6 resultados para SURFACE LIQUID

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The aim of this PhD thesis is to investigate the orientational and dynamical properties of liquid crystalline systems, at molecular level and using atomistic computer simulations, to reach a better understanding of material behavior from a microscopic point view. In perspective this should allow to clarify the relation between the micro and macroscopic properties with the objective of predicting or confirming experimental results on these systems. In this context, we developed four different lines of work in the thesis. The first one concerns the orientational order and alignment mechanism of rigid solutes of small dimensions dissolved in a nematic phase formed by the 4-pentyl,4 cyanobiphenyl (5CB) nematic liquid crystal. The orientational distribution of solutes have been obtained with Molecular Dynamics Simulation (MD) and have been compared with experimental data reported in literature. we have also verified the agreement between order parameters and dipolar coupling values measured in NMR experiments. The MD determined effective orientational potentials have been compared with the predictions of Maier­Saupe and Surface tensor models. The second line concerns the development of a correct parametrization able to reproduce the phase transition properties of a prototype of the oligothiophene semiconductor family: sexithiophene (T6). T6 forms two crystalline polymorphs largely studied, and possesses liquid crystalline phases still not well characterized, From simulations we detected a phase transition from crystal to liquid crystal at about 580 K, in agreement with available experiments, and in particular we found two LC phases, smectic and nematic. The crystal­smectic transition is associated to a relevant density variation and to strong conformational changes of T6, namely the molecules in the liquid crystal phase easily assume a bent shape, deviating from the planar structure typical of the crystal. The third line explores a new approach for calculating the viscosity in a nematic through a virtual exper- iment resembling the classical falling sphere experiment. The falling sphere is replaced by an hydrogenated silicon nanoparticle of spherical shape suspended in 5CB, and gravity effects are replaced by a constant force applied to the nanoparticle in a selected direction. Once the nanoparticle reaches a constant velocity, the viscosity of the medium can be evaluated using Stokes' law. With this method we successfully reproduced experimental viscosities and viscosity anisotropy for the solvent 5CB. The last line deals with the study of order induction on nematic molecules by an hydrogenated silicon surface. Gaining predicting power for the anchoring behavior of liquid crystals at surfaces will be a very desirable capability, as many properties related to devices depend on molecular organization close to surfaces. Here we studied, by means of atomistic MD simulations, the flat interface between an hydrogenated (001) silicon surface in contact with a sample of 5CB molecules. We found a planar anchoring of the first layers of 5CB where surface interactions are dominating with respect to the mesogen intermolecular interactions. We also analyzed the interface 5CB­vacuum, finding a homeotropic orientation of the nematic at this interface.


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Supramolecular architectures can be built-up from a single molecular component (building block) to obtain a complex of organic or inorganic interactions creating a new emergent condensed phase of matter, such as gels, liquid crystals and solid crystal. Further the generation of multicomponent supramolecular hybrid architecture, a mix of organic and inorganic components, increases the complexity of the condensed aggregate with functional properties useful for important areas of research, like material science, medicine and nanotechnology. One may design a molecule storing a recognition pattern and programming a informed self-organization process enables to grow-up into a hierarchical architecture. From a molecular level to a supramolecular level, in a bottom-up fashion, it is possible to create a new emergent structure-function, where the system, as a whole, is open to its own environment to exchange energy, matter and information. “The emergent property of the whole assembly is superior to the sum of a singles parts”. In this thesis I present new architectures and functional materials built through the selfassembly of guanosine, in the absence or in the presence of a cation, in solution and on the surface. By appropriate manipulation of intermolecular non-covalent interactions the spatial (structural) and temporal (dynamic) features of these supramolecular architectures are controlled. Guanosine G7 (5',3'-di-decanoil-deoxi-guanosine) is able to interconvert reversibly between a supramolecular polymer and a discrete octameric species by dynamic cation binding and release. Guanosine G16 (2',3'-O-Isopropylidene-5'-O-decylguanosine) shows selectivity binding from a mix of different cation's nature. Remarkably, reversibility, selectivity, adaptability and serendipity are mutual features to appreciate the creativity of a molecular self-organization complex system into a multilevelscale hierarchical growth. The creativity - in general sense, the creation of a new thing, a new thinking, a new functionality or a new structure - emerges from a contamination process of different disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, architecture, design, philosophy and science of complexity.


