em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Transcription is controlled by promoter-selective transcriptional factors (TFs), which bind to cis-regulatory enhancers elements, termed hormone response elements (HREs), in a specific subset of genes. Regulation by these factors involves either the recruitment of coactivators or corepressors and direct interaction with the basal transcriptional machinery (1). Hormone-activated nuclear receptors (NRs) are well characterized transcriptional factors (2) that bind to the promoters of their target genes and recruit primary and secondary coactivator proteins which possess many enzymatic activities required for gene expression (1,3,4). In the present study, using single-cell high-resolution fluorescent microscopy and high throughput microscopy (HTM) coupled to computational imaging analysis, we investigated transcriptional regulation controlled by the estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha), in terms of large scale chromatin remodeling and interaction with the associated coactivator SRC-3 (Steroid Receptor Coactivator-3), a member of p160 family (28) primary coactivators. ERalpha is a steroid-dependent transcriptional factor (16) that belongs to the NRs superfamily (2,3) and, in response to the hormone 17-ß estradiol (E2), regulates transcription of distinct target genes involved in development, puberty, and homeostasis (8,16). ERalpha spends most of its lifetime in the nucleus and undergoes a rapid (within minutes) intranuclear redistribution following the addition of either agonist or antagonist (17,18,19). We designed a HeLa cell line (PRL-HeLa), engineered with a chromosomeintegrated reporter gene array (PRL-array) containing multicopy hormone response-binding elements for ERalpha that are derived from the physiological enhancer/promoter region of the prolactin gene. Following GFP-ER transfection of PRL-HeLa cells, we were able to observe in situ ligand dependent (i) recruitment to the array of the receptor and associated coregulators, (ii) chromatin remodeling, and (iii) direct transcriptional readout of the reporter gene. Addition of E2 causes a visible opening (decondensation) of the PRL-array, colocalization of RNA Polymerase II, and transcriptional readout of the reporter gene, detected by mRNA FISH. On the contrary, when cells were treated with an ERalpha antagonist (Tamoxifen or ICI), a dramatic condensation of the PRL-array was observed, displacement of RNA Polymerase II, and complete decreasing in the transcriptional FISH signal. All p160 family coactivators (28) colocalize with ERalpha at the PRL-array. Steroid Receptor Coactivator-3 (SRC-3/AIB1/ACTR/pCIP/RAC3/TRAM1) is a p160 family member and a known oncogenic protein (4,34). SRC-3 is regulated by a variety of posttranslational modifications, including methylation, phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination and sumoylation (4,35). These events have been shown to be important for its interaction with other coactivator proteins and NRs and for its oncogenic potential (37,39). A number of extracellular signaling molecules, like steroid hormones, growth factors and cytokines, induce SRC-3 phosphorylation (40). These actions are mediated by a wide range of kinases, including extracellular-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1-2), c-Jun N-terminal kinase, p38 MAPK, and IkB kinases (IKKs) (41,42,43). Here, we report SRC-3 to be a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein, whose cellular localization is regulated by phosphorylation and interaction with ERalpha. Using a combination of high throughput and fluorescence microscopy, we show that both chemical inhibition (with U0126) and siRNA downregulation of the MAP/ERK1/2 kinase (MEK1/2) pathway induce a cytoplasmic shift in SRC-3 localization, whereas stimulation by EGF signaling enhances its nuclear localization by inducing phosphorylation at T24, S857, and S860, known partecipants in the regulation of SRC-3 activity (39). Accordingly, the cytoplasmic localization of a non-phosphorylatable SRC-3 mutant further supports these results. In the presence of ERalpha, U0126 also dramatically reduces: hormone-dependent colocalization of ERalpha and SRC-3 in the nucleus; formation of ER-SRC-3 coimmunoprecipitation complex in cell lysates; localization of SRC-3 at the ER-targeted prolactin promoter array (PRL-array) and transcriptional activity. Finally, we show that SRC-3 can also function as a cotransporter, facilitating the nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of estrogen receptor. While a wealth of studies have revealed the molecular functions of NRs and coregulators, there is a paucity of data on how these functions are spatiotemporally organized in the cellular context. Technically and conceptually, our findings have a new impact upon evaluating gene transcriptional control and mechanisms of action of gene regulators.
