em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Nell’attuale contesto di aumento degli impatti antropici e di “Global Climate Change” emerge la necessità di comprenderne i possibili effetti di questi sugli ecosistemi inquadrati come fruitori di servizi e funzioni imprescindibili sui quali si basano intere tessiture economiche e sociali. Lo studio previsionale degli ecosistemi si scontra con l’elevata complessità di questi ultimi in luogo di una altrettanto elevata scarsità di osservazioni integrate. L’approccio modellistico appare il più adatto all’analisi delle dinamiche complesse degli ecosistemi ed alla contestualizzazione complessa di risultati sperimentali ed osservazioni empiriche. L’approccio riduzionista-deterministico solitamente utilizzato nell’implementazione di modelli non si è però sin qui dimostrato in grado di raggiungere i livelli di complessità più elevati all’interno della struttura eco sistemica. La componente che meglio descrive la complessità ecosistemica è quella biotica in virtù dell’elevata dipendenza dalle altre componenti e dalle loro interazioni. In questo lavoro di tesi viene proposto un approccio modellistico stocastico basato sull’utilizzo di un compilatore naive Bayes operante in ambiente fuzzy. L’utilizzo congiunto di logica fuzzy e approccio naive Bayes è utile al processa mento del livello di complessità e conseguentemente incertezza insito negli ecosistemi. I modelli generativi ottenuti, chiamati Fuzzy Bayesian Ecological Model(FBEM) appaiono in grado di modellizare gli stati eco sistemici in funzione dell’ elevato numero di interazioni che entrano in gioco nella determinazione degli stati degli ecosistemi. Modelli FBEM sono stati utilizzati per comprendere il rischio ambientale per habitat intertidale di spiagge sabbiose in caso di eventi di flooding costiero previsti nell’arco di tempo 2010-2100. L’applicazione è stata effettuata all’interno del progetto EU “Theseus” per il quale i modelli FBEM sono stati utilizzati anche per una simulazione a lungo termine e per il calcolo dei tipping point specifici dell’habitat secondo eventi di flooding di diversa intensità.
Latency can be defined as the sum of the arrival times at the customers. Minimum latency problems are specially relevant in applications related to humanitarian logistics. This thesis presents algorithms for solving a family of vehicle routing problems with minimum latency. First the latency location routing problem (LLRP) is considered. It consists of determining the subset of depots to be opened, and the routes that a set of homogeneous capacitated vehicles must perform in order to visit a set of customers such that the sum of the demands of the customers assigned to each vehicle does not exceed the capacity of the vehicle. For solving this problem three metaheuristic algorithms combining simulated annealing and variable neighborhood descent, and an iterated local search (ILS) algorithm, are proposed. Furthermore, the multi-depot cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem (MDCCVRP) and the multi-depot k-traveling repairman problem (MDk-TRP) are solved with the proposed ILS algorithm. The MDCCVRP is a special case of the LLRP in which all the depots can be opened, and the MDk-TRP is a special case of the MDCCVRP in which the capacity constraints are relaxed. Finally, a LLRP with stochastic travel times is studied. A two-stage stochastic programming model and a variable neighborhood search algorithm are proposed for solving the problem. Furthermore a sampling method is developed for tackling instances with an infinite number of scenarios. Extensive computational experiments show that the proposed methods are effective for solving the problems under study.
This work presents a comprehensive methodology for the reduction of analytical or numerical stochastic models characterized by uncertain input parameters or boundary conditions. The technique, based on the Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) theory, represents a versatile solution to solve direct or inverse problems related to propagation of uncertainty. The potentiality of the methodology is assessed investigating different applicative contexts related to groundwater flow and transport scenarios, such as global sensitivity analysis, risk analysis and model calibration. This is achieved by implementing a numerical code, developed in the MATLAB environment, presented here in its main features and tested with literature examples. The procedure has been conceived under flexibility and efficiency criteria in order to ensure its adaptability to different fields of engineering; it has been applied to different case studies related to flow and transport in porous media. Each application is associated with innovative elements such as (i) new analytical formulations describing motion and displacement of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media, (ii) application of global sensitivity analysis to a high-complexity numerical model inspired by a real case of risk of radionuclide migration in the subsurface environment, and (iii) development of a novel sensitivity-based strategy for parameter calibration and experiment design in laboratory scale tracer transport.