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During this work, done mainly in the laboratories of the department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials of the University of Bologna but also in the laboratories of the Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with prof. K. Matyjaszewski and at the university of Zaragoza in collaboration with prof. J. Barberá, was focused mainly on the synthesis and characterization of new functional polymeric materials. In the past years our group gained a deep knowledge about the photomodulation of azobenzene containing polymers. The aim of this thesis is to push forward the performances of these materials by the synthesis of well defined materials, in which, by a precise control over the macromolecular structures, better or even new functionality can be delivered to the synthesized material. For this purpose, besides the rich photochemistry of azoaromatic polymers that brings to the application, the control offered from the recent techniques of controlled radical polymerization, ATRP over all, gives an enormous range of opportunity for the developing of a new generation of functional materials whose properties are determinate not only by the chemical nature of the functional center (e.g. azoaromatic chromophore) but are tuned and even amplified by a synergy with the whole macromolecular structure. Old materials in new structures. In this contest the work of this thesis was focused mainly on the synthesis and characterization of well defined azoaromatic polymers in order to establish, for the first time, precise structure-properties correlation. In fact a series of well defined different azopolymers, chiral and achiral, with different molecular weight and highly monodisperse were synthesized and their properties were studied, in terms of photoexpansion and photomodulation of chirality. We were then able to study the influence of the macromolecular structure in terms of molecular weight and ramification on the studied properties. The huge amount of possibility offered by the tailoring of the macromolecular structure were exploited for the synthesis of new cholesteric photochromic polymers that can be used as a smart label for the certification of the thermal history of any thermosensitive product. Finally the ATRP synthesis allowed us to synthesize a total new class of material, named molecular brushes: a flat surface covered with an ultra thin layer of polymeric chain covalently bond onto the surface from one end. This new class of materials is of extreme interest as they offer the possibility to tune and manage the interaction of the surface with the environment. In this contest we synthesized both azoaromatic surfaces, growing directly the polymer from the surface, and mixed brushes: surfaces covered with incompatible macromolecules. Both type of surfaces acts as “smart” surfaces: the first it is able to move the orientation of a LC cell by simply photomodulation and, thanks to the robustness of the covalent bond, can be used as a command surface overcoming all the limitation due to the dewetting of the active layer. The second type of surface, functionalized by a grafting-to method, can self assemble the topmost layer responding to changed environmental conditions, exposing different functionality according to different environment.