Negli ultimi anni, un crescente numero di studiosi ha focalizzato la propria attenzione sullo sviluppo di strategie che permettessero di caratterizzare le proprietà ADMET dei farmaci in via di sviluppo, il più rapidamente possibile. Questa tendenza origina dalla consapevolezza che circa la metà dei farmaci in via di sviluppo non viene commercializzato perché ha carenze nelle caratteristiche ADME, e che almeno la metà delle molecole che riescono ad essere commercializzate, hanno comunque qualche problema tossicologico o ADME [1]. Infatti, poco importa quanto una molecola possa essere attiva o specifica: perché possa diventare farmaco è necessario che venga ben assorbita, distribuita nell’organismo, metabolizzata non troppo rapidamente, ne troppo lentamente e completamente eliminata. Inoltre la molecola e i suoi metaboliti non dovrebbero essere tossici per l’organismo. Quindi è chiaro come una rapida determinazione dei parametri ADMET in fasi precoci dello sviluppo del farmaco, consenta di risparmiare tempo e denaro, permettendo di selezionare da subito i composti più promettenti e di lasciar perdere quelli con caratteristiche negative. Questa tesi si colloca in questo contesto, e mostra l’applicazione di una tecnica semplice, la biocromatografia, per caratterizzare rapidamente il legame di librerie di composti alla sieroalbumina umana (HSA). Inoltre mostra l’utilizzo di un’altra tecnica indipendente, il dicroismo circolare, che permette di studiare gli stessi sistemi farmaco-proteina, in soluzione, dando informazioni supplementari riguardo alla stereochimica del processo di legame. La HSA è la proteina più abbondante presente nel sangue. Questa proteina funziona da carrier per un gran numero di molecole, sia endogene, come ad esempio bilirubina, tiroxina, ormoni steroidei, acidi grassi, che xenobiotici. Inoltre aumenta la solubilità di molecole lipofile poco solubili in ambiente acquoso, come ad esempio i tassani. Il legame alla HSA è generalmente stereoselettivo e ad avviene a livello di siti di legame ad alta affinità. Inoltre è ben noto che la competizione tra farmaci o tra un farmaco e metaboliti endogeni, possa variare in maniera significativa la loro frazione libera, modificandone l’attività e la tossicità. Per queste sue proprietà la HSA può influenzare sia le proprietà farmacocinetiche che farmacodinamiche dei farmaci. Non è inusuale che un intero progetto di sviluppo di un farmaco possa venire abbandonato a causa di un’affinità troppo elevata alla HSA, o a un tempo di emivita troppo corto, o a una scarsa distribuzione dovuta ad un debole legame alla HSA. Dal punto di vista farmacocinetico, quindi, la HSA è la proteina di trasporto del plasma più importante. Un gran numero di pubblicazioni dimostra l’affidabilità della tecnica biocromatografica nello studio dei fenomeni di bioriconoscimento tra proteine e piccole molecole [2-6]. Il mio lavoro si è focalizzato principalmente sull’uso della biocromatografia come metodo per valutare le caratteristiche di legame di alcune serie di composti di interesse farmaceutico alla HSA, e sul miglioramento di tale tecnica. Per ottenere una miglior comprensione dei meccanismi di legame delle molecole studiate, gli stessi sistemi farmaco-HSA sono stati studiati anche con il dicroismo circolare (CD). Inizialmente, la HSA è stata immobilizzata su una colonna di silice epossidica impaccata 50 x 4.6 mm di diametro interno, utilizzando una procedura precedentemente riportata in letteratura [7], con alcune piccole modifiche. In breve, l’immobilizzazione è stata effettuata ponendo a ricircolo, attraverso una colonna precedentemente impaccata, una soluzione di HSA in determinate condizioni di pH e forza ionica. La colonna è stata quindi caratterizzata per quanto riguarda la quantità di proteina correttamente immobilizzata, attraverso l’analisi frontale di L-triptofano [8]. Di seguito, sono stati iniettati in colonna alcune soluzioni raceme di molecole note legare la HSA in maniera enantioselettiva, per controllare che la procedura di immobilizzazione non avesse modificato le proprietà di legame della proteina. Dopo essere stata caratterizzata, la colonna è stata utilizzata per determinare la percentuale di legame di una piccola serie di inibitori della proteasi HIV (IPs), e per individuarne il sito(i) di legame. La percentuale di legame è stata calcolata attraverso il fattore di capacità (k) dei campioni. Questo parametro in fase acquosa è stato estrapolato linearmente dal grafico log k contro la percentuale (v/v) di 1-propanolo presente nella fase mobile. Solamente per due dei cinque composti analizzati è stato possibile misurare direttamente il valore di k in assenza di solvente organico. Tutti gli IPs analizzati hanno mostrato un’elevata percentuale di legame alla HSA: in particolare, il valore per ritonavir, lopinavir e saquinavir è risultato maggiore del 95%. Questi risultati sono in accordo con dati presenti