Galaxy clusters occupy a special position in the cosmic hierarchy as they are the largest bound structures in the Universe. There is now general agreement on a hierarchical picture for the formation of cosmic structures, in which galaxy clusters are supposed to form by accretion of matter and merging between smaller units. During merger events, shocks are driven by the gravity of the dark matter in the diffuse barionic component, which is heated up to the observed temperature. Radio and hard-X ray observations have discovered non-thermal components mixed with the thermal Intra Cluster Medium (ICM) and this is of great importance as it calls for a “revision” of the physics of the ICM. The bulk of present information comes from the radio observations which discovered an increasing number of Mpcsized emissions from the ICM, Radio Halos (at the cluster center) and Radio Relics (at the cluster periphery). These sources are due to synchrotron emission from ultra relativistic electrons diffusing through µG turbulent magnetic fields. Radio Halos are the most spectacular evidence of non-thermal components in the ICM and understanding the origin and evolution of these sources represents one of the most challenging goal of the theory of the ICM. Cluster mergers are the most energetic events in the Universe and a fraction of the energy dissipated during these mergers could be channelled into the amplification of the magnetic fields and into the acceleration of high energy particles via shocks and turbulence driven by these mergers. Present observations of Radio Halos (and possibly of hard X-rays) can be best interpreted in terms of the reacceleration scenario in which MHD turbulence injected during these cluster mergers re-accelerates high energy particles in the ICM. The physics involved in this scenario is very complex and model details are difficult to test, however this model clearly predicts some simple properties of Radio Halos (and resulting IC emission in the hard X-ray band) which are almost independent of the details of the adopted physics. In particular in the re-acceleration scenario MHD turbulence is injected and dissipated during cluster mergers and thus Radio Halos (and also the resulting hard X-ray IC emission) should be transient phenomena (with a typical lifetime <» 1 Gyr) associated with dynamically disturbed clusters. The physics of the re-acceleration scenario should produce an unavoidable cut-off in the spectrum of the re-accelerated electrons, which is due to the balance between turbulent acceleration and radiative losses. The energy at which this cut-off occurs, and thus the maximum frequency at which synchrotron radiation is produced, depends essentially on the efficiency of the acceleration mechanism so that observations at high frequencies are expected to catch only the most efficient phenomena while, in principle, low frequency radio surveys may found these phenomena much common in the Universe. These basic properties should leave an important imprint in the statistical properties of Radio Halos (and of non-thermal phenomena in general) which, however, have not been addressed yet by present modellings. The main focus of this PhD thesis is to calculate, for the first time, the expected statistics of Radio Halos in the context of the re-acceleration scenario. In particular, we shall address the following main questions: • Is it possible to model “self-consistently” the evolution of these sources together with that of the parent clusters? • How the occurrence of Radio Halos is expected to change with cluster mass and to evolve with redshift? How the efficiency to catch Radio Halos in galaxy clusters changes with the observing radio frequency? • How many Radio Halos are expected to form in the Universe? At which redshift is expected the bulk of these sources? • Is it possible to reproduce in the re-acceleration scenario the observed occurrence and number of Radio Halos in the Universe and the observed correlations between thermal and non-thermal properties of galaxy clusters? • Is it possible to constrain the magnetic field intensity and profile in galaxy clusters and the energetic of turbulence in the ICM from the comparison between model expectations and observations? Several astrophysical ingredients are necessary to model the evolution and statistical properties of Radio Halos in the context of re-acceleration model and to address the points given above. For these reason we deserve some space in this PhD thesis to review the important aspects of the physics of the ICM which are of interest to catch our goals. In Chapt. 1 we discuss the physics of galaxy clusters, and in particular, the clusters formation process; in Chapt. 2 we review the main observational properties of non-thermal components in the ICM; and in Chapt. 3 we focus on the physics of magnetic field and of particle acceleration in galaxy clusters. As a relevant application, the theory of Alfv´enic particle acceleration is applied in Chapt. 