 and the discard survival (survival of fish rejected at the sea after being hauled on deck) of Trachurus trachurus were evaluated for the first time in the central Mediterranean Sea. In conclusion, the use of underwater lights in Mediterranean trawl fisheries should be carefully regulated through ad hoc measures that are currently lacking, to minimize the potential impacts of artificial light on some already overexploited stocks. Even if further works should be carried out in the future to test BRDs performances in different areas and seasons, the T90 50 mm codend and the Grid-T45 40 mm seem promising tools to reduce the catch of undersized individuals and contribute to mitigating the current overfishing of Parapenaeus longirostris and Merluccius merluccius. The escape survival of M. barbatus was high and thanks to an improved methodology the bias in the sampling was minimized. However, for improved stock assessment of M. barbatus, the experiment should be repeated to provide accurate escape mortality estimates. While the discard survival of T. trachurus was very low and according to the landing obligation (Reg. EU 1380/2013) all the juveniles of the species should be landed.