in letteratura, ottenuti attraverso il biosensore ottico [9]. Inoltre, questi risultati sono coerenti con la significativa riduzione di attività inibitoria di questi composti osservata in presenza di HSA. Questa riduzione sembra essere maggiore per i composti che legano maggiormente la proteina [10]. Successivamente sono stati eseguiti degli studi di competizione tramite cromatografia zonale. Questo metodo prevede di utilizzare una soluzione a concentrazione nota di un competitore come fase mobile, mentre piccole quantità di analita vengono iniettate nella colonna funzionalizzata con HSA. I competitori sono stati selezionati in base al loro legame selettivo ad uno dei principali siti di legame sulla proteina. In particolare, sono stati utilizzati salicilato di sodio, ibuprofene e valproato di sodio come marker dei siti I, II e sito della bilirubina, rispettivamente. Questi studi hanno mostrato un legame indipendente dei PIs ai siti I e II, mentre è stata osservata una debole anticooperatività per il sito della bilirubina. Lo stesso sistema farmaco-proteina è stato infine investigato in soluzione attraverso l’uso del dicroismo circolare. In particolare, è stato monitorata la variazione del segnale CD indotto di un complesso equimolare [HSA]/[bilirubina], a seguito dell’aggiunta di aliquote di ritonavir, scelto come rappresentante della serie. I risultati confermano la lieve anticooperatività per il sito della bilirubina osservato precedentemente negli studi biocromatografici. Successivamente, lo stesso protocollo descritto precedentemente è stato applicato a una colonna di silice epossidica monolitica 50 x 4.6 mm, per valutare l’affidabilità del supporto monolitico per applicazioni biocromatografiche. Il supporto monolitico monolitico ha mostrato buone caratteristiche cromatografiche in termini di contropressione, efficienza e stabilità, oltre che affidabilità nella determinazione dei parametri di legame alla HSA. Questa colonna è stata utilizzata per la determinazione della percentuale di legame alla HSA di una serie di poliamminochinoni sviluppati nell’ambito di una ricerca sulla malattia di Alzheimer. Tutti i composti hanno mostrato una percentuale di legame superiore al 95%. Inoltre, è stata osservata una correlazione tra percentuale di legame è caratteristiche della catena laterale (lunghezza e numero di gruppi amminici). Successivamente sono stati effettuati studi di competizione dei composti in esame tramite il dicroismo circolare in cui è stato evidenziato un effetto anticooperativo dei poliamminochinoni ai siti I e II, mentre rispetto al sito della bilirubina il legame si è dimostrato indipendente. Le conoscenze acquisite con il supporto monolitico precedentemente descritto, sono state applicate a una colonna di silice epossidica più corta (10 x 4.6 mm). Il metodo di determinazione della percentuale di legame utilizzato negli studi precedenti si basa su dati ottenuti con più esperimenti, quindi è necessario molto tempo prima di ottenere il dato finale. L’uso di una colonna più corta permette di ridurre i tempi di ritenzione degli analiti, per cui la determinazione della percentuale di legame alla HSA diventa molto più rapida. Si passa quindi da una analisi a medio rendimento a una analisi di screening ad alto rendimento (highthroughput- screening, HTS). Inoltre, la riduzione dei tempi di analisi, permette di evitare l’uso di soventi organici nella fase mobile. Dopo aver caratterizzato la colonna da 10 mm con lo stesso metodo precedentemente descritto per le altre colonne, sono stati iniettati una serie di standard variando il flusso della fase mobile, per valutare la possibilità di utilizzare flussi elevati. La colonna è stata quindi impiegata per stimare la percentuale di legame di una serie di molecole con differenti caratteristiche chimiche. Successivamente è stata valutata la possibilità di utilizzare una colonna così corta, anche per studi di competizione, ed è stata indagato il legame di una serie di composti al sito I. Infine è stata effettuata una valutazione della stabilità della colonna in seguito ad un uso estensivo. L’uso di supporti cromatografici funzionalizzati con albumine di diversa origine (ratto, cane, guinea pig, hamster, topo, coniglio), può essere proposto come applicazione futura di queste colonne HTS. Infatti, la possibilità di ottenere informazioni del legame dei farmaci in via di sviluppo alle diverse albumine, permetterebbe un migliore paragone tra i dati ottenuti tramite esperimenti in vitro e i dati ottenuti con esperimenti sull’animale, facilitando la successiva estrapolazione all’uomo, con la velocità di un metodo HTS. Inoltre, verrebbe ridotto anche il numero di animali utilizzati nelle sperimentazioni. Alcuni lavori presenti in letteratura dimostrano l’affidabilita di colonne funzionalizzate con albumine di diversa origine [11-13]: l’utilizzo di colonne più corte potrebbe aumentarne le applicazioni.