4 where we report the most important results from calculations we have done in the framework of the re-acceleration scenario. In this Chapter we show that a fraction of the energy of fluid turbulence driven in the ICM by the cluster mergers can be channelled into the injection of Alfv´en waves at small scales and that these waves can efficiently re-accelerate particles and trigger Radio Halos and hard X-ray emission. The main part of this PhD work, the calculation of the statistical properties of Radio Halos and non-thermal phenomena as expected in the context of the re-acceleration model and their comparison with observations, is presented in Chapts.5, 6, 7 and 8. In Chapt.5 we present a first approach to semi-analytical calculations of statistical properties of giant Radio Halos. The main goal of this Chapter is to model cluster formation, the injection of turbulence in the ICM and the resulting particle acceleration process. We adopt the semi–analytic extended Press & Schechter (PS) theory to follow the formation of a large synthetic population of galaxy clusters and assume that during a merger a fraction of the PdV work done by the infalling subclusters in passing through the most massive one is injected in the form of magnetosonic waves. Then the processes of stochastic acceleration of the relativistic electrons by these waves and the properties of the ensuing synchrotron (Radio Halos) and inverse Compton (IC, hard X-ray) emission of merging clusters are computed under the assumption of a constant rms average magnetic field strength in emitting volume. The main finding of these calculations is that giant Radio Halos are naturally expected only in the more massive clusters, and that the expected fraction of clusters with Radio Halos is consistent with the observed one. In Chapt. 6 we extend the previous calculations by including a scaling of the magnetic field strength with cluster mass. The inclusion of this scaling allows us to derive the expected correlations between the synchrotron radio power of Radio Halos and the X-ray properties (T, LX) and mass of the hosting clusters. For the first time, we show that these correlations, calculated in the context of the re-acceleration model, are consistent with the observed ones for typical µG strengths of the average B intensity in massive clusters. The calculations presented in this Chapter allow us to derive the evolution of the probability to form Radio Halos as a function of the cluster mass and redshift. The most relevant finding presented in this Chapter is that the luminosity functions of giant Radio Halos at 1.4 GHz are expected to peak around a radio power » 1024 W/Hz and to flatten (or cut-off) at lower radio powers because of the decrease of the electron re-acceleration efficiency in smaller galaxy clusters. In Chapt. 6 we also derive the expected number counts of Radio Halos and compare them with available observations: we claim that » 100 Radio Halos in the Universe can be observed at 1.4 GHz with deep surveys, while more than 1000 Radio Halos are expected to be discovered in the next future by LOFAR at 150 MHz. This is the first (and so far unique) model expectation for the number counts of Radio Halos at lower frequency and allows to design future radio surveys. Based on the results of Chapt. 6, in Chapt.7 we present a work in progress on a “revision” of the occurrence of Radio Halos. We combine past results from the NVSS radio survey (z » 0.05 − 0.2) with our ongoing GMRT Radio Halos Pointed Observations of 50 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters (at z » 0.2−0.4) and discuss the possibility to test our model expectations with the number counts of Radio Halos at z » 0.05 − 0.4. The most relevant limitation in the calculations presented in Chapt. 5 and 6 is the assumption of an “averaged” size of Radio Halos independently of their radio luminosity and of the mass of the parent clusters. This assumption cannot be released in the context of the PS formalism used to describe the formation process of clusters, while a more detailed analysis of the physics of cluster mergers and of the injection process of turbulence in the ICM would require an approach based on numerical (possible MHD) simulations of a very large volume of the Universe which is however well beyond the aim of this PhD thesis. On the other hand, in Chapt.8 we report our discovery of novel correlations between the size (RH) of Radio Halos and their radio power and between RH and the cluster mass within the Radio Halo region, MH. In particular this last “geometrical” MH − RH correlation allows us to “observationally” overcome the limitation of the “average” size of Radio Halos. Thus in this Chapter, by making use of this “geometrical” correlation and of a simplified form of the re-acceleration model based on the results of Chapt. 5 and 6 we are able to discuss expected correlations between the synchrotron power and the thermal cluster quantities relative to the radio emitting region. This is a new powerful tool of investigation and we show that all the observed correlations (PR − RH, PR − MH, PR − T, PR − LX, . . . ) now become well understood in the context of the re-acceleration model. In addition, we find that observationally the size of Radio Halos scales non-linearly with the virial radius of the parent cluster, and this immediately means that the fraction of the cluster volume which is radio emitting increases with cluster mass and thus that the non-thermal component in clusters is not self-similar.