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The development of safe, high energy and power electrochemical energy-conversion systems can be a response to the worldwide demand for a clean and low-fuel-consuming transport. This thesis work, starting from a basic studies on the ionic liquid (IL) electrolytes and carbon electrodes and concluding with tests on large-size IL-based supercapacitor prototypes demonstrated that the IL-based asymmetric configuration (AEDLCs) is a powerful strategy to develop safe, high-energy supercapacitors that might compete with lithium-ion batteries in power assist-hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). The increase of specific energy in EDLCs was achieved following three routes: i) the use of hydrophobic ionic liquids (ILs) as electrolytes; ii) the design and preparation of carbon electrode materials of tailored morphology and surface chemistry to feature high capacitance response in IL and iii) the asymmetric double-layer carbon supercapacitor configuration (AEDLC) which consists of assembling the supercapacitor with different carbon loadings at the two electrodes in order to exploit the wide electrochemical stability window (ESW) of IL and to reach high maximum cell voltage (Vmax). Among the various ILs investigated the N-methoxyethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (PYR1(2O1)TFSI) was selected because of its hydrophobicity and high thermal stability up to 350 °C together with good conductivity and wide ESW, exploitable in a wide temperature range, below 0°C. For such exceptional properties PYR1(2O1)TFSI was used for the whole study to develop large size IL-based carbon supercapacitor prototype. This work also highlights that the use of ILs determines different chemical-physical properties at the interface electrode/electrolyte with respect to that formed by conventional electrolytes. Indeed, the absence of solvent in ILs makes the properties of the interface not mediated by the solvent and, thus, the dielectric constant and double-layer thickness strictly depend on the chemistry of the IL ions. The study of carbon electrode materials evidences several factors that have to be taken into account for designing performing carbon electrodes in IL. The heat-treatment in inert atmosphere of the activated carbon AC which gave ACT carbon featuring ca. 100 F/g in IL demonstrated the importance of surface chemistry in the capacitive response of the carbons in hydrophobic ILs. The tailored mesoporosity of the xerogel carbons is a key parameter to achieve high capacitance response. The CO2-treated xerogel carbon X3a featured a high specific capacitance of 120 F/g in PYR14TFSI, however, exhibiting high pore volume, an excess of IL is required to fill the pores with respect to that necessary for the charge-discharge process. Further advances were achieved with electrodes based on the disordered template carbon DTC7 with pore size distribution centred at 2.7 nm which featured a notably high specific capacitance of 140 F/g in PYR14TFSI and a moderate pore volume, V>1.5 nm of 0.70 cm3/g. This thesis work demonstrated that by means of the asymmetric configuration (AEDLC) it was possible to reach high cell voltage up to 3.9 V. Indeed, IL-based AEDLCs with the X3a or ACT carbon electrodes exhibited specific energy and power of ca. 30 Wh/kg and 10 kW/kg, respectively. The DTC7 carbon electrodes, featuring a capacitance response higher of 20%-40% than those of X3a and ACT, respectively, enabled the development of a PYR14TFSI-based AEDLC with specific energy and power of 47 Wh/kg and 13 kW/kg at 60°C with Vmax of 3.9 V. Given the availability of the ACT carbon (obtained from a commercial material), the PYR1(2O1)TFSI-based AEDLCs assembled with ACT carbon electrodes were selected within the EU ILHYPOS project for the development of large-size prototypes. This study demonstrated that PYR1(2O1)TFSI-based AEDLC can operate between -30°C and +60°C and its cycling stability was proved at 60°C up to 27,000 cycles with high Vmax up to 3.8 V. Such AEDLC was further investigated following USABC and DOE FreedomCAR reference protocols for HEV to evaluate its dynamic pulse-power and energy features. It was demonstrated that with Vmax of 3.7 V at T> 30 °C the challenging energy and power targets stated by DOE for power-assist HEVs, and at T> 0 °C the standards for the 12V-TSS and 42V-FSS and TPA 2s-pulse applications are satisfied, if the ratio wmodule/wSC = 2 is accomplished, which, however, is a very demanding condition. Finally, suggestions for further advances in IL-based AEDLC performance were found. Particularly, given that the main contribution to the ESR is the electrode charging resistance, which in turn is affected by the ionic resistance in the pores that is also modulated by pore length, the pore geometry is a key parameter in carbon design not only because it defines the carbon surface but also because it can differentially “amplify” the effect of IL conductivity on the electrode charging-discharging process and, thus, supercapacitor time constant.


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Conventional chromatographic columns are packed with porous beads by the universally employed slurry-packing method. The lack of precise control of the particle size distribution, shape and position inside the column have dramatic effects on the separation efficiency. In the first part the thesis an ordered, three-dimensional, pillar-array structure was designed by a CAD software. Several columns, characterized by different fluid distributors and bed length, were produced by a stereolithographic 3D printer and compared in terms of pressure drop and height equivalent to a theroretical plate (HETP). To prevent the release of unwanted substances and to provide a surface for immobilizing a ligand, pillars were coated with one or more of the following materials: titanium dioxide, nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) and polystyrene. The external NFC layer was functionalized with Cibacron Blue and the dynamic binding capacity of the column was measured by performing three chromatographic cycles, using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as target molecule. The second part of the thesis deals with Covid-19 pandemic related research activities. In early 2020, due to the pandemic outbreak, surgical face masks became an essential non-pharmaceutical intervention to limit the spread. To address the consequent shortage and to support the reconversion of the Italian industry, in late March 2020 a multidisciplinary group of the University of Bologna created the first Italian laboratory able to perform all the tests required for the evaluation and certification of surgical masks. More than 1200 tests were performed on about 350 prototypes, according to the standard EN 14683:2019. The results were analyzed to define the best material properties and masks composition for the production of masks with excellent efficiency. To optimize the usage of surgical masks and to reduce their environmental burden, the variation of their performance over time of usage were investigated as to determine the maximum lifetime.