In this thesis we will disclose the results obtained from the diastereoisomeric salt formation (n salt, p salt and p1,n1 salt) between non-racemic trans-chrysanthemic acid (trans-ChA) and pure enantiomers of threo-2-dimethylamino-1-phenyl-1,3-propanediol (DMPP). The occurrence of p1,n1 salt formation can have profound effects on enantiomer separation of scalemic (non-racemic) mixtures. This phenomenon when accompanied by substrate self-association impedes the complete recovery of the major enantiomer through formation of an inescapable racemate cage. A synthetic sequence for the asymmetric synthesis of bicyclo[3.2.0]heptanones and bicyclo[3.2.0]hept-3-en-6-ones through a cycloaddition strategy is reported. The fundamental step is a [2+2]-cycloaddition of an enantiopure amide derived from the reaction between a set of acids and an oxazolidinone as the chiral auxiliary. The inter- and intramolecular cycloaddition of in situ-generated keteniminium salts gives bicycles with a good enantioselection. A key intermediate of Iloprost, a chemically stable and biologically active mimic of prostacyclin PGI2 is synthesized following a ‘green approach’. An example of simple optical resolution of this racemic intermediate involving the diastereoisomeric salt formation is described.
The following Ph.D work was mainly focused on catalysis, as a key technology, to achieve the objectives of sustainable (green) chemistry. After introducing the concepts of sustainable (green) chemistry and an assessment of new sustainable chemical technologies, the relationship between catalysis and sustainable (green) chemistry was briefly discussed and illustrated via an analysis of some selected and relevant examples. Afterwards, as a continuation of the ongoing interest in Dr. Marco Bandini’s group on organometallic and organocatalytic processes, I addressed my efforts to the design and development of novel catalytic green methodologies for the synthesis of enantiomerically enriched molecules. In the first two projects the attention was focused on the employment of solid supports to carry out reactions that still remain a prerogative of omogeneous catalysis. Firstly, particular emphasis was addressed to the discovery of catalytic enantioselective variants of nitroaldol condensation (commonly termed Henry reaction), using a complex consisting in a polyethylene supported diamino thiopene (DATx) ligands and copper as active species. In the second project, a new class of electrochemically modified surfaces with DATx palladium complexes was presented. The DATx-graphite system proved to be efficient in promoting the Suzuki reaction. Moreover, in collaboration with Prof. Wolf at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver), cyclic voltammetry studies were reported. This study disclosed new opportunities for carbon–carbon forming processes by using heterogeneous, electrodeposited catalyst films. A straightforward metal-free catalysis allowed the exploration around the world of organocatalysis. In fact, three different and novel methodologies, using Cinchona, Guanidine and Phosphine derivatives, were envisioned in the three following projects. An interesting variant of nitroaldol condensation with simple trifluoromethyl ketones and also their application in a non-conventional activation of indolyl cores by Friedel-Crafts-functionalization, led to two novel synthetic protocols. These approaches allowed the preparation of synthetically useful trifluoromethyl derivatives bearing quaternary stereocenters. Lastly, in the sixth project the first γ-alkylation of allenoates with conjugated carbonyl compounds was envisioned. In the last part of this Ph.D thesis bases on an extra-ordinary collaboration with Prof. Balzani and Prof. Gigli, I was involved in the synthesis and characterization of a new type of heteroleptic cyclometaled-Ir(III) complexes, bearing bis-oxazolines (BOXs) as ancillary ligands. The new heteroleptic complexes were fully characterized and in order to examine the electroluminescent properties of FIrBOX(CH2), an Organic Light Emitting Device was realized.