This work provides a forward step in the study and comprehension of the relationships between stochastic processes and a certain class of integral-partial differential equation, which can be used in order to model anomalous diffusion and transport in statistical physics. In the first part, we brought the reader through the fundamental notions of probability and stochastic processes, stochastic integration and stochastic differential equations as well. In particular, within the study of H-sssi processes, we focused on fractional Brownian motion (fBm) and its discrete-time increment process, the fractional Gaussian noise (fGn), which provide examples of non-Markovian Gaussian processes. The fGn, together with stationary FARIMA processes, is widely used in the modeling and estimation of long-memory, or long-range dependence (LRD). Time series manifesting long-range dependence, are often observed in nature especially in physics, meteorology, climatology, but also in hydrology, geophysics, economy and many others. We deepely studied LRD, giving many real data examples, providing statistical analysis and introducing parametric methods of estimation. Then, we introduced the theory of fractional integrals and derivatives, which indeed turns out to be very appropriate for studying and modeling systems with long-memory properties. After having introduced the basics concepts, we provided many examples and applications. For instance, we investigated the relaxation equation with distributed order time-fractional derivatives, which describes models characterized by a strong memory component and can be used to model relaxation in complex systems, which deviates from the classical exponential Debye pattern. Then, we focused in the study of generalizations of the standard diffusion equation, by passing through the preliminary study of the fractional forward drift equation. Such generalizations have been obtained by using fractional integrals and derivatives of distributed orders. In order to find a connection between the anomalous diffusion described by these equations and the long-range dependence, we introduced and studied the generalized grey Brownian motion (ggBm), which is actually a parametric class of H-sssi processes, which have indeed marginal probability density function evolving in time according to a partial integro-differential equation of fractional type. The ggBm is of course Non-Markovian. All around the work, we have remarked many times that, starting from a master equation of a probability density function f(x,t), it is always possible to define an equivalence class of stochastic processes with the same marginal density function f(x,t). All these processes provide suitable stochastic models for the starting equation. Studying the ggBm, we just focused on a subclass made up of processes with stationary increments. The ggBm has been defined canonically in the so called grey noise space. However, we have been able to provide a characterization notwithstanding the underline probability space. We also pointed out that that the generalized grey Brownian motion is a direct generalization of a Gaussian process and in particular it generalizes Brownain motion and fractional Brownain motion as well. Finally, we introduced and analyzed a more general class of diffusion type equations related to certain non-Markovian stochastic processes. We started from the forward drift equation, which have been made non-local in time by the introduction of a suitable chosen memory kernel K(t). The resulting non-Markovian equation has been interpreted in a natural way as the evolution equation of the marginal density function of a random time process l(t). We then consider the subordinated process Y(t)=X(l(t)) where X(t) is a Markovian diffusion. The corresponding time-evolution of the marginal density function of Y(t) is governed by a non-Markovian Fokker-Planck equation which involves the same memory kernel K(t). We developed several applications and derived the exact solutions. Moreover, we considered different stochastic models for the given equations, providing path simulations.
The presented study carried out an analysis on rural landscape changes. In particular the study focuses on the understanding of driving forces acting on the rural built environment using a statistical spatial model implemented through GIS techniques. It is well known that the study of landscape changes is essential for a conscious decision making in land planning. From a bibliography review results a general lack of studies dealing with the modeling of rural built environment and hence a theoretical modelling approach for such purpose is needed. The advancement in technology and modernity in building construction and agriculture have gradually changed the rural built environment. In addition, the phenomenon of urbanization of a determined the construction of new volumes that occurred beside abandoned or derelict rural buildings. Consequently there are two types of transformation dynamics affecting mainly the rural built environment that can be observed: the conversion of rural buildings and the increasing of building numbers. It is the specific aim of the presented study to propose a methodology for the development of a spatial model that allows the identification of driving forces that acted on the behaviours of the building allocation. In fact one of the most concerning dynamic nowadays is related to an irrational expansion of buildings sprawl across landscape. The proposed methodology is composed by some conceptual steps that cover different aspects related to the development of a spatial model: the selection of a response variable that better describe the phenomenon under study, the identification of possible driving forces, the sampling methodology concerning the collection of data, the most suitable algorithm to be adopted in relation to statistical theory and method used, the calibration process and evaluation of the model. A different combination of factors in various parts of the territory generated favourable or less favourable conditions for the building allocation and the existence of buildings represents the evidence of such optimum. Conversely the absence of buildings expresses a combination of agents which is not suitable for building allocation. Presence or absence of buildings can be adopted as indicators of such driving conditions, since they represent the expression of the action of driving forces in the land suitability sorting process. The existence of correlation between site selection and hypothetical driving forces, evaluated by means of modeling techniques, provides an evidence of which driving forces are involved in the allocation dynamic and an insight on their level of influence into the process. GIS software by means of spatial analysis tools allows to associate the concept of presence and absence with point futures generating a point process. Presence or absence of buildings at some site locations represent the expression of these driving factors interaction. In case of presences, points represent locations of real existing buildings, conversely absences represent locations were buildings are not existent and so they are generated by a stochastic mechanism. Possible driving forces are selected and the existence of a causal relationship with building allocations is assessed through a spatial model. The adoption of empirical statistical models provides a mechanism for the explanatory variable analysis and for the identification of key driving variables behind the site selection process for new building allocation. The model developed by following the methodology is applied to a case study to test the validity of the methodology. In particular the study area for the testing of the methodology is represented by the New District of Imola characterized by a prevailing agricultural production vocation and were transformation dynamic intensively occurred. The development of the model involved the identification of predictive variables (related to geomorphologic, socio-economic, structural and infrastructural systems of landscape) capable of representing the driving forces responsible for landscape changes.. The calibration of the model is carried out referring to spatial data regarding the periurban and rural area of the study area within the 1975-2005 time period by means of Generalised linear model. The resulting output from the model fit is continuous grid surface where cells assume values ranged from 0 to 1 of probability of building occurrences along the rural and periurban area of the study area. Hence the response variable assesses the changes in the rural built environment occurred in such time interval and is correlated to the selected explanatory variables by means of a generalized linear model using logistic regression. Comparing the probability map obtained from the model to the actual rural building distribution in 2005, the interpretation capability of the model can be evaluated. The proposed model can be also applied to the interpretation of trends which occurred in other study areas, and also referring to different time intervals, depending on the availability of data. The use of suitable data in terms of time, information, and spatial resolution and the costs related to data acquisition, pre-processing, and survey are among the most critical aspects of model implementation. Future in-depth studies can focus on using the proposed model to predict short/medium-range future scenarios for the rural built environment distribution in the study area. In order to predict future scenarios it is necessary to assume that the driving forces do not change and that their levels of influence within the model are not far from those assessed for the time interval used for the calibration.