The studies conducted during my Phd thesis were focused on two different directions: 1. In one case we tried to face some long standing problems of the asymmetric aminocatalysis as the activation of encumbered carbonyl compounds and the control of the diastereoisomeric ratio in the diastero- and enantioselective construction of all carbon substituted quaternary stereocenters adjacent a tertiary one. In this section (Challenges) was described the asymmetric aziridination of ,-unsaturated ketones, the activation of ,-unsaturated -branched aldehydes and the Michael addition of oxindoles to enals and enones. For the activation via iminium ion formation of sterically demanding substrates, as ,-unsaturated ketones and ,-unsaturated -branched aldehydes, we exploited a chiral primary amine in order to overcome the problem of the iminium ion formation between the catalyst and encumbered carbonylic componds. For the control of diastereoisomeric ratio in the diastero- and enantioselective construction of all carbon substituted quaternary stereocenters adjacent a tertiary one we envisaged that a suitable strategy was the Michael addition to 3 substituted oxindoles to enals activated via LUMO-lowering catalysis. In this synthetic protocol we designed a new bifunctional catalyst with an amine moiety for activate the aldehyde and a tioureidic fragment for direct the approach of the oxindole. This part of the thesis (Challenges) could be considered pure basic research, where the solution of the synthetic problem was the goal itself of the research. 2. In the other hand (Molecules) we applied our knowledge about the carbonylic compounds activation and about cascade reaction to the synthesis of three new classes of spirooxindole in enantiopure form. The construction of libraries of these bioactive compounds represented a scientific bridge between medicinal chemistry or biology and the asymmetric catalysis.
Oestrogen induction of cell proliferation is critical in carcinogenesis of gynaecologic tissues. The effects of oestrogens are mediated by Oestrogen receptor (ER) ERα and ERβ, which are members of the nuclear steroid receptor superfamily. The balance between the ERα/ERβ levels seems critical during carcinogenesis due to their different role in proliferation and apoptosis. SERMs are a class of drugs targeting ERs used especially in the treatment of breast cancer, that despite their usefulness, cause side effects. Therefore, it’s important to develop new active molecules without side effects. In a previous work Andreani et al.(2007) investigated the antitumor activity of a new class of indole-derivatives in 60 different human cancer cell lines. In particular they noted that compound named 3L was able to induce a strong antiproliferative effect in cell lines derived from breast, cervix, ovary ,CNS and colon. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the biological effect in ovarian carcinoma cells (IGROV-1), colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT29), cervix adenocarcinoma cells (HelaS3) and breast cancer cells (MCF7). Among the effect exerted on the other cell lines, the most interesting is the cytostatic effect on IGROV-1. In order to identify the 3L molecular target we monitored the 3L concentration in the IGROV-1 nuclear fractions. The analysis revealed that the drug localizes in the nucleus starting from 6 hrs after treatment, suggesting a nuclear target. The stimulation with oestrogen did not increase the proliferation rate in 3L treated cells, suggesting a possible involvement with oestrogen receptors. Due to the 3L fluorescent properties, we demonstrated a colocalization between the ER and the 3L compound. In particular, a chromatin binding assay revealed the presence of a 3L-ERβ complex bound to DNA, interaction that may be the cause of the observed antiproliferative effect.