This work presents exact, hybrid algorithms for mixed resource Allocation and Scheduling problems; in general terms, those consist into assigning over time finite capacity resources to a set of precedence connected activities. The proposed methods have broad applicability, but are mainly motivated by applications in the field of Embedded System Design. In particular, high-performance embedded computing recently witnessed the shift from single CPU platforms with application-specific accelerators to programmable Multi Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs). Those allow higher flexibility, real time performance and low energy consumption, but the programmer must be able to effectively exploit the platform parallelism. This raises interest in the development of algorithmic techniques to be embedded in CAD tools; in particular, given a specific application and platform, the objective if to perform optimal allocation of hardware resources and to compute an execution schedule. On this regard, since embedded systems tend to run the same set of applications for their entire lifetime, off-line, exact optimization approaches are particularly appealing. Quite surprisingly, the use of exact algorithms has not been well investigated so far; this is in part motivated by the complexity of integrated allocation and scheduling, setting tough challenges for ``pure'' combinatorial methods. The use of hybrid CP/OR approaches presents the opportunity to exploit mutual advantages of different methods, while compensating for their weaknesses. In this work, we consider in first instance an Allocation and Scheduling problem over the Cell BE processor by Sony, IBM and Toshiba; we propose three different solution methods, leveraging decomposition, cut generation and heuristic guided search. Next, we face Allocation and Scheduling of so-called Conditional Task Graphs, explicitly accounting for branches with outcome not known at design time; we extend the CP scheduling framework to effectively deal with the introduced stochastic elements. Finally, we address Allocation and Scheduling with uncertain, bounded execution times, via conflict based tree search; we introduce a simple and flexible time model to take into account duration variability and provide an efficient conflict detection method. The proposed approaches achieve good results on practical size problem, thus demonstrating the use of exact approaches for system design is feasible. Furthermore, the developed techniques bring significant contributions to combinatorial optimization methods.
During the last few years, a great deal of interest has risen concerning the applications of stochastic methods to several biochemical and biological phenomena. Phenomena like gene expression, cellular memory, bet-hedging strategy in bacterial growth and many others, cannot be described by continuous stochastic models due to their intrinsic discreteness and randomness. In this thesis I have used the Chemical Master Equation (CME) technique to modelize some feedback cycles and analyzing their properties, including experimental data. In the first part of this work, the effect of stochastic stability is discussed on a toy model of the genetic switch that triggers the cellular division, which malfunctioning is known to be one of the hallmarks of cancer. The second system I have worked on is the so-called futile cycle, a closed cycle of two enzymatic reactions that adds and removes a chemical compound, called phosphate group, to a specific substrate. I have thus investigated how adding noise to the enzyme (that is usually in the order of few hundred molecules) modifies the probability of observing a specific number of phosphorylated substrate molecules, and confirmed theoretical predictions with numerical simulations. In the third part the results of the study of a chain of multiple phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles will be presented. We will discuss an approximation method for the exact solution in the bidimensional case and the relationship that this method has with the thermodynamic properties of the system, which is an open system far from equilibrium.In the last section the agreement between the theoretical prediction of the total protein quantity in a mouse cells population and the observed quantity will be shown, measured via fluorescence microscopy.