Tumor is a lesion that may be formed by an abnormal growth of neoplastic cells. Many factors increase the risk of cancer and different targets are involved in tumor progression. Within this thesis, we have addressed two different biological targets, independently connected with tumor formation, e.g. Hsp90 and androgen receptor. The ATP-dependent chaperone Hsp90 is responsible for the conformational maturation and the renaturation of proteins. “Client” proteins are associated with the cancer hallmarks, as cell proliferation and tumor progression. Consequently, Hsp90 has evolved into promising anticancer target. Over the past decade, radicicol has been identified as potential anticancer agent targeting Hsp90, but it is not active in vivo. With that aim of obtaining radicicol-related derivatives, we developed the design and synthesis of new chalcones analogs. Chalcones, which are abundant in edible plants, own a diverse array of pharmacological activities and are considered a versatile scaffold for drug design. Antiproliferative assays and western blot analysis on the new compounds showed that some of those display an interesting cytotoxic effect and the ability to modulate Hsp90 client proteins expression. Androgen Receptor (AR) hypersensitivity plays crucial role in prostate cancer, which progression is stimulated by androgens. The therapy consists in a combination of surgical or chemical castration, along with antiandrogens treatment. Casodex® (bicalutamide), is the most widespread antiandrogen used in clinic. However, hormonal therapy is time-limited since many patients develop resistance. Commercially available antiandrogens show a common scaffold, e.g. two substituted aromatic rings linked by a linear or a cyclic spacer. With the aim of obtaining novel pure AR antagonists, we developed a new synthetic methodology, which allowed us to introduce, as linker between two suitably chosen aromatic rings, a triazole moiety. Preliminary data suggest that the herein reported new molecules generally decrease PSA expression, thus confirming their potential AR antagonistic activity.
Nowadays obesity can be defined as a global epidemic. The precise identification of circulating biomarkers involved in this pathology could be essential to early diagnose potential co-morbidities and to better address the development of future therapeutic strategies. Published evidences show that circulating steroid hormones and endocannabinoids might have a role in the physiopathology of obesity; however, a precise and reliable quantification of these molecules is still lacking. In the first part of the present thesis, we developed a sensitive, specific and accurate quantification method for nine steroid hormones using a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) system. This method has been used first for a comparative study with immunoassays, currently used in the clinical practice to quantify these molecules and then to redefine circulating reference intervals in healthy subjects. Furthermore, we measured circulating steroid hormones in three groups of subjects: normo-weight, over-weight and obese, defining different steroid hormones profiles depending on the obesity state. The role of circulating endocannabinoids in humans is still unclear, however there are several evidences concerning their involvement in obesity. In the second part of the thesis, we determined changes of circulating endocannabinoids in obese patients after a weight loss induced by bariatric surgery, currently the most effective long-term treatment for obesity, using LC/MS-MS. We measured basal and dynamic endocannabinoids plasma levels in 12 patients with severe obesity before, one month after and six months after the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass intervention, currently one of the most performed types of bariatric surgery. All together the findings illustrated in this thesis project will help better define the role of steroid hormones and endocannabinoids in the framework of obesity in humans and the role that each type of molecule might have in its pathophysiology.
The post genomic era, set the challenge to develop drugs that target an ever-growing list of proteins associated with diseases. However, an increase in the number of drugs approved every year is nowadays still not observed. To overcome this gap, innovative approaches should be applied in drug discovery for target validation, and at the same time organic synthetic chemistry has to find new fruitful strategies to obtain biologically active small molecules not only as therapeutic agents, but also as diagnostic tools to identify possible cellular targets. In this context, in view of the multifactorial mechanistic nature of cancer, new chimeric molecules, which can be either antitumor lead candidates, or valuable chemical tools to study molecular pathways in cancer cells, were developed using a multitarget-directed drug design strategy. According to this approach, the desired hybrid compounds were obtained by combining in a single chemical entity SAHA analogues, targeting histone deacetylases (HDACs), with substituted stilbene or terphenyl derivatives able to block cell cycle, to induce apoptosis and cell differentiation and with Sorafenib derivative, a multikinase inhibitor. The new chimeric derivatives were characterized with respect to their cytotoxic activity and their effects on cell cycle progression on leukemia Bcr-Abl-expressing K562 cell lines, as well as their HDACs inhibition. Preliminary results confirmed that one of the hybrid compounds has the desired chimeric profile. A distinct project was developed in the laboratory of Dr Spring, regarding the synthesis of a diversity-oriented synthesis (DOS) library of macrocyclic peptidomimetics. From a biological point of view, this class of molecules is extremely interesting but underrepresented in drug discovery due to the poor synthetic accessibility. Therefore it represents a valid challenge for DOS to take on. A build/couple/pair (B/C/P) approach provided, in an efficient manner and in few steps, the structural diversity and complexity required for such compounds.
This thesis focuses on studying molecular structure and internal dynamics by using pulsed jet Fourier transform microwave (PJ-FTMW) spectroscopy combined with theoretical calculations. Several kinds of interesting chemical problems are investigated by analyzing the MW spectra of the corresponding molecular systems. First, the general aspects of rotational spectroscopy are summarized, and then the basic theory on molecular rotation and experimental method are described briefly. ab initio and density function theory (DFT) calculations that used in this thesis to assist the assignment of rotational spectrum are also included. From chapter 3 to chapter 8, several molecular systems concerning different kind of general chemical problems are presented. In chapter 3, the conformation and internal motions of dimethyl sulfate are reported. The internal rotations of the two methyl groups split each rotational transition into several components line, allowing for the determination of accurate values of the V3 barrier height to internal rotation and of the orientation of the methyl groups with respect to the principal axis system. In chapter 4 and 5, the results concerning two kinds of carboxylic acid bi-molecules, formed via two strong hydrogen bonds, are presented. This kind of adduct is interesting also because a double proton transfer can easily take place, connecting either two equivalent or two non-equivalent molecular conformations. Chapter 6 concerns a medium strong hydrogen bonded molecular complex of alcohol with ether. The dimer of ethanol-dimethylether was chosen as the model system for this purpose. Chapter 7 focuses on weak halogen…H hydrogen bond interaction. The nature of O-H…F and C-H…Cl interaction has been discussed through analyzing the rotational spectra of CH3CHClF/H2O. In chapter 8, two molecular complexes concerning the halogen bond interaction are presented.
Chiroptical spectroscopies play a fundamental role in pharmaceutical analysis for the stereochemical characterisation of bioactive molecules, due to the close relationship between chirality and optical activity and the increasing evidence of stereoselectivity in the pharmacological and toxicological profiles of chiral drugs. The correlation between chiroptical properties and absolute stereochemistry, however, requires the development of accurate and reliable theoretical models. The present thesis will report the application of theoretical chiroptical spectroscopies in the field of drug analysis, with particular emphasis on the huge influence of conformational flexibility and solvation on chiroptical properties and on the main computational strategies available to describe their effects by means of electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectroscopy and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations. The combination of experimental chiroptical spectroscopies with state-of-the-art computational methods proved to be very efficient at predicting the absolute configuration of a wide range of bioactive molecules (fluorinated 2-arylpropionic acids, β-lactam derivatives, difenoconazole, fenoterol, mycoleptones, austdiol). The results obtained for the investigated systems showed that great care must be taken in describing the molecular system in the most accurate fashion, since chiroptical properties are very sensitive to small electronic and conformational perturbations. In the future, the improvement of theoretical models and methods, such as ab initio molecular dynamics, will benefit pharmaceutical analysis in the investigation of non-trivial effects on the chiroptical properties of solvated systems and in the characterisation of the stereochemistry of complex chiral drugs.
In this thesis we investigated the versatility and the potential applications of different kinds of alkylidene malonates, acetoacetates, malonamides and acetoacetoamides. Our research group devoted great attention to this kind of compounds since alkylidenes can be considered important intermediates in the synthesis of several scaffolds, to be inserted into molecules of potential biological and pharmaceutical interest. The increasing use of alkylidenes is due to their ability to react as unsaturated electrophiles and to the possibility to exploit them as intermediates for the introduction of different kind of functionalities.The preparation of alkylidene malonates, acetoacetates, malonamides and acetoacetoamides is presented in chapter 1. This section deals with different preparation methods of alkylidenes that we developed during the last few years and to the technologies involved for each synthetic protocol. The reactivity that allowed to use the alkylidenes as intermediates in the synthesis of scaffolds for biologically active compounds is shown in chapter 2. In particular, we will discuss the most important reactions used to obtain the desired molecules, and we will focus on the most interesting aspects of these latter ones. Finally, chapter 3 will illustrate the potential applications and the related syntheses of potential bioactive compounds. The synthesized molecules find application in several fields and for this reason we considered each class of compounds in its related branch of interest.