Spatial prediction of hourly rainfall via radar calibration is addressed. The change of support problem (COSP), arising when the spatial supports of different data sources do not coincide, is faced in a non-Gaussian setting; in fact, hourly rainfall in Emilia-Romagna region, in Italy, is characterized by abundance of zero values and right-skeweness of the distribution of positive amounts. Rain gauge direct measurements on sparsely distributed locations and hourly cumulated radar grids are provided by the ARPA-SIMC Emilia-Romagna. We propose a three-stage Bayesian hierarchical model for radar calibration, exploiting rain gauges as reference measure. Rain probability and amounts are modeled via linear relationships with radar in the log scale; spatial correlated Gaussian effects capture the residual information. We employ a probit link for rainfall probability and Gamma distribution for rainfall positive amounts; the two steps are joined via a two-part semicontinuous model. Three model specifications differently addressing COSP are presented; in particular, a stochastic weighting of all radar pixels, driven by a latent Gaussian process defined on the grid, is employed. Estimation is performed via MCMC procedures implemented in C, linked to R software. Communication and evaluation of probabilistic, point and interval predictions is investigated. A non-randomized PIT histogram is proposed for correctly assessing calibration and coverage of two-part semicontinuous models. Predictions obtained with the different model specifications are evaluated via graphical tools (Reliability Plot, Sharpness Histogram, PIT Histogram, Brier Score Plot and Quantile Decomposition Plot), proper scoring rules (Brier Score, Continuous Rank Probability Score) and consistent scoring functions (Root Mean Square Error and Mean Absolute Error addressing the predictive mean and median, respectively). Calibration is reached and the inclusion of neighbouring information slightly improves predictions. All specifications outperform a benchmark model with incorrelated effects, confirming the relevance of spatial correlation for modeling rainfall probability and accumulation.
In the last two decades, authors have begun to expand classical stochastic frontier (SF) models in order to include also some spatial components. Indeed, firms tend to concentrate in clusters, taking advantage of positive agglomeration externalities due to cooperation, shared ideas and emulation, resulting in increased productivity levels. Until now scholars have introduced spatial dependence into SF models following two different paths: evaluating global and local spatial spillover effects related to the frontier or considering spatial cross-sectional correlation in the inefficiency and/or in the error term. In this thesis, we extend the current literature on spatial SF models introducing two novel specifications for panel data. First, besides considering productivity and input spillovers, we introduce the possibility to evaluate the specific spatial effects arising from each inefficiency determinant through their spatial lags aiming to capture also knowledge spillovers. Second, we develop a very comprehensive spatial SF model that includes both frontier and error-based spillovers in order to consider four different sources of spatial dependence (i.e. productivity and input spillovers related to the frontier function and behavioural and environmental correlation associated with the two error terms). Finally, we test the finite sample properties of the two proposed spatial SF models through simulations, and we provide two empirical applications to the Italian accommodation and agricultural sectors. From a practical perspective, policymakers, based on results from these models, can rely on precise, detailed and distinct insights on the spillover effects affecting the productive performance of neighbouring spatial units obtaining interesting and relevant suggestions for policy decisions.
We start in Chapter 2 to investigate linear matrix-valued SDEs and the Itô-stochastic Magnus expansion. The Itô-stochastic Magnus expansion provides an efficient numerical scheme to solve matrix-valued SDEs. We show convergence of the expansion up to a stopping time τ and provide an asymptotic estimate of the cumulative distribution function of τ. Moreover, we show how to apply it to solve SPDEs with one and two spatial dimensions by combining it with the method of lines with high accuracy. We will see that the Magnus expansion allows us to use GPU techniques leading to major performance improvements compared to a standard Euler-Maruyama scheme. In Chapter 3, we study a short-rate model in a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) framework for negative interest rates. We define the short rate as the difference of two independent CIR processes and add a deterministic shift to guarantee a perfect fit to the market term structure. We show how to use the Gram-Charlier expansion to efficiently calibrate the model to the market swaption surface and price Bermudan swaptions with good accuracy. We are taking two different perspectives for rating transition modelling. In Section 4.4, we study inhomogeneous continuous-time Markov chains (ICTMC) as a candidate for a rating model with deterministic rating transitions. We extend this model by taking a Lie group perspective in Section 4.5, to allow for stochastic rating transitions. In both cases, we will compare the most popular choices for a change of measure technique and show how to efficiently calibrate both models to the available historical rating data and market default probabilities. At the very end, we apply the techniques shown in this thesis to minimize the collateral-inclusive Credit/ Debit Valuation Adjustments under the constraint of small collateral postings by using a collateral account dependent on rating trigger.